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Chapter 2: The road south (1/2)

"What did my Husband do for you?"

A smile covered my face, "He saved my life, when I was small, we were tracked down by Robert's purgers, the ones sent to kill any sign of the dragon bloodline. As you can see by my eyes your grace, they believe their cause meant they should kill me. They murdered my loving mother before my eyes, Ned took me out of the room and brought me north after we stooped at a tower. When he left the tower, he came with another child. What happened to that child I'm not sure your grace, he took me to one of his heirless bannerman when that bannerman got his heir, I moved on to the next one and the next until I came of age, where I joined this band, eventually taking charge."

"Brienne, would you travel south to guarantee the safety of my daughters?"

The knight in training nodded her head, "if that is what you ask of me, my lady "


That was two weeks ago, currently, we are still about two weeks away from the capital, moving 300 men at a fast pace is near impossible, 1 month to travel the distance was the best of my estimates however we seem to be making it. During our two weeks of travel, Brienne has slowly warmed to the troop, now actually talking to myself and Byron during meal times.

Her story is an interesting one, Brienne is the sole surviving child and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall Hall, on the island of Tarth, located in the Narrow Sea off the coast of the Stormlands. Though few men in Westeros would find her attractive, she is unusually tall and muscular for a woman by Westerosi standards and developed a taste for martial activity as a child. Brienne has grown up to become skilled at arms and dreams of becoming a knight an unusual aspiration for a Westerosi woman.

Apparently, she is also a virgin, not for Byron's want or trying, that man seems strangely infatuated, not once has he shown this level of devotion to a woman, it seems however it is likely that his wants will be ignored. Although Jamie has spent most of the trip bulling Brienne, it is clear to see that there is chemistry there, and an idiot could tell that.

Too bad, he likes to keep his friend close and his lovers closer...

A week had passed when we come upon a tree with the hanging corpses of three tavern girls who had been killed by unknown forces, Jaime tried to convince us it was Stark troops, to be fair this time he was right. As Brienne made the whole troop stop so we could bury the girls, the Stark troops came back, they were clearly drunk and began shouting aggressively at her.

Even threatening to have their way with Brienne before killing her, where were my men during all of this? Resting mostly, I myself was having a short nap, travelling this long on foot, could cause serious injury if you do not care for yourself enough.

Although the shouting did wake me, leaning over, I grabbed the black Dragon amulet, its eyes, moving to my own, as my hand touched it, it very briefly flashed red. Unbeknownst to me, so did my eyes, the amulet was the last memento of from my mother and I feel like it is the reason behind the aggressive differences in my magic potential compared to others.

I can't be sure of this, however sometimes when I wear the amulet, words of a language I do not understand fill my mind, these words when I speak them give me quick access to my magic, there has only been two words spoken to me so far, Iedar (Means water) and Drakarys (Dragon-Fire). They are the two words that are associated with my fire and water magic, as each comes to me more naturally after I speak in the unknown tongue.

After I grabbed the Amulet, I was greeted by Micheal the younger as he raced over to my tent, "My lord we have an issue, Brienne and Jamie have been caught out by Stark forces, most of our troops are still asleep. how do you wish to proceed?"

"Their Number?"

"Only 5 of them my lord."

"I will deal with them alone, where are they?"

"Just over the hill there my lord, Brienne is holding them back but it won't be long until she is overpowered."

I nodded my head, quickly equipping the lighter armour I had, only protecting the important parts before I climbed the hill, the tree in question was a grizzly sight, three younger girls hanging, one had obviously been 'Eaten' before her death. Quickly sliding down the other side of the hill, I silently made way towards the combat, approaching from their blindside, I easily sliced through the guts of one of the men.

Not allowing them to respond to my presence, I quickly pulled out my sword, impaling the person to my left, two down and three left. The three of them stood relatively close to one another, now aware of my presence, they all took a step back, covering their angles of approach.

Smiling, I spoke" Brienne, Jamie, could I ask a favour? Turn around and do not look back until the screaming stops."

Brienne did as I requested, I don't know why but she did, she began to bury the girls again, while Jamie didn't turn, to warn her if they charged her I assume. Our eyes met before I turned once more to the Stark troops, I gently spoke" Even we as mercenaries have a code we live by, Raping and killing innocent girls is a crime that will be punished. As the Dragons once passed judgment to men, I will do so in their stead. Drakarys"

A large shadowy dragon appeared behind me, at the time I wasn't aware of who or what the Dragon was, no one else had seen it as it grew behind me, flames encompassing its body before it disappeared inside me.

My body shook, pain erupted in every muscle in my body, as the fire was flung from my mouth, I could feel the intense heat as it left my body, I myself was left unburnt. The Stark troops were not as lucky, the screams as they burned woke my camp, troops barely covered in armour came flying over the hill, swords drawn.

Just to see a sight they had all seen plenty of times, burning enemies...

McCallam McCallam

John's age has been dropped to 14 from 16 in cannon at the start of the story. Thanks for reading.

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