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Chapter 3: History of Violence

Kiara knew when someone was more interested in her body more than anything else. And the man before her was one of those men. Brock Holloway. Kiara could tell that he comes from old money. From the way he dressed and his knowledge of different languages she guess he was the son of a merchant. There was something about him that put her on edge. He seems too interested and she couldn't

quite figure out what his game is.

"Brock Holloway. I didn't expect seeing you here. How is your father? I hear he is close to death. It's a shame." Sarcasm dripped from Gabriel voice.

Kiara stood surprised about the tone of Gabriel voice. It sounded hostile and aggressive.

"Ah and here he is the boy hero Gabriel Adanna Mason in the flesh. My father is on his deathbed but he has three young, vital sons to carry on the family name. I thought you would be out working for that group of misfits you call a guild".

Kiara heard the change in Brock's voice. He too became hostile and dangerous. The two men stared at each other. The hatred between them hung in the air so thick that everyone in the room could feel it. Most pretended to not notice. Others waited for the violence to begin.

"I assume you know each other." Said Destanee trying to diffuse the situation but the two men barely noticed.

"So its been awhile since we seen each other Brock. How are you and what the hell are you doing here?"

"It's so simple that even a brute like yourself can understand Mason. I am a trader and I am in town trading." Brock words sounded like honey filled with razors.

"That's so funny that your the one calling someone a brute." Gabriel hate began to crack the calm exterior. Gabriel reached into his pocket and pulled out his leather gloves and slipped them on.

Brock hands moved closer to his weapons. Kiara imposed herself between the two men and said "Would you dance with me Gabriel?" It wasn't a request. Gabriel took her hand and guided her out onto the dance floor.

Gabriel gave a little bow and began dancing. Kiara was not sure what she expected but was surprised at Gabriel grace on the dance floor.

"So are you going to tell me why the two of you almost came to blows at the sight of each other."

"I hate the guy what else needs to be known." anger still filled Gabriel words. Kiara knew that even though Gabriel was dancing with her he never took his eyes off of Brock.

"No this goes beyond hate. I've seen you when someone has tried to kill you and you remained calm. You want to murder this guy. Not only that you want his father dead as well. Whatever this is its big."

Gabriel took a deep breath and stopped watching Holloway.

"I have personal reasons to hate the Holloway family."

Kiara studied Gabriel face trying to understand this shift in temperament. There was more there than hatred. In fact if she had to put a name to what she was seeing she would say it was righteous indignation.

"Is that all your going to tell me? I saw his bodyguards move into position to flank you. I also saw Polar and Kodiak moving to intercept Brock's people. Whatever this is he was waiting for you to attack him and planned on it. He has twelve guys in here and he wanted to kill you just as much as you want him dead. "

Kiara eyed the the hired killers pretending to be bodyguards.

Gabriel smiled. Kiara expression changed to confused.

"You are pretty perceptive there Kiara. I think it's time we left this party."

Gabriel escorted Kiara through the hall and back towards the entrance.

"They are following us." Kiara voice hitched up as she spoke. "I know your a good fighter and that Polar and Kodiak would die for you but those guys are pros. This could be a fight you can't win.

Kodiak and Polar walked behind Gabriel trying to form a wall between the hired killers and Gabriel.

"Gabriel we can cover you while you get away." whispered Polar.

"There will be no need." said Gabriel calmly. When they got to the door Gabriel spoke with a voice that was projected towards the men that wish him harm.

"Kodiak would you please go and retrieve our coach?"

Kodiak nodded and left the building.

"Polar would you please take Kiara outside and wait for me." Gabriel said in a calm voice. "I won't be long."

Polar took Kiara hand and lead her outside. Kiara couldn't help but to look back at Gabriel. Gabriel turned around and faced the twelve armed men. A ragged man stepped forward. He wore fine cloths but Gabriel could tell he wasn't use to wearing them.

His face was scarred and he hair was long and set in a ponytail in the back. The man drew a blade too short to be a shortsword and too large to be a dagger. Gabriel looked at the weapon and thought that it was ineffective weapon.

"So you are the famous dragon slayer. Funny I thought you would be bigger."

"Size isn't everything." replied Gabriel.

Gabriel took a hard look at the situation. 11 men forming a half circle around him. One man with his weapon out, and he is probably the leader.

"Draw your blade Dragonslayer!" said the scarred man.

"I won't need it." replied Gabriel.

The scarred man trusted the blade in a half hearted attempt to get Gabriel to draw his sword. Gabriel shifted into an attack stance and sidestepped the attack. With his right hand in a arcing motion he struck the blade and snapped it in two. After the attack Gabriel shifted his body to leave less of a profile for the scarred man

to hit, with his left hand out and waist high and his right hand away from his attackers. The scarred man looked at his blade as half of it lay on the floor. Gabriel could hear the whispers behind the leader of the thugs. Gabriel scanned the room and could see that his display of skill and speed had taken the fight out of

these men. Gabriel relaxed and said "Tell Holloway that you couldn't find a good time to attack. That there were too many people watching what was happening. If you tell it right he will only give you a little hell."

Gabriel turned his back to the men and walked away. Gabriel listened to see if he was followed. None dared too. When Gabriel was again standing side by side with Kiara he bowed to her. Kiara watched the whole situation unfold and notice that Gabriel was clenching his right hand in a fist after he broke the blade and hasn't stopped yet. When the carriage arrived Gabriel extended his left hand and helped Kiara into the carriage. Then got in and sat on the opposite side from Kiara. Polar pulled himself up next to the

driver and they were off.

"Let me see your hand." said Kiara.

Gabriel extended his left hand.

"Don't....just Don't." Kiara shifted into the seat next to Gabriel and grabbed for his right hand. When she grasped it Gabriel winced in pain and Kiara could feel the blood soaking his glove.

Kiara removed his glove and began chanting in a different language. Gabriel could see her hand glow with a faint light and a warm feeling started to climb up his arm from his hand. After a moment the light was gone and Gabriel could again feel his fingers in his right hand.

"Thank you." said Gabriel. Things went quiet in the carriage. Gabriel shifted as the silence went on. The silence was getting uncomfortable when Kiara spoke "I want to know why."

"In a straight up fight I could have taken those men, but I would have gotten seriously hurt in the process. I knew that if I could intimidate them that I wouldn't have to fight at all."

"I get that." responded Kiara "I want to know why this happened in the first place."

Gabriel looked out into the night. He missed the Crystal City. In the years that has lived there it has become his second home and he missed the simple life he once lived. Kiara sat there waiting, trying not to rush him.

"It happened fifteen years ago. I was young and I just joined the Elite Knights Guild. I wanted to make a name for myself and not be in my father's shadow. I started out in a ten man squad. Sgt.

Devlen was in command. He was a dwarven warpriest. He was gruff and stern but fair. There was Caleb our scout and tracker, Snot our goblin trapfinder and locksmith, Lenny the spearman,

Jake our sorcerer, Scratch our Gnoll archer, Lisa our half-orc fighter, and the sisters Maya and Naya. Maya is a warlock and her sister Naya was our Bard. Maya and Naya are tieflings. Meaning they have infernal in there bloodline. Maya talent manifested in her becoming a warlock, but Naya was different. By looking at her you would have never known she was a tiefling. Tieflings and Aasamars age at about the same rate so Maya is about two years younger than me and Naya was ten years our junior. Normally she wouldn't have been assigned to a squad until she was a few years older but Paudither okayed it and she joined. The first two years in the squad were the best. Devlen taught us much and our squad enjoyed a high success rate with our jobs. We thought we were unbeatable, boy

were we wrong. Devlen took me under his wing and began training me to be a squad leader and I grew close to Maya and Naya. You don't know this but my sister is a tiefling. We were together for as far back as I can remember and there I was a stranger in a new town and I began treating Maya and Naya like they were my sister. I think that is where things started to go wrong. I didn't see a problem with it at the time but it eventually lead to our downfall.

The thing I didn't know was that the whole time I'm seeing Naya and Maya like family and Naya saw me as something else. All that time camping in the mud, killing monsters that plagued farmers, and bandaging each other wounds Naya developed a crush on me. I didn't see it. I wouldn't see it. Then one day Naya came to me and confesses her feelings. I was surprised and honestly I didn't know how to respond. At the time I was still completely confused about women. I had only kissed two different women and I only had

sex once. You have to remember that even though I had lived for 60 plus years, but by aasimar standards I was a teenager. So I did the dumbest thing. I was honest with her. I say it was dumb because I didn't take into account how she felt about me and even though I tried to be gentle with her I was like a giant in a glass shop, bumbling around and breaking stuff. She took it hard. I tried going to Maya and she understood me and tried to explain it to Naya, it didn't help. It only made things worse. Naya got angry at her sister and it created a wedge between them." Gabriel sighed.

"All that happened in about the course of month. She would take part in the missions but she wouldn't talk to us. I honestly didn't know what to do. Then things got worse. Naya started hanging with a bad influences. Maya tried to straightening her out but that only pushed Naya further in. Then one day in the spring in of my 74th year of life I heard something that would change my life forever. Naya got back to the guild house late and found me out back at the practice ring. Her clothes were torn and she was beaten pretty badly. I took care of her and I got her to tell me who had done this too her. She wasn't sure because she was drugged but it happened in the Holloway house. So we went to the Sheriff and there was an

investigation. After about a month the Sheriff told me that the case was dropped due to lack of evidence. So I went behind their backs and did my own investigation. It took me a week to find witnesses and evidence that James Holloway Sr. And his son Brock were the one that did this to Naya. Then I did something that I would regret. I went back to the Sheriff. I gave him the names of the witnesses and all the evidence I had collected. He set up a court date and the day of the trial it all went to hell. Our squad was escorting Naya to the courthouse. Earlier that day I talked to Devlen about getting more men to escort Naya. I had a bad feeling that I couldn't shake, but Devlen said that the squad could handle it. On the way to the courthouse we were attacked. It was on a main street in the middle of the day. They hid in the buildings and shot at us with crossbows. The civilians on the street panicked and things went to hell.

Devlen was shot first. He took a bolt in the neck. It killed him on the spot. Snot was trampled to death in the early minutes of the fight. Celeb and Jake died from the number of bolts that hit them. And the rest of us tried to run. I remember saying 'Naya stick close to me! I will die before letting them get to you.' They herded us down an alley. I thought we would be safe but it was apart of their trap. When we were half way down they jumped out of hiding and hit us with poisons arrows. I took two arrows to the chest but it was the poison that brought me down. I managed to prevent any from hitting Naya but the rest of us were down after that volley. I could see Naya. She was crying over me. I told her to run but she wouldn't leave me. She was begging me to get up. A man approached her. He had two daggers and brass colored armor. Naya begged him to allow her to heal her sister and me. The man shrugged and Naya cast some restoration spells on her sister and I. She kissed me and said she loved me.

I told her I loved her too and the man.....killed Her. I was powerless. I couldn't save her."

Kiara could hear the tears in his voice. Kiara turned Gabriel face back towards her. Gabriel couldn't look Kiara in her eyes.

"I remind you of her don't I?" Kiara asked.

Gabriel couldn't answer. The grief of losing someone so long ago felt as though it was happening right now. Gabriel shook his head yes. Kiara pulled Gabriel to her. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride home. When the carriage stopped Gabriel had regained his composure. Gabriel stepped out and look at Polar and Kodiak.

"If you guys heard anything...."

"Nope didn't hear a thing." said Kodiak.

"And if we did it's none of our business." replied Polar.

Gabriel said "Thanks guys. I mean it."

Polar nodded.

Gabriel helped Kiara out of the carriage. Gabriel opened the door to the guild house and held it open for Kiara. When they were inside he locked it again.

"What about Polar and Kodiak?" asked Kiara

"They have keys. And they will be along in a bit."

Gabriel escorted Kiara to her room. It was late in the evening and few people were out and about in the guild hall.

"Here is your room Kiara. It not very far from mine so if you need to talk or whatever just knock."

Kiara smiled and looked at the man she is growing fond of.

"I know right now that you see Naya when you look at me, but if you can see me for me and not Naya....our

rooms aren't too far each other so knock and I'll let you in."

Gabriel smiled and then kissed her hand. Kiara closed the door behind her and stood there for a moment.

She had learned a lot tonight and wasn't sure what her next move was. Kiara removed her clothes and

rummage through her drawer. There she found Gabriel shirt that she has been holding on to. It was cleaned and pressed, but it still smelled like Gabriel. Kiara started to wonder who cleaned it but just passed over the thought and pulled the shirt on and jumped into bed.

Gabriel stood there for a moment. He thought of Naya and then Kiara. Gabriel knew Naya but didn't understand her. He didn't know Kiara but he felt he understood her. Gabriel took a deep breath and went into his room. Before he could close the door he could smell a pot of his favorite night time tea and there in the center of his room stood John.

"Its kinda late John and you have a busy day tomorrow. We all do."

John placed the tray down and poured Gabriel a cup. "I know sir but I figured you would want a cup of tea before bed. You sleep better that way." John took a good look at Gabriel and ask

"Sir where is your other glove?"

Gabriel looked at his hands and removed the final glove "It's in the carriage. It's full of blood. I forgot to bring it in."

John handed the cup to Gabriel and said "Well sir I assume that since your glove is full of blood you had to defend yourself. If you had told me the party was going to be that wild I would have laid out the armor instead."

Gabriel could hear the humor in John voice. Or at least he thought it was humor. It was hard to tell since he always talked in that voice.

"I hadn't planned on it John, but....Brock Holloway was there."

John expression tightened. "Sir I had no idea he was here. If you wish I can send some of the men out to get the Sheriff. I'm sure he can deal with that rat."

"No worries John. There will come a day when he gets his. And I will be there to swing the axe."

"Very well sir. Please make sure you get some rest tonight. Tomorrow we leave for the Crystal City. I for one will be glad when we arrive. As will the Queen."

"As will I John. Good night John." Said Gabriel.

"Good night sir" John said as he left the room.

Gabriel sat and drank his tea. It was sweet...just the way he liked it. Gabriel looked over at his armor on the stand.

It was set up for him like his cloths for the next day. The ornate armor was made by his dwarven father with a dragons as a theme. Thranna Mason made the armor for him after the fight with the dragon. It was ornate and practical at the same time. It look like ceremonial armor but offered the protection of reinforced breastplate. Over the left shoulder was the upper half of a dragon skull remade to resemble Cloud. His cloak he received when knighted hung down the back of the armor. It was white with two blue vertical stripes located on the right side and a Golden sun in the middle. It was made in the image of the Soltice flag. Only those

knighted could wear it. As it stands there are only six people alive that could wear these colors, two were Gabriel parents, two are

guild mates of his parents, and the other was Gabriel master. Some people thought that he was rewarded with being knighted just because he was the son of heroes. Few would ever know the real story. Even fewer would know that wasn't his closest he has come to facing death.

A much younger Gabriel stood before six men trying to protect his sister. Several wounds all over his body but, with a dagger made of bone in off hand and a metallic one in his right he stood his

ground. One man stepped forward and said "Leave the girl and you will live boy."

A scared little girl stood behind Gabriel clutching his shirt. Gabriel only response was to spit on the boots of the man that spoke. Gabriel then press his hands on Hope's shoulder to have her

release his shirt so he could remain agile. The man swung his blade Gabriel's head trying to end the fight right at the start but Gabriel saw the attack coming and was already moving to avoid the blow. The man's sword missed his head by inches and as the man was off balance Gabriel trusted his blades into the man's gut slicing open two equal length wounds and then with a spin he raised his foot up and landed a roundhouse striking the man in the temple.

The remaining five men stood there in shock as their leader lay on the ground dying. The five men took an aggressive stance and then tried to encircle the young boy. Gabriel began to move back towards a wall. The little girl known as Hope moved back until her back met with a wall. The five men inched forward, planning to attack him all at once. From a roof an arrow shot through the darkness striking the man on the far right of Gabriel. Two of the men got distracted by the shot from the darkness and began scanning the rooftops for the new attacker and that was their last mistake. Gabriel rushed forward with a flick of his wrist he reversed the grip on his bone dagger and with his metal blade his jammed the point into the man on his right then as he passed between the two men he drove his bone dagger into the back of the knee of the man on his left. He quickly spun to be able to defend himself. One of the other men ran towards the girl the moment Gabriel dashed forward with the other moving to kill the boy who had humiliated his comrades. He brought his blade up to strike when another arrow shot from a different rooftop and struck the man in the back of the skull killing him instantly. Gabriel quickly sidestepped the falling dead man and rush forward to finish off the two men he wounded earlier. The two men focus was back on Gabriel and they both stood ready for a fight. When Gabriel was in reach the two men swung a low attack towards Gabriel hoping to cripple the boy so they could finish him off. Gabriel leap up

above the attacks switching his main hand blades to a reverse hand and as he began landing he drove both blades into the soft parts of the necks of each man using he full weight of his body in the blow.

The last man standing was struggling with Hope. She was kicking and punching with all her might. The man looked back in time to see Gabriel finishing off two more of his friends. He swiftlty grabbed the girl and brought up a knife to Hope's neck "Let me go with the girl or I'll kill her. The man wounded by the first arrow began to try to sneak up on Gabriel but another arrow lanced out through the night and hit the man on the back of his knee. He fell to the ground right behind Gabriel. The last man standing began inching his way with his back to the wall. Hope looked at Gabriel as if trying to relay something. Gabriel nodded his head yes and Hope sank her fangs into the man's hands taking his thumb on his left hand. The man screamed, but couldn't keep control of Hope and Gabriel launched his metallic dagger striking the man in the eye. The man clamped his right hand over his eye trying to stop the flow of blood. Gabriel was in motion the last man swung a backhand at Gabriel but he dodged and struck the dagger with an

open palm strike. The blade forced its way deeper into the eye socket striking the brain. He was dead before he hit the ground. Gabriel retrieved his blade and cleaned the blood from his daggers on the man shirt. Hope stood a few feet away spitting out the blood in her mouth.

"Are you alright Hope?" asked Gabriel.

"I am good now. I do hope you have some water on you so I can wash out my mouth."

A few moments later a younger male figure approach Gabriel and Hope.

"Nice shooting Castiel. Hand Hope the water skin please." Gabriel said while he was searching the dead bodies. Castiel handed the water skin. When Gabriel made his way to the man that Castiel shot twice he was still alive.

"Please, please let me live. I don't want to die. I won't ever do this again I promise!"

Gabriel shifted his dagger grip and said "No you won't do it again." With one swift motion he sliced the open the man's throat. It was easy. Gabriel stood over the man for a moment. Castiel move forward until he heard Gabriel praying over the dead. When he was done he searched throug the mans pockets.

"We need to leave. I have already wasted too much time on these men." Sorrow resonated in his voice.

The three moved through the streets with all the stealth they could. Avoiding the slavers and rape gangst hey knew the streets well enough to move to the third quarter of the city, once there the moved to a small altar on the far side of the gate. As soon as they were on the far side of the gate they could feel the air change. A scent of death was rich in this part of the city. The entire third quarter burned to the ground the day Gabriel and his sibling awoke from their sleep for the first time. Neither of them knew not how

long they were asleep. Once at the altar they placed a cup down then a bottle of mead and some tobacco. Once done the air didn't feel as it was pressing down on them anymore. Once they were done at the altar they quickly made their way to the ruined Cathedral. Once there they made their way to the rear of the place. On the back side of the church there lay a ruin wagon with a few boards covering it. Gabriel scanned the surrounding area. Few ever step in the Third Quarter of the city. And very few knew how to prevent the dead from claiming your life. Once he was sure they were alone he moved the boards to gain entrance to their lair. Castiel slipped in first, then Hope. Crawling under the wagon was harder for Gabriel than it was for his younger sibling once he got to the cellar door he pulled on two ropes placing the board back in

front of entrance. He then hooked the ends to a large nail to hold them in place. Then he locked the cellar door and placed the wooden beam into its slot to reinforce the door. The cellar consisted of one room. There were two makeshift beds on the right and another on the left.

"Hope we may have to cut your hair." Said Gabriel.

Hope clutched at her braids. "Why? I like my hair the way it is."

"You are young enough to pass as a boy if you had shorter hair."

Hope grew angry "There are plenty of boys who have long hair."

"Yes there are but I am sure the slavers wouldn't care if you are a girl but most of the rape gang would leave you alone." Explained Gabriel

"Come on Gabriel you know why she keeps her hair in braids like that. Mom taught her how to do that." Said Castiel.

"I know that but they aren't here to protect us so we need to do what we need to do to survive."

Gabriel yelled.

Hope eyes began to tear up and Castiel move over to his older sister and placed an arm around her as if to prevent her from falling.

Gabriel sighed "Look...I am sorry okay. I'm doing my best to keep us safe. I don't know where they are. I am a little mad at them."

Gabriel sighed again "You can keep the hair just be more careful when you are out at night."

Hope gave Gabriel a weak smile but her mind now wondered where her parents are too. Castiel released his sister and Hope hugged him "Thanks little brother."

Hope carried the blood of a Western Horseman tribes but her mother didn't so her hair was a little wild and really curly. Her eyes were brown like her father but she had her mother's spirit.

If Gabriel forced his mind back to his childhood he remembered the two women who were his moms. His father had married them both. Gabriel asked his father once why he had two wives

instead of one and he said "I did it so my children would have three times the love."

"Tomorrow I will go out and train with Master Shu for training. It's near the weekend so I will be in the warrior pits in two days so I will have some silver to buy some food. Don't go out until a few

hours before dusk it's safest then."

Gabriel moved to a secret door they found years earlier. The passage was a short trip but it lead into the ruined greenhouse. The greenhouse was overgrown and the two doors that lead into it

were blocked by fallen part of the Cathedral. There were several barrels with rain water contained in them. Gabriel got a bucket of water and a rag and began to clean himself of the blood, some of it his own and some not. After finishing he poured out the bloody water and made his way back into to his home.

"Your turn sis." Gabriel said as he spooned in some food from the pot that sat over the fire.

Hope quickly darted into the tunnel. With her away Gabriel changed into a clean pair of pants and grabbed a mostly clean shirt.

Gabriel sat with his brother in front of the fire and noticed that Castiel looked like he wanted to say something but was holding it back. "What's on your mind Castiel"

"I think you should let me fight in the pit." Castiel blurted out.

"NO! Fighting isn't a game and it's for keeps. Your life will depend on your skills..."

"I have skills!" Castiel shouted cutting his older brother off.

"Yes you do but you are best with range combat. In the pit it's up close and personal."

"I Can Fight." Castiel voice lowered. Gabriel could see the many emotions play across Castiel's face. Gabriel knew that his brother didn't want Gabriel to the only one risking his life.

"Look. When our parents put us to sleep he they asked me to look out for you and Hope. I am the oldest among us. You may not fight in the pits, but you have an important job to do as well."

Castiel looked up from his bowl and asked "What job is that?"

Gabriel looked over at the secret door as Hope was opening the door. In a whisper he said "You are protecting her when I can't be there."

Castiel looked over at Hope. Hope had cleaned up and changed into some clean clothes and was preparing for sleep. As she was pulling back her blanket she noticed that she was being watched. "What? Did I miss some blood or something?"

"No I was talking to Castiel about how important your guys' job is. Without you two gathering food and supplies I would never be able to keep up with fighting in the pits." Gabriel responded.

"Well I'll make sure to watch over Castiel while we are out."

Gabriel only nodded then looked over at Castiel. Castiel had a faint smile on his face in that moment he figured that Gabriel has said the same conversation with Hope some time before. The three of them settled in for the night thinking about the next few days to come

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