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Chapter 32: Crash in the Eastern Swamps.

Once we were clear of the Tranquility, I immediately used the Deliverance to attack, blowing up the battleship into smithereens, erasing all signs of my tampering.

With that, all that was left was to catch up to master Luminara and execute the second part of my plan.

The discovery of the Blue Shadow virus plant on Naboo.

In the original story, the research facility was discovered a few months from now, by the Naboo border guards when there was a leak in the waste disposal system which the droids research assistants had come out to expunge.

This caused them to call in the help of Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi, and inevitably stopping the outbreak and saving the day.

I plan to open that can of worms today, for maximum effect.

It was a bit improvised, on account of Offee's unexpected presence on the ship, but otherwise sound. Though I had hoped to use it later, with Anakin in tow.

Eh, whatever. I can always change Anakin's mind later.

Besides, with his beloved Padme in danger, Skywalker is bound to drop everything and rush in. Then I can just save her life, making him indebted to me. Easy peasy lemon squeazy.

I looked back at Offee, still dark of eye and glassed over.

There's no helping that now. Nothing easy at least.

Just as desired.

I let Offee stew in her misery for the time being, while I tracked down the ship the others escaped in.

Casting a wide bandwidth of signals, I found the ship had already entered hyperspace.

No problem. I can always chase after it.

Stepping on the pedal, the dark matter engine clattered to life, and we zoomed to FTL speeds, arriving in the Naboo system, just short of the other ship.

Immediately, I hailed them, my voice laced with urgency.

"Master Luminara! We have injured here. Can you meet up to do-"

Just then their ship staggered, steeply swerving to the side, before it dipped low, nosediving beneath us.

"Hello?! What's happening there?" I asked, confused.

Of course, I knew what was happening. Or I could guess at least.

Argyus had finally betrayed them.

The transciever buzzed lightly.

Feeling the connection settle, I messed with their nav computer, guiding it to the Eastern Swamps on Naboo.

Then with a simple code, I locked the directions in, before setting the ship on a crash course to the vicinity of the research facility.

"There's been a problem. Arguys...he shot master Luminara." Ahsoka's voice came through.

Offee's body jerked back at the mention of her master's name, and her eyes cleared up.

"Gree has been shot too. We need a medical droid. Do you have any onboard?" I asked.

"Yes but-" The ship swerved again.

"Something's happened to the ship. I can't control it!"

"Can you guide it to Naboo? Maybe we can find some help there." I suggested

"I think I won't have to. The ship is aleeady heading straight for Naboo. But at the speed were going, I think...I think we might crash!" Ahsoka replied.

"Then wait. I'll get to the ship and see what I can do. Try to stabilize it so I can align the emergency docks." I said, knowing full well she wouldn't be able. Not with what I had done to it.

"I'll tr-" She tried saying when I throttled my own ship, cutting the signal.

"What is happening?" Offee asked, her voice hoarse.

"The ship. I think that droid hot one of my stabilizers. We're going down." Brace for impact!"

Warning buzzed on the screen,, as my ship entered the Naboo atmosphere, burning up, before we crashed into the swamps, less than a quarter of a mile from Ahsoka and the rest, and right across from the research facility, 'coincidentally'.

The moment the ship came to halt, I jumped out, opening the doors for Offee. Only, she didn't move, just fallung to her knees l, concussed.

"Akh! Aknu!" I coughed, blowing away the smoke, pulling a shell shocked Offee out of the crashed ship.

"Come. This is no place to die. I think I saw the others crash close by that way. Maybe their ship is still working. Don't lose hope that easy. I thought jedi were all about that, weren't they?" I said, bringing her back to reality, "Besides, master Luminara is waiting for you back there. Didn't you promise her that you'd return, alive?"

That thought cleared her eyes, and she stood up decisively.

"Yes. Let's .. let's..." She stuttered.

"Take it easy." I said, patting her back, and lending her a shoulder as she limped beside me.

"Walker!" Ahsoka's voice rang out from the edge of the clearing our crash had made.

I looked up and saw her running towards us, waving.

"Thank goodness you're safe!" She cried, almost leaning into a hug, but stopped short, noticing Offee.

"Is she..." Ahsoka asked.

"Just a sprain." Offee cut in, clearing her throat.

"Just a sprain." I smiled, "Where are the rest? Senator Amidala? Master Luminara? The Viceroy?"

"The Viceroy is shut inside the ship. I welded the door shut to keep him in.

Padme is alright. But master Luminara...she got shot. Argyus betrayed us. He was working for the enemy. The wound isn't fatal, but she will need treatment. What about Gree?" She asked.

"Commander Gree..." I said solemnly, Offee grabbing my hand tight at his mention, "...he succumbed to his wounds. He died saving us. A valiant sacrifice, if there ever was any."

"I see...." Ahsoka replied softly, giving Offee a sympathetic glance.

"Did your ship survive? Our comms are out, from the crash....I was hoping yours would be..."

I pointed back behind us, at the half buried ship, and answered.

"I'm afraid not. The droid did a number on it. It'll need a significant touch up."

"Then we're doomed. Unless some border guards happen to pass by us, there is nowhere to go. Padme tells me this is what the locals call the Eastern Swamps. Nearly impossible to navigate without a guide." Ahsoka explained, "But if you try, with your jetpack, you might be able to get help."

"No. I'll run out of fuel long before I make it to anywhere relevant. We'd be better off trying your ship. Maybe I can fix your systems." I replied.

"No point in that. They were crushed in the crash." She sighed defeatdly, when something popped in the mud beneath us.

A small periscope rose above the mud, drawing our attention.

The lab!

Instantly, I connected to the lab's systems, and doctored their feed, making it appear as if we weren't here at all.

Not seeing any anomalies, the periscope slowly retreated back below, as Ahsoka and Offee stared at it in alert, while I dug in to it's surveillance feeds, spotting a group of Droidekas surrounding Padme and Luminara, escorting them i to the bunker at gunpoint.

Good. Now just one more point needs to be taken care of before this part of the plan can be put into motion. Just one final piece left.

"That looks like a bunker. There should be an opening nearby. Maybe they will have comms that are in working conditions." I said, handing Offee over to Ahsoka, as I tapped on the muddy floor bit by bit until we heard the clank of boot against metal.

"Here!" I siad, dipping one hand below the mud and used my technokinesis to pop the entrance open.

The entrance rose up above the mud, revealing a circular opening, and I turned to the two beside me.

"Who's first?"

As we enetered the bunker, I connected to my ship, activating it's forcefield, when my scanners picked up another signal.

A ship landing near us, with one occupant.

The final piece in this equation of torment, made especial for Offee.

Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress!

GoldFinger GoldFinger

The extra chapter for 200 powerstones is here!

and the 300k views!

thanks for all your support guys.

you are amazing!


thanks for reading, and a small notice.

the regular chapter today will be a bit late, around 11 pm or so.

so stick around!


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