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Chapter 94: Chapter 93: Movement In The Shadows

[Trask Industries HQ]

[June 10th, 2010]

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in his chair Bolivar Trask held a glass of scotch in his leff hand.

While the man he was meeting today also held one.

Robert Kelly.

Senator Robert Kelly to be exact.

A man Trask had met with on several occasions, during his trips to Washington D.C. in attempts to acquire government funding for his Sentinel project and program.

Yet no matter how many times Trask asked, no one would approve the funds.

Yet just a couple of days ago senator Kelly had called Trask and asked for a meeting to discuss that very topic.

Now here the two man are.

"I must say senator Kelly, I was surprised to get your call." Trask spoke.

"My apologies for disturbing your obviously busy schedule Dr. Trask but I felt the matter I needed to discuss with you couldn't wait. Seeing as how it's a subject very close to your heart. Your Sentinels." Kelly spoke.

Hearing this Trask leaned in closer from his chair. "You have my attention senator."

Kelly smiled upon hearing this. He then took a sip from his scotch glass before continuing.

"Dr. Trask. If I could secure you the funding and resources you've been asking for from the government, how long would it take you to get your Sentinel project completed and the program up and running?" He asked.

"Not long." Trask replied. "Actually I could complete the Sentinels without governmental support. But having it would see them completed in likely six months to s year, instead of another decade like with my current rate of work." He spoke.

"I see." Kelly replied. "That's very good to know Dr. Trask. That'll make securing your funding and resources that much easier on my part." He explained.

"Thank you senator Kelly, you won't regret this." Trask spoke.

"Oh, I know I won't." Kelly replied.

The two men then clinked their cups together and both took a sip.

Afterwards Trask leveled a curious gaze at Kelly. "Senator while I am grateful for this unexpected show of support I am curious as to your motives and sudden interest in my work. Care to explain why?"

"Not a problem Dr. Trask." Kelly said. "I assume you've seen the news, specifically in relation to find events that took place in Harlem,New York a few days ago?"

"I have." Trask replied.

"Then you know about those Guardians." Kelly spat. "Those damn mutants! Parading themselves around as heroes. Trying to put themselves in the same category as Tony Stark or Captain America. I can't stand it. While I'm not against superheroes I cannot sit idly by while those people try and pass themselves off as such. Because I will not give them a chance to stab me, the American people, or the rest of the world in the back." He explained.

"While I do not entirely agree with you on everything you just said senator I can say with certainty that the growing mutant population must be addressed. Since based on calculations I have done numerous times they will likely outnumber us ordinary people in another decade. And while I know not all mutants are dangerous all it would take is one turning their powers on us and we would be helpless. That's why I began the Sentinel project in the first place." Trask spoke.

"I see you are a man after my own heart Dr. Trask. And I look forward to working with you." Kelly spoke.

"Likewise senator." Trask replied.

The two men then shook hands.

Sealing their partnership and intertwining their fates from that moment on.


[Fancy Restaurant, New York City]

Sitting around a table in a closed four star restaurant several people argued with each other.

As they did the man at the head of the table silently listened and watched them.

The man in question being known as Wilson Fisk.

But people also refer to him by another name. The Kingpin.

The undistupted boss of all crime within New York City.

[Insert Image of MCU Wilson Fisk/Kingpin Here]

Fisk continued to let those seated at the table, the heads of other criminal enterprises who either worked with him or under him, argue for five more minutes.

Until finally he chose to act.

"Everyone, that is quite enough." Fisk spoke. In a clear and concise manner.

This got everyone at the table to quiet down.

Since when fne Kingpin talked people listened.

Otherwise they would suffer the consequences.

"Thank you." Fisk spoke, once everyone was silent. "Now, I know all of you are concerned. These Guardians are most certainly a problem." He spoke.

Since tonight's meeting was to discuss the Guardians actions in disturbing the major crimes business in New York.

Specifically in relation to Luke, Jessica, and Peter. Who were working with the police to actively make a dent in large criminal enterprises.

"Way to state the obvious." The head of the Irish Mob sarcastically spoke. "Last week that Spiderman interrupted several of my cash deliveries."

"And just the other day that Power Man and Jewel hit several of my massage parlors." The one in charge of the Chinese Tong spoke. "Took all the girls in them away and put several of my men in the hospital. Where they'll be for months. That's burning a hole in my pocket."

The other heads of the crime organizations also voiced their complaints.

That is until Fisk raised his left hand in the air, silencing them all again.

"Everyone, I have heard your concerns and understand them. Believe me I do. Even my business has been interrupted by these Guardians. But do not fret. I am currently in the process of taking measures to make sure these heroes will stop being a problem. You have my word on that." Fisk spoke.

This settled down the other crime lords.

The meeting having gone exactly as Fisk had planned.

Because in the end he always wins.

At least for now.


[Unknown Location]

In a futuristic looking lab, filled with clear jars containing human organs and body parts along with several unidentifiable objects, a man stood at a workstation.

Staring at the screen directly in front of him.

Now this man was not ordinary.

Possessing pale white skin, a red jewel in the center of his forehead, and wearing a blue futuristic set of armor, this man was as far from normal as one could get.

As for the name of this man, once upon time he was known as Nathaniel Essex.

But due to certain events he threw that name away a long time ago, and instead decided to take on a new one.

Which is Mr. Sinister.

[Insert Image of Nathaniel Essex/Mr. Sinister Here]

As Sinister continued staring at the screen in front of him images flashed across it.

Those images being of the Guardians, Sentinel, the Umbrella Academy, as well as Abstergo Industries and it's employees. The screen even showed images of Roman.


Because a while ago Sinister had become interested in Roman and events surrounding him.

More specifically he found Roman interesting.

From his founding of Abstergo Industries and turning it into a worldwide corporation in such a short time, to his founding of the Umbrella Academy. To even his creation of the term metahuman.

Not to mention all the metahumans he surrounded himself with.

But given that Roman was a metahuman himself Sinister didn't find that strange.

What it did make him want to do was meet Roman and discuss some things.

"Oh little Roman, I can't wait to meet you." Sinister spoke.

He then did his signature laugh.


A/N: Hey readers. I'm back and not dead. I just didn't post yesterday since I was feeling a bit sick. But now I'm better. So one chapter a day should be back again.

Also in regards to readers asking me about my Star Wars story. It is not dead. I am simply focusing on this story at the moment. But Scion of the Sun will be back eventually. I promise.

On that note I may soon post my Sunspot story again. But this time with him in the MCU.

Though right now Osmosian is my main focus.

One last thing. Yesterday season finale of X-Men'97 blew my expectations out of the water.

It was better than I could've dreamed and that ending. I can't wait for season 2.

Marvel truly did the right thing reviving this show. It truly is one of the companies best projects. I also heard they have five seasons planned. Well four more now, since season one just finished.

What I'm saying is check it out if you havent. But watch the original 92 series first. I promise neither will disappoint.

Oh and as you can see in the chapter I'm trying my hand at foreshadowing.

Until next time readers.

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