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Chapter 76: Chapter 75: Orichalcum & Red Hood

[March 4th, 2008]

(Roman: POV)

Standing in my personal lab I had an evil smirk on face.

Because after years of waiting I had finally completed one of my long-term projects.


A composite metal composed od Adamantium and Vibraniun A.

Once I got ahold of Klaue 's stockpile it was a simple matter of combining the two metals.

Thus Orichalcum was born.

"Yes, yes. Hahahaha!!" I laughed.

Looking at my creation on the table before me.

Which I had already used to re-create my super suit.

I continued laughing like a stereotypical mad scientist until I suddenly heard my cellphone, which I used for Sentinel and Guardian business,ringing.

So stopping my laughter I went to answer it.

"Hello Sentinel here. One of the best heroes in the entire world." I spoke.

"Always with the jokes boy." Magneto said on the other end of the line.

Since during the past three years he took me up on the offer I made him and his Brotherhood and now we are working together.

Though not in the public eye yet.

That won't happen until after the Guardians make their public debut.

So right now Magneto and his cohorts are still working in the shadows.

As for what they are doing I've been having them track down and rescue metahumans. I've also had them taking down criminal elements. Specifically Hydra.

Since I'm definitely not just going to let those bastards go about their business.

Oh no.

"It's part of my charm Erik, so why are you calling? You in trouble?" I asked.

"No, I've just called to inform you we've located one the names on the list you gave us. A Dr. Wilfred Nagel." He explained.

"Excellent." I said.

No that truly is.

Because getting Wilfred Nagel under my organization would be a huge boon.

While his personality and moral compass leave little to be desired, his skills are the real deal.

Since not only did Nagel re-create the Super Soldier Serum from samples of Isiah Bradley's blood, but he also modified it so that there was no need for vita rays or for the taker of the serum to exhibit any outward physical changes.

Not many people could do that.

Which is the exact reason I want him working for me.

Plus if he's working for me he won't be working for Hydra.

"Yes well, although we have located the good doctor I'm afraid my group cannot acquire him. The place he is being kept at is too heavily fortified." Erik explained.

"Really?" I questioned. In surprise. Because usually Erik and his people have no issue attacking and destroying Hydra facilities.

"Yes." Erik replied. "It's an abandoned military facility in the Arkansas mountains that's been heavily fortified." He explained. "But more than that there is some sort of field surrounding the installation and the surrounding area up to a 150 meters (492 ft.) in all directions. Which interferes with mine and my associates powers." He explained.

Telling me Hydra has set up a large-scale power dampening field around the facility where Nagel is being housed.

So it looks like they realized a group of metahumans have been the ones destroying their bases and facilities.

Even so, that still won't be enough to keep them safe.

"Understood. Pull back for now and await further instructions. I'll contact you again soon." I spoke.

"Understood." Magneto replied.

We then ended the call.

After we did so I began thinking up several plans to assume the Hydra facility where Nagel was being held.

As I did I put a smile on my face, for I got a downright devilish thought.

Hydra won't know what hit them.


[Arkansas Mountains, Hydra Facility]

[April 11th, 2008]

(3rd Person: POV)

As the early morning sun rose and its rays touched the Hydra Facility in the Arkansas Mountains, all was quiet.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Until it wasn't.

All of a sudden the peaceful morning came to an end, as several explosions rang out through the air.

Taking place all across the grounds of the Hydra facility.

Seconds after this happened the base stared entering lockdown procedures.

Important personnel began being moved to the most secure building on the base grounds for their safety. While security teams got together and began to spread out to identify the threat and eliminate it.

Though those security teams didn't have to look far.

Since right after they mobilized the front gate of the facility was blown away and someone riding a red motorcycle drove in and rammed right into a Hydra agent without any hesitation.

[Image Here]

As that agent flew back and skidded across the ground the other remaining agents turned their weapons on the intruder who had just entered their facility.

Which was someone dressed in tactical gear, a full red mask covering their entire head.

[Image Here]

"Greetings fuckers. Today I am here to bring you your deaths. Hope you enjoy my gift in the pits of hell." The crimson masked individual spoke. Their voice coming out male but distorted.

"Quiet interloper!" One of the Hydra guards shouted.

"The names not interloper, it's Red Hood." Red Hood spoke.

Then right after he did the Hydra agents opened fire on him and his bike.

But despite their bullets striking both Red Hood, and his bike, they took no damage at all.

This baffled the Hydra agents.

So much so they stopped firing upon the Hood.

"Whew, thanks for the warm welcome. But enough of that. Now, it's my turn." Red Hood spoke.

He fhen pulled a rifle from behind his back and aimed it at the Hydra agents.

[image Here]

Then without any hesitation Red Hood pulled the trigger.

Right after he did bullets flew from his weapon and struck all of the Hydra personnel in his path.

But that wasn't all.

Since right after the bullets hit the Hydra agents they exploded, causing the bodies of the Hydra agents they hit to explode in turn. Turning their bodies into living bombs.

Since Red Hood is using highly experimental explosive rounds.

Though seeing the results of the round with his own eyes he had to give them a passing grade.


"Kill that bastard!"

"For Hydra!"

These and other comments were shouted by the Hydra personnel around Red Hood.

Angry and fearful they through everything they had at the masked man.

Yet no matter how many rounds they shot at him he didn't take any big of damage.

Nor did his motorcycle.

It was like the Hydra personnel were in a living nightmare.

Exactly as Red Hood wanted.

Smirking under his helmet he countinued using his rifle to take out enemies left and right.

Until he ran out of ammo.

But when this happens Red Hood quickly reloaded.

However before he could begin firing again one of the Hydra agents aimed an RPG at him and fired.

Soaring through the air the rocket quickly reached Red Hood and struck him and his motorcycle, engulfing them both in an explosion.

But as the smoke cleared Red Hood and his ride once again came out of the attack perfectly fine.

Seeing this the Hydra agents were at an utter loss for words.

Ignoring this Red Hood went back to slaughtering them.

Then when he saw no more guards coming Red Hood placed his rifle back on his back, revved up his motorcycle, and began driving it deeper into the base.

To search for his actual target.



Hearing the door to the room he was in being slammed open Wilfred Nagel turned his head in its direction.

[Insert Image of Wilfred Nagel Here]

In doing so he found himself staring at a person with a red mask covering their face, holding two large knives covered with blood, in their hands.

"Wilfred Nagel correct?" The masked man asked him.

"Yes. Who are you?" Nagel asked in utter fear.

"Red Hood. My employer sent me to collect you." The masked man answered.

"Why?" Nagel decided to ask.

"He doesn't want you working for Hydra anymore and instead wants your services in their employ. Of course if you refuse then you know what will happen." Red Hood said. Raising up one of his blood soaked knives in Nagels general direction.

"I got it! I got it! I'll work for your employer!" Nagel rapidly spoke.

Since although he was scared of Hydra Nagel found himself even more scared of a person who had control of a monster like Red Hood.

Who thought nothing of attacking a Hydra base alone.

Whats more Red Hood was proving victorious.

That told Nagel all he needed to know.

"Good choice Dr. Nagel." Red Hood said. "Now, get up and follow me." He spoke.

Giving Red Hood a curt nod Nagel got up and walked over to the man.

Once he did the two exited the room.

In the process of this Red Hood sheathed his blades back in their holsters, located on his hips, and pulled out his dual pistols.

[Image Here]

As soon as they were outside of the room Red Hood began escorting Nagel back to his back.

While on their way there Nagel noticed several bodies littering the halls they walked down.

Knowing they were the work of Red Hood Nagel swallowed a thunp in his throat.

Ignoring this Red Hood stayed focused on the mission.

Getting Nagel to his motorcycle he holstered his pistols and then the two got on the vehicle.

Once they did Red Hood started it up and then drove out of the facility with Nagel.

Then once they were far enough away Red Hood pulled a detonator out of his left pocket and pressed it.

A second after he did the Hydra facility went up in flames and a fiery explosion.

Courtesy of the bombs Red Hood had planted all across the base while working to secure Wilfred Nagel.

A mission that was a complete and utter success.


(Roman: POV)

A magical portal opening behind me I turned around.

In doing so I was greeted to the sight of Red Hood stepping through it and into my personal lab.

Once he did the portal closed.

"So, how did everything go?" I asked.

"Good." Red Hood replied. He then removed his helmet, revealing a perfect copy of my face underneath it. Since I am Red Hood.

"Nagel is secure, and that Hydra base is permanently out of comission. Plus the Orichalcum gear performed better than initial tests showed it would. Same with the motorcycle." My clone informed me.

Since both Red Hoods' gear and motorcycle are forged from Orichalcum.

The operation to retrieve Nagel was a test run to see how it would perform under field conditions. Not to mention the perfect chance to introduce my Red Hood persona to the world.

Well Hydra specifically. But that's just for now.

"Good to know." I said.

Once I did my clone went to go put the Red Hood gear in its display case.

After which he came back over to me and I re-absorbed him into my body.

Putting a smile on my face.

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