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Chapter 16: Term Break

--Kakashi POV--

My dad was currently holding my exam paper in his hand while looking at it with curiosity.

"That's what I got overall for my exams" I spoke.

"Hmm. I would expect no less from my son." He replied with a prideful smile.

" By the way, I met your friend Yokuma that you talk about just a week ago." My dad said.

Him?.. How did he meet my dad?.

"He is quite something that boy. It's almost like he sees something deep inside you which you never knew you had."

"Yeah, that is Yokuma for you dad. He is different from everyone else I meet my age."

Different but in a good way. Even though he is not strong as me, he is still one of the top 5 in our class. But he also seems strong in another way which I can't figure out.

"He really different. Make sure you cherish a comrade like him and always help in time of need even when I'm not here." He said in a serious tone.

"You never know he might he even become strong enough to help you. His hands and feet show that he trains as much as you and Guy. Or even more."

"He trains more than me and Guy just to be on the same level as us in Taijutsu. Even then he still can't surpass us even though he trains a lot more." I exclaimed surprisingly.

My father just had a pitiful glance in his eyes and stated with a tone full of nostalgia

"Sigh... Now that's what you call talent son. You especially have better talent than everyone else. Guy has a unique physique since his chakra is different from ours. Also, he is the epitome of hard work just like Yokuma."

"It's a shame he has such a thing holding him back otherwise he would have made a splendid shinobi."

"Him?.. Having such a thing holding him back... That's not possible dad. In the test we had yesterday he improved a lot."

"Even I was surprised. He probably took his training up a notch knowing him. Also, the way he threw his shuriken had a sort of spirituality to it."

"He would have finished the written exam before me if he wasn't so cautious about every single question. The first day I met him he felt like he could challenge me."

My dad just listened to me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh-ho my son actually finds someone interesting except Guy that's a new one. But on a serious note your right. That kid even saved me from doing something Kakashi."

My dad looked at the ceiling with a sorrowful expression and changed it to one with determination. What did he do to make my dad feel this way?.. I knew I was right about him.

"Remember the Hatake clan secret technique using the white chakra sabre? Well, there's another technique which revolves around a sword."

Huh?.. Another one.

"I didn't teach you because you don't need it. But remember this is called the Slaying Blitz."

"It's for Yokuma after his graduation. Make sure to give him this on his graduation or his ninth birthday. He will be strong enough then."

"What mad-" I was about to speak but got cut off by a serious tone.

"Now's not the time Kakashi."

What made my father give him a secret technique of the clan?.. Whatever you have done Yokuma. I am grateful you have made my father back to his old self. I will never forget this.

"Kakashi this sword is an artefact of the clan. Make sure to give it to him even if I'm gone." My father said in the same exact tone.

"Of course father," I replied.

Yokuma... Yokuma Uchiha I hope you will become strong just like me. Then me you and Guy can become significant figures in this world just like my father.


--Obito POV--

Damn it!. Damn it! I thought while punching a tree. I can never catch up to them. Even if I try my hardest. But soon I turned around and saw her... Rin. My heart stopped caring about the anger as I looked at her with a tender expression.

"Obito Hi! I bought us some lunch for a little picnic. Kakashi and Guy are coming to." Rin yelled cheerfully.

I was excited at first but when I heard the two names I quickly swallow my anger and smiled.

"Ha-ha yeah of course the two are coming," I said with a fake smile.

Maybe I should take this opportunity. Maybe she has been harbouring the same feelings for me secretly. I told myself

"Hey, Rin," I asked anxiously.

"Yeah?" Her cute face turned around. Making me see her in a new light as I saw her smile. As her hair was flying freely in the air.

"Nothing I remember now. Is Yokuma coming?"

I couldn't say it no matter how hard I try. I felt something blocking me. If I did say it something would change. If this change happened then something bad will come. I know I shouldn't believe it but it all felt true.

"Obito stop thinking about other things! We have to lay down the food and get it ready for the two." She scolded.

But I didn't mind because that was Rin. Her face, when she talks about Kakashi or hears about him, infuriates me. She will like me in the future because Kakashi is stupid and doesn't know about her feelings towards him.

Let's just forget about that for now and start laying down the stuff for the two idiots. But soon I heard two people running down really fast to this place.


"No! Again! Kakashi I will beat you next time!" A boy in a green jumpsuit yelled.

"Yeah yeah. You say that every time. Now shut your mouth because Rin and Obito are here." Kakashi said in a monotone voice.

"Hi! Kakashi!" Rin yelled with a squeal to which Kakashi just gave a deadpan look.

"Yo. Me and Guy are just here to eat and meet up with Yokuma in a couple of hours." Kakashi tiredly said.

"Kakashi why didn't you call him here?" Rin asked.

"He's currently in a training session so he won't come," Kakashi replied.

"Is training more important to him than us?!!" Obito yelled.

"Obito... He is training with Yasuno. The one from the Kurama clan." Guy said while tutting.

"I think he might like her. He-he I never thought someone like Yokuma was the lovey-dovey type." Mischievously adding to his last statement.

"Heh? Yokuma and Yasuno. I never notice Yasuno and Yokuma talking a lot in the academy." Obito exclaimed confusedly.

"That's because we train with him. So we see the two outside of the academy. She teaches him Genjutsu." Kakashi in his monotone voice stated.

"PFF!! Learning Genjutsu from a g-girl what a wuss. He should learn by himself. That's what a real man does." Obito replied with ridicule and pride.

This just raised the eyebrows of the three. The two of them just looked at him with hopelessness. But Rin just giggled. Obito looked back at her with even more confusion and an expression of help.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Obito said as if he's missing something.

"Sigh... Obito... The Genjutsu lessons are just an excuse for him to get closer to her." Guy said while putting his hand on his head and nodded disappointedly.

"O-of c-course I knew that! I just was talking about how stupid he is for getting trained by a girl when he could just ask her." Yelled Obito with a steamed up face.

"Yeah yeah, whatever I just want to eat," Kakashi said.


--Yokuma POV--

My eyes hurt... Really hurt...

I felt a burning sensation go straight through...

Making me unable to see...

I raised up my hands covering my eyes...

Suddenly it just stopped like nothing ever happened...

"So just like how I made the sun rays brighter for you. You can add the elements to essentially anything" A cute feminine voice explained.

"Making my retina's hypersensitive to light using Genjutsu?" I replied.

"Yep! That's what I just did to you. It's good that you read them notebooks I especially prepared." She said blushing at the last part.

"So this?" I asked as I pulled out my shuriken.

I put it in front of her face and made a reflection of a light bounce of the shuriken. Which went straight into her eyes. In turn, made her shut them immediately while smiling.

"Cool! I never thought of that. My mom and dad taught me the trick I did now." She said with a starry expression that of a fangirl.

This trick was inside the notebook you especially prepared for me. It seems someone's lying to get into my heart. Well, I am doing the same to get your notebooks...

"It was nothing. Just thought of it on a whim while you explained." I said shamelessly with a poker face.

"Your so good at this Yokuma!" She yelled with a blush.

Amazing a kid better than me at Genjutsu is somehow pretty easy huh. She may be better in the Genjutsu department... But at creativity, she is pretty pathetic. Another thing she is good at is being a good little tool.

I just act like a sponge while she just feeds me information. I soak in the information, while she just works hard to feed me more. But soon that will be over. The sponge has soaked up all he can from her.

"Okay. Time is over now I have to go meet Guy and Kakashi to train now. Just like we agreed on I made time for you today." I said with a happy expression.

"I know thank you Yokuma. This day was going to be pretty boring without you." She replied.

We just carried on the small talk for about fifteen minutes to which I listened and actively answered to. She was pouring her whole heart out to me for a while. Except for the feelings she had for me of course.

"Bye!" She said as she waved me off while walking into the distance.

"Yeah Bye!" I replied as I did the same gesture.

She has got pretty much nothing to teach me now. All this information I have could probably limit my Genjutsu at Genin level. But by the second year of the academy or third, I should have access to the Jutsu library.

In the meantime, I read theoretical books on Jutsu for insight. I try my best have to work with what I have. And right now... I don't have a lot to work with. I thought all this while walking back to a tree that had my bag under it.

I went to grab something out of my bag. A water bottle. I opened the cap and started thinking while drinking it. When a tool's purpose is over for me then they should get thrown away without them even knowing.

In my last life, I made a lot of enemies. This was because I made a lot of impulsive mistakes. But these people got wiped out by me in the future. Why?.. Because there is no such thing as permanent enemies.

They were the only people for me to overcome... Just an obstacle in my way. Enemies were obstacles you make for yourself. In front of benefits, what are enemies?.. You could be enemies today and mutual partners tomorrow.

This was what business was all about in my previous life. Corrupt people were just people who cared about benefits more than the system. In this life, I don't want to needlessly make enemies. This was the flaw I had in the early stage of my previous life.

Even after they were wiped off from the face of the earth they became a problem for me later on.

One thing I will never do in this world...

Never show people my true colours...

Until I have enough power...

Or never...

It all depends on the plans I go with...

After all, time is the only thing on my side...


Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me. I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments. I would appreciate you guys correcting my mistakes and giving constructive criticism.

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