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Chapter 9: The Strongest Couple In The World

After a few minutes of looking for more beasts to hunt, they found another beast. This beast was alone, and looked similar to a lion. It's fur was red, pitch black eyes, three tails, and was as big as a rhinoceros. Henry analyzed the strength of the beast, and came to the conclusion that Victor and Russell should kill it.

Victor and Russell got out of the truck, and were both ready to kill the beast. Russell threw a lightning bolt at the beast, it was too fast for it to dodge. The beast was hit, but its mane absorbed most of the damage. Victor charged in towards the back of the beast, but when he was in range to strike the beast, it hit him in the stomach with one of it's tails. Victor was sent flying, he wasn't able to block or dodge the unexpected attack, and a few of his ribs were broken.

Russell ran towards the beast incredibly fast, lightning was covering his body, and he turned into a huge lightning bolt. He had become a huge bolt of lightning that was going towards the beast, and at a fast speed. It hit the beast's head, piercing through its head, and Russell came out of the other end. There was a huge hole on the beat's head, the beast had been killed by one of Russell's strongest spells. He learned it when he was hunting with Henry, the problem is that it takes a lot of mana to cast.

Victor was impressed, he only saw Russell use his lightning in two different ways. A lightning bolt, and a lightning punch. Russell rarely used his lightning ability, so he didn't have a lot of spells. But now he could only use his lightning ability to kill beasts, so he had to learn more spells.

When Russell killed the beast, Aiko went to heal Victor's injuries, and Henry went to congratulate Russell.

"Well done, Russell! You really have improved in using your lightning magic. You used to struggle killing beasts, but now you killed that beast easily. Keep improving this fast, and you'll be feared by kingdoms."

"Thank you. I wouldn't be this good without you. You've been teaching me well. Thanks to you, I'll be able to beat the crap out of anyone at the magic academy." Russell was smiling like a demon, when thinking about all the idiots he would get to fight.

Henry put the beast's crystal and body in the truck's storage unit. They were waiting for Aiko to heal Victor, so they could continue to look for more beast.

But while they were waiting, a beast appeared. This one was different from any other beast, it had a humanoid shape. The beast was 3 meters tall, it had one big eye, two giant horns out of its forehead, blue skin with red stripes, a giant tail, sharp fingernails, its upper and lower body was like an extremely muscular human, and it had long white hair that reached it's butt. There was a certain presence to it that made Russell unable to move a muscle. The atmosphere was suffocating when it arrived, Russell and Victor had problems breathing as if they were having an asthma attack.

Henry looked at the beast, and realized that Victor and Russell were in huge trouble. Aiko also realized that fact, so Henry threw Russell towards Victor and Aiko, so that Aiko could protect them. Henry pulled out his Katana, and pointed it at the humanoid beast.

"Russell, Victor, that is what we call a humanoid beast. They are the strongest beast excluding the giants, wyvern, and Kraken. Sure, even other beasts can be stronger than a humanoid beast, but every humanoid beast you see is incredibly powerful, and not every other regular beasts are powerful. If a humanoid beast spots you, then please say hi to jesus for me."

Victor and Russell couldn't believe that Henry was making jokes about their lives, they wondered if he was even going to kill the beast. They still didn't know that he has the best rank an adventurer can get, or even that adventurers have ranks.

The beast looked at Henry, and smiled with excitement because it found a new meal. Henry was looking at Victor and Russell, the beast took this opportunity to kill him.

"A humanoid beast is really rare, so if you see one, you must have some terrible lu-" But before Henry could finish his sentence, the beast's huge fist landed on his face, and Henry was sent flying. He was sent flying through a few trees and boulders, smashing through them without slowing down at all. He finally stopped flying through the air when he was 30 meters away from where he was originally standing, and a path of destruction was leading towards him.

Russell and Victor were both worried about what would happen. It happened so fast that they barely saw him flying through the air. Aiko on the other hand, was completely calm, and kept healing Victor as if nothing happened.

Henry got up while a little bit of blood under his nose, which surprised the beast because it was so used to its prey exploding in blood when it hit them. When Henry was walking towards the beast, Victor and Russell noticed that he no longer had the happy or easy going expression he always had. But as of right now, he looked extremely pissed off, and even the beast looked worried.

Henry kept walking towards the beast, slowly but also intimidating. When he arrived 5 meters in front of the beast he stopped walking, and looked directly at it's one eye with a fierce look, not breaking eye contact. The beast let out a monstrous roar, Victor and Russell felt a monstrous amount of mana coming from the beast. Kuro also decided to say a few things to Victor, while all of this is happening.

'Victor, a beast is the manifestation of mana, and it seems the more mana a beast has, the stronger it is. And the human body is one of the best at having the most amount of mana, which is why humanoid beasts are the strongest. But during the time that I have seen Henry fighting, not once has he used the mana inside of him. The beast has a monstrous amount of mana, and Henry is about to use his mana. I guess I finally get to know just how much mana this monster has. I get to see the power of Henry Zolomon.'

Victor was incredibly surprised that his father never used his Qi when fighting those elephant beasts. That meant that he was using his raw natural brute strength to kill the huge beast. But he quickly stopped thinking about it, because the amount of terrifying and horrifying mana coming from the beast was making his instincts think of death. He felt like he was about to die if he got too close to the humanoid beast, and the same applied to Russell. Just standing next to the huge and endless amount of mana could easily kill them but Henry and Aiko were completely fine.

Henry noticed it and released his mana but unlike the beast, this one felt warm and nice, Victor and Russell felt safe, and no longer struggled to breath. Henry's mana was easily overshadowing the beast's mana to the point that Kuro could barely see it, and Henry's armor was lighting up brightly. It was at this moment that the beast knew, it f***ed up. Wings came out of it's back, and it was ready to leave immediately. But before it could even leave the ground, Henry cut off its wings, and the beast realized it couldn't escape.

It opened its mouth, and a large amount of mana was gathering around it. A dark blue light of pure destructive mana was fired out from its mouth, and was heading towards Henry.

Henry's armour lit up even more, and a dark red barrier appeared in front of him and blocked the powerful attack from the beast. The attack had destroyed a large area, but luckily Victor, Russell and Aiko were all standing behind the beast.

The beast had just done its strongest attack, and it did nothing at all. Henry walked slowly towards the beast again, but it tried to run away, and Henry cut off it's legs before it could take one step. The beast tried to crawl away, but when Henry saw this, he also cut off its hands. Henry looked at the beast with pity, the beast couldn't sense how powerful Henry is because of how well he hides his presence.

The humanoid beast assumed that it would have an easy kill because it couldn't sense any mana from him. But now it was on the floor, without its arms, legs, and pride. Humanoid beast are incredibly smart, but at the moment it felt incredibly stupid. Henry then smiled at the beast before cutting off it's head. He felt that having the last memory of the beast being him smiling, was incredibly hilarious.

Victor was healed a long time ago, but he never moved from the spot, and neither did Russell. They were both incredibly impressed by what Henry did. They could feel the amount of mana from the beast, and they didn't think anyone who isn't a powerful mage could beat that monster. Even its dead body was still radiating with a lot of mana, so they didn't want to get anywhere near it. Henry took out the beast's crystal, Russell and Victor noticed that the crystal was incredibly clear.

"The stronger the beast is, the clearer the crystal is." Henry explained when he saw the look of confusion from Russell and Victor. Henry no longer looked angry, and was back to his laid back attitude that he always has. Everyone went back to the truck, and went on to look for more beast. They had to travel quite far because all the beast nearby ran away when they sensed Henry and the humanoid beast's mana. After an hour of travelling, they finally found some beasts.

They found 8 beasts that all locked the same, and they were currently eating the dead body of another beast. They were the same elephant-type beasts that Henry killed earlier, but this time Aiko got out of the truck to deal with them.

She walked forward, put her hands in the air, and a sphere of fire was forming in her hands. Every second it doubled in size, after a while it finally stopped getting bigger, and now it had a diameter of 512 meters filled with a monstrous amount of mana.

The beast started to run before the sphere was complete, so Aiko threw the humongous ball of fire. It was bigger than all the 4 world ending beasts, which was truly impressive. Henry could tell that the only reason she did this was because she wanted Victor and Russell to know who is truly the strongest out of the two.

The moment the sphere touched the ground, it exploded immediately, and everything in a 2560 meter radius was burnt to ash except for the truck, Henry, Russell, and Victor. There was a huge crater where they were all in the center of it. Henry used his armour's special force field to protect the truck and the children, but he was pissed at Aiko's reclous behavior.

"Why the hell did you do that?! Your regular fire balls could have killed all of them, now you ended up destroying the crystals and the body so we don't even get any profit from this!"

"Who cares, we already have way more money than needed, so why do we need that much in the first place?" Aiko shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't a problem at all, and Henry gave up when he saw this. Henry lifted the huge truck as if it weighed nothing, and they all walked out of the crater.

They walked for 30 minutes climbing out of the crater, Henry still carrying the huge truck over his head with a lot of beast in it, and according to Kuro he wasn't using his Qi. Victor was wondering if other adventures were this powerful, but little did Victor know, Henry and Aiko are one of the strongest Humans on earth.

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