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"Well Sarah said it so chances are that it's not" Tempest answered her while chewing on her chicken and mayo sandwich.

Unfortunately, I didn't bring any lunch and I definitely didn't want any of Erins nuts but I wonder.

"Hey, can I have one?" I asked her.


"Can I have a sandwich?"

"Hmmmmm … no" She answered with a kind smile on her face before she continued eating it right in front of me.

"But come on. I didn't have enough time to make lunch for school this morning and I don't have any money" I complained.

"So? How is that my problem?" She asked me.

Erin then shook her packet of nuts in front of me with a hopeful smile on her face. That was why I took it, crushed it with an insane amount of ease and tossed it aside, leaving Erin with nothing but regret for having suggested it to me.

"Aww…" she groaned.

"Hehehaha. Here Erin, you can have a sandwich" Tempest offered.

"Yes!! Thanks Tempest!" Erin thanked her before taking a sandwich and eating it happily. The two of them happily ate away their troubles on Tempests best sandwiches.

I just stared at them with nothing but hate and envy. Lucky bitches. Just watch, I'll get them back eventually when I can get out of this fucking school and play on my switch!!

"Hey guys! Check this out!" someone called out to us before three other girls approached us. Like us, they wore the same school uniform, another annoying rule which all students need to follow on school grounds. Why the hell do we need to wear skirts on cold days?! It's cold!

Anyway, when these girls approached us, the entire friend group was complete and everyone was present. The girls that approached us were "Sarah Astley", a bubbling blueheaded idiot that thinks the earth is flat but none of us have actually corrected her on that because we've all given up on her. She is however very attractive and one of the more popular students at school for her beauty but in her case, beauty comes at a cost. "Alyssa Ashton" is Sarah's best friend and another very popular student all because of her brains. What a neat combination, those two. Alyssa is top of the class, smart and attractive, another great combination but its because of her brains that she got accepted into such an expensive school. Majority of its alumni and students belong to really noble and rich families which is why they were enrolled but in rare cases, there are students that actually earned their enrolment without the help of their mommy's trust fund. "Whisper Hallwell" is Alyssa's girlfriend and another one of those rich kids that I mentioned above. Okay, not entirely because she is very artistic and received a scholarship because of her talents, much like Alyssa but she's a total bitch to Erin which is why I don't get along well with her. Unfortunately, Erin is too kind for her own good.

After Sarah ran up to us, she sat down beside me and showed us this video on Metube, an online video sharing and social media platform owned by Spoogle.

"Yo" Whisper greeted us to which we responded while Alyssa continued drinking from the straw of her soda.

"What is that?" Tempest wondered when she and Erin leaned over me to see as well.

"People are still talking about the Wolf city incident" Sarah answered us while showing the video.

"What? People are still talking about that?" Tempest asked while rolling her eyes and getting back to her lunch.

"Apparently. I guess people are still pretty psyched about three mysterious heroes stopping a nuclear explosion that could've wiped out the entire city and everyone in it" Alyssa answered.

"Mysterious heroes? I wonder who they could be" Erin wondered while watching the video.

From what I could see, it appears to be taken from one of the civilians recording the entire situation on her phone. This was taken when an uncontrolled truck drove through one of the malls and nearly ran over everybody. Thankfully, some masked hero was able to catch up to the truck moving at full speed and not only pushed some of the people out of the way but also managed to stop the entire truck from crashing into one of the fountains and killing a little girl, with only her bare hands. Naturally, majority of knights can catch a four ton truck but this masked vigilante was clearly a child, maybe even the same age as us. At the same time, a creature had suddenly appeared in the center of Wolf city with bombs strapped around it but two other kids stopped it as well, one who was presumably blind but incredibly fast and one that had a mesmerising tail. The details aren't very clear since all of this happened extremely fast but one thing is for sure. These girls weren't ordinary knights, they weren't even knights to begin with.

"I heard that one of them is enrolled here" Sarah said after the video finished.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Someone saw the school tag still attached to her thigh" Whisper answered.

"Really now?" Tempest asked, glancing at me for some reason which was so fucking obvious.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Didn't you say you lost your tag? Maybe that chick stole it" Tempest suggested while innocently eating her sandwich.

"You lost your tag?" Sarah asked me.

"Yeah. I left it on my uniform after I showered in the locker rooms" I answered her while still thinking about how I'm gonna go about lying to the disciplinary committee about this. No matter what, we are always expected to carry our Primrose tags on us for effective authentication but without it, I'm screwed. I can't even enter my dorm without it.

"Oh, you are screwed" Tempest said out loud while chuckling.

"Yeah, it couldn't have just fallen off unless the pin was faulty. Either way, you are screwed if you don't find it. I don't suppose you have the money to buy one either" Whisper asked me.

"Of course she doesn't. She's flat out broke" Tempest answered.

"I can lend you mine if you want" Sarah suggested.

"That's not how it works Sarah" Whisper reminded her.

"Oh right"

"How about we go looking for it. It can't be that hard to find right?" Erin suggested soon after with an optimistic look on her face.

"Clearly you have never seen a map of this place" I reminded her.

"Can't you just revisit the places you've been to since losing it?" Alyssa suggested.

"Hey, that's not a very bad idea. Can you guys help me?" I asked them all and as expected, Sarah, Erin and Alyssa were helpful as always.

"No" Tempest answered.

"I'd rather stay here and do nothing" Whisper followed.

"I'm beginning to see why nobody likes either of you" I said with a straight face.

"Pfft, you think I care?" Tempest responded, trying not to laugh but scoffs instead.

"Come on Whisper, we have time" Alyssa tried to persuade her girlfriend into joining us.

"Urg fine, we'll split into three groups. Sarah, Alyssa and I will pair up and the three of you can continue being weird somewhere else" Whisper explained when she pulled Sarah off the bench, over to her side.

"Awesome! We're together again!" Erin exclaimed out of excitement while hugging Tempest and I.

"Hooray…" I said with disinterest while glancing at Tempest.

"Where should we look?" Alyssa asked me.

"Hmm … we can check the gym locker rooms but before that, I was at the top of the clock tower so you can check there"

"What were you doing at the clock tower?" Alyssa wondered.

"It's where I go to relax. It's really peaceful"

"Yeah, and restricted. I wonder if I should snitch" Tempest said out loud while stroking her chin.

"If you snitch, Tempest I swear to god"

"She won't snitch because I won't let her. Isn't that right Tempest?" Erin asked, turning to her.

"Fine but only because you asked nicely"

"Alright, the clock tower it is. Come on girls" Alyssa said, leading them off.

"Once, I fell off the clock tower because I dropped my phone. It's funny that the disciplinary committee made it restricted soon after right?" Sarah asked while laughing at her own clumsiness.

"Yeah, next time. Try and hold your phone in your hand" Whisper suggested matter-of-factly.

"Oh my god. Why didn't I think of that?" Sarah wondered with genuine shock.

When we all stood up and prepared to leave, Erin suddenly jumped onto my back out of nowhere, forcing me to carry her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked her, a little surprised by her sudden jump.

"I'm not in the mood to walk right now so carry me" She insisted while tightening her grip around my neck.

"We're looking for my tag. You're supposed to be helping me!"

"So? You owe me for saving you butt remember?" She reminded me, forcing me to sigh out of frustration again. Fuck it, it's not like she's heavy anyway.

"Peace" Tempest said while still sitting on the bench and finishing her lunch. I couldn't help but mutter any curse words out of anger on my way away from that annoying bitch.

"I heard that!" Erin said right in my ear.

"I don't care"



"What do you mean you're still trying to fix this mess. It should have been sorted a long time ago!!" A women screamed out of anger and stood up to further intimidate her visitors. The two men sitting on the other side of her document filled desk seemed very scared by her sudden outburst but who wouldn't be if they knew who she actually was.

"Y-Yes, I know comman.. I mean, Headmaster Faringray b-but there wasn't anything we could do. The news had already spread throughout social media and the mass is already freaking out about it. Stopping the news from spreading meant stopping the vigilante's that saved all of those people" One of the intimidated men explained out of fear.

"That's right. We understand if you want to punish us but we didn't have a choice!" The second man exclaimed out of fear before both of them suddenly stood up out of nowhere and got down on their knees in an apologetic position.


"What? What are you fools doing?" The headmaster asked out of confusion.

"We … We're apologising.." The man answered, quite confused by her confusion.

"I'm not going to hurt you for choosing the best course of action you fools! I'm not Linette!" The headmaster exclaimed, quite offended by their blindness.

"Oh .. my apologies commander. We forgot" The second man apologised again before they stood up and awkwardly sat down again.

"Jesus. One week in the south and you're already submissive. Was Southern Commander Oxborn this hard on you guys?"

"She was horrible commander"

"Absolutely terrifying. She kept us captive in the dungeon just for correcting her" One of the men explained while rubbing his wrists on memory of those chains.

"She's a total dom" Another one commented.

"What?" The headmaster asked him.

"I-I said that .. she's … she's a total domino. Ya know .. two faced. She's really scary and intimating upfront but she's .. even scarier on the inside … sort of" He tried to explain but there was no way out of what he just said.

The headmaster then sighed as she crossed her arms while trying to think of some way to keep the rumours from spreading.

"Not only that but we need to keep rumours about one of the heroes being a student from this school, out of the public. We're facing enough damage to our reputation. We don't need a scoundrel causing more trouble for us".

This intimidating women is not only the headmaster of this prestigious school but an incredibly famous hero from the past, retired to simply watching over the school and guiding her students as best she could. Her name is "Amelia Faringray" and behind that strict demeanour lies a very intelligent but cunning women capable of easily ending the entire city in a fit of rage and that isn't an exaggeration.

"Excuse me commander but why exactly is that a bad thing?"

"It doesn't matter whether or not that vigilante is a hero or not. She is still legally responsible for all of the damage she caused but if she's a student from this school then.."

"The school will have to pay for all of the damages" One of the men concluded.

"I see. Looks like you fools do actually understand the situation"

"What will you do commander?" The man asked.

"For now, I want you to suppress any of the rumours linking that vigilante to the school, understand?" She explained and they nodded their heads before standing up and preparing to leave. With that, they bowed down out of respect and kindly took their leave while the headmaster remained standing there, trying to figure out another solution to all of this. When she failed to do so, she fell back into her office chair and just sat there, moaning in her own circumvention. How was she going to stop something this big anyway? Even with her renown, she won't be able to protect the school from bankruptcy if these new vigilantes keep up their activities. "All I have to do it give my statement to the press and that's it. Organising a meeting with these vigilantes shouldn't be difficult. Right, it shouldn't be difficult …" she then sighed. "No, it's never that easy"



"This sucks. Why couldn't we find it?" Erin complained out loud after we entered the classroom which is where our next period will be taking place. Like the majority of large lecture halls, the school classrooms are large and have high ceilings, based on a theory that larger classrooms lead to expansive education, expanding even to the blackboard itself. In front of the blackboard is a podium, situated far from the students' desks and put in a position where the teacher can view everyone at once.

"Maybe because you kept searching the lockers. What were you looking for anyway?" I asked her when I followed her into the classroom only to see that it was completely empty.

"I was looking for a very specific locker" She answered me when she walked up the stairs to find her seat in the middle row which is where we normally sit in class. It just offers a wider range of vision and Tempest chose it because she could see any of our cute classmates from up here. "A locker belonging to a very pretty purpleheaded girl that may or may not be a member of the drama club"

I then stopped and stared at her with a straight face, expecting no less from this pervert.

"What?" she asked me.

"Why are you looking for Juno's locker…"

"For her underwear obviously. Are you telling me you aren't interested in a little pantsu?" she asked me with an incredibly mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh wait nevermind, you're only interested in mine" She said, sitting atop the desks and gently lifting her pleated skirt, exposing her soft red panties and the innermost view of her thighs. The flirtatious and cunning look on her face brought nothing but disdain and disgust, enough to nearly make me spit on the floor.

"Keep your panties to yourself perv and get off my desk"

"That's right. Stop being so provocative Miss Mercer" Another familiar voice frightened us both and immediately made Erin get off the desk and straighten her posture as if she was speaking to the queen herself.

When I turned around, I found that it was none other than the student council president herself and as usual, she didn't seem very happy to see us or more specifically, Erin.

"Oh uhh, hey Scarlet. What are you doing here?" Erin awkwardly asked.

"Biology's starting soon so get to your seats" Scarlet ordered us and before I knew to, Erin was already in her seat, waiting for me to join her.

"What are you waiting for Maddy, come on" She called out to me, ushering me to sit beside her.

"Uhh Question, you're always strict around everyone else so why aren't you punishing this vixen?" I asked her, pointing at Erin.

"What's a Vixen?" Erin wondered.

"Because I've given up on trying to punish her. Whatever I do, she's physically incapable of learning from her mistakes. Clearly the admissions office are filled with idiots if she was accepted" Scarlet answered me when she turned around and walked back down the stairs to sit in the front row where she always sits. I then sat down beside Erin and carefully watched Scarlet take her seat and pull out her notebooks for the scheduled class which begins in a few more minutes.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Erin whispered so as not to be heard by Scarlet.

"Scarlet obviously. Have you noticed that she's always on her own during lunch period"

"Yeah but have you ever noticed that flamingo's bend their legs at a certain angle. They don't have knees" Erin started muttering again.

"I .. don't care"

"You should. That could've been us" She warned me.


"The cycle of reincarnation" She answered me with a gentle smile.

"Please stop talking to Sarah"

"You should stop thinking about Scarlet" She suggested instead.

"What's your problem with Scarlet?" I wondered.

"She scares me…" Erin said, lowering her head in shame.

"Anyway, how come she doesn't have any friends?"

"Because she's not friendly. Isn't she mean to like .. everyone?" She asked me as if that was obvious.

"Scarlet Chirnum". The president of the school council and the disciplinary committee, making her one of the most powerful students at school. Naturally, as the first year disciplinary committee president, she has an enormous amount of work on her hands but she's also the youngest student council president which is even more work but at the same time, she still takes the time and effort to study and keep her grades up to check. Unfortunately, she isn't very popular despite her grades because she's a loner at heart and it doesn't look like she likes either of my friends except Alyssa and Sarah.

I then sighed just before a couple of more students entered the classroom in groups, all consisting of teenage girls more or less the same age as us and dressed in the same uniform. Chit chatter filled the air of this classroom very quickly when they sat down and inhabited the majority of available seats, leaving a few open. It wasn't long before Tempest, Sarah, Alyssa and Whisper entered the classroom together, talking together like a close-knit group.

"Hey! There's Tempest. Hey guys!! Over here!!!" Erin sat up from her desk and called out to them as loudly as possible, catching the attention of every student in the room. She however kept her mouth shut when Scarlet glared right at her and quietly sat down while awkwardly mouthing the words "I'm sorry".

"Why does she always have to scream?" Whisper asked, clearly irritated by her voice.

"That's just what she does. Come on" Tempest said, leading the group up the steps to our row.

"Maybe she should take some lessons on subtlety" Alyssa suggested awkwardly.

"I'm very subtle. I can show her" Sarah claimed out of excitement.

"Yeah no, just keep being cute" Whisper suggested while gently patting Sarah on the head.

Just when the girls sat down beside us, the rest of the students entered the classroom, laughing together and pretending that everyone actually cared about their entrance. "Their" isn't actually the best term. No, "her" is more suitable since this one annoying girl entered the classroom and as usual, the class went silent due to the commotion she was creating.

"But that can't actually be real right? Aren't these goddamn police doing their jobs anymor?!" The girl complained and even rolled her eyes to further prove her disdain for the police.

"I don't think they could've caught the vigilantes even if they wanted to. The vigilantes were really fast" Her friend explained, straightening her glasses and establishing that not only is she a geek but she's also following the queen bee. She wasn't the only one too because a couple of girls surrounded their queen bee and happily took part in the conversation.

The queen bee is "Avelin Redwald", the youngest daughter of House Redwald, one of the most richest families at the academy who happen to be the highest sponser. Her family is one of the richest houses in the kingdom, second only to the royal family but despite that, she still acts as if she's the princess. Personally, I don't hate her since I couldn't give a shit but majority of the school doesn't like her since she's your typical bully but nobody would actually stand up to her for the fear of getting expelled and punished by their parents. If there's one thing I learned, you don't mess with a noble whose family is superior to yours, it causes complications that could ruin your entire life. One of her lackeys however is "Sakura Revenmar", the spectacled geek that follows her around for some apparent reason. I can't say that I know much about her because she's just like Alyssa, shy and introverted. I guess I could relate but I'm definitely not shy.

"Oh look, it's her…" Whisper said with an enormous amount of disdain in her tone.

"Cheer up Whisper, at least she isn't bothering us anymore" Alyssa tried to calm her down.

"Yeah, why would she. Erin, how did it feel taking her down a notch?"

"All in a days work" Erin happily took pride in scaring Avelin.

"Hey, is everyone talking about the Wolf city incident?" Alyssa asked us.

"Looks like it" Erin answered her after having a look around. I did the same soon after and she was right. The entire class was whispering softly to one another about the wolf city incident but that can't be surprising. It was a major event on the news. Suddenly, these vigilantes appear out of nowhere at the right time. To me, it actually sounds like they might have set up the entire bombing incident just for the publicity and fame but what do I know? I'm just a high schooler.

"I wonder if these vigilantes are cute" Sarah said out loud while doodling away in her notebook like a little child.

"If they were attractive would they really conceal their identities?" Whisper asked her.

"Maybe they're shy" Sarah suggested.

"Guys, heads up. Here comes the queen bitch" Tempest warned us when the queen bitch and her friends walked up here to speak with us specifically.

"Hey girls. Did you hear?" Avelin asked us when she approached us.

"Oh my god" Tempest groaned.

"Hear what?" Erin and Sarah asked out of curiosity but as soon as they did, Whisper and I immediately tried to stop her out of anger but its too late.

"Fuck…" I muttered to myself.

"That you're on the news. How have you not heard? Everyone's talking about it?"

"The news?" I asked.

"Who are you talking about?" Sarah asked her.

"Definitely not me" Tempest said, moving away from us.

"Who do you think I'm talking about? Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest" Avelin explained, referring to Tempest, Erin and I. "You three recently enrolled as transfer students while, at the same time, three vigilantes suddenly showed up and stopped a bomb threat. Has no one else figured it out yet?" Avelin asked, looking around for any confirmation which she obviously received from her lackeys and it looked like some of our other classmates were convinced by the news. Some of them immediately started surrounding us even further, making it very difficult to actually prove her wrong.

Sarah looked around at all of the people and happily waved at them while Whisper crossed her arms.

"Did she just say that we were the vigilantes?" Tempest asked us for clarity.

"I think so. What does vigilante mean again?" Erin asked everyone with genuine curiosity.

"You can't be serious" Whisper muttered to herself.

"Umm, can everyone please step back. You're making them uncomfortable" Alyssa tried to help us since she could somehow tell that I did not like all of this attention.

"True but how else are we going to find out if they're the vigilantes?" one of our classmates asked.

"Yeah, are you guys actually the vigilantes?" Another classmate asked us.

"Of course they're the vigilantes!" Avelin exclaimed.

"We're not the vigilantes" Tempest argued calmly.

"Fine. Prove it" One of Avelins friends demanded.

"Prove it?" Tempest asked.

"I can prove it!" Erin exclaimed and stood up out of excitement but I pulled her back down since she was probably going to say something stupid.

"Did you guys know that prove rhymes with prune?" Sarah asked us while fumbling around with the school jersey lying on her lap.

"Sarah" I called her.


"Please be quiet"

"Okay" she answered with a smile.

"They couldn't have been the vigilantes" Whisper suddenly spoke up, catching all of us by surprise.

"That would be so cool if we were though" Erin mentioned, digging her grave further.

"It really would .. but we're not vigilantes. Thanks Alyssa but I got this. We can't be the vigilantes because we have our alibis and there are people that can prove it" I explained after I stood up.

"Exactly. Whisper can prove it, Alyssa can prove it, Sarah can prove it but above all, the headmaster can prove it" Tempest continued and for once, we could agree on something.

"The headmaster?" Alyssa asked, clearly confused by this but so was Whisper and Sarah.

"The headmaster can prove it? How come?" Avelin asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah? I'm confused" Sarah admitted out of confusion.

"You're always confused. Shut up already" Avelin demanded out of frustration and crossed her arms.

"Hey, watch your mouth" I immediately reacted out of anger and clenched my fists. I however wasn't the only one because Whisper unfolded her arms and stood up as well while Erin and Tempest remained seated, glaring at her out of anger.

"Or what? You think I'm scared of a couple vigilantes? If any of you try anything, I'll just have the police escort your asses out of here" She confidently threatened us and crossed her arms.

"Was that a threat?" Tempest asked her and stood up to further become intimidating.

"I don't make threats. I make promises" Avelin explained herself.

"You better back the fuck off or you will regret it. And that wasn't a promise, it was a warning" I warned her and nearly hopped over the desk to rip her to pieces with my bear hands.

"Sarah are you okay?" Alyssa asked out of worry but she just nodded her head in response.

"Maddy, calm down" Erin calmly said when she grabbed my hand. Like a wave of hope and sunshine, everything felt easier and I angrily but slowly sat back down while glaring at Avelin.

She then stood up and decided to speak up since she really needed to. "Listen, unless you want Madison, Whisper and Tempest to beat the absolute shit out of you, I advise that you don't insult Sarah. Second, just ask the headmaster. She knows everything about us" Erin calmly explained before she crossed her arms.

"Again. I'm not scared of either if you. If you want to hurt me then go ahead but at the end of the day, you'll pay for it far more than I would"

"Of course we will. Because you'll be dead. That was a promise" Whisper promised her with a bright smile.

"Whisper!" Sarah and Alyssa exclaimed since she may have taken it too far.

"What? I'm serious"

"Alright that's enough!!!" Scarlet screamed out of nowhere which somehow sent a deafening shockwave throughout the entire classroom that cracked some of the windows. Everyone turned to the front where Scarlet was still seated but when she slowly looked over her shoulder at us all, with an extremely pressuring glare radiating from her eyes. "Get back to your seats NOW. Mrs.Ranch is on her way" Scarlet ordered with such a terrifying aura that it easily forced everyone, including Avelin, back to their seats.

"Noble skank…" Whisper muttered out of anger when Avelin left.

With that massive commotion settled, everyone returned to their seats just before Mrs.Ranch finally arrived a few minutes later than usual but she seemed very busy and in a hurry as well. When Avelin and her friends sat down, she glanced at Scarlet who wasn't even paying any attention to her.

"Good morning class, before we begin, I have terrible news. Miss Heath, Stone and Mercer, the headmaster would like to speak with you and she isn't happy" Mrs.Ranch announced, taking everyone by surprise.

"Aha! They're the vigilantes!" Avelin exclaimed out loud, standing up out of excitement.

"We're not the vigilantes!" Tempest exclaimed out of frustration.

"What's this about?" Mrs.Ranch asked out of curiosity.

Scarlet then sighed. "Miss Redwald believes that Miss Stone, Mercer and Heath are the vigilantes that are all over the news"

"Well that's preposterous" Mrs.Ranch responded.

"See?" Tempest asked her. "Wait, why?"

"Because the three of you were stuck in detention remember? You couldn't have been in two places at the same time" she explained simply.

"Oh yeah" Tempest and I remembered.

"What were you in detention for?" Sarah asked us out or curiosity.

"Tempest and I were caught.." Erin tried to whisper but Mrs.Ranch said it out loud to embarrass the two.

"Miss Stone and Mercer were caught stealing undergarments and Miss Heath happened to be there so I just placed them all on detention. It was the easiest solution"

"How is that the easiest solution?" I asked out of confusion.

"Now now, the headmaster wishes to speak with you three. Out" Mrs.Ranch ordered, pointing at the door.


Tempest disrespectfully barged through the doors to the headmasters office without knocking on the door while Erin and I followed behind her. There, we all found the headmaster sitting behind her modern desk, covered in piles upon piles of paperwork that needs to be signed.

As Mrs.Ranch said, Headmaster Faringray didn't look very happy but she was incredibly tired from fatigue, lack of sleep and tons of pills to keep herself awake and these were visible all over her face but when she saw us barging through the doors, we immediately turned right around and exited her office.




"Headmaster Faringray, it's us" Tempest politely announced our arrival.

"Yeah. You called us" Erin continued.

"Yes, please enter and this time, don't kick down my door" she warned us and this time, Tempest gently and haltingly opened the door so that we could let ourselves in. This time, headmaster Faringray stood up and planted her hands onto her desk with a serious glare in her eyes.

While Erin and Tempest walked forward, I closed the door behind me and looked around at the rest of her moderately decorated office, filled only with the essentials such as her modern desk containing all of the paperwork she needs to take care off, a comfortable living area for any visitors to sit and relax, bookshelves containing large books she either has read or is going to read.

"Sit down"

"Uhh .. what is this about?" Tempest asked.

"Yeah, you don't sound happy" Erin stated the obvious when we all sat down in the living area.

"Is this about them sneaking into the gym locker rooms and stealing underwear?" I broke the ice and went ahead.

"No .. as much as that was completely out of line and you deserve a stricter punishment, this is about something else"

"Will I be punished as well?" I asked.

"Of course you will" Tempest answered for her.

"Shut the hell up"

The headmaster then stood up and crossed her arms, glaring at us with nothing but disappointment again which easily shut us up.

"Are you done? You better be done because this isn't a joke"

"Right, sorry" Tempest and I apologised.

"What isn't a joke?" I think you can guess who asked that.

"The three of you were supposed to be stuck in detention. Why were you in Wolf City chasing wanted criminals around with your fucking Tags!?" she demanded to know out of anger. As soon as she raised her voice, Tempest and Erin both stood up and sat on the couch opposite mine to separate themselves from me. Thanks a lot, really helpful.

"Sorry…" I apologised and lowered my head in shame.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. When I allowed you three to enrol, I didn't think it would put the reputation of this academy in jeopardy. Do you understand what this means?" She asked us which was easily understandable.

Tempest immediately stood up out of anger. "Wait! Are you saying we're expelled?"

The headmaster remained quiet but kept her arms crossed because she wasn't repeating herself.

It was over. We were expelled…


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