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Chapter 47: Chapter 47

Percy looked despondently at their P.E teacher, Coach hedge, wondering what new sick way he was going to use to torment all of them.

"Man, why does he hate us so much?" Percy muttered to his best friend, who didn't look even a bit annoyed.

Then again, he never had any problems with physical exercise. Michael Gabson was what one would call 'A buffed up pretty boy.' His muscles were so buffed, they looked to be straining against his clothes.

Percy still couldn't believe someone like Michael would even want to hang around with someone like him. The older boy came as a winter transfer and instantly became a female heartthrob. Even Nancy Bobofit, the redheaded bully of Yancy academy, did everything she can to catch his attention.

Honestly, Percy didn't even feel jealous of him, he'd just wanted to not catch his attention. From his experience, these pretty boys were always the biggest bullies behind their angelic faces.

But lo and behold! By some miracle Michael turned out to be a good guy, and one day when they were just hanging around, Percy realized he liked talking to the boy.

He never talked down to Percy, never snickered behind his back, never laughed at him when Percy failed even the most basic tests. He just encouraged Percy to do better, and pushing him to always give his 100 percent.

Sometimes though, he got this look in his eyes, like he knew something that Percy didn't. It used to annoy him once upon a time, but nowadays Percy just wrote it off as one of many quirks that his friend had.

Not that Percy would ever judge him for his many quirks.

So what if he was half a foot taller than the rest of them? So what if he probably stayed behind a couple of years? So what if he got all the girls wrapped around his fingers?

Percy was just glad to have a friend.

"C'mon, Perce. Remember what I told you?" Michael poked at his cheeks. "This is good for you. Try not to get lost in the museum, alright? And try to learn as much as you can. It will be important."

Percy tried to swat the offending finger, only to meet air. For a guy that big, Michael sure was too quick.

The older boy towered above him, even above the teachers. Percy was sure the principle must've pissed his pants when Michael first came to the academy.

"Yeah, something about my future. Are you going to tell me about that?" Percy asked, not having much hope.

"Sure, I will." Michael replied, and Percy made a double take. "Once you beat me in swordplay."

"Ohh man..." Percy groaned. "You should've started with that."

Swordfighting was another thing the boy tried to teach Percy. Apparently, the reason why he was sent here in a school of delinquents was due to him having used his sword skills on a teacher.

Percy had laughed out loud at that.

Before he was forced to shut up cause his new friend wanted to make Percy learn the ways of sword too.

Now don't get him wrong. Using sword was cool, and he loved sparring with Michael.

But he didn't like all the extra crap that came with it. Why can't learning something be straightforward? It never was.

To learn physics, you need to know math. To learn science, you need to know English. To learn English you need to actually see the letters without them fluttering around like crazy disco balls. And now, to learn sword fighting, you need to get up early in the day, go running (how did running connect with sword fighting again?), Then do some stretches and eat healthy was like Michael was preparing him for war.

Though Percy still stuck to it, because once he was done with all those crappy exercises, his favourite part came; The sword fighting. After just a single bout, Michael dubbed him a prodigy the likes of which hasn't been born in centuries.

How his friend came across that number, Percy didn't know, but suspected that his friend simply made that up to make him feel better.

Sometimes Percy would catch him muttering while scribbling in his diary. Something like 'overpowered plot armor, and 'stupid protagonist brat getting free skills'. Whatever that was, Percy ignored it.

His friend might be a little loopy but he had a good heart. Or so Percy liked to believe.

"C'mon, I think we've reached the museum." Michael said, standing up from his seat.

Percy got up as well, and looked outside. Indeed, they had reached the Manhattan museum. But how did Michael know this without even looking?

Doesn't matter. He should focus more on not causing trouble than his friend's weirdness.

He smirked at Nancy as Michael ignored her attempts to talk, and had to hastily dodge a peanut butter sandwich.

Glaring at the stupid redheaded kleptomaniac, he muttered to himself. "I'm going to kill her. I just know it."

"C'mon, Percy." Michael waved him over.

Giving one last double-deadly glare, Percy left the bus, pushing past several kids who didn't see him coming.

Coach hedge was at the back of the bus, hollering at everyone to get moving, while Mr. Brunner, the only teacher who had anything nice to say about Percy, was being rolled on in his wheelchair by the coach.

Mr. Brunner was the reason Percy had just a tiny bit of hope that this field trip might be different than others. As long as he didn't end up destroying half the stone statues that littered this place, Percy will be a happy tourist.

Mr. Brunner led the tour, describing any slightly interesting piece of stone they came against. Percy tried his best to focus on him, he really did.

But everyone was ignoring the teacher and talking amongst themselves. And Mr. Brunner didn't seem to mind, it was like he was fine if just Percy paid attention. Even worse, whenever he tried to shut them up, Mrs. Dodds will give him the stink eye.

Mrs. Dodds was this little math teacher from Georgia who always wore a black leather jacket, even though she was fifty years old. She looked mean enough to ride a Harley right into your locker. She had come to Yancy halfway through the year, same time as Michael had come, now that he thought about it.

For some reason, the woman looked nervous around the boy, skirting and sneering at him like they were old enemies. Michael on the other hand, was totally opposite, and always tried to go out of his way to infuriate the older woman.

Michael had a way of pissing off people in general...except for the beautiful females. For them he became a Casanova.

"Now, this here," Mr. Brunner continued describing the pictures on the stele. "Is Kronos eating his children. Can any of you tell me why he did this? Perhaps...Mr. Jackson?"

"Well..." Percy racked his brain to remember. Michael usually encouraged him to study Greek mythology, so he could say he was fairly good at it. "Kronos was the king Titan...and...he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos swallowed them up, but his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters—"

"Eeew!" said one of the girls behind him.

"—and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," he continued, "and the gods won."

Some snickers came from the group. Michael yawned. Mrs. Dodds gave him the stink eye.

The rest of the tour continued the same way until Mr. Brunner send them off with Mrs. Dodds. far so good. Maybe he can get through this trip without any troubles!

He should've known not to tempt fate.


I stayed behind the group as the rest of the class trickled out with Gleeson hedge and Mrs. Dodds. Or should I say...the satyr and the Fury.

"We've got a Fury among us, you know." I commented to Chiron. "The only reason I haven't killed her yet is cause of you."

He nodded gravely, though his eyes didn't leave the stele.

"How is he?" The centaur asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Good enough, I guess. Physically he's already better than any other demigod out there in the camp, and he's got the potential to be a better swordsman than Luke even."

And I wasn't even exaggerating just because he was my student. In but a few months, Percy Jackson had already become an advanced swordsman, around Lvl 8-9, if I had to guess. Before the end of the school year, I was pretty sure I could push him into expert's realm.

Had I not been his teacher, it would've been maddening really. But now I gladly took the credit with a smile on my face.

"Though he'd be even better if I can train him in his powers."

"And you are sure he is the sea god's son?"

I tsked irritatedly. "I know what I'm talking about. He's got potential to surpass even Thalia, and I'm saying this after being very partial against him."

"The gods wouldn't like that." The centaur muttered. "Another child of the big three, so soon..."

"The gods already know about it, Chiron. I'm here cause daddy dearest wanted to know how good he is."

We both fell silent for a moment before Gleeson hedge came running towards us. "She's got him, Chiron! I told you the boy wasn't safe! Now I'll have to fight off that monster and prote–"

I plucked up the satyr, stopping him from running into another danger headfirst. "Stay with Chiron, satyr. I'll handle the fury."

"No, Mikael! You must let him handle it himself. This could be a good test of his skills." The centaur said, throwing a pen towards me.

I caught the thing out of air, while reading its status.

[Anaklusmos (Legendary)]

Lucky bastard. A legendary weapon for his first true fight.

I nodded to Chiron and ran towards the Fury's scent. The air was alight with the presence of the monster and I soon found Percy nervously crouched under her elongating neck.

"Percy, Catch!" I threw the pen towards him, and he instinctively snatched in out of the air.

The moment it touched his hand, a celestial bronze blade grew out of the thing, even as Percy dodged back from the fury's slash. I was already behind the thing, should Percy fail to kill it.

But I need not have worried, the boy instantly took an active guard stance and the next time the fury swiped at him, he smoothly turned aside while slashing upward against her throat.

The sword passed through the fury like hot knife through butter, without even a hint of resistance, and the monster instantly disintegrated into smoke.

I observed the boy absently as I approached him.

Percy Jackson

Age: 12

Race: Demigod

Level: 160

Tier: 5

Divine Power: 50,000/50,000

Stamina: 150,000/150,000

Health: 100,000/100,000


Strength: 150



Endurance: 150

Constitution: 100

Mental: 15

Spirit: 50

The boy just leveled up by full 10 levels.

'What the fuck? Was the boy a gamer or something? Nah...he's too ignorant for that.'

But still, his leveling speed was too similar to mine. If he ever becomes a tier 6 by simply out leveling tier 5 like me...then we'll be having problems.

"Wha...did you see that?" The twelve year old squeaked wildly. "Tell me I wasn't dreaming! Please, tell me I'm not going crazy..."

Poor boy.

"Calm down, Percy. Yes, it was real. Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. Now shut up for a second and let me plan."

The boy quietened down. He looked to be taking it well now, no longer hyperventilating. Chiron would no doubt already be erasing everyone's memories, and probably expecting me to act like this never happened while convincing Percy the same.

Because the moment Percy realized the truth, his scent will start attracting monsters.

But I had a plan of my own.

I explained everything to Percy.


"That was a reckless decision, Mikael." Chiron chided.

"Nah, it's fine." I waved him off. "Sally already gave me her permission, and in less than a month, the boy is going on a quest. I'd rather he be ready for it."

"You cannot know that." The centaur protested with a shake of his head. "The boy's life will be under danger now. He will attract monsters like moths to light."

"I know that, Chiron, cause I know my father. Dad doesn't like Percy, no matter how fair he tries to act. He will send his own monsters to test the boy, same as Hades. Two of the big three wants him dead, Chiron. The naturally attracted monsters will be the least of his worries. He needs to be ready."

I turned around, done with the subject. "Besides, I promised Sally I'll take care of him."

I left Chiron's office in the Yancy academy. It has been a couple of days since my spilling the beans event.

Percy had needed a demonstration, and I'd let the stupid mist drop from my face. The mist reduced my looks to more mortal levels, and I did not like that.

Not. One. Bit.

I believed the world should have every opportunity to bask under my glory, but unfortunately, Chiron made a good point by saying I'll start getting mobbed by starstruck mortals. My godly looks were just that powerful.

Still, my astonishingly handsome face wasn't enough for the sea weed's brat, so I'd flared my wings in anger and threatened to dangle him upside down if he didn't get it through his thick head.

He'd accepted the presence of gods and demigods fairly easily after that.

'Maybe I should've started with that.'

Since then, I'd started training him with an unmatched ferocity. I wanted him to become an expert swordsman and surpass level 200, before we reached the camp.

Hopefully the boy wouldn't disappointed me.


Percy Jackson sat in the Greyhound, travelling back to Manhattan, with a large smile on his face. For the first time in a while Percy felt... content to return home. Excited. Immeasurably Happy. Finally, he had a purpose. A higher objective. A reason, for his life being so miserable. Ever thought, when you are going through shitty times, and you feel like this is just trials before rewards? That every miserable thing that happened in your life was just a challenge, and now you are going to be rewarded for it? Well, Percy felt like that.

He still couldn't believe his best friend was an angel. Not as in a good guy type angel, but an actual 'I've got awesome white wings with black and blue tattoos' kinda angel. Oh, and his name was actually Mikael. As in 'Mee-ka-el'. It was a very weird name, but strangely, it suited the 4 winged angel very much.

4-winged angel...

Yeah, Percy still sometimes felt like he was dreaming. That his life got so f-worded up, that his mind shut down on itself and is now imagining things. If that was true, then Percy hoped this illusion would never be broken.

Like seriously.

Son of a god? Yes please! Cool water powers? Yes please! A higher purpose where he'll be battling monsters and gods? Holy seafood, Yes please!

But more important than all of them, Gabe the smelly pig gone? Yes! Please! Yes! Please!

A bonk on his head shattered all his daydreaming, though it could do nothing for the excitement and happiness that Percy was feeling right now.

"Stop smiling like that, would you? People are getting scared." Mikael yawned beside, pointing around as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

There actually were people staring at him, and just as he scowled at them, they all hastily turned around.

This felt good.

"Your mom has a surprise for you." Mikael spoke as the bus came to a stop. "Enjoy your holiday cause I'll be taking you to the camp after that."

"Wait, how do you know that?" Percy asked suspiciously.

Did Mikael meet his mom already?

His friend had the smuggest smirk on his face "Oh, I met her yesterday but you don't need to worry about that. Just go and enjoy your weekend."

Percy stared at his weird friend (even by his standards), before shaking his head as got up.

"Perce." His friend called.

Percy looked back to see him staring back with a real smile.

"In the last few months you've gone through a lot, but it will all pay off soon believe me. Just know that I'm proud of you."

Then Mikael mussed his hair and Percy felt tears welling up in him.

"Thanks." He awkwardly said, before running out of the bus with a last wave.

Today can't have been a more perfect day.

And now was the time for that surprise.


AN: And finished!

My second intimate scene, hopefully this was better than the previous one. Once again, pls rate it from 1 to 10, and let me know if I should shorten such scenes or enlarge them.

Btw, anyone uncomfortable with the scene, know that I'd made a Poll for this on discord. Banging Sally won, naturally. Thus, the scene.

Also, my version of Percy will be a bit different, and some of those differences you'll be seeing soon. Tell me if you like him.

That's all for today, hope you all enjoyed. See ya in the next chapter. Till then take care and peace!

P.S: Next update us for Strange Old World Ch.19 and 20 on 24 Feb (three days later).

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