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Chapter 5: For the greater good of humanity

Recording •

Time: August, 12 2014

"Test subject #1: age 25 years, sex: male, name: classified."- Dr. Fay (Leading scientist in fusion of stem cells from kaiju/titans)

"Is everything ready?"- Dr. Fay

"Yes ma'am."- Responded one of her many subordinates.

"Then proceed."- Dr. Fay said in a stoic tone.

*Starting sequence* Said a robot voice through the intercoms placed around the facility.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! STOOOPPPPP, STOPPPPP, WAIIITTT I CANNN'TTT DO THIS!!!!" Screamed the man that was restrained on the cold metal table. That was at a 120 degree angle. While he had tubes all around his body connecting his veins to two different machines. But the scientists just watched through the glass windows that surrounded, the circular room.

While one of the machines was taking out his blood; the other was replacing it with kaiju blood. More specific with kaiju bladder cells. Since they had the highest concentration of stem cells throughout their whole body.

And as for his own blood. Well that was being stored in the other machine inside of a glass tube. Perhaps for later experiments. As Dr. Fay would like to say "Everything is a valuable resource that can't be wasted."

But to no one's surprise the man couldn't bear the pain and died subsequently going limp. And right afterwards his limbs starting splurging out a mix of human and kaiju blood in between the tubes and his veins.

"Next." - Was all that Dr. Fay said, as if she wasn't disturbed by what had just occurred.


Recording •

Time: August, 19 2014

"Test subject #7: age 23, sex: female, name: classified."- Dr Fay

"Bring in the titan blood."- Dr. Fay ordered her subordinates with a small agitated tone.

An through the cameras it could be seen that her subordinates were bringing in a huge glass tube full of titan blood. Which looked like almost pure black blood.

"According to our past attempts, the blood from the kongs are the most compatible with us humans." Said a first year scientist with a smile and cheerful tone.

However Dr.Fay just gave her(first year scientist) a cold side glance. As if she(Dr.Fay) didn't already know that.


"Ummm… okay I'm go." Was all the first year subordinate said, before speed walking away from Dr.Fay. Just in case if her attitude turned more sour; and she decided to release all her anger on her.

And while the conversation between Dr.Fay and her subordinate was going on; the two huge metal doors slid open into the testing room. That being said, the scientists proceeded to place the tube in one of the machines before waking away.

"All systems are a go. Ready on your mark ma'am." Said the same scientists in the control room.

"Go." Was all she said in a indifferent tone.

*Starting sequence* Said the same robot voice through the intercoms in the facility.

And so the procedure started. Thus her blood was being drained, while the titan blood was used as the replacement for her blood being lost.

And much to everyone's surprise; the test subject seemed fairly okay. Sure she was sweating profusely, but other then that she seemed fine.

"How do you feel?" - Dr.Fay questioned test subject #7 through the intercoms in a somewhat hopeful tone. Although it was barely noticeable.

"Alright… just a little nauseous is all." - Test subject #7 responded back in a very exhausted tone.

But before everyone could celebrate, test subject #7 coughed up a huge amount of blood.


Was all that could be heard before her eyes starting oozing blood too. Small ragged gasp were escaping her throat. But yet no one helped her out. They just watched. Like the many times they've done so in the past. Some watched with pity. While others watched with guilt. Some with a sadistic glee. Others with indifference. But right in front of the whole group Dr.Fay watched with horror. Yet her subordinates couldn't see her face, as her back was facing them.

Truth be told she wasn't as evil as others made her out to be. She in fact always felt horrible during the experiments, yet she never showed her emotions. As she felt that others would see it as a sign of weakness.

But that didn't matter as test subject #7 was still screaming silently, nay she was screaming as loudly as she could. As much as a person that was choking on their blood could've. But no one cared to listen to her pleading.

Her face had started to turn blue, while her eyes were rolling back. She was squeezing her hands as hard as possible to stay conscious. Yet that didn't last long, as her hands fell from her sides drained of energy… and life.

The room was silent before Dr.Fay spoke up.

"Again."- Was all she said before walking away to her office.


Many similar scenarios happened over and over again. Until they reached #33, which also failed… just not as horrible.

Yet all those experiments weren't for nothing. As they had learned many valuable things. One of which was the perfect blood ratio. Which was 2-2-6. 20% titan blood. 20% kaiju blood. And 60% human blood. Another thing they learned was that the younger a test subject was, the longer they lived. And through dissecting their bodies they also saw, that there was less rejection to the mutations happening in their bodies.

These were just some of the many things that they learned. Yet if they had succeeded in all these breakthroughs, why wasn't there a single living subject. That was the thing that was perplexing the scientists and making the higher ups run out of patience.


Location: Monarch / Jaeger base headquarters

Inside of a soundproof office a huge discussion was being unfolded.

"All I'm say is that we need more time."- Dr.Fay said in a tired tone while she rubbed her forehead.

"We've been giving you time. Listen we understand that these things take time. But we can't keep allocating our money to a project that hasn't shown us a single living subject." - The higher up said in a dissatisfied and disappointed tone. As he had expected better from Dr.Fay and her team.

"We've got giant robots to build after all. And it ain't cheap." - The higher up said to back up his previous statement.

"You said so yourself! These things take time! Just give us one more month. And I promise we'll give you a living subject."- Dr. Fay said to the higher up in a aggressive tone. Which he was better known as Vlad Ashdown. Which is one of the most prominent figures in Monarch. (He's a oc btw)

Yet Vlad's answer didn't change.

He had informed Dr.Fay that the titan/kaiju stem cell fusion project would soon have it's funds taken away. As the money being wasted was far to much. And they had still not had a single success. But Dr.Fay couldn't let that happen. As the guilt she would feel if all those lives lost in this project would have been for nothing.

That's actually a lie. She already felt guilty. So much so, that she had started to become a alcoholic. And had started to reek of alcohol. Consequently the lab's performance went down dramatically as well.

Ironic isn't it. That her suffering was caused by no one but herself.

Though one could argue she had no choice. Since she had been born a orphan and had climbed her way up the ranks. She had no one to lean on for help. No family, friends or lover. As she had dedicated most of her life to this very project she now hated with a passion.

So instead of taking a better option to help her cope with the pain. She choose alcohol. Quite a stupid move if you asked any of her colleagues. As it hasn't gone unnoticed by them too.

Though while the now vicious debate was still going on, her subordinate on the side had wanted to blur something out. But he stopped himself. However that didn't last long as he would say a sentence that would change the course of the program.

"What if we use children!" He screamed out loud before he cover his mouth with his hands. Nevertheless it had already drawn the attention of both Dr.Fay and Vlad.

"No!! We can't do that!" - Dr.Fay screamed out loud. Which shocked her subordinate as it was the first time he had ever seen her so mad and full of emotion.

"Wait." - Vlad said in a calm tone causing both Fay and her subordinate to shut up.

"Care to elaborate more on your comment. Mister…?"- Vlad

"Hermann. Hermann gottlieb sir." - Gottlieb responded back in a anxious tone.

"Gottlieb shut up. We're not using children as test subjects." - Dr. Fay said to Gottlieb in a irritated tone. As if the whole idea to use children was ludicrous.

"I'm talking to Gottlieb not you Fay. So stop talking before I kick you out of my office." Vlad said to Fay in a authoritative tone before giving her a quick cold side glance. As if to show her who was in control.

"Well… w-w-we could.." - Gottlieb was struggling to speak as he finally felt the pressure of being the attention of the room. Specific the attention of his boss and Mr. Vlad's.

"Speak damn it! Your a grown adult so act like one!" - Vlad screamed out loud before slamming his desk. Given that he was tired of both him and Fay. Despite them being in his office for not that much time.

"It's just that all our research has lead us to the same conclusion sir!" - Gottlieb yelled out loud like a solider in the army.

"And what's the conclusion? Huh?!"- Vlad said in a sort of sarcastic tone.

"The younger subjects have all shown us better results! So it's no stretch to say that children are a viable option for project: Renaissance! Sir!" - Gottlieb once again yelled out loud.

But all he got as a response was a sinister smile. Which didn't sit well to both Fay and Gottlieb.

"Good." - Vlad said in a gleeful tone.

"Alright Fay consider your proposal granted. I'll give you a extra month. But don't fail me." - Vlad said in a serious and frightening tone.

"Now leave; I've got other matters to attend." - Vlad shooed them away with the motion of his hand.

Which they did. And as Fay and Gottlieb were walking down the stairs silently from Vlad's office Fay stopped and looked at Gottlieb before slapping him.

"Hey! What's that for!"- Gottlieb protested.

"You don't know what you've done do you? Have you not thought about what your actions have caused!" She berated him. Throwing insult after insult.

But Gottlieb soon had enough and started to berate her too.

"Your not one to talk. Have you thought about your actions huh?! Do you even think about how many lives have already been lost. I bet you don't, seeing as how emotionless you are." - Gottlieb said in a harsh tone.

And he stayed quite for a while excepting a response back from Fay, but soon 2 minutes had passed and the silence was starting to make him feel awkward.

"I do.." She finally said in a sorrowful tone.

"Everyday I think about them. Yet I continue forging on for the greater good of humanity. But are you gonna be able to live with yourself Gottlieb? Are you? Cause from here on out all the lives lost are on your hands."- Fay said once again in a sad tone.

Not waiting for Gottlieb to respond back she continued on to walk down the stairs that lead to the elevator. But Gottlieb didn't follow her. He just stood there like a statue made out of stone.

axeltheeugene axeltheeugene

This whole chapter if you haven’t already guessed happened before Leo and the other children were captured.

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