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Chapter 10: Chapter 9: The Kingdom of Vaust

Another day passed since then and it was noon by the time we see the silhouette of a large castle, walled from outside. The caravan gently rocks about as we proceed.

"Here we are to the Castle of Vaust. Seems majestic, don't you think?", Chart announces.

"Yeah...I've never seen such large structure."

"Enjoy the view, Thane. We'll handle the negotiations so don't you worry about what's to come."

Nodding, I continue to admire the large castle from afar. It was my first time seeing a building larger than the mayor's. A tower sits atop of it all, and I can't help but wonder how everything would look like from up there. I silently admire the castle of Vaust before it escapes my view as we got closer to the gates. The caravan stops as the guards halts our advance and after a while, the guard checked this caravan too. Hopping on the caravan, the guard checked the goods and inspected it. Having found nothing illegal, they only silently exited the caravan. Once everything has been checked, we were allowed to enter the city.

I cannot properly see it from the inside, but the noise from outside tells me that it is indeed a busy city full of bustling people. I worry about our advancement.

"It's the Eagle Knights! Give space!"

One unfamiliar voice shouted. Peeking through, I find a dense crowd lining up, their eyes are like that of a march in a festival.

"It seems like the Eagle Knights are highly regarded by the people."

"Trust me, it's all the Captain's reputation. All we've done was hunt bandits and beasts, nothing extravagant to earn this fame."

It was a long and tense parade. The attention of the people all centered at one direction. Watching your every movement. I wouldn't last at such a crowd at all.

Eventually we've arrived at the inner walls where the castle is guarded. The inspection is lax compared to the first one and we easily crossed the gates. One long path is revealed at the other side of the gate, a path beautifully paved with bricks of stone. However, we did not go onto that path but instead moved to the side, a place that seems to be headed at another building.

"Where are we heading, Chart?"

"To the barracks. We gotta unload some stuff first and have the other knights rest. In addition, we can't exactly see the Queen, we have to ask for an audience with her majesty first."

"Right, society has rules to follow. Didn't think there's even more for me to think about."

"Heh, think you're going to be lucky enough to get yourself a royalty? I like your confidence, lad."

Sounds like a dream as far as the stars. There's no way that can happen, much less expect a star to come down and fall to me.

"Chart, stop telling nonsense to Thane."

Robin suddenly arrived peeking at the curtain, tying it onto the side of the caravan and revealing the outside to my sights. I can feel a brush of wind passes by, the leaves rustle in response and the tree slightly moves with the breeze. As much as I wanted to jump and stretch out of my seat, I couldn't because I am still caged and cuffed.

"I'll be going to the castle and ask for an audience. Chart, follow me."

"Right...why do you seem pissed off?", Chart replies, jumping out of the caravan and leaving the book at the side of the cage.

"Rest assured, Thane. Nothing bad will happen to you, I'll make sure of it.", Robin added before they disappear from my sight.

Well, now that I am alone this boredom is killing me. I'm more used to walking and stretching my arms around than to stay in place with nothing to do. I can't help but yawn and lie down on the ground.

I glanced at the Necronomicon. I can't exactly blame it, now that I've truly used its power. If I do manage to live from this, perhaps I should treasure this book more. So I thought, before my consciousness drifted to sleep.

"...he really just sleep? Seriously?"

"Just wake him up."

Hearing their voices I opened my eyelids slightly, expecting the bright light to blind me but only to be greeted with dimness. Still, I tried to stand up and although sluggishly, I managed to do so. My head hurts from an afternoon nap, and it took a while before I could fully process what is happening.

"Wake up, buddy. We're about to meet the Queen. Make sure to dress up."

"Really funny, Chart. Mind helping me get a fix of new clothes then?"

Robin approached the cage and opened it on the side, opening up a path for me to crawl on. The tall knight then took a hold of my body and pulled me out. My legs that have gone numb from only sitting and lying on the ground were unable to properly stand and move as it wobble softly. However after a moment I was able to recover my posture and stretched out my body.

"Chart, get the book and don't get too far.", Robin ordered.

"Thane, follow me. We'll be reporting to the Queen.", Robin said before moving forward and Chart followed behind me. As we head towards the castle I can now properly take a look and admire the surroundings. It was really spacious, more spacious than the town square that I have back home and even then what we're walking on is simply a path. There are trees at the side, giving shade to the road.

In front of us is the large castle I've been seeing from afar. Larger than I imagined it to be, I was in awe as I struggle to see the top even after I turn my head up. Like a kid inside a new shop, I admire the castle with eyes full of curiosity and amazement.

However, the tense feeling of meeting the Queen grew stronger as we've entered the Castle. The knights armor echoes at the empty halls and their metallic shoes ring loudly at the neatly polished shiny stone looking floor. It was as if I entered another world with how extravagant it is.

Soon, we stopped in front of a room, blocked by a large door that can accommodate Robin's height. Beside the door, heavily armed knights standing guard. It was if they were a statue of iron.

"Robin of the Wyrmweiss family, Captain of the Eagle Knights, reporting in!"

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