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DxD: Ascension of Sword God DxD: Ascension of Sword God original

DxD: Ascension of Sword God

Author: Battlexray_Gaming

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Origin

"Ever thought how bleak and meaningless our lives are? Ever wondered what the purpose of humanity is? We are born from another human, go on to struggle through our lives and die. Everything we do between Birth and Death, isn't it just us trying pass time in a way so that we don't regret being given a chance to feel what it means to be alive, because once you die, why would you care if you were the most handsome man in the world, the richest, the most knowledgeable.

The only time that all of this would matter, would be if what you learned and earned in this life gives you an advantage in your next life."

'You wanna ask why this overly philosophical monologue is going through my head? Its because when you are floating in a sea with black water and a green sky for 2 days straight without control of your body, these thoughts come naturally. Why can't I control my body you ask? Well that is because in my current situation I don't have one. Currently I can see everything around me but I cant see my self.'

'That would be natural, human eyes are unable to see the soul of a person. As soul is a container of information induced energy(which basically means soul is like a hard drive and the data stored on the drive is in the form of energy), and energy is not something the human eye can see. We may be able to see the effects of energy but pure energy itself is invisible.'

While drifting in the black sea, the corner of my eye caught onto some movement. I looked towards the source of the movement. That entity did not match the surroundings, I was half sure I would meet the a big-ass horned demon would come to reap my soul, considering how gloomy the black sea and green sky(like darkish green) were.

The Entity suddenly looked towards me and gave a look towards me which felt like it found its dead parents or something. It flew towards me. The Entity was a pale skinned lady with a shit ton of wings. I mean how heavy is this women that she requires that many wings to fly. Anyways, as soon as she got close enough for me to get a good look at her face..... I think my eyes and my brain had 404: Can't reach Error. She was the epitome of Beauty, every single cm of her face made me so mesmerized, I think I forgot to ask for help. I swear, if I still had my body, My dick would gain 3 inches just by looking at her.

She wore just enough to cover her privates, and for some magical reason, no matter how fast she was flying, those sashes(long thick strips of cloth) which are being used as an excuse for clothing, not that I am complaining, stay in their place.

She came close to me in a Interrogative manner, looked while slightly tilting her head to the side, I was kinda lost so I also tilted my head to the side.

"umm.....How long have you been here?" she asked.

I was still lost over her face and all that side-boob action that I was getting.

"umm, hello?" she tried to get me out of my stupor.

"ahh, yes! sorry about that I got lost in my thoughts and in you.....*cough* I mean just my thoughts!" I said while trying to cover up that awkward remark.

saying stuff like that to a passer-by might make me look like those idiots on Yo-tube who do 'pranks' and then get slapped.

"Ara Ara..... Little Soul-san is naughty one, aren't you?" she said in a amused tone.

*BOOM-in-Brain* This is the first time in my life meeting an actual 'Ara Ara Onee-San'. This lady is just getting better by the second.

"Sorry but who are you?" I asked in a inquisitive yet respectful manner.

"Ohh! No! I Forgot! Here little Soul-san, come with me." She said while touching my non-existing head at the area where my forehead would be.

At that instance, everything went white. And we reached a room which was not so white. What I mean by that is that it looked like a S&M Chamber. The lady came out of a hall to my right followed by a man, who could very well rival CHAD in a Jawline competition.

'No wait isn't that CHAD?!!!' I exclaimed in my mind.

(image here)

He came out while lady stood to the side. Bowed in a respectful and dignified manner.

"Allow me to introduce my master, the creator of all, the one true god who rules over the omniverses, Lord Chad!" She said introducing the huge man standing in front of me.

"Hello youngling, My name is CHAD, I am the creator of all, it is a pleasure meeting you." The man said in a voice, that even though he wasn't trying, he exerted pressure onto my poor little soul-body.

I calmed myself down, looking or acting like a pipsqueak is not going to help me, although I have no chance of doing anything against this person or god or whatever, but maintaining a proper mannerism should help my case.

I just looked down a little, close my eyes softly and uttered "It is my pleasure to meet you, creator of all, Lord Chad. Then please, allow me to introduce myself. My given name is Brinjal Bottleguard. I used to live on a small, semi-terrestrial planet which by my people, was called Earth. I used to be, although no comparison can be made with your authority, a well-renowned politician with significant authority and popularity." I said in a tone which was slightly more servile but not to the point of being completely at his mercy.

The strong only acknowledge the strong, although I am sure I am nothing in his eyes, I hope he is a absolute CHAD, and acknowledges me.

"Hahahahah! Quite the interesting individual you are, aren't you? although my bitc.....*cough* *cough* my assistant told me that you were checking her out? you know I am very possessive about my propert....*cough* my employees." He said in a slightly displeased voice.

Fuck! I am so fucked! I am damn sure the creator of all can turn into the destroyer of all in a mere second, heck, even a second would be too long. But while my brain was screaming at me to just get on all fours and beg for mercy, my pride kicked in as a former politician, there needed to be a solution, and as I am standing in front of CHAD himself, lets take a page out of the LFTP(Lets-Fool-The-Public) book which all politicians are famous for.

I looked at him, took an emotionless glance at his bitc...*cough* assistant, then looked at him again and said

"Your Holiness, as a mere mortal, the beauty of your assistant is something that my brain is unable to comprehend. I would not decline the fact that, yes, I was checking her out. But by no means did I have any malice or lust in my heart. It was more akin to checking out a painting, and then being lost in thought, not just because of the beauty, but also to know the message of the painter. What was god thinking when making such a beauty. Didn't he know that the more beautiful the flower is, the more tempted people are to pluck it. Her entire body, every centimeter of her face, is work of art which only the most accomplished artist could make. As a mortal, being able to set my eyes upon her, was a boon given to me by some supreme authority, a chance for which I do not have the means to pay back." I said solemnly while lifting my head my to look at his reaction.

For a while, none of us said anything. Both of them were looking at me. I glanced at him and then at his assistant.

Then the assistant came running towards me, and took me in her embrace, of which I couldn't feel her heavenly peaks as a soul doesn't have a Nervous system. But for whatever reason she seemed overjoyed.

"Little soul-san, you are so cute! I didn't know that there were mortals like you left, say, master....can I keep him?" She said while making Puppy dog eyes towards the creator of all.

My heart, if I had one, would've stopped. I am not a plaything, even if this was Heaven-shattering beauty, I will never let a lady make me her plaything, that goes against my ideals. Which is why I slipped from under her embrace and floated about a feet away from her.

I looked at CHAD and said in solemn but slightly displeased voice "Your Holiness, with complete and utter respect towards you, what your assistant said just now, isn't something I would take lightly or a liking towards. Making anyone a plaything is against my morals, especially when I myself am the target of such actions. I am sure that the miss standing here is of a very high standing, and very powerful. But I hold dignity in my existence. Being a Mortal, I earned respect when I was alive and I will keep my dignity while I am dead. Being a toy, not just to this lady, but to anyone is an infringement of my dignity. Rather than this, I would prefer if you would scrap the existence of my soul from the Universe, I have no qualms with that. But I strongly object to being treated like a toy."

I was seriously pissed at this point. No matter who you are never hurt the pride of a man. Ancient warriors and Kings fought wars because their pride was challenged. No way in hell will I lower myself to being a toy for this utterly gorgeous yet ignorant women.

I looked towards the lady after saying so, and she had face of complete disbelief which slowly turned into a crying face with small tears on the corner of her eyes. The tears themselves were so transparent I thought she used distilled water for them.

'I must not melt at any cost! Although, I am ruining the beauty of this women, which should be a crime to be honest, but no, we ain't no SIMP.' I thought while maintaining a displeased expression.

I glanced towards CHAD who for some reason was confused.

He opened his mouth and said " How are you able to dissuade yourself from falling to her charm? Even gods like Hades, who are nothing but a skeleton, who lack a bone you know where, can't help but drool for her, how are you able to resist? What you said just now, I can tell its not a lie, which is something that baffles me, because other than me, there is no one I have seen, who has been able to resist her." while continuing to look confused.

I went into thought for a few seconds and then looked up and said "I would say that my will is strong." in a short but straight forward manner. What I didn't tell him is that it took the will of Iron to sit in budget meetings while listening to old cronies trying to make a profit for themselves.

He looked at me and "hahahaha! You are quite interesting! For you I will make an exception. Now, Ygdrasil, stop crying. What he said is correct, asking so shamelessly for someone to be your toy or plaything is very rude. I expected better from you."

The lady whose name just made my entire spine shiver right down to my sphincter. 'This women is the WORLD TREE! What the fuck man!'

'oh, how I regret making the world tree cry. I hope its not raining in the entire universe' I thought.

*********************************************************************************************************Somewhere on Asgard

A guard came running to Odin who was busy drinking and spanking his maid on his throne.

"All-Father! I have a report! Its urgent." said the guard while panting.

"It better be the end of the Universe or you are dead!" said Odin while placing a spank.

"All-Father... the Bifrost is gone." in a low almost inaudible voice.

Odin stops mid-spank and look closely at guard thinking he had gone mad.

"Mind repeating that?" said Odin.

"The Bifrost is gone!" said the guard much clearly this time.

"And how did this happen?" while maintaining neutral yet inquisitive tone.

"A humungous blob of Water materialized in the Asgardian Airspace and fell on the bifrost. We believe that Loki had already spent the last week weakening the connection with the bridge" said the guard fearing for his life.

"so you mean to say, that the only way for us to access the other 'gards'(or other parts of the universe) one of the most secured devices in Asgard got flooded away by a blob of water?" said Odin while maintaining his tone.

"A 'Humungous' blob of water" said the guard correcting Odin.

Odin formed wrinkles on his for head, his eyebrows and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"LOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIII" screamed Odin while alerting the entire Asgardian army that there might be war, and for whatever reason Loki felt happy.

Loki said "ooo....the old man seems pissed, but I haven't done anything yet, the bifrost plan will still would take another month or so...what did I do piss him off? Who cares about the source, Happiness is Happiness."


Ygdrasil looked me after wiping her tears, folded her hands under the voluptuous ta-tas further enhancing them and said

"Meanie! Hmph!" and pouted.

I widened my eyes. *Inside my mindscape*

Mini-me screamed "Thats a CRITICAL KOKORO HIT! Get the Defibrillators! we're gonna lose him!"

*Alarms blaring* as if there was a gas leak.

*System Error! Force Shutdown!*

Mine-me(2) said in a dejected voice: "He's long gone boys *sniff* we couldn't save him *sniff* He will be remembered."

Suddenly out of darkness came a voice

"Dont give up there is still a chance!" said the voice.

Mini-me: "Mini-me(3), what do you mean? tell us fast!" said with urgency.

Mini-me(3): "By Chance, I mean this!" said while holding a white medicinal tablet.

the tablet had writing on it which on a closer look said 'NOT A SIMP'.

Mini-me(3) gave the tablet to the downed Corpse and he woke up from his stupor.

*Mindscape over*

I came out of that shock and said "Irrespective of that, what is not that I am supposed to do Lord Chad? will I be sent to heaven or hell?"

"Neither, Just now I said that I will make an exception for you, hence, You will be sent to another world while having your memories intact. You may ask why I am doing this and what do I get in return. Why? because you seem to interesting and also that your attitude and personality are exemplary. What I get in return? I don't need anything, I made all of existence, not with getting something in return in mind but to see life grow." said CHAD in a dignified manner.

(2.5K Words)


So how did you people like the chapter? This is my first time writing a fanfic so write your thoughts in the comments! If there are any errors you can select the paragraph and comment the error!

and if you give some powerstones, It will give me motivation not to drop the fanfic.

anyways Ciao!

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