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Chapter 5: End of the Kang risk

"Kang eventually was defeated and everything returned to normal. After a few years, the wizards returned warning about the same changes in history indicating Kang's reappearance." said Logan.

Those around him looked confused, wondering if the story would enter an endless loop like some oriental tales that use the dao to never conclude a story, but what was said next reassured them.

"Defeating Kang the second time was easier, and then began a search for the reason for Kang's resurgence. It took a while, but then they realized that the energy signature of the first Kang was slightly different from that of the second Kang. The difference was so small that it only appeared when using almost infinite decimal places; it would be like comparing two identical people and saying that what sets them apart is that one of them has one more atom than the other." said Logan.

Jemma was amazed by the idea of such a detailed analysis capable of detecting a single atom's difference.

"So, they conducted a detailed analysis on the refugees who were copies of a person in our world, and this same difference existed. Then they realized that the first Kang came from the same universe as the refugees, but the second one was from our universe. The reason for Kang's resurgence was uncovered. If the mystery was solved, it was over. Right?" said Logan.

Those around the table nodded, and Logan continued.

"We thought so too until almost a decade later when the wizards returned with warnings of changes in history again, possibly caused by another Kang." said Logan.

Confused looks returned, and the fear of becoming a story in the dao model returned.

"Kang was defeated once again, and upon analyzing him, it was discovered that the energy signature of this Kang was different from the previous two. So the researchers and heroes decided they would explore other universes to see if there was a way to prevent them from dealing with other Kangs." said Logan.

Everyone was relieved that at least it seemed like the story would have an end.

"With this search, it was discovered that each universe had a Kang, and if Kang had the conditions, he would establish his dynasty and if successful, he would try to conquer other universes. However, in doing so, he usually encountered other Kangs, and then a multiversal war would begin." said Logan.

Everyone was horrified by the scale the story had taken.

"Kang is a terrible plague; fortunately, it was discovered that the multiverse has ways to prevent threats like him, which cause devastation on the level he does, from reaching the point of destroying the multiverse, such as the Living Tribunal, Abraxas, and Eternity." said Logan.

Those listening to the story were relieved knowing that there were beings dedicated to protecting the multiverse.

"After much investigation into the multiverse, rumors were heard of a person who ruled over many universes but did not seek to dominate any more, someone known as Immortus." said Logan.

Logan then realized the amount of information he was dumping on the people around him and that they might not be keeping up because it was too much to absorb all at once.

"Take it easy, folks, just hold on a little longer because the story is almost over. Well, the universes he ruled were not at war, so they tried to contact Immortus to see if there was a way to protect themselves from Kang." said Logan.

"It is recorded that Immortus laughed and said: Kang? It's been a long time since I've heard that name. It turns out that Immortus was the Kang from one of those universes who won the war against the council of Kangs, and after winning, he grew tired of the endless war and decided to find a way to stop it." said Logan.

"So he talked about how he dealt with Kangs by manipulating the timelines so that they could only enter the universes he dominated when the multiversal war happened, and he manipulated the war so that it always ended with his victory. Thus, his dynasty was unshakeable from threats coming from other Kangs, and that was the only way for a Kang to defend himself from the threat of other Kangs. However, for a universe without Kang, the only way to defend itself from other Kangs would be by isolating the universe from the multiverse." said Logan.

"Immortus said he knew how to isolate a universe, but he wouldn't say the method, something they had to figure out for themselves, and that's what they did. All the best researchers focused solely on this for years until they managed to discover what the method was." said Logan.

"So what is the method of isolating a universe that they discovered?" asked Coulson.

"It turns out they discovered the method of isolating a universe in the first year of research, but what would be necessary to do led them to continue research in the following years, looking for any other different options, but they exhausted the viable choices and found no other option." said Logan.

Logan sighed before continuing.

"The only way to isolate a universe was to destroy the universes bordering it and use their energy to form a shield around the universe." said Logan.

The faces of the members at the table went from surprise to anger in an instant.

"But that would cause the deaths of countless people!" exclaimed Skye.

"Did you do it?" asked Sif.

"At first, no, what would be necessary was disclosed to the public, there was a great debate, and it was decided that we would not execute this plan." said Logan.

There were relieved sighs, and Skye calmed down.

"So did the Avengers act in secret again, or did something happen that changed public opinion and made you change your mind?" asked Coulson.

"The solution was considered unfeasible until a few decades later when the wizards returned with warnings about changes in history again, indicating the emergence of another Kang, but now it was different. Many of the heroes who fought Kang the first time were retired or dead, so the battle was more difficult than expected, we even nearly had some casualties." said Logan.

Logan continued with a heavy voice.

"Then people realized that the threat wouldn't stop and that the heroes couldn't protect the people forever. Questions began to arise about the Kang problem: what if next time the heroes failed? What if we don't have heroes to fight Kang? What if the wizards fail to notice the signs? What if the heroes are busy with another threat when another Kang emerges? These questions dominated conversations, soon it was all you saw on television, heard on podcasts, and appeared on social media." said Logan.

"So a public consultation was reopened worldwide and in other allied worlds of Earth, and the majority decided to proceed with the plan to isolate our universe, and so it was done." said Logan.

The people at the table were still digesting the information about the destruction of entire universes, but Logan didn't stop.

"As a consequence of isolating our universe, it became much more difficult to leave it, and this became evident when tests were conducted to see if it had really worked. The biggest surprise came when an attempt was made to see how the isolation worked from outside our universe, and nothing could return to our universe, neither data from machines nor people. The isolation had worked at a much higher level than expected; not only were we free from the threat of Kang but also from any other type of visitors." said Logan.

"So I know I can't go back to my universe; the only reports of people leaving our universe were due to the actions of beyonders, which were the name given to beings capable of manipulating reality. Throughout my life, there was only one case of people leaving my universe, which was when a girl awakened her powers of creation of portals. It was sad; the child got scared by a bee, sent her parents through a portal to the other side of the world, and sent herself to another universe. I still remember the name of that child, America Chavez." said Logan.

"Okay, thank you for the clarification. Now, why don't you tell us who you are and how you ended up here?" said Coulson.

"Before that, I know you're the leader here, but can you tell me your name? Because it doesn't make sense to me that you have more authority than the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D scientific division." Logan pointed to Jemma.

"The director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Logan pointed to Skye.

"And an Asgardian general." Logan pointed to Lady Sif.

The surprise on everyone's faces only increased as he spoke of the roles each of the people around him held. Even Lady was surprised by the position she held in Asgard.

Coulson took a moment to recover from his shock and respond, but eventually, he managed.

"My name is Phillip Coulson, and I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D in this world." Coulson said calmly.

"Wait... you're Phil Coulson? But you're old and bald, that's practically impossible for someone who took the super soldier serum." Logan said, surprise clear in his voice.

Everyone from S.H.I.E.L.D was extremely surprised that someone had the audacity to call Coulson, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, old and bald.

"Am I different from the version you know?" Coulson asked.

"Very! Wow, if this is what you look like when you get older, the Coulson from my universe should thank God every day for being able to take the super soldier serum." Logan said.

Coulson was visibly bothered, and Skye was clearly holding back a laugh.

"The difference can't be that great, right?" Coulson asked.

"Tall, blond, strong, with blue eyes. I won't say anything more." Logan said.

"Like Captain America?" Coulson asked.

"Captain America was much bigger and stronger, but now that you mention it, there were similarities." Logan said.

Coulson had a gleam in his eye as he imagined the possibility of being similar to Captain America.

"So about who I am and how I ended up here..." Logan said.

"Before that, could you take off the mask first?" asked Skye.

"Oh, I forgot about that; I'm still wearing a mask. Sorry, I'm so used to it that I don't even notice it anymore." said Logan.

Then the mask glowed faintly and disappeared as Logan used his hands to remove the hood.

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