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Chapter 2: Captain's Diary: Log one

The spaceship silently landed on a large plateau, far away from anything, that could discover, or pose any danger to it. It's giant, manta-shaped body was sticking out of the surrounding empty-

ness like a sore thumb, not helped by the fact, that it's silver-gray adamantite covered body was heavily reflecting the sunlight. There was a large patch of trees and an old, ruined mansion some distance away, however none of them had enough clear space for landing, so the crew was forced to expose the ship as it is. Because of this, both shields were now running on maximum power, and the engines were still on, ready for an emergency takeoff.

The bridge, located on the main level was dimly lit. Inside it a man, sitting in the captain's chair was deep in thought. He was alone, since the others were busy on the medical level.

When Natra Din first enrolled into Fleet Academy, he didn't had any illusions about what it really meant to be an officer of any military operated spacecraft. However it wasn't any interest to him, since the highest position he always hoped for was CSO or Chief Strategical Officer, a rank which he held not too long ago.

His surprise can be imagined then, when three months ago he was put in charge fo a state of the art research vessel, headed to an undisclosed location, with the utmost secrecy, ordered by the Supreme Overlord itself. Since then there wasn't a day going by without him questioning the moment when he graduated from Level 5 Officer Training, solely signing up for the bragging rights of completing the hardest course the Academy had to offer.

Realizing, that postponing important work would lead only to trouble in the long run, he touched a button on the thick armrest of his strangely built chair, and began recording what would became a historical document on it's own right:

"Captain's Diary: Log one. Recorded by Natra Din, captain of the expedition. Our entry was rough, but it seems like that the primary shields did a splendid job protecting the craft. Thankfully most of our systems remained intact. The same cannot be said about the crew, since most of them are dead, thanks to a malfunction in the cryochamber. This only leaves me, Dr. Dezra Ming, and Commander Helena Kryolis as survivors. Scans did not show any damge, meaning we can safely rely on our internal and external systems. Approximately one hour and twenty-seven minutes after landing we managed to capture an inhabitant of this world, who found the idling craft. This lead to the decision of moving the ship to a new location. For future reference, the original landing place was marked on the automap as [Point 0].

The interrogation of the prisoner - a female looking Terran - is currently carried out by Commander Kryolis. Report by Dr. Ming suggests damage in the subject's left shoulder, probably causing much discomfort to her. Analysis shows that it was possibly done by a primitive weapon around two cycles ago. A restorative surgery was performed on her, in the hopes of gaining her trust making info gathering easier . It seems that the plan worked, as the questioning is going in a desirable pace. Information gained from this process will be later recorded. Log one finished. Captain out."

Natra stood up from the seat, then scratched his arm. Despite being only a halfbreed, he too suffered from a common nuisance of his alien ancestors: parasites. Not in his body though, as the little tormentors preferred hiding under the dark blue dragonscales covering the entirety of the arms, especially after the end of the shedding cycle, when they easily sticked to the residual slime left behind by hte process, which served as temporary protection until the new scales were strong enogh to fulfill this role.

His left arm was another peculiar feature of him, where the skin was fused with the substance making up his scales, creating a rough, dark blue surface, covering even his fingers. This however didn't impaired the full movement of them. The only thing causing annoyance were the fingertips having pointed ends, meaning he had to be double careful during any phisycal activity involving other people.

Other than that, he looked like a tall, slightly muscular human with green eyes and black hair, the latter combed backwards and fixed in position with a thin layer of gel. Another noticable feature of his face was the scar running through his left eye, caused by an unfortunate encounter with an Alpha-pard during an expedition to Jagathan V, at the time costing half of his vision. It was only thanks to a quick surgery replacing it with a biomechanical one, that he wasn't honorably discharged.

Human/Selenian halfbreeds were not common in the Empire. Not as if there was some kind of prejudice against them, as both male and female Selenians loved to engage with multiple partners during thier life, especially if those partners belonged to other species. No, the reason was far more simpler, and far more tragic: the lives of halfborns usually ended very early. It was caused by organ failure, brought upon by a common genetic defect, meaning that only 0.0002% of crossbreeds lived to see adulthood. The possibility of genetic surgery was often brought up, however despite thier best efforts, scientists or doctors still couldn't find a cure. This "curse" also had another effect: every halfbreed was infertile.

As to seemingly make it up to them however, mother nature was generous when handing out gifts to Human-Selenian children. While under average by Selenian standards, thier strength was still unimaginable by normal humans, and around half of the species located within the galaxy. Paired with enchanced reflexes and stamina, they were very suitable for various combat roles. The only thing they never got from thier alien side was the latent psychic abilities, however since it was extremely rare even by Selenian standards, the disadvantage they held was minimal.

The Captain once again went through the log, making sure that everything was in order, then hit save, and leaned back on the chair, when a female voice coming from the speakers opened a new channel:

-Captain, we are waiting for you in the medbay. Please, come down as soon as possible.

Imperial_Guard_42 Imperial_Guard_42

Hey! This is the second offical chapter of my book, plus a few bonus. More will come in the future.

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