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Chapter 208: All The King's Men.

I jumped down the massive shaft carved out in the remote Antarctic shelf, and took the shuttle to the chest of the baby Celestial, somewhere below Brazil.

Walking on it's chest I could feel the light heaving, pulses of energy rushing out beneath my feet keeping him alive.

Not for long.

I snapped my finger, coming up on the heart of his being, where his power was the strongest and a portal opened up above him.

A syringe needle the size of Empire State building emerged from within and crashed into his chest, digging through it as a howl of pain echoed across the chamber, rumbling North Atlantic, shaking up the world itself, and the forcefields keeping up this cavern around his body were the only thing that stopped me from being buried under a continent worth of rubble and having to dig my way out.

It was a jumbo sized version of my power extractor, the Exorcist, custom made for taking away the power of Celestials.

He began to thrash around a bit, trying to move his atrophied baby limbs to squash me to no avail. I had tied him down with the forcefields already.

Now that I think about it, looking at the forcefields here, I think my forcefields are already at the level of magic like the bounded fields of the Fate franchise. I mean they can hide stuff behind illusions, invisibility, they can contain energy, thoughts, souls even. They can hold someone in place, move with me, darken, brighten adjust their color and have a ton of stackable effects.

They can harden in response to adverse atmospheric conditions, block teleporation and magic, undo reality warping and matter manipulation.

They can even create extended spaces within than without like those tents from Harry Potter.

At this point they are almost magic except they are entirely scientific and based on higher math.

I smiled mischievously as a thought occured.

Maybe I should go and troll some magical worlds, maybe even fuck with Zelretch.

Oh boy, I'd love to see his face when he comes back and sees all his furniture shifted to the left by an inch.

It'd give him an aneurysm!

Actually, you know what, I'll do it as soon as I become a Traveler. Or a god. I'll see.

Just then the thrashing stopped and I returned my attention to the syringe.

The sensors on my ship told me that it had been almost fully drained now, in just under a minute, and a quick scan of the body of Tiamat, the baby Celestial led to the same conclusion. He had been hollowed out, leaving behind only his hardened skin, and even that because I didn't want to collapse the south american plate and drown like a quarter of the world population while condemning the rest to die of thirst.

Because that's what would happen if the whole Celestial disappeared. And it's a waste of life.

I can consume them later to fuel my power if need be so why kill them now?

Once I get a power to consume souls....

I think I have like three of my clones working on exactly that right now.

I can't wait to absorb them all back into me.

All the powers in the Omniverse. Mine.

Of course it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. It will be decades before they all pay out. If all goes well that is. Just that when they do, I'll instantly rise to far above the level of an elder god, a higher being just from subsuming them.

"Well..." I kicked the chest of the baby celestial a bit and soaked in the echo of the hollow insides, "Time to go and get that herb."

I jumped into a portal and emerged in the antechamber of the greenhouses of the Wakandan Royal Palace.

"Wha-who? Who are you? Stop rig-" The guards objected only to have their brains melted right off as my lasers blew them off.

Kneeling down I began to pick up out all the herbs I could get my hands on, and activated my new Sentry powers.

With a crackling sonic boom I disappeared as the soil in the massive greenhouse blew up like old faithful.

Almost instantly I appeared back at my previous position, a bundle of purple heart herbs the size of a barn in my hands, raised above me.

The ground shattering beneath my feet as the royal palace began to collapse from my movements, and I disappeared into a portal, dumping the herbs in the hands of my farming droids with a generous helping soil samples from the Wakandan greenhouse.

Next stop, the moon!

A portal opened below me, and I began to glow with a burning power, disappearing in a flash of light.

Many new powers were so goddamn fun!


Maximus walked into the royal court expecting some more work to be dumped on him by his wretched mute of a brother. That was what happened. That or him being blamed for some thing or the other. It was always subtle of course. He was still a royal. But nonetheless, it happened.

And it infuriated him. That the kinslayer, the murderer of his parents, the incompetent king now sat on the throne.

My throne. Mine.

He thought with bubbling rage as he stomped into the court room.

But where he expected the usual backhanded remarks and petty complaint, he found silence.

Well, silence was nothing novel. His mute brother, the king had been silent for years now but this silence was odder somehow. Probably because of the muffled gasps of pain coming from everyone in the throne room.

They were....he didn't know how to describe the sight.

Wedgied. That's what the earthlings called it.

Caught with their underpants slung up on their heads, groaning in pain. Even Lockjaw. The dog. The royal pet. And he didn't even wear underpants!

Someone had infiltrated the palace and done this, sure. And he knew he should be worried. But...this moment was just too precious to let go.

He would be lying if he said he didn't find it amusing. That was for certain.

He enjoyed it. For all of 5 seconds before Crystal burned her bindings and freed the others.

Maximus sighed, and stepped in, intending to help. He needed to keep up appearances for now. His rebellion wasn't ready. Not yet. But when the time ca-

Suddenly a jolt of pain racked his body and a blinding light flashed past him as Maximus fell to his knees, clawing at his head in desperation.

He had been wedgied!

Somehow, he in the struggle amidst the clawing he managed to slip it off, and a sense of relief washed over him before the rage returned.

Humiliate the royal family? Fine.

But humiliate me?!

He growled, scanning the room like a wild beast.

He would find this creature. This light. And he would wreak hell upon it!

No one humiliates Maximus!

Just then a soldier ran in, his nose broken his hands bloodied, and collapsed by the wall, muttering something.


Maximus moved closer to the man, and knelt down beside him, cupping his face.

This man.. he knew him. He was one of his own. One of his rebellion members.

"What happened? Quick. Tell me!" Maximus insisted, slapping the delirious man to attention for the briefest of moments.

"The terrigen....the terrigen crystals....all gone. Stolen. Light man." He croaked. It was all he managed to say. But his eyes betrayed the last two words he failed to add.

Save me.

Maximus looked the man over and sighed.

There was no saving him now. He saw the wound in the soldier's side. He had bled too much.

And yet he had rushed over to deliver him a message. Such loyalty...he would be rewarded. His kin would live in luxury. Maximus would ensure that. But for now, there were bigger concerns. Especially with the terrigen crystals being stolen.

As he checked the security footage on his command module, seeing the blood lining the barracks and the vaults, the Kree technology that sustained them ripped out from the city....a chill ran down his spine further entrenching in him a desperate urgency.

A monster had descended upon them.

This was...a disaster. No. Calling it a disaster would be underplaying it. This was something bigger. This was the apocalypse. The doom of Attilan.


All in a day's work! Or actually, 3 minutes work.

And I wasn't even going fast.

The Inhumans moon base was surprisingly small.

Very easy to rob blind. I even took their life sustaining systems. In about an hour Attilan should be uninhabitable.

They call it a kingdom?

What a joke. It's barely a village. 1400 residents. A rigid caste system. If they die, they deserve it.

Though I doubt they will. They have a teleporting dog after all. They will just migrate to Earth.

Placing the terrigen crystals down, I took out a sample of Jiaying's DNA I had my nano swarm steal, and dissolved it into a gene editing shot, enchanted with a Boost and Upgrade enchantment, injecting it into me.

Jiaying was an Inhuman who had the ability of life force absorption and regeneration. This allowed her to regenerate eternally by literally eating people's life force. But somewhere deeper, I knew it held a greater power.

The power of devouring and absorption. The one I sought. The one that would allow me to absorb the essence of the Celestial Tiamut. Because if I took in the essence, that much power would blow me to hell and back.

And sure, I would recover but at what cost. The power of a celestial, wasted.

Which is why I first sought this.

Terrigenesis. The power granting ritual of the Inhumans.

I looked at the bounty of terrigen crystals lying on the floor of the warehouse with the droids beginning to neatly organise them, and picked done up.

Cracking the capsule that stored the crystal, I took in a big breath, inhaling all of the terrigen crystal dust. The terrigen mist.

Then, I dropped the capsule to the ground, crushed into a ball and sat down beside it. Waiting.

Suddenly, my body began to squirm as if worms were crawling beneath my skin, my lungs seemed to be filled with freezing cold tar and I felt an intense urge to vomit.

Alright. So it's working. I thought, opening a portal beneath me, dropping into a life preserving tank and tendrils of pitch black shot out from my mouth, splitting like a spiderweb, silken and dark, such that it seemed to swallow light itself, and appeared to not exist at all.

As I continued to vomit out more and more silk, a cocoon forming around me.

Then, I felt a deep, primal urge to sleep and the darkness took me.


The extra chapter for 200 powerstones as promised.

Next extra chapter at 400 powerstones.

Thanks for reading.

Next chapter Mc gets all the MCU powers, and Wanda faces her graduation test.

Then, Thor Dark World afterwards and finally, we leave the MCU for good!

And maybe a little pokemon adventure in between.

Tell me what you think?

See you in the comments!

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee at,

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