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Chapter 7: Ch. 7 Launch Attack! And Time Flows By

Gochi arrives on Kami's Lookout. And he instantly takes off in a random direction.

He runs so fast he barely felt the weight of the clothes.

Gochi runs past a few people training. He only recognizes Krillin and nobody else.

He passes Mr. Popo and someone he recognizes. Gochi backpedals until he is in front of the pair.

"Hello Mr. Popo" Gochi bows in greeting. And then he bows to Kami. "Hello wrinkly Piccolo, I don't know how you aged so fast, but I sense it is you but weaker…. and much nicer"

Mr. Popo's eyes widen as he hears what Gochi just said to Kami.

"Haha!" Kami laughs. "I suppose that is my fault for not greeting my guests for two months"

Kami had been busy doing Earth's protector things and resting. He has reached a certain point to where he is getting more and more tired. He will need a replacement soon even if Piccolo doesn't die to the Saiyans.

"I am Kami, Guardian of the Earth. And I am the good counterpart of Piccolo. We split many years ago. I am wrinkly… hahaha….. because I am so old I have forgotten my own name and go by Kami now" Kami couldn't help but laugh. But he composed himself to finish talking to Gochi.

The young half-Saiyan bows. "I was mistaken. I am sorry Kami"

"Think nothing of it" Kami waves him off. "Now what we're you in such a hurry to run from?"

Mr. Popo speaks up before Gochi can. "You were running so fast that I think you might need more weight" He waves his hand and Gochi's clothes glow brightly. The boy collapses to his hands and knees.

"Too…..Much...Weight" Gochi strains.

"Gochi!!! Where the FUCK did you run off to?!" A scary voice shouts.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you not to bring uninvited guests up to the Lookout" Kami says. He looks at Mr. Popo. "We should have told him about that"

"That is indeed our fault" Popo nods.

Kami knew that Launch was on the Lookout. He just wanted to mess with the young half-Saiyan.

"That's… what…." Gochi stands up. "…I was running from! It's just like mom when she gets mad!" He shouts as he begins slowly running away.

Kami and Mr. Popo watch as the young child flees.

"How much weight was that?" Kami asks.

Mr. Popo smiles. "Enough to leave even Raditz immobile"

"Nice" Kami says as Gochi adapts to the weight rapidly.

"This is a happy coincidence" Popo says. He fully intended to make Gochi pay for being late and mainly for the young kid to learn why you don't talk about a girl's weight. But if Gochi gets significantly stronger, Popo will let it slide.

When the Z-Fighters hears the shout of a furious beast they all flinched and stopped training to discern where the threat is coming from. And this was a threat they were used to.

"Oh no!" Tien shouts. "How did she get here?!"

"Run Tien!" Chiaotzu shouts. He doesn't want to see Tien get ripped a new one again.

"What is that annoying voice!" Raditz shouts as he stops running between the Z-Fighters. His training was to run between their sparring matches and not get hit. He has been successful so far and it scared the living shit out of Krillin, and the others after they realized this was the Saiyan that is Gokus technically evil brother but he is now technically turned good.

"And why did everyone stop!" Raditz shouts as he stands up. He sensed Gochi approaching and his power skyrocket tremendously. Gochi had grown alongside Raditz in terms of power level which indicated his bodies rapid adaption to his immense power.

"Gochi! I'll find you!" Launch I'll w shouts as she runs around the palace on Kami's Lookout. She is holding a machine gun and running around like it weighs nothing. Her blond hair flowing behind her.

"And why is the voice shouting for my nephew?!" Raditz shouts and then takes his blindfold off.

"W-why is Launch here?!" Krillin asks as he steps back.

"That's a great question. And the answer is that I'm having a nightmare" Tien calmly states.

"Goch-!" Begins shouting. But then she sees Tien. "Ti…en...Shin…han" She says dangerously. "I. Found. You"

"Somebody wake me up" Tien says. He thought she would leave n donce he left and began training at Korin's Tower. But now, two months later, here she is.

"Why are you afraid of this weakling woman?" Raditz asks. "Hah! You buffoons truly are-"

"Get out of the way!!!!"

Raditz feels hundreds of annoying pellets bounce off his armor and skin. He also feels them go through his hair.

Raditz smirks at Tien. "I see why a weakling would fear this woman"

He turns around and looks at an enraged Launch holding a steaming machine gun. "I do not recommend you do that again if you want to keep that toy and pretty face of yours intact" Raditz says as he walks to the side and sits down to begin meditating.

Launch hears what this mysterious man says to her. She doesn't know why but she wants to shoot him slightly less than the others. But she turns to Tien. "Now there is nobody between us Tien. And now you can try and beg for forgiveness"

Gochi is running. And he feels his body beg him to stop. But he hasn't heard Launch for a few minutes. He doesn't want to find out why she suddenly has gone quiet and continues running.

The sweat drops off his face as he continues. But when he opens his eyes next he sees a horror film cover.

He didn't mean to run a full lap around the Lookout, but apparently he had. And what greets him is a terrifying sight.

He sees his dads friends all on the ground with scoff marks that Gochi assumes to be bullet marks where bullets bounced off of them.

His dad's friends are on the ground. And Raditz is sitting with his eyes closed and there are holes in his hair.

Gochi learned long ago that Raditz's hair can retain almost any shape it gets out into. And now it's retaining the holes of bullets.

Launch was standing with two machin guns now. One in each hand. And Gochi senses her energy and it somehow has doubled from the last time it doubled after it doubled before it doubled again. His brain calculates what it should roughly be in his head if it starts at 18.

18 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

Which means her power level is….


Gochi feels her strength and it's stronger than the people on the ground. Stronger than a few of them combined… a little exaggerated, but she was nearly as strong as his dad wearing weighted clothes. Insane!

Even if that's less than 1/10th of his strength. It's still a crazy number based on her original 18. Gochi decides to never underestimate a person from this day forth, even more so than before.

"Go~chi~" Launch dangerously says.

Gochi watches as Launch turns to face him. And her face no longer looks pretty, it now looks like that of a demon.

"Allow me to be your teacher for the next while" Launch says as she leaves the Z-Fighters lying on the ground.

"I think I have enough teachers Launch" Gochi says as he backs away.

"You can never have enough teachers little boy" Launch says as she aims her guns at Gochi. "And your first lesson will be dancing"

Gochi turns his head and takes a step back. "How will dancing help?"

Launch smiles like the Devil. "Allow me to show you!"

Raditz watches this with his right eye slightly open. He's sitting down with his arms crossed and his back straight.

Launch begins firing at the ground beneath Gochi's feet.

"The poor tiles" Mr. Popo says.

Kami's right eye twitches at the sight of his lookout getting shot up. "We can use magic. We can fix it" He repeated this to himself like a mantra

"Dance monkey boy!" Launch shouts as Gochi avoids the bullets. It's a very hard task with his current weighted clothes. But every time he gets hit it makes him not want to get hit again.

"Saiyan Warriors do not run!" Raditz shouts at his nephew. Mostly because he wants to see how long the boy can continue. Worst case scenario Raditz will step in, but he doubts that will happen.

"Is this about the your weight?!" Gochi asks. "Because if that's the case you don't need to worry! Uncle Raditz can carry you next time and he's super strong like me but he has a bigger body!" Gochi tries to bargain with the Devil disguised as a woman.

"You're just asking for it now!" Launch declares as her guns begin firing faster somehow with their unlimited magazines.


Gochi lays on the ground unable to move. He has lots of scuff marks from bullets hitting him. He exhausted his energy while trying to avoid the bullets, which was good training, and ended up getting shot even after he collapsed.

Raditz had to get up and go to the, clearly psychotic, woman. "Enough" He flatly says.

Launch stops firing. "And who are you?"

"Raditz. Brother of Kakarot and uncle of the boy your shooting" Raditz says with his arms crossed.

"Kaka-what?" Launch lowers her guns.

Raditz sighs. "That is my brother's Saiyan and true name. You Earthlings call him Goku"

"Your Goku's brother?" She scans Raditz up and down. "I'd say the only thing you two share in common is the tail and pants thing"

"Well Kakarot apparently got his tail removed permanently so I guess it's just the pants and our parents" Raditz says with a tick mark on his temple.

"Maybe if you didn't scowl you might look like that airhead. You might want to try smiling too" Launch says as she drops her guns. They're low on their infinite ammo anyways.

"This is just my natural face" Raditz says through gritted teeth. He is losing his patience with this Earthling woman.

"Ah, resting bitch face. Don't feel too bad, I have that too" Launch points at her face.

Raditz sighs as he walks past Launch and goes to Gochi. He reaches down and tries to pick him up but can't. "The hell did you do to the kid Popo!?"

Mr. Popo smiles at Raditz and Gochi. "I simply sped up his training a little. I was monitoring him the entire time so that no permanent damage is done to his body"

He leaves Gochi on the ground and stands up. "Now how the hell am I supposed to train" Raditz puts his hands on his hips as he looks at the weakling humans all twitching every now and then.

Launch walks towards Tien. "I don't know abo-" She gets cut off.

"Launch. Please come over here" Kami calls out to the blond.

Launch makes her way over to the wrinkly Piccolo. "What do ya want?"

Mr. Popo is the first to respond. "I am Mr. Popo, I am a deity who serves as the attendant to Earth's Guardian. And the person you are talking to is none other than Kami, Earth's Guardian"

Launch looks at Kami. "So what do you want?"

Kami narrows his eyes at the blond. "We do not just let anyone come to this Lookout. It's a very special place that few had ever even seen before. The reason you were allowed here is because of Gochi. It is my fault since I hadn't warned him to not bring others here"

Launch leans forward and glares at Kami. "What? You gonna kick me off the side or something?"

Kami closes his eyes and shakes his head. "No. You may stay if you help Mr. Popo around the Lookout. That includes cooking. Since that takes up a good portion of Mr. Popo's time and having an extra set of hands will help him. And you may also be tasked with certain areas to clean around here"

Launch looks into Kami's eyes as she thinks about her options. "Fuck it, whatever. At least up here Tien can't run away"

Tien deflates as he hears this. "Ohhhhh" He groans.

Kami holds out his hands, palms facing upwards. "May I see your hands?"

Launch stands up. "As long as you do nothin weird old man" She steps forwards and places her hands on Kami's.

Kami closes his eyes as he focuses. "Hmmm"

He lets her hands go and looks at the woman. "It seems like you are in a situation similar to mine"

Launch raises an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean? I can't think of one way you and I are similar"

Kami sighs. "Haaaaah. There are a few. But the one I was referring to is the way your personality is split. You are half good and half bad almost exactly which I have never seen before in all my years that I can remember. Currently you are the evil half. But that doesn't mean you are not partially good in your current state. And if you were to become the good version there would be a hint of evil too"

"How do you know about this?!" Launch gets defensive.

Kami smiles at the blond woman. "I know many things. And I can tell the true intentions of a person. You are currently confused and feel lost and I assume you are clinging to the idea of Tien. Not because you actually love him. You may stay her Launch, but I must be going now. I hope you find something with your stay here on the Lookout" Kami turns around and walks into the main building on the Lookout.

Launch is frozen in anger as she hears Kami's words repeat in her head. Then her hair tickles her nose…


Launch sneezes and her hair goes from blond to blue and her whole demeanor changes. She looks around and sees her friends on the ground. Along with Mr. Popo, Raditz, and Gochi. "Oh my, what happened here? And how did I get here?"


Gochi is standing across from Krillin.

"You ready Gochi?" Krillin asks as he raises his hands in his martial arts stance.

Gochi jumps twice and then gets on all fours. "Ready when you are Krillin"

"Ok then!" Krillin shouts as he runs forward.

Gochi begins running forward with a boost from his starting stance.

Krillin punches at Gochi. But the boy steps slightly to the side and goes for a leg sweep that Krillin jumps over.

As Krillin is in the air Gochi shifts his hands on the ground and kicks at Krillin.

The bald monk crosss his arms and blocks the kick but is sent through the air. He does a backflip and lands on his feet and charges back towards Gochi who is also running.

The meet and they begin to throw punches and kicks. Both not giving ground through their exchanges.

Krillin is used to the primal way Gochi fights but the kid always changes how he fights as he fights. And if Krillin is able to find a hole in the kids defense it isn't there after.

Now it's a battle of stamina. Gochi has enough weights on him to bring him down to Krillin level in weighted gear.

The boy doesn't slow down as Krillin feels the effects of his weighted clothes. And Krillin's clothes aren't even that heavy compared to Gochi's.

Raditz watches with his arms crossed. He also sees the blue haired Launch being out a cart of food for everyone. He wonders how a person changes personalities with a sneeze. It reminds him of a child. But he does respect her yellow hair self. That one has the spirit worthy of a Saiyan. A shame all the female Saiyans died 3 years ago. But he hadn't spoken to a Saiyan besides Nappa and Vegeta in about 20 years or so.

Tien and Yamcha are also sparring together. It's a decent fight, but Tien clearly has the upper hand in technique and physical capabilities. But it's not too one sided.

Mr. Popo had finished their ki training for the day. Kami just supervises from time to time. Turns out Kami rarely trains anyone and it's Mr. Popo who trains the people on the Lookout.

A few minutes later Launch sets all the food out for everyone. There's tons of various foods, mostly because of two people specifically.

Krillin brings up his hands to block a right punch from Gochi. But it was a feint and he takes a heavy uppercut to his diaphragm that leaves him recoiling on the ground once he hits it.

Gochi kneels down next to the monk. "Are you alright Krillin?" Gochi asks with concern.

Krillin rolls to his back and holds his diaphragm with both hands. "Y-yeah, I'm alright. You've got a nasty uppercut Gochi" Krillin says through gritted teeth.

"Food is ready~" Launch calls out.

Gochi jumps around Krillin. "Let's go Krillin! It's good time! Food! Food! Food!"

Raditz walks up to his nephew. "Leave the weakling alone. You can go eat"

Gochi stops jumping and looks at Raditz. "Ok!" He then takes off towards Launch and the other Z-Fighters.

Raditz looks down at Krillin. The short man gulps, even after these months of training Raditz still scares him.

"How bad is it" Raditz asks in a flat and dull tone.

Krillin tries to sit up but ends up just falling back to the ground. "I-I think it is three ribs this time"

Raditz looks over his shoulder at Gochi. "He is growing strong" But Raditz wonders if Gochi will become strong enough in time.

"You can say that again, how old is he now?" Krillin says as he relaxes his body to try and ease the pain.

"5 I believe" Raditz says as he rembers how fast the time has flown by. Vegeta and Nappa are closing in and his own strength isn't enough to hold a candle to Vegeta still. He can crush Nappa like a twig now, but Vegeta is just a monster.

Raditz remembers a talk he had with Kami before Gochi brought Launch to the Lookout. It was actually minutes before the boy arrived and he started his spar with the weakling Earthlings.


Raditz walks up to Kami that just greeted the Z-Fighters. "So you're Kami. You'd look like the other green man. Anyway….." Raditz looks into Kami's old eyes. "…. You need to allow Gochi's tail to grow back. At least after he is able to control his power. If he is able to become an oozaru he might be able to defeat the incoming Saiyans on his own"

Kami closes his eyes. "I cannot do that"

"Why" Raditz demands.

Kami looks at the Saiyan that has switched sides. "I say no because Gochi could become a greater threat than the incoming Saiyan. I've seen Goku when he was young and he transformed into that Great Ape. If Gochi transformed and couldn't control himself he will finish what Goku couldn't when he came here"

Raditz clenches his fists. He knows Kami is right. But if they don't let Gochi practice retaining his sanity in that transformation it really will be too late when he gets older. Even in his own Oozaru form Raditz would struggle to keep a rampaging Gochi in check.

So Raditz let's it go for now. But eventually Gochi will need his tail, so Raditz will grow strong enough to be able to help Gochi control his own power. That's the least he can do for his dead brother.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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Training will hopefully be finished next chapter? But who knows

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