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Free of Fate: Hizashi Hyuga Free of Fate: Hizashi Hyuga original

Free of Fate: Hizashi Hyuga

Author: King_Ryomen_Sukuna

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 01: A Benevolent God

I'm a workaholic, or at least that's what everyone that knows me says. I used to be the first at work and the last to leave, pushing myself to the limit to achieve the best results; at the end of the days when I leave my workplace, which was mainly in the late hours, around 11pm-1am I'd take a few sleeping pills and wash them down with some scotch. I couldn't sleep without it.

I did all this in the hopes of moving up the food chain, always telling myself that it would be worth it, even if I miss out on my daily activities such as reading manga, watching anime, and hanging out with friends. It would all be worth it once the higher-ups recognized me and promoted me. I'd be able to relax and do all those things that I missed.

Those were the thoughts that always pushed me; those were the thoughts I went to bed with right after routinely taking my pills and drinking my scotch. But, unlike the sensation as if a bus ran over me as I'd usually feel in the mornings, it was different; it felt like all my worries, stress, and exhaustion simply dissipated. I felt free.

"Of course you do because you're dead." A deep ancient, and wise-sounding voice echoed in my head, and as soon as it did, my once dark surroundings were lit up. It felt like I was waking up from a dream, and that's when I started processing what the voice said.

"DEAD!? That can't be, no, it's impossible! I can't be dead." I shouted aloud.

Which should be impossible if I'm dead. So I'm not dead.

"Actually, contrary to what you may believe, it's entirely possible. In fact, it's inevitable for mortal beings such as yourself to die." The ancient voice said again, but this time as if it was lecturing a child.

"But, I didn't even achieve my goals! I spent all my life trying to achieve them, and you're telling me that I just died like that! THAT I WASTED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR NOTHING!?" Rage boiled up in me when I realized what me being dead meant.

"You said it, not me. And can you not narrate? It's quite weird." The voice said nonch-

"Geez, kid, you're getting on my nerves. I just said not to narrate."

If I had a body, my eyebrow would be raised, wondering what he meant by narrating. "So, I'm really dead, huh," I asked the voice rhetorically after coming to accept this fact.

"Yeah, you're dead. And you wasted your life all on work. You were unable to get married, keep your friends or even enjoy an hour in the day. It's rather pathetic."

If I had a head, I'd be looking down in shame, embarrassment, and regret. "I know. Trust me, I know."

"But, fortunately for you, the benevolent me has taken pity on you!" It said this in a prideful voice as if it was expecting me to praise it.

"And who are you supposed to be?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"You're not an Idiot James, you're dead; who else could I be but the ALL MIGHTY GOD!" He started slow and calm but ended with a shout that I swore sounded louder than thunder.

Still, despite his introduction, I held myself together. "So am I going to heaven?"

"No." As soon as he said that, only one thought went through my head I'm going to hell; how can my day worsen.

"Jesus, my son. James, you're not going to hell either. You'll be reincarnated in a random world. Well, that's if you're willing to give the whole life thing a chance again."

A chance at life again, an opportunity to learn from my past mistakes. "Yes, I want to be reincarnated," I said to him with determination burning within my eyes.

"I know you were going to say that. Now, let's spin the wheel; the world will be selected, as well as if you'll reincarnate as an individual in that world." As soon as he said that, two golden wheels appeared out of nowhere with a lot of writing.

"Wha, wait, wait, wait, you're deciding my next life on a WHEEL!?"

"I'm pretty sure you didn't have any eye issues, so I'm sure you can clearly see that that's what I'm doing." He said to me nonchalantly as if what he was doing was anywhere near ethical.

"Wait, you can't do that. You can't determine someone's next life by playing a game!" I shouted at emptiness since I couldn't necessarily see him but feel his presence.

"I can, and I did see." When he said that, I looked at the wheels and saw Narutoverse on the one that specified which world I'd go to and Hizashi Hyuga that determined who I'd be reborn as.

"You can't be serious in Naruto as Hizashi Hyuga!? Are you crazy!? He might have been strong in the early years, but it was quickly out shadowed after the time skip. All he got going for himself is the byakugan which, because of it, I'm going to have a curse seal that makes others determine whether I can live or not. He even died during the war! And you're seriously reincarnating me as him!?" After my rant, the surroundings went quiet for a while.

"Listen, you insignificant mortal, I may be benevolent at times, but that doesn't mean I won't punish blasphemy. I could effortlessly reincarnate you as that Tenten, or send you to the deepest depths of hell, or better yet, I could wipe your very soul from the multiverse," He said this with an unusually calm voice that sent shivers up my spine.

{But I'm dead so I don't have a spine. YOHOHOHOHO}

"Now you have three wishes," He said to me with his voice becoming more grandfatherly again.

Still, three wishes will get rid of all my worries; he really is a benevolent god. "For my first wish, I want mokuton at a higher level than even Hashirama's. With my second wish, I want sage of six paths chakra as well as two-eyed rinnegan. And for my last but definitely not least wish, I want Ban's immortality," I said all this with confidence and expectation. With these wishes, the alien bastards won't be as hard to deal with.

"All your wishes have been granted."

"YES! YES! YES! Oh, thank you, benevolent God, there are no others like you. You're marvellous, a being of greatness, a God worthy of prai-" My incredible praising was cut short by his very following words.

"That's what you'd like me to say. You see, James, you don't listen; that's why you never had a long-lasting relationship, and it's also the reason why you died how you did." I was dumbfounded by this; I couldn't utter a single thing.

"Now, let me explain how your wishes work. Any wishes you make involving bloodline have to be within the range of your clan abilities. So you can't wish for rinnegan since you're Hyuga; if you were an Otsutsuki, it would have been possible. Every wish you make has to be in line with the settings of the verse, so you can't wish for any of the tailed beasts since they're in other villages and the nine tails is already sealed."

I listened to him, and I somewhat got what he was saying, and it was outrageous. "Fine, since I will have a byakugan, I want to have the abilities that Kaguya had with hers."

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He let out a brash laugh I'm suspecting at my wish

So I developed the courage to ask him. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Except for the fact that the abilities you just wished for could be achieved if you pushed constantly pushed your byakugan to the limit. So let's see, depending on how hard you train, you'll unlock those abilities earlier. If you don't train at all, you'll get them when you're 12."


"Hahaha, well, not necessarily. A normal Hyuga of the branch family, would have a 5% chance to unlock those abilities. Note that I said normal, considering you're the twin brother to the byakugan princess father, you'd have a 38% chance of getting them by the time you were 30. So what's next?"

Well, considering Hizashi died before the beginnig of the story an early upgrade sounds good."Ok, for my next wish, I want a boost in my chakra growth, making me reach the level of half of the nine tails by the time I'm 17." He should accept this wish since I didn't wish for half of Kurama.

"Hmm? Done, but why half?"

"Because you wouldn't accept if I ask for the same level as whole Kurama," I said to him matter of factly.

"Why wouldn't I? I just said you can't wish for tailed beasts. But you went and tried to outsmart me, but instead, you nerfed yourself. HAHAHAHAHA, don't you know they say God works in mysterious ways? HAHAHAHA."


"Don't feel too bad, though. Your body will break down from the strain if you wish for the same level as Kurama's chakra. Wishing for half of it is even pushing it, but it shouldn't cause many problems if you train hard enough. If you were being reborn as an Uzumaki or Senju, that would be different since they have a strong vitality which helps them withstand the vast amount of chakra they gain."

This, this God is pissing me off. "Fine, let's get this over with. I wish that I'll get the tenseigan as a natural path of evolution similar to the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Done." Wait, seriously, that's it? No setback, no, you just wasted your wish crap?

"But, since you stated in your wish and I really don't know why you did, 'Similar to the mangekyo sharingan.' You'll have to take the eyes of someone who has strongly inherited Hamura's chakra."

"Wait, you're shitting me, right!? You're playing some sick celestial joke!" The only persons I know that have inherited Homura's chakra firmly are Hinata and probably Hanabi.

"No, I'm not; now get out of my sight. I shouldn't have taken it upon myself to help you."


God's Pov

And just like that, he disappeared in a flash of light. Mortals are incredibly arrogant again; I wonder If I should reboot one more? I could use the flood again, no it obviously didn't work, or maybe the meteorite; it worked for the dinosaurs, but I'd have to fix the damage, or I could just let them suffocate and boil themselves like they're already doing.

Yeah, I'll go with that one; hmm, I probably should have told him that the world may change because of the entrance of his soul. Well, he'll eventually figure it out himself.

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