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Chapter 222: Scarlet Witch Rising.

Streams of crimson energy streaked across the plateau, racing through it's little chasms, through crevices and holes, tears in space and golden portals, striking out at random, never where expected, causing entire chunks of the plateau to disintegrate and crumble away into nothingness, sending out a cascading wave the decimated the rest of the plateau, like ripples in the water.

And Wanda stood beside me, panting, a proud smile on her face as she looked at me for approval like a puppy.

It was so cute, almost irresistibly so, the way the crimson wisps of chaos energy wrapped around her.

It ....she was enchanting.

Which reminded me.

Now that Offee was trapped at the end of what was likely a very long time loop, the kids will need a new mother.

Could I go and save Offee right now?

Sure. I had an idea where she was, the time frame by approximation.

But....what if the reason the future me put her there was because it was necessary.

I knew I wasn't strong enough. If I brought her back now... could I truly protect her from the old gods I intend to slay? Or will I lose her forever?

And if that wasn't enough, there was the other clue. Her singing. That song she liked, the one she heard in her was a fucking goldmine of clues.

Especially the line, "You were playing god with me and I bought it all completely."

It could well mean that I couldn't save her and keep her unless I was able to turn her into a god or at the very least be a true god myself.

Or it could mean anything else. But I wasn't going to risk playing with things on a scale as grand as this just to get Offee back only to lose her in the process.

No. I need to look for an alternative.

And Wanda was right there. She could protect herself, the kids liked her, Star even called her mama sometimes by accident and she did want to have a family, be a housewife.

Maybe I could subcontract her for motherly duties?

I wouldn't mind spending another artifact as payment if it meant my kids grew up in a wholesome home without mommy issues, especially now with Luminara in the fold.

" did I do?" Wanda tugged at me, looking deep into my eyes and....I almost got lost in the glowing ruby red of her bottomless pools.

I shook my head and sighed, something she didn't miss. I could see a smirk on her face.

She knew. A voice whispered from deep within me.

She had been making her moves this past month and I wasn't blind to it. It was the whole reason I even considered her for the motherly position.

And I....I did like her. She was cute, her button nose and beautiful eyes always did draw me in.

But it didn't feel right. What if I'm just imagining it or if she's just desperate for something?

The thing with Offee worked out but that was like hitting a jackpot.

Most relationships born out of such situations don't work out and I don't want to give my kids hope only to have Wanda rip it away once she loses interest.

Or maybe I'm thinking too much.

Probably the latter.

But there is still the chance that I end up spoiling it all by asking her out and then....

Let's just say I don't want to risk having an overly emotional Wanda being the one I do the two person ritual with. She has shown herself to be rather.... obsessive, with the whole WandaVision thing, which... is insanely hot to me, personally, because who doesn't want to be loved like that but can be dangerous if it goes south.

Actually, why am I worried? Sheesh!

I'm like a maiden in love or something.

I chuckled.

Nah. Fuck it. I'll do it. I'll ask her out.

What's the worst that could happen?

But that's for later.

For now, I focused back on Wanda.

She was getting closer and closer to true reality warping now, especially after I infused with Arishem's essence and awakened her godly domain of magic with the Asgardian Ichor turning her into the same race as me.

A half god, half celestial.

Now it was time for her final test.

"Yup. You're ready. Ready for your test." I grinned.

Finally, my time here is coming to an end.

She tilted her head curiously.


"Consider it a graduation exam. Your final project to show that your training is complete." I explained, smirking, " I might even give you a little graduation gift, if you do well."

I had prepped a whole magical armory for her over the past year.

I was going to give her the artifacts one by one as payment or rewards

"Uhun, a gift?" She considered, "Can I choose what my gift is?"

"Sure, I guess. Why not? Pick anything you want from the vault if you succeed." I shrugged.

She looked at me mischievously.


"In the vault, yes."

She suddenly got pumped up, and nodded enthusiastically.

"Let's do it then." She said, almost bursting with energy.

How cute!

I smiled, and opened a portal to Michigan. The current hiding place of Agatha Harkness, the wielder of the Darkhold.

"You see that building there, the rundown one?" Wanda nodded.

"It's covered in magical wards. Illusion ones too. To make people ignore it unless they are specifically looking for for it." She explained.

"Yes. In there lives a witch by the name of Agatha Harkness. She has an artifact called the Darkhold, a true Grimoire of deep magic. Perfect for you. It'll round up your powerset nicely. So here's your mission. Kill Miss Harkness and take the Grimoire for yourself."

"Yes-wait, kill her? Why? Can't I just steal it?" She asked, hesitant.

Ah right. It was her first time killing someone not outright antagonistic to her.

It was understandable.

Even though I had slowly begun to desensitize her to killing with hunted game and alien criminals, killing a human was still a big step for her.

Not everyone is as decisive and ruthless as me.

I get that.

"Yes, you can. But then she will curse you and everyone you love. Remember, the Darkhold is a powerful artifact and she has had it for a long time. She knows a lot spells, curses too. And if it makes you feel better about it, she is also planning to kill you and steal your powers once she finds you. In an alternate future she killed your kids and husband, just to make you surrender your chaos magic to her.

She even tortures innocent civilians for fun. So ...she is kind of like your natural enemy." I replied.

Wanda frowned, looking me over but ultimately decided to trust me.

"I did say I'd do anything." She muttered, resolutely "And only family matters. No one else."

I nodded, patting her back in praise as she reached down to grab my hand one last time for reassurance, as her power burst forth, wisps of bewitching red, embodying chaos itself wrapped around her like a bridal gown.

She looked so beautiful, her eyes glittering like stars. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I always did love chaos. I thrived in it. And she was a walking reservoir of it.

I couldn't help myself.

As our fingers intertwined in one of many small but intimate moments we had had this past month, I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach as a warm fuzzy feeling spread through my chest.

Yup. I'm making her mine. I have no doubts about that anymore.

No excuses.

Just straight, honest truth.

"Wanda, finish it quickly. I have something to talk to you about."

She looked up at me with a knowing smile, and nodded.

"I know. So do I." She let go of my hand and flew up in the air, casting wards around herself.

"Be back in a flash." She said, and disappeared.

Then the building exploded in a crimson eldritch typhoon, rising up high into the sky, ripping a hole through the clouds, casting a bloody shadow upon the city, as a streak of burning black struggled to keep it's place against the tides of the storm, fruitlessly, like a leaf in the wind.

Lightning crackled, crimson arcs shot out, decimating the building, shattering the wards as Agatha Harkness fell from the sky, and dropped like a stone to the ground, splattering on the pavement, painting the sidewalk with her own signature graffiti.

With a bright red flash, Wanda appeared before me holding a bag and a tattered book. The Darkhold.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A bag of holding. Bigger on the inside. Like a magical pocket dimension. She was using it to escape with all her things."

"But she didn't stand a chance. Do you feel guilty about it at all? Any feelings popping up that you didn't like?" I asked just to be sure.

"Nope. Not even a little. It was a bit anticlimatic, in my opinion." Wanda complained, her hesitation about killing finally gone, replaced with a dangerously forward attitude, as of she had put aside her inhibitions entirely.

I grinned, satisfied.

At least the indoctrination worked.

I turned to open a portal back home, and snapped my fingers.

"Good. Now then, shall we pick out your reward from the vault?" I said grabbing her hand as we disappeared, reappearing in the vault.

"Viola! A whole host of beautiful, powerful artifacts! Go ahead choose one. Personally, I suggested the Staff Of One. Great power up, decent casting aid and it has a point mass portal to a lost dimension. More energy than you can consume in a lifetime.

Wanda on the other hand paid no attention to the treasures around her, her eyes transfixed on my own, as she squeezed my hand lovingly.

Oh boy.

I expected this to a certain extent but....

"I already know what I want." Wanda said, putting her arms around my neck, leaning into me.

"I want you."

I looked at her as an uncomfortable silence hung in the air till Wanda broke it again.

"This is the part where you say, 'I love you too, Wanda. Let's get married!' and then kiss me."


"Really?" Wanda gave me a deadpan look, "I tell you I love you and your response is 'uh'?!"

" was a bit sudden. And I honestly.... nevermind."

"Goodness! Jay?"

I looked away, but she caught my chin and brought me face to face.

"Ahem!" Wanda cleared her throat, "You had something to say to me?" She asked, and her eyes showed she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

And I did want to confess first. It was the manly thing to do, after all.

But I didn't mind it this way either.

Just that talk of marriage and was too soon.

I looked back at her but found my mouth unreasonably dry for some reason. The words just wouldn't come out.

Not because I was shy, but because I was afraid of the possibility of a fallout once we reached the magicians world.

And then any problems with the-

Wanda sighed, grabbing me by the head, plunging into a kiss, her tongue running the length of mine, as her soft lips pressed into mine, sending tingles of electric joy running across my being.

As if cold water had been splashed on me I was pulled into the moment and watching, feeling her, I just couldn't resist.

I could feel butterflies flutter in my stomach, as I reciprocated her kiss, my hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer.

"Hwaah!" I gasped, less for air and more just as an involuntary reflex, as we parted lips, her eyes holding me captive.

"Now." She repeated, "Do you have something to say to me?"

I sighed.

Fine. I'll listen to my dick, just this once.

Besides, if this goes south, I'll just wipe her memory of this and roll the dice from yesterday again.

"Wanda....I like you." I leaned closer to her, wrapping my hands around hers, "Really, really like you. The kids like you too. Star even calls you mommy. So I was wondering...and you don't have to answer just yet, but will you-"

"Yes!" Wanda answered, jumping into my arms.

"But I didn't even finish it?!" I chuckled.

"I said, Yes." She looked into my eyes with burning obsession, "I will marry you!"

"Uh... marriage is a bit fast. Let's start with a date?" I suggested.

"Pussy!" She pouted, pinching me.

And it actually hurt with her new strength.

"Ow! What? It's normal to go out casually first, before you get serious."

"We aren't exactly normal people, Jay. We don't have to go with the norm."

"Yeah, but I want you to be sure about this before you commit to anything. I have other lovers. There's Offee that you know. But I also had relationships and flings here and there, fucked a planet once. One of them is even pregnant with my child. And in the future there might be more. So just laying that out. If you choose not to be with me, that's okay. We can go back to the formal working relationship like earlier. Just, let's keep our emotions out of this so we can get to godhood, then I can revive Pietro, and send you back to your world or you know, you can just travel with your brother like I do. No hard feelings."

Wanda sighed, thinking it over

"Are you with any of them now? Those lovers." She asked, gripping me tight.

"No. But in the future, I might be." I answered honestly.

"And will you love me the same, truly?"

"We can have a relationship, see how it works out. As I said, if it doesn't go right, no hard feelings."

Wanda nodded.

"Okay." She relaxed, and gave me a cheeky smile.

"But I get to be the second wife. Period."

"Hn? Odd request."

"Well, I love you, and I clearly can't take Offee's place in your heart. I know that. I know Star loves his mommy too. I don't want to spit on her memory by taking her place. But I won't settle for anything less than second wife in the harem you're clearly building." She poked my chest playfully.

I raised an eyebrow.

"So little trust in my loins. I'm almost offended." I teased, " are taking is a bit too well."

Wanda shrugged.

"The Ancient One kinda talked me through this. Men like harems and it's normal across all cultures. As long as you love me the same way I love you, I'll be happy. So?" Wanda nuzzled into my chest.

"Okay. Sure. If we get married...."

"We will." Wanda interjected, the same obsessive look returning to her eyes.

"...then, I will take you as my second wife. Though I just prefer to call it wife. No distinction. I'll love you all the same."

"There. Was it so hard?" She chirped happily before realising something.

"Say, right now you are not seeing anyone else are you?"

"No, why?"

"Good." She just said, opening a portal.

"I already have a portal op-"She shut me up with another kiss, and pulled me through the portal and into her bedroom.

"Uhm... I've been waiting for this...ahn ....urm... for so long. So take a hint, okay? Just shut up and let me love you...." Wanda began to pull my clothes off me, then suddenly stopped, confused.

I looked at her, blushing, squirming unsure of how to proceed and smirked.

"Where's all that bravado from earlier?"

"This is my first time. It's normal not to know!" Wanda pouted.

"Then let me take the lead." I grabbed her, pushing her onto the bed.

"Finally being the man in this?" She shot back cheekily.

"Oh you'll see darling~" I said, and went to town.


The ship has sailed!

Woot Woot!

Second waifu Wanda is in!

And no, it's still not a harem story. He has only one love interest right now, remember.

The others are gone.

One lover at a time. It's practically #noharem, XD!

Next time, a briefing, announcement for the kids, and then, same chapter, we leave the MCU, for greater heights!

And if we reach 600 powerstones, maybe we'll even see the world of Magicians this sunday!

Till then, thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think of the chapter and this plot in the comments?

See you later!

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee or read one chapter ahead right now, go to,

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