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Chapter 3: Waking up to Reality

There will be a Slight info dump in this chapter but I hope you people take the time to go through it


My eyes open and I wake up. I sit up on the big yet simple bed with a large double sliding window to my left, a bare yet maintained wall in front of me, a wooden cupboard to my right and a Doorway, which to my confusion was also a sliding door. I gasped for air as I suddenly woke but for some reason I was able to comprehend my surroundings in a spilt second. I looked down at my hands, the skin color was really pale, and for whatever reason I felt that my hands are quite big for me.

While I was examining my small size, I felt an emptiness, thinking how the fuck did I get here, of course I know that CHAD sent me here, but I didn't know anything about the past of this body. And cue the Graphical Interface.(Windows 11 btw, ain't no MacOS bullshit here)

[[Host's Consciousness achieved....]]

[[Initializing System OS....]]

[[Updates detected....]]

[[System Exception detected....]]

[[Divinity Signature detected in Soul carrier....]]


[[Divinity of the World tree detected....]]

[[Due to the presence of Divinity of One of the highest Gods....Divinity Fusion with Host's soul will be attempted....]]


[[Failed! Divinity incompatible with Host's soul carrier....Analyzing alternate procedure.....]]

[[Confirmed....Due to Divinity of the World Tree containing the source code for all life, Host's soul code will be overwritten.....]]

[[Attempting to balance code parameters between the Divinity of the World tree and Host's soul....]]

[[Balance achieved!....]]

[[Due to Extremely high level divinity, the Host's soul code was upgraded.....]]

[[Due to presence of World Tree's Divinity, Laws of current world are overridden....Host will evolute to match upgraded soul code.....]]

[[Scanning Evolution catalog....Sub-Category: Human....Match found!]]

[[Evolution Target Confirmed.....Target Race: Apex Nepheloid Homo Sapian selected....]]

[[Due to Target race being Extreme conductor of all forms of Energy, Host's access will go beyond the current world to access all forms of energy....ERROR!]]

[[Due to Host's request of not being overpowered, Host will be given access to only one form of Other-world energy]]

[[Scanning.....Confirmed!....Extra-Dimensional Energy chosen....As compensation Affinity to chakra and Mana increased.....]]

[[All Parameters set....Engaging Evolution!]]

[[Host is advised to brace for mental and physical impact...]]

[[Starting in 3....2....1.....Initialize!]]

All of this confused me to the point, I forgot to heed the system's warning. The searing pain hit every single part of my body. My insides felt as if they were being crumpled like paper. My brain felt like someone was driving a 12 inch-dagger up my ass, except I felt the uneasiness and pain in my brain(To be honest, Its really hard to describe pain).It was enough Pain to make a certain purple-eyed pain rethink what pain is. I was screaming like a little girl and rolling around my bed, eventually falling off it hitting my head on the side-table and losing consciousness.

*After 4 Hours*

I groggily wake up, hold my head in my hands and shout in my head 'Evolution Bad.' I look around to find myself on the floor. I pick myself up and the first thing I notice is that my body doesn't feel like its in any pain plus I put in too much effort in getting up that I fell over face first on the far side of the bed.

"Being a completely different species sure is confusing. I need to get acquainted with my body and power."

[[System Notification: Welcome Host! This is the new world selected by The Creator of All for you to live in. As you may be confused, the system will, for the first and last time, explain certain aspects of your new life here in this world]]

[[Initializing Host's Status....]]

[[ */ STATUS /*

Name : Arcane Tempest

Race: Apex Nepheloid Homo Sapien

Gender: Sigma Male

Age: 4 (in Years old)

Title: Partial Soul bearer of the World tree, Creator of All's Favorite Mortal

Occupation: -NA-

Level: 8 (0/100) (Low-Class supernatural entity ranges from 10 to 25)

Scared Gear: Gates of Babylon

HP: 4800/4800 (Regen Rate: 600 HP/sec)

MP(Mana Point): 12400/12400(Regen Rate: 800 MP/sec)

CP(Chakra Point): 8340/8340(Regen Rate: 600 CP/sec)

EDP(Extra-Dimensional Point): Infinite(Regen Rate: Irrelevant)

STR: 42 (Base Strength - Without Energy amplification)

DEX: 60

INT: 94


CHA: 72(Due to age, even then the average human stat is 30)

SP(Stamina Point): 3000 (Enhanced to due to regenerative abilities)


[[Now Host, Allow me explain all these stats to you. First we shall start with your race.

The Race: Apex Nepheloid Homo Sapien is the race of human who reside in Highest Universe in terms of Creation Order. They were one of the first Humans ever to be created, Humans of this universe and your previous one were downwatered version of the formerly mentioned race.

The Race is characterized by their Immense, close to infinite, Vitality, Hyper Active Metabolism and one of the most key features, being Extremely good conductors of all forms of energy, be it Mana, Chakra, or any other form of energy in any Universe.

It is true that God did make human in his image but not the humans of this universe, Your New race were the ones originally created with god's image in mind.

Next is your Title, as the Partial soul bearer of the World Tree, as long as Host remains alive, The world tree cannot be severed, but the vice versa is not true as the World Tree's soul does not contain the soul code of the Host.

Next is your Occupation, this will be updated automatically towards any action that the host performs for a Long term and considers it to be work.

Next is your Level, you may notice that it has already risen to 8, that is a direct result of your evolution, as the standards for this world remain to be the same, but your Evolution to highest form of humans has boosted your stats. The Regeneration rate of of Mana and Chakra has been increased due to your Evolved race being extremely good conductors for all forms of energy, Imagine it to be like low resistance electric wire, transfer of electricity takes place must more efficiently without losing much of the energy in the process.

Finally is your Gender, usually gender is either Male or Female, but in your case, sigma male is special characteristic gender. It gives you certain Active and Passive abilities. Passive abilities include "Lie detection", "Born-leader", "decision-assistance", "Aura of Respect" and "Karen-Repel."

Active abilities include "Eye of intuition(L)" "All-Seeing eye(R)" "Killing Intent Nullification" "Primordial Human's Ambition" "Schlong enhancer(can only be activated after the age of 15)."

Also due to having an with superior qualities to the Sharingan, other Illusionary Techniques, the Sharingan requested previously has been scrapped of the User's soul code to maintain a 100% pure bloodline.

Added Note: Reason for you Infinite Extra-Dimensional energy is due to the fact the the user of EDE only uses the body as a medium, the energy itself is derived from a completely different dimension. ]]

[[Now Host! Along with your evolution, a new function by name "Mission/Quests" has been added to the System, the quests depending on difficulty of the task will return rewards, if the task provided is below a certain threshold in terms of difficulty, the rewards may be nullified. With all that said, to activate your status, only thought commands would work as saying the command out loud may compromise the existence of the system, hence, for Status page thought command "System Status" is registered, for Mission/ Quests thought command "System Task" is registered, for Inventory thought command "System Inventory" is registered. Lastly the teacher function requires a user Input name, would you like to name Teacher function?]]

I replied "Yes, Change the name of Teacher Function to 'Dronacharya' ."

[[Accepted!....Teacher function renamed to Dronacharya]]

[[Function 'Dronacharya' is an exception which can be called out loud in order to activate.]]

[[System Infomatic Tutorial is over....I wish the Host good luck.....Host will receive 4 years worth of memories after Retraction....Retracting AI...Retracted]]

"Hahh! that was overwhelming to say the least" I said sighing.

Then as the system AI said, the memories of this body's past started going through my mind like a 80s movie projector.

I was made clear on my past, much like my request, I was an Orphan, I lived in a Japanese style mansion in Japan! Now that I know of name of the place which is the exact same as my own world, that means that this is a Alternate Universe to my original world as CHAD did make it clear that I won't be able to go back to my own world.

The Name of the small city in which I resided was named Kuoh. I don't think it was a popular place in my last world because I had heard of Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and a few others, but never Kuoh, so me being here was something I couldn't understand. Also another thing that ticked me off was the fact that I knew nothing of my family background. I could tell we were rich, not just average rich, like royal family type rich, but I didn't know how my family was this rich or who my family was. I wanted to see what I looked like.

I got up and moved out of the room. It was close to 10 in the night. Light chirping sounds of insects who were probably in the garden grass, fluctuating breeze flowing sometimes slowly caressing the leaves sometime causing them to flutter. There were multiple windchimes hanging from the overhead roofing giving off soft sonorous sounds. I could see the Main road from there a single hatchback moving at cruising speed. The world felt peaceful.

A voice came from the hall to my right "Young Master, What are you doing up so late at night?"

I looked towards, while retrieving memories about him, mainly his name. But what I didn't realize is that the evolution had caused so drastic changes on my appearance as well. Plus as soon as I concentrated on the caretakers face, my "Eye of Intuition" activated and I could see everything about him, His nervous system, his muscle network, Mana flow, Neurons in brain, information filled current going from his Optic nerve to the brain. Just by looking I had a overwhelming feeling that this man infront of me, even though looks old and frail, is not someone I can't mess with. But also that he was not dangerous, he gave off a gentle and caring feeling, which made me reassured he had no ill-intent towards me. More like he cared for me. About my appearance, now a human made in the image of god will give you a good idea of how I looked, but to clarify,

"Silas-ojisan, can you take me to a room with a mirror?" I asked.

"Why do need to see a mirror young master?" he asked me.

Lets take out the Legendary Grade Artifact The LFTP(Lets-Fool-The-Public) book.

"Tomorrow, I am planning to look around the town also this is slightly hard to admit, but you see, I was reading a Magazine and they said that they are looking for models for Kids Apparel(or clothing), So I want to see if I would get selected." I said while trying to hide the fact that children my age don't really think of work, and that I don't really know what I look like.

Silas widened his eyes. He took a moment to process what I was asking. He then scanned me from head to toe. Let out a excited smile. and said

"Very well young master, Tomorrow, I shall accompany you around town and to the Audition."

"Ohh! Thank you Silas-Ojisan, it is a reassuring knowing that you will be with me." I said while smiling gratefully.

He took me to a full body Mirror. I nearly fainted after looking at myself. I WAS A GOD!!!!. As a 36 year old politician in my previous life, I was average at best, now however, even at 4 years old, I looked like a model, not a super model yet, but still, my hair was platinum white and was jaw length, I had purple hue streaks near the roots which gave it a dual tone look. I had one of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, the reason? My left eye was how Gojo's eyes were in the anime but my right eye showed a galaxy in it, I wondered why? then it clicked.

My Right eye was the "All-Seeing Eye", it was a eye whose prowess and use was unknown to me, but it still looked very beautiful. I had it in my memories that I was inherently European so I from a earlier stage I would stand out after I came to japan, but the memory of why I came Japan seems to be blurry. It might sound narcissistic at this point but for it was pure surprise and joy. People downplay the power of good looks, if store has robbery and the 2 suspects you have are a model looking lady with a tight black dress and a molestor looking office worker, which one would say probably stole the item? See obvious answer.

Anyway, commenting on the body of a 4 year old is not right as he never put down a training regimen and followed it, lets leave it at that.


I woke up, I still had a hard time believing that I had gotten a second chance to live and that too doing something I want to, I wasn't going to start training the minute I set foot in this world. The thing that I need right now is information of this world, what are the dangers, where do I currently stand. Now I could use Dronacharya, but first I want to take a look for myself.

I freshened up, took a nice warm bath, changed my clothes which after looking at the designs I decided I would get better ones. After that I went to have breakfast which Silas was serving, once I was done I told Silas to move it move it.(We like to move it move it )

A car came to the front gate. It was a Black luxury sedan with a Thunder cloud on its doorframe. I looked at Silas and asked "Silas-Ojisan, what does the Thundercloud mean?"

Silas replied "It is the symbol of your family young master, Look on my back is also the same symbol, signifying that I am a part of the Tempest Family, as one the children of the main branch of the family you too should wear the family insignia."

"If I am one of the children of the main branch , then why am I here? Why am I not living with the family?" I asked.

Silas frowned, he had no answer to give to a 4 year old which could make him understand. He just sighed and changed the topic by saying, "Young master, now is not right time for this, in a few years I'll tell you, for now, lets get in the car."

Then we went around the town, visited a few shops, ate a few things which I had not tasted before, for some reason, I could already speak japanese which felt weird as I haven't spoken it ever in my life, after that we reached a building which quite big, not a skyscraper but It was big nonetheless.

"umm.....Silas-Ojisan, why are we here?" I asked in a confused voice.

"What? Young master, didn't you say you try for the Child Model auditions?" he asked.

'What the fahrenheit! that was a lie, I didn't read any magazine! So how???!!!!' I panicked in my mind.

Turns out my luck is just that bad. There really was a audition for child models in this town.

I just internally sighed, can't go back now.....lets just take a bullet.

We went in to the reception desk, a middle-aged women who was filing her nails was sitting there.

Silas opened the conversion "Excuse me."

The lady looked up to find an old man talking to her.

The lady said "Hai ji-san, how can I help you?"

Silas replied "My young master wants to audition for the child model position."

She questioned "Your young master? Call him, where is he?"

I came out from behind Silas and stood in front of the receptionist. The receptionist was speechless. She had never seen a child so beautiful and for some reason, handsome as well.

She was staring at me, Silas got a little irritated and brought her out of her stupor "*Clears throat*, Lady, would mind registering my young master?"

She looked up at Silas and said "sorry sorry, So little one what is your name and age?"

I looked at her and said with a smile "My name is Arcane Tempest, I am 4 years old"

Even the people standing behind were in shock, are you wondering why? ahh silly me! I forgot to tell you due to the evolution, even my height increased making me look more like a 7 or 8 year old.

She looked Silas for confirmation to which he nodded.

"ok, I have registered his name, you can go ahead, the cameraman and the shoot director will decide the rest." said the receptionist.

I thanked her and went to the audition platform. As my turn came I took deep breath and hoped for the best. Silas gave me a motivating thumbs-up. There was someone making a lot of noise. The girl although much older than me, was jumping and making the hall know what she was talking about, nothing was important though.

I walked onto the stage, and the hall fell into silence. Due to my "All-Seeing Eye" the focused stage light had no effect but I could tell, the angle setup wasn't proper and my "Eye of Intuition" which I at that moment discovered could also sense emotions. What I could sense unanimously was surprise and adoration.


'I was in town trying make my cute little sister into a Model. She is so cute, I want to see her in lots of cute dresses *drools*. so I came to the Child model Auditions along with my sister. But when her turn came she didn't go saying that its embarrassing and that I should grow up. Hmph! why wont she do it, she could at least do it for her sister you know! Then the Judges called a name which sounded quite unfamiliar, as the name was not even remotely japanese. So I looked as to who will come up on the stage.

From the left side, a 7 or 8 year old boy walked in. I am sure that even in the supernatural world there are very few who are as beautiful as that kid. He had white puple-ish hair, a face chiseled to perfection, he was wearing a denim jacket, black t-shirt and black jeans, with white sneakers. His hair covered his right eye, but his left eye was quite visible, a light blue sapphire would be the closest thing, a pale porcelain like complexion. Not just me but the entire hall was quiet after looking at him. Even my little sister was staring at him with wide eyes. DAMN HIM! how dare he take my sister, but he is very beautiful.


After that I got them out of their stupor by telling them my name and age, which made it the hall silent yet again, later on, I got selected, and in the same week had my first shoot booked as well.

Although I didn't expect it to it turned out to be fun.

(3.3K words)


Hope you liked the chapter, The response for the first 2 chapters has been positive, so thank you and please keep up the support!

Battlexray_Gaming Battlexray_Gaming

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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