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Chapter 8: Chapter 8

'For the king!'

In the deep abyss of the ocean, the hybrid man came across his destination.

A large steampunk style submarine floating in the depths.

Entering a small capsule on top of its hull, he jumped in, closing off the hatch and opened another door so water wouldn't get in.

The change in pressure and air wasn't a big deal to someone who could live in the murky depths.

As he plopped onto the steel floor, he began moving across large pipes that let out steam, strange devices that did unknown functions, but the fishy hybrid had reached his final destination.

A large room, a command deck with a large glass window showing the front for he submarine, held multiple creatures, some resembled mammals and some were similar to him as they all worked on different parts of the sub.

At the front of it all, a man with a head of a lion stood with his arms behind his back, staring out into the blue.

Walking forward nervously, the man nearly jumped out of his scales when the lion spoke in a thunderous tone.

"Did you retrieve the cube?" He spoke without even turning around.

The angler fish quickly cowered before walking up to the lion holding out the broken cube.

The large predator turned with his mane swirling with him as he took the cube into his giant paws.. examining it.

He could sense the power it raidiated even in this broken state that made him quiver in delight.

"Good work, You'll get your reward soon enough... after all it is for your king.." The lion muttered as he turned back to continue inspecting the cube.

"Yes sir!"

Quickly moving away, the angler man could only feel slightly concerned as he heard the cats words.

But he could do nothing, even with his dense durability, a lion beast like him would tear his scales to shreds.

As the lion was left alone in the deck aside from his workers he chucjled at the fish man's stupidity.

'Fools.. this amount of power doesn't belong to those mere fish people, it belongs with us! The beast kingdom.. and his majesty the king!' He felt pride as he raised the cube over his head.

He would be rewarded for his services as a commander and he hoped for a promotion with a good serving of riches.

Motioning to a nearby worker that resembled a man but with the head of a snake, he barked orders to move to their nearest base in order to get home safely.

No doubt the king of the sea.. the current ruler of the undersea people would quickly catch wind of their betrayal.

He had granted them passage and rewards if he was able to retrieve the cube.

Many had sought this powerful object in his paws for generations.. an artifact so powerful that it was believed to change reality.

He only served the beast king through sheer dedication and loyalty.

Everyone that served under the beast nation in its armies were loyal and fierce..

How stupid of the sea king to believe he could keep such an item..

Laughing to himself the submarine plunged into the depths as it barreled its way across the ocean.

<Hours later..>

"Position 32.35.711 Sir!"

The nearby officer signaled to him of their decent into the base, awakening him from stupor.

As he saw the lights of the under sea base connected to a large mountain come into view he grinned.

Power would belong to his people once and for all, as they would use it to control the world.

"This'll be a blood ba-"


His words were soon cut off when a large man old man, with the lower half of his body like a fish, came into view.

The commanders jaw slacked open when he saw the ancient weapon in the man's burly fist raised at them.. the trident.

It was the current ruler and king of the sea people..

Waves of water and electricity surrounded the massive trident as it zoomed across the water striking the subs body instantly vaporizing it.

The lion beast and his forces were no more.

All that was left were bits of metal and wreckage from the once powerful submarine.

Turning around the massive merman struck the base behind him as well with a massive explosion igniting before quickly being snuffed out by the water.

With a hateful glare, the king swam to the wreckage of the sub.. scavenging for a certain item.

There he saw the small cube, barely the size of his finger nail, before grasping it into his palms.

Moving past any wreckage he disappeared into the abyss.

As the king made his way to his undersea kingdom.. a vast city full of bright lights and different colors.. almost futuristic with multiple species here and there came into view.

It was like a scene right out of aquaman.

He had made it to the large ancient palace already setting his plans in motion.

The king had many connections with other kingdoms, some not as well formed and friendly than others but still they held relations.

He had searched for this item of great power in hopes of preventing a outer threat from devouring this world.

A large leviathan made of space and energy had devoured stars and planets before them and had gotten stronger each year.. it would only be a matter of time before it saw their planet as a source of food.

He used his current technologies and scientists to find a way to repair the broken state of the cube but to no luck..

It was found later on that the king himself had died in an unfortunate disaster when they tried tampering with the cubes very existence.

The cube itself had disappeared leaving the sea kingdom alone without a ruler.

Because of this, the Bohg kingdom took this chance to plunder the nation which resulted in a swell victory for them with the sea people now under the rule of the human kingdom.

They now owned most of the land and waters more than anyone.

Humans had now taken over most of the world with the beast nation and demons being the only ones left standing.

But it would soon no longer even matter..

<Flashback end>

*Shin POV*

Floods of memories entered my mind..

'The beginning of creation? The end of the world? The multiverse?'

Detailed descriptions of almost everything in the world and beyond suddenly rushed into the mind of shin overwhelming him by the hundreds.

Pain coursed through his body and mind as it didn't stop for minutes.

Shins eyes flashed as he tried to recount everything that was burned into his brain with some parts difficult to understand or comprehend.

It was like having the entire history of the world in his head as a book to read through whenever.. a large burly book the size of a house.

'M-my head.. God damn!'

Shin currently still inside the hollow trident held the most excruciating head ache of all time.

He felt each pulse and nerve hit his head..

Breathing in and out the pain slowly passed as a familiar voice sounded in his head making him wince.

[Congratulations! You have successfully gained the Nox Cube! *Weakened*]

[Description: A legendary artificial forged by the hands of a celestial being that transcends time and space. Forged long ago it awaits a worthy owner capable of its power!]

[Completed a quest!]

Shocked from what he read he passed out from exhaustion before he could even understand what he got..

To be continued.

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