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Chapter 42: Maiden clan's fall

Inside a forest, a mature woman was traversing through treetops. She had ordinary traditional long shirt and trousers but her assets were simply too big to behold within. Her clothes were threatening to rip open on their own as her humongous breasts and big hips stretched the fabrics to the limit. This woman was Xiao.

After defeating Koldorus and his Generals, Xiao did not return to Carny but instead went ahead towards a new destination. The Consulate gathering would be held soon. Xiao had about 2 weeks left. She decided to travel straight away instead of returning to Carny. She had Fang and the new council there to handle things anyway.

Xiao had learned of the gathering place from Trinity and had memorized the map too. This map was quite detailed though, which explained all the little things about all the places. It was standard issue for all Consulate members. Xiao had lost her copy because her spatial rings were often plundered clean by men whosoever managed to dominate and r@pe her. Be it Ryuga from Feur or the previous council of Carny. But Xiao still remembered most of the map.

This world had a single gigantic continent which was politically divided into 3 large empires and numerous small states and kingdoms. Compared to an empire, states like Carny were like small villages. The three empires were known as Mizu Empire, Qingxong Empire and Golden Empire.

Mizu Empire was in north, Qinxong in east and Golden in west. Southern area and the central area of the continent comprised of thousands of small independent states and kingdoms like Carny, Feur, Gen and Kol.

People of the four directions had originally different cultures and naming systems along with distinct features. For example, Lyra and Chloe had exotic brown skins, Deodomus had blue eyes, Ryuga had red hair, Yana had pink eyes while Xiao, Fang, Chongling had similar black hair and black eyes. But over centuries, people of all directions had mingled together, cultures had mixed up and there was hardly any discrimination regarding skin color or bodily features. This was a world of cultivation where strength was respected.

But that was also its dark side. Since men were naturally stronger than women, the latter were always suppressed to the point of being no different than slaves. Thus, warrior women like Xiao who broke the norm, were specifically targeted by egoistic men.

Women were often treated as commodities or currency and it was common for men to share their wives with other men or even r@pe their own daughters. Warrior women suffered worse fate. Like those cultivators and adventurers who were deceived by their comrades or captured by enemies and then sold to Ryuga's brothel where they spent several years as prostitutes. Even Xiao herself was targeted and assaulted many a times. She had been raped hardcore by countless men already, including her own father. Though this didn't bother her anymore. She had a strong mind and fortitude. She continued to persevere and fight on.

Currently Xiao was going to meet the Consulate to officially gain their recognition as a member. Then she'd be able to borrow resources and manpower from the Consulate. Never again will she have to be worried about small kingdoms like Kol's aggression.

Xiao's destination was Nyoru state. It was one of the powerful states in the south. The distance was… large. It would take one several months to travel that far from Carny. But Xiao was a Master realm warrior. Her travelling speed was phenomenal. She needed no food, water or sleep for a long period of time. She was confident in being able to reach at the gathering place in time.

"!!!" Suddenly Xiao halted. She sensed a presence nearby.

Swish! A sharp blurry object flew past her, cutting through the branches. Xiao easily dodged it in time and noticed that the object was a beast horn.

"A solo beast huh?" Xia thought as she leapt from one tree to another, dodging the sharp horns and soon landed on the grassy ground to face the beast.

Moo! The beast bellowed. It was a large ox beast. It had three menacing red eyes, long twin horns and a body as big as two domesticated oxen put together. This type of beast was uncommon. It was a mutated type of nameless ox species. It was herbivorous but very territorial. Since Xiao passed by its area, it naturally attacked her.

"Hmph, mere beast wanting to fight me?" Xiao sneered. She had chosen a jungle route for her travel so she could collect some resources on the way. These resources could be used for cultivation, medicine or in strategies. Since Xiao now had Mingli, she needed to provide him many resources for new strategies. Why spend money to purchase them when you can procure them yourself? Thus, Xiao engaged in fighting the beast right away.

Her long sword swung around as she sprinted and attacked.

Swish-Swish! Clang! Clang! The ox beast ejected its horns like arrows and targeted Xiao. But Xiao parried them with her long sword and approached the beast.

Swoosh! Mooo! With a flash of her sword, Xiao slew the beast easily.

"Heh, that was easy." Xiao spoke and stowed the beast corpse into her spatial ring.

Suddenly bushes moved and several ox beasts surrounded her.

"This…" Xiao was surprised as she faced dozens of mutated ox beasts led by a towering ox beast king!


Far away in a place called Mount Mao, a sexy woman with big breasts, big hips, sexy brown tattooed skin was traversing through the forest too. She however was injured and her clothes were in tatters. She had apparently been in an intense battle. She was Lyra, a bishop of the Consulate. A Master realm warrior and a friend of Xiao.

"Damn it. To think everyone has colluded together against my clan! These bastards! I'll kill them all!" Lyra spoke through gritted teeth as she stumbled and fell on the ground while panting. She clutched her left shoulder which was bleeding but she had no healing pills left to heal it.

"Ara, so here you are, my cute daughter." A woman spoke as she came before Lyra, followed by several other women. They were all exotic beauties with magnificent features. Their breasts were supple and large, their hips erotically big, their bodies strong and muscular. They were all completely naked and their necks had pet collars.

"Mother! Wake up! You're being controlled!" Lyra shouted with teary eyes. But her mother only giggled before summoning a metal club.

"You don't understand Lyra. I'm wide awake. And it is our will to be controlled. You who reneged against the clan would not understand. But don't worry. You'll soon realize that being tamed and controlled by master is what our destiny is!" Lyra's mother smiled crazily and attacked!

Bam! Bam! Bam! The club rained down a flurry of powerful hits on Lyra, further injuring her. Lyra's screams echoed in the forest for long until she fainted.

"Tie her up and let's bring her to our master. He'll be so happy to obtain a new pet hehe." Lyra's mother said happily.


When Lyra woke up, she found that she was tied up on a pole and was being carried away by her own clanswomen. Sighing, she closed her eyes. The last month's memories flashed in her mind.


Lyra had stopped cultivation and abandoned the path of warriors in hopes of a peaceful life. She even returned to her clan to plead that they take her back in. But when she reached Mt. Mao's Maiden clan territory, she found it deserted. There were obvious signs of a great battle.

Lyra investigated the matter. She soon learned that Maiden clan was targeted by all the other clans of the Mt. Mao. It had been a long time coming. Maiden clan comprised of only warrior women. It was natural they'd be lusted after and the men would desire to dominate them.

Lyra also discovered that there were rumors of Maiden clan giving refuge to an injured male cultivator. This was out of norm. But that is when things escalated. That man managed to seduce the clan matriarch and fucked her. Then he learned of Maiden clan's secrets through her and used them to manipulate all elders into submission. Then he reached out to the remaining clans of the mountain and they all attacked Maiden clan together. All those women who would not submit, were killed and the rest were captured and enslaved using some mysterious technique. Now Maiden clan was no longer known for warrior women, but sex slaves instead. Most of its survivors were serving the other clans. Those who remained, served the new leader of Maiden clan, the person who had brought about the downfall of these warrior women.


"Welcome back Lyra. You look just as fascinating as ever." This person spoke as he sat sprawled on the spacious high seat. He glanced at Lyra with a smirk as she was carried into the hall and forced to kneel down. Multiple slave maidens stood by her side with weapons in hands.

"…You!" Lyra looked up at this man in shock. "You're from the Consulate! Yaozu Wang!"

"Ah, I'm glad you remember me. Hehehe the last time we met, you were looking down on me from a high place. How the tables have turned!" Yaozu spoke with a snicker.

Lyra sized up this rascal. Yaozu was a tall and fairly muscular man with bluish-black hair, black eyes, brownish skin and shoulder-long wavy hair. He looked quite dashing and an unsheathed claymore was resting beside him against his chair's handle.

"What is the meaning of this? Why has Consulate targeted me and my clan? I worked for the organization for so many years!" Lyra shouted indignantly.

"Hahahaha! So what if you did? Did you not get paid for that? Last I heard, you had been mentally crippled and were serving as a prostitute in some brothel in Feur. Trinity themselves had reported this to the elders. Effectively since, you've been fired from the Consulate." Yaozu spoke.

"…But why come after Maiden clan?" Lyra asked after some silence.

"Well, your brute-force technique left an impression on the elders. They wanted it. But since you rolled over and became a crazy whore, they had to set their eyes on your clan. I was assigned for this mission and have successfully completed it. I even managed to get so many slaves, haha! Even the Maiden matriarch is my bitch now. Ah, this is wonderful. I'm literally in a harem! Hahahaha!" Yaozu's laughter echoed in the hall as Lyra glared at him.

"Which elder ordered this mission?" Lyra asked with a deep voice. Killing intent rose in her heart.

"Elder Wanming of course." Yaozu spoke proudly.

"Ah, that old man hasn't kicked the bucket yet, I see." Lyra said darkly.

"…You should choose your words wisely, Lyra. You are at my mercy. Do not insult my mentor in front of me or you'll lose your tongue." Yaozu said seriously.

"Hmph! Yaozu Wang. As you can see, I'm sane and still have my cultivation intact. The moment I show up at the Consulate, I'll be rehired and there are many elders who'd want my prowess. This is your chance to abandon your mission and make peace with me. Or things will get bloody in the Vendetta Hall." Lyra threatened.

Yaozu sneered as his eyes turned into slits.

"Lyra oh Lyra. Always so overconfident. You will indeed return to Consulate but as my tamed pet, not a Consulate member." Yaozu said. "We could indeed use your prowess in the upcoming campaign though."

"What makes you think you can tame me?" Lyra asked her chi revved up, revealing her level 1 Master realm cultivation. She had been faking weakness all this while. The truth was that she had let herself be captured and brought over so she can see the criminal who soiled her mother, turned her clan members into sex slaves and fell the Maiden clan.

Whoom! As chi rippled outwards from Lyra's body, the maidens standing beside her were hurled away and toppled here and there.

Swoosh! Lyra made her move, immediately going for the kill.

"No!" Lyra's mother screamed, frantically trying to stop her from killing her master Yaozu but Lyra was simply too fast for her.

Leaping up, Lyra came down with a kick.

Boom! The high chair was blown to bits but Yaozu had dodged her kick and was prepare for the battle too.

"I see you've still got the strength. But I have sharpened my skills a lot since the last time we met." Yaozu said and attacked. His claymore cleaved through air, striking at Lyra with an energy imbued wind slash.

Bam! It cut like a sword and struck like a hammer. Lyra was pushed back while her skin revealed a red scar on the forearm.

"Impressive. Then…" Lyra muttered and attacked again.

"Meteor Punch!" She punched the floor which immediately shattered with a blast, hurling rubble and dust everywhere.

Swoosh! Lyra sprinted through it and attacked Yaozu's figure.

Bam! Bam! Clang! As the two of them battled it out in the dust, everyone watched nervously. Although Maiden clan was a clan of warrior women, none of them were at Master realm. They would of course lay down their lives for Yaozu's sake who had somehow tamed them, but they could also end up distracting him. Thus they stayed on their toes awaiting orders.

"Wind cutter!" Yaozu shouted and sent a flurry of slashes at Lyra.

"Hmph! Meteor Charge!" Lyra directly charged in, only defending her head and throat. Multiple deep cuts emerged on her body.

"Meteor Bash!" Lyra punched hard! Yaozu parried with his claymore which deformed under the impact.

Boom!! A powerful chi explosion occurred as Yaozu' body flew backwards like a ragdoll and broke through several walls, falling into rubble at some distance.

"Master!" Lyra's mother screamed and rushed to him while all the other women pounced on Lyra.

"Hmph! You folks asked for it!" Lyra snapped. She was trying to help them but they remained servile to their enemy. Lyra engaged in a fierce combat with everyone. Punches were hurled, kicks swung around, women flew here and there as Lyra rampaged.

"Ohok!" Yaozu coughed out a mouthful of blood as he collected himself. His claymore was unusable and he was suffering from several fractures and injuries but…there was a smile on his face.

Supported by Lyra' mother, he walked into the hall again where Lyra was still fighting.

"Halt, Lyra." Yaozu said and Lyra's body stopped on its own. She looked at Yaozu in shock.

"This…how!?" Lyra exclaimed.

"My Manipulation technique allows me to manipulate the opposite gender by infiltrating their minds with my energy. How many energy slashes did you take from me?" Yaozu explained and asked with a sneer.

"Come kneel before your master." He commanded and involuntarily, Lyra's feet moved towards him and she soon found herself kneeling in front of him. During this little walk, her expressions fluctuated from shock to anger to disgust and lastly reverence.

"This slave greets master." Lyra said and kowtowed before Yaozu.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Yaozu's loud laughter echoed in the hall. Maiden clan now had completely fallen.


Meanwhile in a forest, Xiao was panting roughly as she stood atop a large pile of beast corpses. She summoned chi pills from spatial ring and chewed on them. Even though she had defeated the beast group, the beast king still remained.

Many a times in a beast group, a beast king would emerge. Bigger and stronger than other beasts and quite intelligent. The mutated ox beast king that Xiao was facing had a large body like an elephant. It had three eyes and multiple sharp horns.

Moooo!!! The beast king bellowed and shook its head. Several horns were ejected from its head and shot towards Xiao like spears! Xiao spun her longsword and defended.

Clang-clang-clang-clang! As the horns got deflected off the long sword, Xiao jumped up and released her powerful moves.

"Cleaving the mountain! Cutting down the river stream!"

Yin chi imbued slashes rained upon the beast king. Its tough hide could not protect itself entirely.

Suddenly Xiao summoned a spear and hurled at the opponent.



Several minutes later Xiao was catching her breath while leaning against the beast king's gravely injured body.

"You sure are tough…" Xiao said and patted the beast king. "I think I'll keep you." Smiling, she used her chi in a specific manner, performing a secret move from the Beastial technique. Her mastery over this technique was not complete but it was still good to tame a gravely injured beast.

Moooo! The mutated ox beast king bellowed aloud before collapsing and fainting. Xiao had completely overpowered its energy through her own. This was the way to tame the beast and turn it into your pet.

The large beast king mooed and moved its neck towards its side, tucking Xiao safely in between. Xiao smiled and lied snuggly and warmly with the beast king. They had both decided to take a little rest.

Beasts had mostly wood element energies. Their injuries would always heal quickly. Xiao had recovered her own through pills and her injuries healed through usage of Healing gu.

After an hour of rest, both of them awoken. Xiao felt a connection with the ox beast king. It was as if it had been her pet for years.

"Well, the distance is large. I might as well conserve my energy. You will carry me, Oxy." Xiao said, climbing up on the beast king's neck.

"Mooo!" The ox beast king bellowed as though complaining.

"Ah? You don't like the name Oxy? Then how about Moochha?" Xiao asked.


"No? Then Mooey!"

Mooo!! >.<



"Hahaha!" As Xiao chuckled and beast king mooed, they moved towards Nyoru for the Consulate gathering.


Far away in Mt. Mao, a group of people were setting off on a travel as well. These included Yaozu, Lyra, her mother Inez and about 100 other women. All these women including Lyra, were stark naked and collared.

"Alright! Let's go! This gathering will be so much fun hahaha! I'm bringing exotic women for everyone!" Yaozu spoke excitedly and moved ahead, followed by the Maiden slaves. Their destination, Nyoru.

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