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Chapter 3: CHAPTER TWO

"... Little princess it's time to sleep 🎶For now there's calm and the night is young🎶 Mummy and daddy so much love you🎶 And the kingdom my dear, awaits you🎶". Violet was singing out loud as she walked to the park. It is the lullaby her mother always sang to her right since she was a baby. She never understood the lyrics but she always felt right singing it and it made her happy

"Violet". A loud shriek was hears just as a body fell on her right as she was about turning making her lose her balance and fall on the fall along with the body

"I forgot you're as skinny as ever and have no stamina". Dora laughed as she rolled off her to her side

"Well since you knew, why bother doing it every single time". Violet rolled her eyes. Even though she trained quite a lot because her dad made sure she did, he taught her both hand and weapon fight, for protection he also said. But he told her never to let anyone else know about it, even Dora. With her knowledge and strength, she could have easily Dora in place, but she couldn't not just because of her dad's warning but Dora is chubby like really chubby not that chubby but still chubby than children their age so trying to maneuver the situation was useless instead she just try to make the impact of the falling less serious

"Violet, violet!!". Dora shouted in her ears breaking her out of her thoughts

"Why are you shouting in my ears". Violet yelled back as she pushed Dora who was laughing hard away

"Y-you weren't li-liste-ning". Dora said between laughs.

Violet only looked at her with a blank face for a while "are you done". She asked sitting up on the carpet grass of the park

"Just a sec". Dora held up a finger before calming down "now I'm done". She beamed before Violet rolled her eyes.

"Here, stand up". Violet stretched her hands to Dora once she had stood up

"Can't we spend the rest of our time on this grass, it's so soft and resty". Dora pouted

"Get yourself off the floor, you lazy potato and there's no such word as resty". Violet shook her head as she tried to pull Dora up, keyword 'tried'

Violet grunted when Dora didn't move an inch "just what do you weigh, a fat dough". Violet teased making Dora narrow her eyes

"I hate you". Dora said sticking out her tongue

"Yeah sure, let's argue that 'on our feet'". Violet air quoted the last three words

"Dora if you don't stand up this moment I'm leaving". Violet threatened and Dora only grinned

"I'm counting to three and you know me Dora, I don't back down from my words. One". She began counting but Dora only settled herself unto the floor with an amused smile

"Two". Violet grounded out annoyed at her lack of movement

"Th-". Dora cut her off just as she was about completing the sentence

"Alright help me up". Violet grinned at that and put her hands in Dora's to help her up

"Dora!!!!". Violet yelled in annoyance as she found her roughly pulled to the floor once again with Dora laughing and wheezing hard

"S-sor-ry". Dora managed to whiz out

"I hate you". Violet groaned out as she checked herself for any wound

Dora immediately stopped laughing when she noticed there wasn't a trace of laughter in Violet's voice

"Violet". She called out tentatively but only received a death glare from her "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you". Dora sniffles as she tried to keep her tears at bar

Violet sighed, Dora is too much of a softie. She never cries when she gets hurt, but when someone she cares about gets hurt even if it isn't her fault, she cries. "It's alright Dora, I'm fine". She tried to console her

"But you're angry at me". Dora groaned out putting her head between her legs which were held close by her hands

"I'm not angry at you, I never was, annoyed maybe but not angry". Violet sighed

"Are you sure?". Dora asked lifting her head and stared at her with tears falling off her crescent like eyes

"Yes". Violet smiled to confirm it

"Thank you and I'm sorry". Dora hugged her. Violet isn't much of a huggie but she just couldn't help but hug Dora back whenever she does. Its almost felt like she owed Dora at least that much

"Its okay Dora. Now let's go play". She grinned as they let go of each other

"Need help?". Violet smiled as she stretched her hands forward to Dora after she stood up, yes hands, no getting caught unawares this time

"Thank you". Dora smiled back as she took both her hands "you don't trust me". She pouted once she was on her feet

"Not at that moment". Violet gave a her pointed look and she mocked surrendered

"Let's go and play". Dora grinned as she pulled Violet towards the playground in the park


"Where's Daniel?". Violet couldn't help but ask. They were on the swing trying to see who could fly higher but had decided to just sit and slightly sway on it. They've been at the park for about an hour or so and he's yet to arrive which was weird since he is Dora's glue

Dora shrugged at the question "mum sent him on an errand". Violet expected her to continue but she said nothing more and instead decided to tease her "why are you asking about him, miss him?". Dora wiggled her brows earning a scowl from Violet

"What's with you and my dad, are you like lost relations or what". Violet mumbled annoyed while Dora just chuckled

"Sorry Ana, but that's not possible". Dora grinned "but since you're so interested in knowing where my brother is -". Dora began but was cut shut by Violet

"I'm not". Violet groaned out

"He's going to come and pick me up in the next… how long do we have left again". Dora asked scratching her ears, something she does when she's trying to think, an act that reminds Violet of her dad

"About an hour plus". Violet muttered. Ever since she became friends with Dora five (5) years ago she couldn't help but notice the few similarities she had with her parent in fact that was what made her befriend her at school.

"Yh , so he'd be coming to pick me up. You know, if you like Daniel, you can tell me. I'd be willing to help out". Dora winked, making Violet groan.

"Shut up Dora, your mouth stinks". Violet said making Dora chuckle

"So what should we do with the remaining time, I'm kinda bored". Dora pouted as she stood up from the swing and narrowed her eyes in thought

"I don't know, play games with our phone, there's this new game I downloaded yest-". Violet began as she reached out for her phone in her back pocket only to be interrupted by Dora

"I know let's play Truth and Dare". Dora exclaimed grinning as the thought popped into her head

Violet only groaned. Why bother ask then if she'd just answer it herself, she thought "not interested". She rolled her eyes. She honestly doesn't understand what Dora sees in the game Truth and Dare

"Why, it's a nice game". Dora pouted as she held her fist -holding the swing holster- with both hands

"A nice game you say". Violet raised a brow

"Yupppp". Dora bobbed her head then a sly smile appeared on her face "except you're scared". She grinned also raising a brow even better than Violet herself

"I'm not scared. Besides why will I be scared". Violet rolled her eyes as she unwrapped her hand from the swing making Dora's hands drop

"I don't know, maybe because you're hiding a secret fact about your crush on my brother". Dora wiggled her brows

"Shut up Dora". Violet said trying to hide a blush

"I see you blushing". Dora screamed

"I'm not". Violet denied

"Of course you are, see your cheeks are all red". Dora teased

"What! No, they are not". Violet eyes went wide open as she felt her cheek

"Y-you should s-see yo-ur face r-right now". Dora said between her laughter.

Violet glared at her before her lips slowly morphed into a smirk and she whispered "run". Dora almost missed it but her good hearing helped her. Her eyes went wide and she began running away from Violet who was chasing her with a grin on her face

"Violet, stop it". Dora exclaimed laughing

"Nop not doing, you'd better stop there". Violet retorted also grinning, one can hear the laughter in her voice too

"Caught you!". Violet exclaimed just as a thud was heard

"Violet stop it". Dora screamed out loud still laughing as Violet began tickling her. They were on the floor, she under and Violet -with a large grin- above her

"Not going to". Violet said just as she let out a loud yelp and began laughing "Dora, stop it". She also pleaded

"Not going to". Dora repeated her words as she also tickled her

The two 15 year old best friends were busy laughing out loud and having fun unaware of the unknown eyes who's gaze has been on them all the time, ever since they could remember

"Enjoy it while it last girls". A sinister voice chuckled

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