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Chapter 2: S1 Ep2: The storm cometh ( Start of conquest arc) R-18

The girl with brownish red hair stepped over the minotaurs corpse, still dripping in the blood of her enemies she had a slight frustrated and excited facial expression as she glanced at the new situation that she had found herself in.

The goblins had circled the girl despite seeing what she had done they still had the aim of taking her life; the goblins had ragged breath, their weapons trained at the human girl that stood there like an emissary of death, fear and rage written all of their face.

The human girl's eyes darted round the destroyed clearing for an opening, 'Damn,life; there's nah fukin way for me ta slip out, how the fuk did I let them box me in?!' She sighed deeply, 'Damn, when I though I was outta danger these bastards come outta wood works these motherfukers stick around, and they aren' good in sensing magical energy. fuk!' She put a finger to her chin in deep thought. She tilted her head to the side and knitted her brows in confusion. 'Wha da fuk is their problem? They look as if their hearts are not in it.'

She gazed at the minotaurs laying corpse at her feet. 'Maybe from seeing how I handled these guys? Yeah, that's probably it. Fuk! What do they think I can fukin spam death moves like a fukin cheat character? This shit isn't exactly to fire fukers!'

"What the fuck is she?!! are all human this terrifying!!" Goblin warrior A gazed at their weak sword in defeat.

Goblin warrior B looked down hopeless darkness dawning on her face, "Did you see how she took out those 10 minotaur's?!! We barely fuckin escaped them and she used her powerful to take them out like it was fucking nothing."

Goblin warrior C noticed the weakness in her subordinate and snapped her head at them, "Snap out of it, you fucker! We can't afford to be weak in this moment! If we let up now, we all fucking die!"

Goblin warrior B looking stricken with fear and seethed with anger of the hopeless situation, snapped at her, "Yeah, that might all be fucking true, but how the fuck do we get past her exactly, didn't you see her fucking power?!!"

Goblin warrior A sword dipped and took deep breaths, "Yeah, not even fucking shamans or the other fucking human hunters could do such a thing and those minotaurs weren't exactly fucking weak."

Goblin warrior C sighed and looked down at his battleaxe, "But we got no chance, just look at her, she's got the eyes of a motherfucking killer."

The girl was in deep thought, thinking on how to resolve the situation that she has found herself in. 'Hmm, maybe if I kill just a few 'nd threaten the rest of 'em so they'll run?'

The girl finally took action against the goblins that surrounded her, she raised a hand to the small group of goblins that she faced with a hopeful expression written all over eyes and a wild smile on her face.

The goblin that the girl faced seemed to get even more agitated and looked more tense from the human girl's peculiar actions, unable to know what she planned to do next, but got ready to take action when she made any threatening moves on them.

A magic sigil appeared on the palm of her hands and she fired a beam of catalyst energy. She drew her arm back from the impact of the attack that she just fired at the goblins.

The goblins tried to get out of the way but couldn't move out of the way in time of the attack and it punched holes in their bodied that dropped to ground. The beam kept going and destroyed a few trees behind them before the magic died.

'Damn, it's so fukin hard to know how much fukin magic to use in a fukin attack,' The girl glanced at the other goblins as they looked on her in disbelief and a smirk appeared on her face. 'Excellent now for the next step.'

The girl turned to them and spoke in goblin tongue, "You see my mighty power, goblins?" The girl flexed her arm to show her power and dominance over them. "If the rest of you value your life, leave this place immediately!"

The goblins all charged at her almost immediately with the throwing caution to the wind and aiming to take down the threat that stands before them out.

"Die for the safety of our people, fucking monster!!" they scram.

The girl scowled at them, 'Ugh, what the fuk??! Are they hero types??'

The goblins charged at her all at ounce; they switched positions and ran in a zig-zag formation intending to disorient the girl, which worked for the most part, she couldn't focus any single goblin that came at her in all direction.

While the melee weapon ones did that, the archers spread out in all direction and trained their enchanted arrows at her and fired with the aim to take her life.

The girl reached for her disks that were sheathed and holstered at her sides; she pulled them off and unsheathed them with a push of the trigger at the handle. She expertly dodged the arrows that soared through the air, moved through the motions of the arrow, deflected those that travelled too close together to dodge at her current dodging speed with the blades of her disks.

When the first few volleys hit the ground, she jumped and noticed that there was no noticeable magical effect other than they sunk into the ground deeper than she expected them to, this put a slight disappointed look on her face and made her sigh softly.

She softly chuckled at the absurdity of their weak attacks, 'Are these just fukin extra damage imbued arrows? Such weak magic coul' never get me down.'

She resumed dodging and deflecting the arrows that came at her, making sure that she didn't miss a beat of the attacks, letting her trained body and instincts guide her through.

First charging goblin exclaimed, "Uuh, the monster is fucking fast too!"

"Q-quick fucking kill her!" second charging goblin scram.

The arrows volley on the human girl ceased now that the melee goblins had gotten in target range of the girl, she readied her body for what comes next; she breathed deeply.

The goblins leapt into the air, screamed battle cries and swung their weapons wildly; they came at her from all sides.

The girl smirked, 'Finally they are in range.'

The girl took a battle stance with her disk and threw them in the air; the disks soared in the air and trained for the rangers that took possession some distance from her.

The girl thrust her palm in the air at fast speeds; she sent a barrage of beams of catalyst energy magic in all directions; the attacks punched holes into the goblin; they fell down before her feet in droves and screamed in agony, spurting blood all over the area.

She momentarily ceased fire to catch her disks that soared through the air in her direction. The weapons had sliced through some goblin rangers. She spun the disks in round her trained fingers and threw them through the air again to claim more goblin lives before more goblins overwhelmed her.

She inhaled deeply and sent the last barrage volley of magic at the goblin warriors punching holes in their bodies before she caught her disks dripping blood and holding them with her arms spread apart. She starred the rest of the surviving goblins down as more goblins dropped to the ground, daring them to make a move.

The goblins that survived scrambled back into the forest screaming, "Monster!"

The girl huffed lightly as she sheathed her disks blades and holstered them at her sides.

'Why da fuk didn' they fukin leave already. fuk!' She rested her hands on her knees. 'I may have a fuk ton of magic, but it ain' infinite ya fukers!'

The girl stood up straight, took deep breaths, letting the air feel her longs and renovating her fatigue, she smacked her dry lips, feeling parched from training and fighting for so long.

'I need water,' She scanned the clearing.

She found her bag next to the broken rock with a battle axe and a minotaur severed hand attached to it. She stepped over the corpses, crouched and grab it. She pulled out her water and chugged it. She wiped her mouth, feeling her thirst quench and some fatigue leave her body. She took a few quick breaths, stuffed her bag with her stuff.

She got up staggered from blood rushing to her head slung her bag over her shoulder before she paused, 'I shoul' probably make sure that I can fukin protect myself first. I had to go fukin extra to be able to punch through fukin bodies, nearly fukin drained myself dry.'

Her eyes had the symbol of magic within her pupils and her talent activated, she opened her mouth wide and inhaled deeply pure magic energy was drawn from the space around her and into her leaving the place. She clamped her mouth shut, pulled her head back and gulped down the magical energy.

'Ahh, not good enough, I thin' that was like 15% magic restored, well I guess it's somethin' She exhaled.

'Let's check the ol' status,' she huffed, shrugging her bag's straps on her shoulders.

Lvl: 10

Str: 15

Agi: 18

Int: 28

Mg str: 57

Magic: Catalyst god

Martial arts: Ranged magic caster

Skills: Danger detection

Talent: Magic energy syphon

Emphatic link: Enri.

She smiled at the stats before 'Well, at least thanks to 'em I'm in double digits now and my magical energy improved a fuk ton.' She leaned back.

She looked round at the destruction she had caused and mayhem that she accidentally caused on the land, 'I guess I'll get big sis ta fix this place up when she can.'

She leaped onto a tree, jumped branch to branch and headed south; she headed towards the exit of the Tob forest and back to the Carne village.

'Speaking of sis, I wonder wha that fuker is up to right now.' She had a finger to her chin with thoughts of her older sister.

500 meters back at the edge of the river bank sat Homurr, rested on their head was their slime spouse- Snapdragon and their other spouse Enri who sat on their laps. The other ogres were close by them. They were all enjoying the cool, refreshing water in the river after a long day of work.

Their bags and clothes lay on the ground a few feet away from the river bank resting on the trees behind them while they enjoyed the river.

Snapdragon used their tendrils to gesture combat, "Probably fucking fighting hostile monsters again. That dumb brat is like her older sister, battle crazy, she's fine."

Enri cocked her head up, "Speakin' of which, which kingdom do ya guys want ta migrate to?"

Homurr got anxious under her spouse, "Uhh, I… um…"

Snapdragon groaned upon hearing this, "Dude, you're coming with this fucking shit again?"

Enri furrowed her brows, "Wha'?"

"You're bringing up shit that we can't decide right now." They used their tentacles to gesture their frustration. "It's at least three fucking years in advance, you bunker nut."

Enri looked up at Snapdragon on top of Homurr's head and raised a finger, "Fate favors those that are prepared."

They pushed the issue away with a gesture of their tentacle. "Pshh, whatever. We've got lots of time to consider such things."

Enri turned her gaze to her spouse, "You agree with me, right, dear?"

Homurr went red with embarrassment and nerves messing with their brain, "I, um, I pass."

"Hahaha!" Snapdragon laughed. "See, your dumb fuckery is just making the beauty uneasy."

"Huh? Really??" Enri's brows furrowed, perplexed.

"I… uh… it's not fucking like that…" Homurr stammered, waving her arms through the air. "It's just some time in the future and I don't want to think about such things at the moment."

Enri dropped her head and pouted. "Hmm! Well, you're both fukin silly." She pursed her lips. "Well, I for one want ta live in Karnassus City-State."

""No!"" Snapdragon and Homurr exclaimed.

Enri furrowed her brows, "What fukin now? Karnassus is a huge fukin kingdom with enough protection, non knight combat oriented job opportunity and limited racial oppression."

Snapdragon used their tendrils to gesture. "Dude, the way to Karnassus is fucking riddled with wars and cults, we'd need a fukin army to get past there."

"Oh…" Enri dropped her head in shame.

Homurr caressed Enri's hair, "Don't worry too much, honey. If anyone can do it here, you can. Wish you could fucking do it here though, so we didn't need to run and hide all the fucking time when adventurers came into the tob forest."

'Hm, why can't I do it… oh right cause of the fukin kingdom that rules over us and the three monsters that rules over the tob forest.' Enri took her spouse's hand, kissed it and rested her cheek on it. "Ya guys were right, enough talk abou' such stuff."

Snapdragon gestured with their tentacles, "Now you're speak my fucking language…" They put a tentacle to a mouth that doesn't exist. "Well, not really, but you get the mother fucking point!"

Homurr smiled down at Enri, "Yeah, we got some fucking time, so let's enjoy each other's company for now."

This immediately gave Snapdragon a deviant idea, "Yes, dear, let us!" They internally smirked.

Enri played with her hair in the water, "So tell me, honey, how were chiefing duties today?"

"Well, it wa-Oooohh!" Homurr yelped her face went red. "No, wait, honey, please not fucking here! Not mother fucking now!!"

A slurching sound could be heard from behind making Enri raise her head in wonder of what that familiar sound coming from behind her, followed by Homurr moaning softly confirming her suspicious, Enri spun round to facing Homurr and grinning deviously at the scene that was displayed before her.

Snapdragon's tendrils were groping their spouses' three breast, Homurr's chest shook with each heavy breath that they took, they were blushing with their eyes focused on Snapdragon's tendrils and their mouth agape, moaning. Lust filled their heart from the motions of Snapdragon's experienced tendril around their breasts, their heart beating fast. Their nipples, now erect, bounced in all direction from the lustful motions that Snapdragon was doing.

Enri was mesmerized by the swaying of Homurr's breasts, she felt the lustful intentions fill her mind from looking at them bounce from side to side. She moved up Homurr's body, her fingers snaked along the side of Homurr's body, tickling the ogre, who jolted at the slight lustful touch of their spouse. Enri climbed their body, legs planted on the ground behind them and clasped her hands on the side of their boobs, her hands sinking into Snapdragon's tendrils, pushing the mounds together and making Homurr moan from pleasure.

Enri leaned forward, her chin resting on Snapdragon's tendrils and Homurr's tooted breasts, swung her feet over Homurr's body, Homurr placed a tattooed hand on her back to keep her from falling off.

Enri spoke in a low, lustful tone, "Oh, honey, are you enjoying your breast getting teased out here in the mother fukin open!"

Homurr let out sharp moans, they found it hard to form words for a quick minute, "Nngh! Fuck yeah! You both are way too fucking sexy!"

Homurr threw her head back and moaned deeply from the sexual attacks that their spouses were doing to their boobs, Homurr felt their heart skip a beat watching Enri and Snapdragon fondle their fun bags before Enri let go and looked directly in their eyes.

Enri had a look of wild debauchery staring into the beautiful hot pink eyes of Homurr, she licked her subtly lips and brought it down on Homurr's pierced nipple of their middle breasts, nibbling it softly and rolling her tongue on the nipple .

Enri stopped when Homurr's twin dick sliding against her bare ass as they rose to attention out of Homurr's cock sheath in between their legs. Homurr rubbed their thighs together, letting the lust over take them, biting down on their lower lip.

Enri turned her head to look at Homurr's now erect dicks twitch with anticipation dawning her to them, she climbed down Homurr's body, stopped at their abdomen and ran her hands down it meeting their pelvic where their dick twitched, Enri ran her hands along the shaft of the dicks reaching up to the head out of the water, Homurr moan louder this time. Pre-cum dripped down the side of the dicks, Enri lapped it, moving her hands along the dicks length lapping off all the precious pre-cum that leaked from the top of the pillars before her.

Snapdragon increased the speed and pressure of their groping. They made more tendril to squeeze and pull on Homurr's nipples and drove more heated moans out of the ogre. Homurr moaned deeply, feeling the pleasure of their spouses' erotic actions take over their mind.

'Fuck, fuck! Fuck! Fuuck! This is too fucking good!' They threw their head back.

Enri drew her head back, saliva and pre-cum hung by a thread from her mouth connecting the two and marveled at the cocks, "Whoa, the size is always fukin amazin'. This is nothin' like the human dick I've seen on the internet."

"Please don't measure my dick to other humans," Homurr moaned.

"Hey, enough being a fucking pussy and eat that fucker's hot dogs already!" Snapdragon jabbed a tendril at Enri.

Enri snapped at Snapdragon, "I was fukin gettin there!"

"Do it!" Snapdragon pressured her with their words.

Enri rose from the water and positioned herself so she was at an optimal level to suck off her spouse. She licked the heads of the dicks, circling them with her tongue. She opened her mouth wide and engulfed the dick, but being unable to go any deeper than a few inches down the head.

Enri took a few deep breaths and started off slow going up and down the dick her mouth elongated in a suction like way as she pulled her head away from the dick using the walls of her mouth and tongue to stimulate dick. Slurching could be hard from Enri as she joyfully sucked on the dicks, moving her tongue around and gulping down the pre-cum leaking from the intense lovemaking.

Snapdragon had now used their whole body to take Homurr's three chests parts of their body was stimulating Homurr's nipples and they shook violently with each heavy breath and stimulation from Snapdragon. Snapdragon had a large tendril in their mouth exploring the canal regions.

Homurr moaned louder under her as they used their arms to position themself on the grassy plains of the river bank, 'Ahhhh! Fuck!! This is so fucking good!'

Enri gripped the shaft of Homurr's dick and moved her hands along the length, she rubbed her pussy against the huge meaty dicks as she did this, sending waves of pleasure down to Homurr who was just about to hit their limit.

Homurr bucked their hips lightly a few times, their moans becoming louder and more frequent with the intense lovemaking she was experiencing the two sexually attacking their body.

Homurr's back arched and they shook with ecstasy and screamed in pleasure, "Cumming!"

Enri's eyes widened in horror as her mouth filled with cum and pulled her mouth away from Homurr's spurting dicks, she coughed and sat down, still stroking the dicks as Homurr as they came on her and in the water.

Homurr and Enri huffed heavily from the intercourse they just had with each other, their hearts beat fast and hard, their minds still finding it hard to get bearings.

"Hey, honey, can you still go~?" Snapdragon used a tentacle to caress the side of Homurr's blushed cheeks. "~I'd just love to take your huge meat sticks up in me~!"

Homurr became instantly hard up hearing this, "Y-Yeah, I think I can manage."

Homurr placed a hand on Enri's gut pulled her close to them and shuffled out of the river and onto to the dry land behind them breathing heavily, her body was now out of the water and on the dry grassy land making it safe for Snapdragon.

Snapdragon feeling lust claiming their mind slithered off of Homurr's mounds and made their way down Homurr's toned body to the twin pillars that twitched before them. Snapdragon enveloped the entire thing in a single bound, Snapdragons inner body began to stimulating the twin pillars sending waves of pleasure down Homurr's spine.

Homurr threw their head back, moaned loudly, their fingers and toes curled, lifting one foot slightly off the ground, they shudder under Snapdragon before calming down a bit and thrusting their hips.

"Ahhhh!! Fuckkkk!! You always hit the right spots, dear!" she huffed.

Enri was about to attack Homurr's mounds again when she noticed the other ogres were masturbating to their sexual acts under the water, 'Huh, I nearly forgot that they were even here. Well, it's time to make up for it!'

"Hey, ya guys wanna make this even more fun with an orgy?" Enri smirked.

Homurr couldn't formulate proper words in the state that she was in, but nodded quickly in between a few quick moans and tilted her body to the side.

Snapdragon huffed lightly. "Y-y-yeah s-s-sure."

Enri sat up on Homurr's abdomen looking at the three ogres, a lust hungry grin was plastered on her face, whistled and gestured for them to join them.

The ogres had a lustful primal look in their eyes seeing as Enri, Homurr and Snapdragon was cool with them participating in an orgy with them. They hastily crossed the water with their heart beating fast.

The first to approach were the two female ogres followed by the male ones, the ogres waiting still masturbating at the sexual display before them.

Enri turned put a knee on Homurr a foot on the ground and ass up, "You, fuck my ass!" she ordered the male ogre, before then pointing at the female ogre, "You two have free range to do as you please to our bodies. Everyone cool with that?"

Everyone nodded in agreement to the instructions given to them by the human farmer Enri.

The male ogre knelt behind Enri, on top of Homurr spreading his legs apart, "Oh, this is going to be fucking fun!" He placed a large hand on Enri's ass. "I heard normal humans can't take dicks of our size without practice, but we've slept with mastress Homurr, so this should be easy, lord Enri."

Enri's flushed, "Yup! Stick it in me already!" She bobbed his dicks on her ass.

Female ogre A stepped over Homurr, angling their pelvic region over their face, her pussy juice leaked on to the ground and Homurr's face from anticipation.

"Ahh, you might want to take deep breaths, mastress." The ogre lowered herself.

Homurr kindly smiled at her, "This ain't my first time eating out a pussy!"

Homurr held her legs as they came down and guided her body to their mouth where their tongue dug into one of ogre A's pussies, she yelped from the feeling of it ravishing her vaginal walls, Homurr's lips clamping down on her pussy lips before she sat on their face.

"Ahh! You eat out pussy so fucking good, mastress!" She squealed.

Female ogre B stepped over Homurr's body, crouched and shoved their pussy in front of Enri with a depraved look on her face and almost animalistic look in her eyes.

She put a carefully dominating hand on Enri's head, "If you don't mind, my lord."

Enri chuckled lightly, "Not at all, go ahead."

Female ogre B drove Enri's face into her pussy with a single thrust, let out a light moan before rubbing it against Enri's supple lips and letting her nose rub her sensitive clit.

Enri slipped her tongue into one of her pussies, rubbing her tongue against the walls of it, before switching to the one beside, clamping her mouth on the pussy lips before placing a hand on her legs for support.

The male ogre moved back to aim inside Enri's holes properly, rubbing their back against Snapdragon and Homurr's dick, he pushed his dicks against Enri's ass and pussy. He felt lust take over as they pushed through the fairly gaped openings.

Enri eyes flung open as she felt the male's tip going in the wrong hole, she tapped female ogre B's hand and she ceased domming her, drawing her hand from Enri's head.

Enri pulled back and glared at the male ogre with instantly made them tense up and cease motion.

"I-Is something the matter, lord Enri?" He cautiously made eye contact with her.

"Yeah, mother fuker," she jabbed a thumb at her backside. "Ya're puttin yar dick in the wrong fukin hole. I sighed my mother fukin asshole, not my pussy!"

He knitted his eyebrows dumbfounded and did the math on his fingers, looked down at his twin pillars and his size, at Enri's agape holes, then back at his dick.

"B-but, my lord, you have two holes." He looked at her, perplexed by the order.

"Did I fukin stutterer!" She demanded.

"N-no!" He jumped.

Enri took female ogre B's hand and placed it back on her head, "Good! Then fuk it!"

Enri tapped the Female ogre B's hand, she shoved Enri's head back into her sucking wet love box and moaned deeply from the intense tongue action she was receiving.

Inhaling deeply the male ogre brought their two dicks up to kiss Enri's gaped asshole and feel it pucker on the tip of his dick before relaxing, he placed his hands on the ground gripping the grass before thrusting their entire length of his dicks into Enri's asshole all the way to the base of his dick with no issue; the asshole seemed to hug the shaft of his dick with enough strength and pressure that it felt like a nice cock sleeve that could fit any dick; the dicks deformed Enri's gut up to her chest, making her moan loudly in the female ogre B's pussy.

He looked down at the small human girl, completely stomped at what was happening, 'Whoa! I didn't fucking think that this was going to fucking work. I guess she got enough training from mastress Homurr.' He chuckled a little.

Enri thrust her hips backward with a nice rhythm that she felt good for both of them, her ass bounced on his hips making a loud slapping sound and he did the same leaning into the rhythm that Enri was motioning, They both moaned loudly from the intense sexual act.

The two ogre female moaned loudly with the tongues diving deep into their pussies, they moved their hips in different speeds and motion to their partners rhythm; they squealed after cumming for the third time, their nipples were still hard, they took a few deep breaths to catch their breaths before continuing the rhythmic motion of their hips. Female ogre A groped Homurr's breast, gyrating them as she rocked her hips back and forth. Female ogre B's hand moved to her breast, squeezing it in between them and a hand gripping Enri's head.

Homurr's body was drenched from the love juice of Enri and female ogre B and the pre-cum of the male ogre, their face was drenched with the love juice from female ogre A. Homurr moaned heavily from the sexual attacks that they were experiencing their mind felt semi blank but made sure that they were alert of the environment around them, as did everyone else.

"Cumming!" the male ogre cried out, their spine becoming erect.

Enri's eyes flung open as she felt the ogre behind her fill her gut with his baby batter, she gripped female ogre B's shaking hips as they both came as well, drenching Homurr's body in even more love juice. Enri pulled her mouth from female ogre B's pussy before coughing some cum on to Homurr.

Enri had a hand over her mouth trying to keep the cum in, she snapped her fingers and gestured for them to dismount.

The male ogre and female ogre as they were ordered, the male ogre pulled his dicks from Enri's gaped ass with surprising ease and placed them on Enri back and she shivered a little from having them placed on her back with cum dripping down onto her back and sliding off the side, Female ogre B did the same, huffed heavily with strings of saliva and pussy juice linking her clutch and Enri's mouth. They both fell to the side, huffing.

Enri breathed heavily in her hand, she put a hand on her belly for support, dismounted Homurr walked over to the river and pushed her gut and let all the cum shoot out her ass in an enema into the river, she let out a huge relieving sigh as she did.

Homurr shook violently as their dicks shot load after load of cum into Snapdragon as they managed to hold it all with their body before sliding off of Homurr. Snapdragon spurted most of the contents into the river.

Enri finished emptying her now flat gut of cum, she cleaned her dirty body of the various fluids in the river she jumped onto the land she stretched her body in relief of the sexual relief and the quick showering that she had just done.

She knelt beside a cum and pussy juice drenched Homurr and kissed her on the lips, "~Bye, dear, see ya soon~!"

Homurr couldn't utter the words, but Enri got the message from the mumbled words, failing to make a coherent sentence. Enri walked over to her stuff, dried herself off when she felt a certain familiar feeling from down below.

Enri looked down only to see that Snapdragon was crawling up her leg and digging into her gaped ass.

Enri gripped the little fire slime, "Are you givin' me a mother fukin analphagia!?"

"Yeh!" Snapdragon giggled.

"Wait, why?!" Enri cried. " 've gotta go!"

"I know, but you are going to the village, right? It's nice seeing a bit of the forbidden world," Snapdragon slithered deeper into her.

Enri sighed heavily, "Fine!" She looked down at them with a defeated face. "But try not ta move too much, kay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it." Snapdragon waved away her concerns. "Now top me off, don't want to burn your inside."

"Oh, right!" Enri crouched.

She materialized a single seed and planted it, plucked the herbs leaves and handed them to Snapdragon, after they devoured it they sunk deeper into Enri and settled inside of her, giving her a sorta of a gut.

"Gods, I always fukin look pregnant with you in me!" Enri looked down at the protruding gut.

A mental picture of a dress filled her mind hole.

"Ya know how I feel abou' dresses," she sighed. "But I don' have a choice."

Enri rummaged through her bag and pulled out a simple knee high yellow and orange dress with a light armored leather apron, gloves and boots. She put the contents on, Snapdragon being in her gut, was now invisible from her appearance and now will notice unless they put a hand on her gut.

Leaving the ogres behind the two headed down south to where the village below the Emmot's families house on a hill was situated, Enri jogged down the same path as she always did with very little trouble as she found no hostile monster on her way, she heard some battles at the distance away from her.

'Hmm, some of the Tob forest residents most be hunting in those areas,' Enri looked ahead.

Enri made her way out of the forest, giving information to Snapdragon as she passed which was mostly just tree signifying the forest and monsters hunting animals every so often when she heard the battles in the distance.

The girl with brownish red haired emerged out of the Tob forest soaring through the air feeling the cool rushing air breeze through her, filling her lungs and her hair waved in the air. She landed on the ground of the Emmot family, sliding to a halt and huffing lightly, she wiped sweat from her brow.

She scanned the area around her seeing no one around the area, her gaze fell to the farm at the distance, 'Hm, seems sister did the farm work so there's nothin for me to do.' She turned her gaze to the bungalow wooden house of the Emmot family. 'Guess I'll go to my room then, and work on my fukin magic control there, hopefully dad won' be awake. That will be very unpleasant.'

The girl went round the house to where the only open window to her room was, slid it open and crawled through it, she looked round her room; the room was a small dark purple carpeted one, posters of cartoon character were on the walls, a rainbow flag was plastered above her small bed that just about fit her, the scattered bed was filled with stuffed animals and pillows, to the right of the bed to the wall were her clothes dresser with even more stuffed animals on top of it and opposite the end of her bed was a cupboard where she kept her other stuff and knick-knack and to the side of her beds were a table with night stands on them.

The girl got to her feet with a pained smile on her face, dumped her bag in the corner, took off her clothes, undid her hair, letting to brush against her shoulder. She took a quick shower in the bathroom, washing off her sweaty body, washed her hair and the stress she was feeling in her body in the warm shower.

She got out of the bath in a couple minute dried her hair and sat on her bed in her towel and a couple stuffed animals in her embrace with some plans for building and weapons constructions on her laptop, after a couple minutes of intense plotting and grafting she shut the thing and put it away.

The girl put on some a plane dark purple cotton long sleeve, a black light armored leather skirt with straps that went over shoulders with a pair of white thigh high socks.

'Alrigh, time for some fukin trainin'!' The girl sat in the middle of her room when her stomach grumbled. 'Maybe a quick bite to eat.'

She got to her feet held her breath as she left the room passed her sisters room that was down the hall from hers and spotted her father passed out on the chair of the living room, beer cans were spilled around him and T.V was on, the living room reeked of alcohol.

The girl heaved a soft sigh of relief, 'Good, he's passed out like always, time to get some grub.'

She made her to the kitchen where her mother was preparing a late lunch for the girls when she noticed that her last born had entered the room.

She turned round with a small smile on her face, "Ahh, Nemu, there ya 're, how have you been?"

Nemu ignoring Oyaihora without even so much as making eye contact groaned inwardly and made her way to fridge. She flung the door open and rummaged through it.

Oyaihora sighed deeply and gripped her left arm tightly, 'She's ignorin me yet again… I wonder I can fukin do ta repair the damaged relationship between my daughters??' She shoved the thought away along with the deep pain in her gut down.

Nemu brought out some leftovers burgers from the fridge with a hungry look on her face while imagining eating the burger n the comfort of her. She placed it in the over and waited.

'I shoul' fukin say somethin', but I don' have a fukin right to be "parentin" her after all the shit I fukin let happen, but it still fukin hurts to just watch!' Oyaihora watched on at her daughter ignoring her gripping her arm tighter.

Oyaihora tried to will herself to say something, anything, but she couldn't bring herself to do anything. She was lost in a sea of self loathing and regret just awkwardly watching her daughter, leaving the food unattended, at this point in time, nothing seamed exist to her at that moment. The ding of the oven being done brought Oyaihora back to reality, she went back tending to the late lunch.

Nemu pulled out the burger sniffing the scent coming from the burger letting the inviting smell fill her brain thoughts of digging into the burger at that moment, she let out her desire to feast on it right there in a sigh and headed for the door of the kitchen with a smile on her face until she noticed that Oyaihora was still here and the smile instantly died as she passed by her.

"Nemu!" Oyaihora called after her, Nemu didn't seem to register her. "Lunch will be ready soon, do you know where is?"

Nemu let out a troubled breath, "She's out, will be back soon, I'll come to lunch when you're all fukin done."

Oyaihora's head dropped, "Oh, like every day. Do y-"

"No!" Nemu coldly stated before leaving the kitchen.

Oyaihora looked on at the now empty doorway with a pained expression on her face, mixed in with guilt, angry and helplessness. Pushing such thoughts a way with some controlled breaths, she resumed her wifely and motherly duties by tending to the late lunch for her family.

Nemu was now back in her room a few feet from her bed, sitting on a pillow enjoying her delicious burger, feeling her energy recharge by eating it, heaving a sigh of relief as her hunger and fatigue seemed to wave away with each bite.

'Alright, now that I'm done with big sis's burger,' Nemu licked her fingers. 'Time ta get some fukin work done!'

She breathed calmly, digging the magical energy within her until to burst forth, enveloping the entire room with her magical energy that vibrated violently with a wild, uncontrollable intensity. Her face twisted as she could barely keep the magical energy in control, the power became more erratic and violet with each passing second.

Cold sweat dripped down Nemu's face as she struggled to keep it in, 'Alright, jus' calm the fuk down!' She breathed more calmly. 'I'm in control, I'm in control!'

The intensity of the magical power seemed to die down and Nemu seamed to adjust to the more controlled magical energy that still filled her room. She breathed more calmly with the level of control she had of magical energy, still having a problem with control over.

This went on for a few minutes with Nemu taking breaks when she felt overwhelmed from trying to contain her dangerous wild magic energy from damaging her body and everything around her.

She was currently hunched over her hands on the carpeted floor of her room, puffing with and dripping sweat all over the floor beneath her. She panted, trying to control the air entering her lungs.

'Damn it! Fuk! This shitty magic gives me anothe' form of fatigue that doesn' fukin affect my body, but it still fukin sucks just as fukin bad!' Nemu clawed at the carpet. 'But I have no fukin choice if I wan' power, I need to fukin work for it!'

Nemu pushed herself back and continued her training with her wild magic, violently not agreeing with her will. Suddenly, she heard a sudden thump from the living.

Nemu instantly tensed up, her magic died and her face grimaced from fear of what was to come, 'Oh for fuks sake's, why and how did he wake the fuk up so soon?! Damn, I'm fukin trapped, I guess I got no choice but to act innocent and fukin hope that that'll be enough.'

Nemu jumped onto her bed and pulled out her tablet and pretended to read to be using it while dreading the inevitable that was to come her way in a few seconds.

Mr. Emmot was fuming in rage and disbelief, 'How the fuk does this lil' shits think they are!'

Oyaihora was setting up the table when she noticed her husband was looking furious coming her way and her heart instantly sunk upon fearing for what might come her way, she instantly involuntary reacted and shielded her vitals for what was to come. Mr. Emmot ignored her existence and stormed towards Nemu's room.

'Wait, that's the girls' room, wha's he gonna do over there, with a face like that.' Oyaihora unwillingly followed him shaking with each step she took closer to him.

'Their lives belong to me, damn it! They can't just fukin throw away all the hard work I put into raisin' 'em just so they can live out some fantasy of being some fukin heroes.' He stomped over to Nemu's bedroom with her room key and discipline stick in hand. 'They gotta fukin pay me back for all the care I've given 'em through the years.'

Nemu's father burst into the room of his youngest daughter, anger bubbling within him from the insolence of his daughter, he scanned the room for his daughter like an animal looking for prey to pounce into submission. He found Nemu on her bed giving her most believable surprised face with a tablet in hand, staring at her father, who just burst into her room.

'Alrigh', here fukin goes nothin'.' Nemu breathed calmly.

"F-father, do you need somethin'?" Nemu stated, looking and sounding as dumbfounded as much as she could, hoping her father bought it, hoping that he'd not use the stick on her.

Without saying a word, her father stomped over to her, only seaming to grow more and more in seething rage. Nemu braced herself for what was to come at her from her father. Her father smacked her across the face with the discipline stick, making a crack sound, he put a knee on her bed and brought it down on her sides.

"You fukin useless, bitch!" He barked. "Wantin' to get yarself killed and leavin me with yar aging crone of a mother, eh?"

Upon hearing this, Oyaihora burst into the room, "Please, darlin', stop!"

"No!" He barked, her turned towards with rage in his eyes. "If ya come any closer, you'll take her place."

The scared house wife backed away in fear hitting the door frame, hating herself due to her weakness, "P-please, Nemu, just bear with the punishment for breakin the rules for a lil bit and never do it again."

"Heh!" Her husband smirked and turned back to his daughter. "Ya hear that, ya lil shit," He raised the stick. "Just bear with ya fukin punishment!! 'nd fukin learn that the use of magic or doin' hero shit is fukin forbidden in this family."

He ferociously brought down his daughter's body repeatedly with a stern look on his face making sure she burns the rules of the Emmot household in her soul, the shook with each strike he took against his daughter's body, breathing heavily with each motion that he took making sure each strike was more powerful than the last.

This made the mother physical react wanting the madness to stop but having no power to do anything about the current situation that unfolded before her, crippled with fear and her mind drowning in dark thoughts, she teared up letting the hot tears roll down the side of her face as she watched unable to do anything.

Nemu bared with the assault on her body, shielding her face from the punishment which left faint pain on her body that barely stung due to her training with heavier hitters. Her mind sunk further and further into her hatred of her parents, 'Alright! That's fukin it!' She gritted her teeth and snapped her eyes open.

Nemu grabbed the stick as her father was bringing it down on her again

Her father, stunned at this sudden retaliation from his youngest daughter, he looked at her for a few seconds unable to think properly from someone actually putting up a fight against him.

Nemu snapped the stick in half, her father's eyes nearly shut out of his head upon seeing this and stared at her with a look of disbelief. Nemu struck him across the face with knocking him tumbling off her bed to the side, he gritted his teeth and faced her in deepened rage mixed disbelief. Before he could, he could react to this Nemu lunged at him stroke him in the side with her fist and sending him flying across the room and slamming against the wall and landing on the desk next to Nemu's table.

Nemu got off of her bed and glared at her father's pathetic state with only contempt and apathy for his well being, she clenched her fist letting her magic flow within her.

Mr. Emmot struggled to get to his feet from the table but tumbled over when he felt the deadly magic energy and murder intent hit him like a freight train, he fell on his ass and stared at the form that was his daughter and saw only a dangerous weapon that stared back at him with her sights set on a new target. He clenched his teeth he lunged at her coating himself in the dermal armor of his martial arts.

Nemu breathed calmly trying to keep her magic in a more controlled state within her body and not spill out, which seemed to work at first, but the magic had other plans bursting out of her at the last minute knocking her parents against and all of her stuff against the wall. Her parents coughed up blood, she knocked the wind out of her father as he coughed and knocked her mother out in an instant.

Nemu panted lightly, unable to think clearly through the fog of hatred and disdain for her parents. She looked down at the pathetic state of her father, anger swelling higher and higher just knowing he is still breathing. She clenched her fist and took a few quick breaths, trying to dial down her desire to end his pathetic life.

Her father huffed, struggled to get to his feet with an outstretched hand aimed at her with hate still in his hands.

"I've fukin had it with this fukin village and yar fukin abusive ass in my life!!" Nemu roared. "All this fukin time with ya forcin ya shit down our throats, forcin us to serve yar sorry ass! Well, news fukin flash this end right fukin now!!!

She stretched a hand a sigil appeared and a burst of her magic her hand slammed into her father's chest shattering his rebuilt dermal armor knocking him back into the wall, Nemu fired multiple shots of catalyst energy magic at her father, the rapid magic energy focused made him spurt blood repeatedly. The attack left her father bloody and bruised on his torso and he was unconscious, but breathing.

"I've fukin' had it with all this shit! I can' fukin' take this shitty mother fukin' Life with you fukers anymore!!" Nemu threw her hand down and screamed.

Nemu huffed lightly, shaking with rage and adrenalin,when she calmed down a bit she glanced round at her handy work; her room was trashed with her cupboard and drawer smashed against the wall, all of her stuff scattered across the room, her bed was flipped in a corner of the room and her parents lay on the ground unconscious.

The thought of having to leave the village began to dawn on Nemu the longer she stared and nut formed in her gut. Nemu scavenged through her thrashed room for some essential items and her travel bag, she put on some shoes. She headed for her door but stop to glance at the mess she had caused, feeling no emotion for actions on what she did to her parents she left with a hopeful smile for the future on her face.

She left the house taking in her breath of the first fresh air of her new life, breathing out softly and slouching letting out of her stress, her eyes fell on the small town that was her home and scowl instantly formed on her face. She stood up straight, adjusting the straps on her back and headed for the tob forest.

At the watch monster watch station on the road of E-rantel the blonde one eyed man in a white coat stood in front of his subordinates staring at all the human warriors and a few enslaved monster to do their bidding in attacking the village of Carne. He was leaned against the wall chatting with his two right-hand men when he got a message on his phone. He pulled it up and a wicked smile spread across his scarred face.

He pushed off the wall and ordered for his subordinates to gather round him.

"Sun light scripture!" He raised his hand, calming down the crowd that went silent to hear the words of their commander, "I have just gotten word that Gazef fucking Stronoff is in bound."

All the subordinates except the enslaved monsters cheered after hearing the man whose head they've been vying for fell for the traps that they planted across the outer ring of the Re-esterize kingdom work and that he was near.

The commander waited for a few minutes before he raised a hand again to silence them from making a commotion.

"Yes, true, he is near and we're very much prepared for his arrival and taken every percussion to ensure his imminent demise." He raised a hand to the sky Even though the sun is disappearing from the sky the sun god that the sun light scripture serves will still protect and guide us to victory."

The subordinate standing to his looked at him with profound confusion, "Uuh, sir, the sun doesn't work that way. You that right?" She asked.

The commander turned to her red from embarrassment at her deadpan face, "Wh-what I was just using the old text of the scripture," He meekly stated.

She raised an eyebrow quizzically, "Why?"

He sighed heavily, "I don't fucking know." He turned towards the chuckling and chattering crowd of his subordinates. "Alright, you fucking lazy louts make a fucking move on, come on!" He clapped. "March for that village and seize it before that mother fucker Gazef gets here!"

The soldiers threw their hands in the air, gripping the weapons and marched for the small village of Carne in preparation of Gazef.

The subordinate to his left stepped forward, "Do you think they'll be able to do it?" She asked.

The commander snorted at that remark, "Of fucking course. All they have to do is place the sealing runes around the town and trap that fuck with the souls of the mother fuckin damned from the other villages that we slaughtered. When that's fucking done that cunt and his people will be cut down like the mother fucking dogs they are."

"And if they fail to cut them down and perish to the war machine, Gazef?" She added.

He turned to her and smirked, "Don't worry too much, we've got pretty good secret weapons to use on that fucking cunt," He gestured to the six angels that were lined up at the back awaiting commands.

Enri had made it to the small village, the place wasn't impressive in the slightest; all the building were all bungalows made of wood and some had stone walls with chimneys, the stores were all still open with shopkeepers trying to make some last sales before closing up shop for the day, there were dirt words that lead from through the village.

The citizens and guards that walked on doing their tasks giving Enri dirty looks and scowling at her, she overheard some making some rude remarks to themselves or kids of how much she was a monster living among human'. Naturally Enri ignored this as it wasn't new or did it feel strange to get such remarks from the residents of the Carne village.

She saw an image in her mind space of the citizens in various death scenarios conjured with Snapdragon and her laughing at their suffering.

Enri put an image of a cartoon character crossing their arms over their torso in an X formation to show her disapproval of the idea of killing off the residents of the Carne village.

Snapdragon responded series of rude gesture directed at Enri using said character.

Enri chuckled to herself lightly and entered a food store, the place was larger than most building and had a mixed smell from all the assorted food items, the place mostly sold food ingredients for preparing meals.

Enri gazed at the quantity of the food on the isles, 'Hm, guess the adventurers stopping coming to buy stuff from the village has put a damper on everyone's fund.'

Enri got what she came here for came swallowed down her anger from the rain of obviously clear insults, remarks of how she's a monster and getting swindled out of her families money yet again, Enri exited the store ignoring the images of Snapdragon's thoughts on what she should do with the town.

Enri huffed she scanned the streets for stores that might have some supplies for the house, she pulled out her phone to check if there were anything she missed. She needed to get some daily necessities from the general story, Enri proceeded to the general store a few houses away closer to the entrance of the Carne village.

"Oy freak!" Enri heard someone shout in her direction.

Naturally, she ignored them and continued walking in the direction of the store, mumbling to herself about the things she needs to get done when she gets home.

The small group looked insulted by the display of disrespect of someone that they didn't even view as human. The jogged past her and came to a halt in front of her with evil smiles on their faces.

Enri stopped upon seeing them, knowing fully well that they'll just continue to disturb her late afternoon if she didn't entertain them, Snapdragon put an image of them being fed to goblins which put a slight smile on Enri's face.

"Oy, didn' ya hear us callin yar name?!" Mob A sneered.

Mob B jeered, "And we took the time outta day to help this ungrateful welp!!"

Enri let a shoulder sag, "First off 'freak' isn't my name. Secondly get the fuk out of my way, I'm busy." she waved at them dismissively with her free hand.

Mob C snorted, "Heh, like a freak like yarself, has places to be. Whatch'a gonna do, eh? Plan tea parties with monsters, seeing as those are the only friends a fellow monster can have."

The rest of them giggled and chuckled at that joke, slapping themselves for their peak sense of humor.

Enri just sighed softly, ignoring the question marks she received from Snapdragon, as she didn't relay the conversation that she was having with the villagers to Snapdragon.

"If ya'r done I've got places to be," Enri took a step forward but was blocked by villager mob.

Mob A chuckled and spread his arms apart, "Come now, we're only tryin help ya be a part of the clearly superior human society."

Enri turned to them with a deadpan expression, not entirely sure what he was planning, but had no choice but to let him roll with it.

Seeing Enri's resignation to leave their company, he chuckled a bit, "Ya see we've been training an awful lot to build up our muscles."

They all flexed their muscles in various poses, making Enri cringe inwardly.

"And with our power we'll beat ya silly ass to the ground, everybody'll see ya as a none threat despite yar power and ya can finally be a part of the village and maybe get hitched by a dominating male warrior like myself." He winked at her.

Enri put a hand to her temple and pushed her brows together in disgust and confusion, after a solid minute she inhaled deeply and looked at them, "Yeah, I have shi-"

Mob A charged at her with a murderous intent in his eyes. Enri easily sidestepped him and smacked him across the face with her free hand his eyes rolled up leaving only the whites visible and drool dripping from his mouth as he fell limp on the ground.

The others got shocked seeing their leader go down with a single hit jumped backward in utter shock and disbelief. Gritting their teeth, five of the village youths charged at Enri with wooden swords drawn intending to finish her.

Enri dropped her bag of groceries as she dashed at the charging mobs with a bored look on her face and her arms at her back.

The villagers readied themselves and swung their weapons at her like amateurs, having the most serious and righteous faces they could muster while doing so.

Enri smiled from the absurdity of their actions. Enri easily slipped passed their defenses, gave them a few jabs to the shoulders, chest and gut, within a few seconds they fell to the ground, crying out in pain and agony as Enri slid to a halt, one arm forward the other back. She looked at the rest with a 'you want next look'.

The others yelped, looking scared out of their minds and ran away screaming about how she's a monster.

Enri stood straight and sighed lightly, still ignoring Snapdragons messages, she walked over to grab her bag when she noticed some guards approach her position. She glanced at the unconscious bodies that lay at her feet and the still bystanders that gossiped about her. 'Ahh, fuk, I'm going to jail for this aren't I.' Enri sagged her shoulders and sighed heavily.

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