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Chapter 4: Chapter Three

The next morning Indra got up by 4 a.m to practice the use of his gunbai. But first, he looked around his house as he wasn't able to do that yesterday due to how tired he was. He had gone shopping for groceries, new clothes, and some training weights. He didn't buy any kunai, shuriken, or the general shinobi apparel as he didn't know how to use them yet.

The house consists of a single bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen with Spartan-like furnishing. Nothing much in the way of luxury but enough for an 8 year old to live comfortably in this era.

After finishing his morning exercises which included practicing the usage of his gunbai, 1000 push-ups, and sit-ups while donning an overall 1000kg weight on his body since that was the ideal weight recommendation given to him by the shinobi that took him shopping the day before.

"Time to head to the academy," He excitedly said after taking a shower. 'Mother, I'd find you very soon,' He thought as he walked out of his house, meeting up with the same shinobi from yesterday.


Twenty minutes later, he was led into a classroom filled with rowdy six year olds, making him the oldest student in the classroom.

"Today, we're having a new student join us at the academy," The teacher said as he led Indra to the front of the class. "Introduce yourself."

"My name is Indra."

Everyone was looking at him waiting for him to finish his introductions but Indra didn't bother talking anymore. After a slight cough, the teacher just instructed Indra to take a seat.

"Another weak civilian!!" The childish voices of the children rang out as Indra took the only available seat at the far left end of the classroom.

Sitting next to Indra was a spiky white-haired boy with red lines under his eyes extending further down his face. "My name is Jiraiya,' The white-haired boy said, stretching his hands for Indra to shake. Indra looked at the boy and then his outstretched hand before ignoring him completely, turning his attention to the teacher that was just about to show the hand-signs for the three basic academy jutsu.

"Today I'd be showing you all the three basic jutsu, so all of you should watch me," The teacher said as he did the hand signs for 'Clone Technique, Body Replacement Technique, and the Transformation Technique'. Indra didn't know how to how to create hand signs yet so he watched and then committed the signs to memory. Quite frankly Indra doesn't need hand signs to use chakra since he's an Otsutsuki but he doesn't know that yet. After showing them the techniques, the teacher allowed them to practice.

Jiraiya looking at the new white-haired student wondered why he wasn't practicing the three jutsu but instead he was reading a book on the various hand seals, conveniently named 'the twelve hand seals'. Not being able to contain his curiosity anymore, he finally asked. "Why are you not practicing the Jutsu?"

"I don't know how to use hand signs," Indra replied not taking his eyes off the book.

The students in the room burst out laughing at what he had just said. Mocking and jeering sounds started going out in the room but Indra didn't care.

The teacher coughed awkwardly, "Enough now, most of you couldn't use hand signs either until a few weeks so you're not that much better than him."

"Yes, but he looks way older than all of us," A random civilian child screamed out before he and the rest of the class started laughing again at Indra's expense.

"Okay, that's enough," the teacher angrily said, shutting up the rowdy children. Motioning to Indra, he said. "Hokage-sama has informed me of your situation, and he has provided a chunin to teach you the basics, so an hour after class you'd meet up with him until you've learned everything you need to in order to catch up with the rest of the class."

'Why is grandfather personally helping this boy,' a brown eyed, blonde haired girl thought, but she dismissed the thought very quickly as images of going gambling with her grandfather filled her head.

Indra nodded before spending the remaining hour focused on his book. The curriculum for the academy was, the three basic jutsu, taijutsu training, chakra control, shurikenjutsu/kunaijutsu, and other subjects like mathematics, history e.t.c., for the first two years of the academy. Followed by the intermediate courses, which included the basics of nature transformation, intermediate taijutsu, basic genjutsu, teamwork training, for the next two years in the academy. And then the final two years of the academy, students are then introduced into proper taijutsu spars with already graduating genins and some weaker chunins for the more talented students, nature transformation, and genjutsu training (the students are finally allowed to learn D-rank and possibly C-rank jutsu from the academy). Students can graduate early from the academy but they have to be able to perform the basic academy jutsu, be proficient at taijutsu, and be able to perform any D-rank/C-rank jutsu of your choosing.

Six months had passed since Indra started the academy, and not only has he caught up with the clan children at chakra control, and usage of the basic academy jutsu, he has far exceeded their level, of course, he's three years older than the youngest in his class so it was kind of expected. At taijutsu, it was safe to say he had no match in the academy and even low chunin level fighters weren't a match for him. But due to his anti-social behaviour he had no friends in the academy as the weaker students avoided him, while he ignored anyone that tried to befriend him. And this was proving to be a headache for the current Hokage, who wanted him to create bonds with his peers.


Inside the Hokage's tower, Hashirama was having a serious conversation with his brother. "Anija, are you sure about this?" Tobirama asked.

"Yes Tobirama, I can feel my vitality failing me. I don't have very much time left to live and you know this already, there's no way I could still be the leader of the village. So by the end of the month, I'd be naming you the Second Hokage," Hashirama solemnly informed his brother. "I want to spend the time I have left with Mito and Tsunade, I'd also take Indra as my student too, and pass on my knowledge and the will of fire on to him."

"Anija, Indra isn't fit to be a Hokage," Tobirama stated.

"I know that, Tobirama. I'm not going to groom him to become the Hokage after you, I'd leave selecting your successor up to you. I want him to be the protector of the village, like Madara would have been if he had stayed."

"Tobirama," Hashirama stated, changing the subject into something more serious. "I don't want you to antagonise the Uchiha after I pass, The sins of Madara are not the sins of the entire clan."

"Anija, it's just a matter of time before another Madara rises up from that cursed clan," Tobirama vehemently refuted his brother.

"Enough Tobirama, don't antagonise the Uchiha, they are still the co-founders of the village." Hashirama stated, stopping any further argument from his brother. "Summon the clan heads, I need to inform them of my decision."


While the future of Konoha had been decided in the Hokage's office and then passed on to the important people in the village inside the meeting room in the Hokage tower, Indra was currently being led to the class of the second years' with just 3 months in the academic year. The teachers felt it would limit his growth if he's has to stay the entire year in the same class as the first years'. In this era, fast tracking students through the academy wasn't anything new.

Indra spent the next three months learning proper chakra control which he proved to be a genius at, having an almost perfect control of his chakra. This absurd chakra control translated into an entry into genjutsu training, while he wasn't a genius at this, he was somewhat proficient at recognising and immediately breaking out of any genjutsu he was placed on, up to c-rank at least as it was too much of a risk to place an academy student in a b-rank or higher genjutsu. In terms of taijutsu, Indra was equal to a high rank chunin and when wielding his gunbai, he'd be able to beat a low rank jonin albeit barely. By now Indra was already using 1500kg weight, an increase in 500kg over the entire year.

At the end of the year, Indra had made just one friend, a white-haired seven year old name Hatake Sakumo who was very skilled at kenjutsu, and just a step behind Indra at overall battle prowess. Another young genius in Konoha, Hatake Sakumo, Senju Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru, the geniuses of the next generation of Konoha.

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