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Chapter 16: The sky is blue and so is the Fall (3)

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. " – Euripides, The Bacchae

Chapter 16: Where the sky is blue and so is the Fall(3)

~John's POV~

I was doing my best to not give a look at Sienna as I continued to lay in that lone bed of that infirmary bay.

Being rushed to the doctor quite quickly by the panicked group, the medic had to deal with double the worry as usual because of the importance my well-being had compared to other patients he could have treated and because of the furious look that the Tiger Faunus was making no effort to hide to anyone looking at the scene.

The woman literally barged inside the large room, deaf to the guards requesting a permit before letting her inside as she slammed her whole body onto the door, almost tearing it apart with her impressive strength.

One would say that with a wounded individual should be cared with utmost attention, but the concern created by the state my hand currently was ended up bringing quite the fiery reaction out of her and I had my little 'fun ride' before being set in that comfy white bed.

The wound itself wasn't truly that terrible at first analysis; the blade had just missed the bones and the cartilage, just leaving some bloody mess on my injured knuckles that would heal in a few days from now.

Nothing that would leave me with permanent damage or limited functions with the hand, just reducing my capacity to write from that one in particular for some time.

Which was a good thing since that wasn't even my good hand as I had used my lefty.

Something that you shouldn't genuinely be proud of. That was a good way to lose an entire hand, luck just decided to spare you and-

I avoided some nasty situation from happening. Did my intervention avoid Nicholas' death?

Considering that he was going to get decapitated, just like it had happened in the original timeline, I reckon that yes, you did avoid having Nicholas Schnee dying from that assassination attempt.

So that's what-

You are ignoring the issue here! That weapon was made with Anti-Aura alloy, you were lucky that your fist moved careful enough to not get too much injured from that confrontation.

I don't want to jab at you about it, but you are making it sound like avoiding this injury mattered more than saving a life-

Considering that I would want to keep things the same as the previous timeline, at least until the best opportunity comes around? Yes, I am furious! You almost created a handicap to yourself when we already have some major issue in the form of a Queen of Grimm trying to kill me.

Oh? And let me ask, would it have been better to wait for Jacques to rise to power, banter some deal and then leave the Schnee family like-

Yes. Yes, it would have made things easier. Considering that we have a massive advantage over Salem and you are wasting all of it… mingling around, it's just-


Confusing and it brings more unknown elements to the past events. With Nicholas surviving, Gods know how much things will change-

Isn't Nicholas a former Huntsman or something like-

He was a miner, his father was a Huntsman and taught him the basics to survive against Grimm. Why do you want to know that?

Well, now that Nicholas is spared, he would keep hold of the SDC-

And render the chances of having them as allies nigh-impossible. With Nicholas in power, Winter will not join the military and Weiss wouldn't have any reason to go to Beacon.

You know what? I think you are… wrong.

Beg your pardon?

Willow went to Beacon and surely got a positive experience from it, I think she would be elated to have one of her daughters or her son, maybe even all together, to follow her footsteps, possibly to get them to see the world out of Atlas without having to deal with the political war happening in this kingdom.

This isn't a sure thing-

But it leaves me with a better chance of getting this to happen if I play my cards well. I know that she would certainly keep an eye for any 'inspiration' over where to send her children and… if I send mine to Beacon-

She would give it a greater thought than normal, that is easy to see, but the doubt of Weiss being sent or not to Beacon-

Is worth the risk. But I have to ask you something, did you even consider that I had taken into account everything while I was in the middle of acting upon the scene?

I did listen to your 'incensed' thoughts by the time you first felt the pain and how you had to move quickly but-

When I decided to take that wound, I didn't certainly do it out of foolish bravery. Rather, I was the first to notice what was going on and the closest to intervene on the matter as I knew well enough that while Sienna might be fast, she hadn't noticed quick enough the situation.

And you considered yourself as an equal chance to deal with the confrontation? You, someone that doesn't have Aura.

I ran because I saw a win-win situation, one where Nicholas Schnee would survive and avoid the radicalization of the White Fang with his more lenient work policies, one where the Schnee family wouldn't have fractured and led to some apathetic development and one where I wouldn't have to deal myself with Jacques.

You still are going to deal with him, especially with the soon-to-be reunion.

Do you think Ironwood asked for-

My advice? It's probable, maybe he did ask out of certainty as you are indeed a new element at the table, someone that is terribly unpredictable as little known to the world.

Before I could say more, my trail of thoughts was interrupted as soon as I started to hear a noise coming by the nearby window.

It was the distinct sound that would be heard when… a bird is pecking at some glass.

I turned my eyes at the window, my orbs widening in surprise as I saw a certain raven with red eyes pecking insistingly at the transparent surface.

Oh no.

It would seem like you are going to deal with Ms. Branwen. Good luck with that.

The sudden activity was caught by Sienna herself, the Faunus having her eyes fixed at the bird, Raven stopping with her endeavor to return the glance.

Moments of uneasiness and silent prayers went by as I hoped for the young woman to not open that blasted-



The raven flied inside, perching at the metallic end of the bed to give me a proper glare before it jumped and turned back to the former Huntress, Raven Branwen glancing me with a furious stare as I tried my best to not flinch at her appearance.

"You rushed unarmed against a group of assassins." She wasn't asking, the dark-haired woman was stating calmly and determinedly. "You, a civilian, decided to risk your life without any sureness over your success. Are you stupid?" The bandit leader asked sternly, my nervousness finally branching out onto my face.

"Technically, it worked," I started to reply, trying my best to ignore the two women's combined staring. "And you know what they say about stupid plans that are actually successful-"

"That the one creating them is still stupid," Sienna interjected flatly, her arms crossing underneath her chest. "You don't have much of a leverage to make up with this situation."

"I mean-"

"Didn't you say that you care for your brats?" Raven interrupted with a scowl, the painful jab striking true through my feeble defense. "I wonder how that girl, Nora, would have reacted to hear how foolishly her father would have died-"

I felt furious about that unforgivable attempt to guilt-trip me, my anger spurred almost instantly by that comment.

"You don't have the rights to even bring this up, Raven," I retorted with a dark frown, the woman blinking in surprise at my poisonous tone.

"John-" Sienna tried to jump in but I was not in the mood for conversations.

"Do you both seriously think that I didn't consider the implication, the height of this little wage I had to take just so little ago?" I asked with an irritated tone, my bandages tightening a little as my wounded hand throbbed with the other in relative anger. "That I hadn't thought about what kind of worst scenario I would have to deal with, how things could have gone wrong?"

The Tiger Faunus averted her eyes in shock at that verbal retaliation, causing me to blink and move my sight elsewhere.

I turned my attention at Raven, the woman still surprised but barely fazed by my outburst as she continued to stare at me with some morbid curiosity. Of course the veteran Huntress would have been adept in perceiving

"When I first noticed what was happening, I had to make the difficult decision," I continued, my throat growing sorer by the moment. "Was I going in for some pompous and arrogant reasons? No. Was it some romantic heroism? Super-nope."

"Then why did you do that?" The Branwen asked with a sigh. "If it isn't for anything selfishly selfless, what brought you to go and be the one interrupting the murder?"

"Because it's the good moral thing to do?" I mused loudly, causing both women to glance in surprise at my disappointed look.

"It's impressive how easy it is to ignore the possible death of someone, how easy one can pat their own shoulder and say 'it was not my fault' or that 'it could have not gone differently'," I said before catching a brief pause. "With Grimm, criminals, and other death-creating issues, Remnant has started to accept the idea that death isn't 'that bad' and that intervening isn't even as essential as it should be."

"Are you referring to the way the focus of our ire is about your endangerment compared to the safety of the people that were protected by your quick reaction?" Sienna asked softly, eyes widening a little. "About the fact that-"

"While I appreciate the concern you both have for me and that you are willing to bring some 'sense' to my brain," I stated with a nod. "I still have something else that reminds me of the risks I take when picking a decision instead of another."

I aimed my unharmed index up to my temple.

"Your mind?" Raven guessed, blinking as she spotted me nodding. "So you think that-"

"Every time, moment, second- There is always an instance where I have to come to see what kind of repercussions I could have caused, or I did cause, with what I've chosen to do with dilemmas."

"It's unhealthy-" Sienna tried to jump back in the discussion.

"It keeps my sanity from spiraling out of control because of the paranoia," I interjected with a flat tone. "I know that not everything is dangerous to my existence, but I can't certainly accept that I should just not consider every situation at hand. There are times when the situation might leave me unscathed, there are times when the injury is to be expected in the best case scenario."

"That's still unhealthy," The bandit leader stated resolutely. "You walk a fine thread that could certainly have you fall in the same abyss Ozpin is facing. One of fake omniscience that could really curtail your real morality." She sighed, eyes closing for a moment. "You are a good man, John, but you are also that. A man, a mortal man with flawed ideas and intentions when it comes to some decisions with pressure."


At my confused look, the Tiger Faunus nodded. "You tend to make horrible decisions when you are under pressure, either the pressure is directed at you or it is the situation itself that leaves you with 'no good choices'."

I blinked at the analysis and… I gave her a frown, ready to protest at that senseless judgment-

Raven suddenly moved closer to the bed and then leaned her face forward, bringing it close to mine and… she did nothing else.

There was no suggestion to anything perverted, so I could only stare in silent shock at that sudden action, her red eyes piercing instantly onto my own stare and forcing me to look away.

"What are you going to do now?" The woman asked calmly, she was there and standing in that position, her pale face close to mine to an uncomfortable degree.

But she was doing nothing about it and… what I'm supposed to do-

You are panicking.


I blinked and soon I realized what was just happening.

The unexpected approach had left me speechless and thoughtless, just like Raven had just suggested and…

"C-Can you please back away?" I asked the most cautious and polite way possible.

The woman blinked just one last time before nodding, a tiny smirk forming on her face.

"You aren't someone that panic to the point of being unable to fully react, but you tend to forget how to be 'smart' when you are put in difficult predicaments," Sienna commented for her. "That is something you tend to show a lot when we walk back home."

I-It's not that bad-

It is.

"Still, I'm happy to know that the damage isn't a lasting one," Raven commented, slowly returning by the window. "Next time you end up in this kind of situations, don't expect me to be as lenient as now."

Just as she finished saying this, I saw her opening a portal and frowned. "Already going?"

She glanced back. "Taiyang and Summer are trying to cut Yang's hair," The woman explained with a tight tone, getting a quick flinch out of me as I could expect what kind of hell the two had unleashed in their home. "Qrow took Ruby for a walk by the local park so that she isn't seeing the scene."

Sienna frowned at this but then smirked. "Well, I suppose she took from her mother."

"While I don't like adjusting my hair, I would cut it from time to time as to avoid getting it to interfere with my fighting prowess," The woman admitted without hesitation. "But my daughter is… a little more attached to her locks."

"Good luck," I said with a sigh, getting a wave from Raven before she walked into the portal, the rift closing mere moments later and leaving us to…

Realize that it was about time we had to go for that blasted reunion.

To be fair, my sudden burst of irritation now wasn't without reason as Sienna decided to keep me close as she pulled me around the corridors of the building, ignoring any little glare that would end up appearing to her sight.

Yep, hurt and ignored here.

~Sienna's POV~

The meeting room was quite formal-looking but massive, the themes being the same as most of the rooms here in the Atlesian military-owned building.

A large gray-blue circular table with light-gray chairs all around it, several documentation and papers littering the surface of the furniture as they all started to take a seat with their respective sides.

The unexpected element that Sienna had taken notice right as she pulled an annoyed John inside the room was… that there was a non-negligible number of guests for this specific session.

Some were lawyers, some were economists while the rest was a mix of politicians and journalists preparing for the grand event to start.

A little surprised, Sienna was quite slow to sit down her eyes scanning all over the room in barely-veiled surprised before finally ending with a clear sight over the 'opposing' part.

While General Ironwood and some of other Army officers were sitting by their left side as to express neutrality over the case while representatives of the SDC and Jacques Schnee himself were sitting on the opposite side as theirs.

Her eyes narrowed at the calm-looking leading figure in the organization, the man seemingly unwilling to spare even a look at the Faunus as he kept looking with a neutral look at John.

Soon the noises domineering from the adjourning session ceased at the request of the guards spread all over the area and Ironwood himself decided to be the one to begin this commission.

"Today we are here to discuss about the unique case of embezzlement reported by the leadership of Menagerie," James announced with a formal and polite voice, turning his attention to Jacques and the other representatives. "The Schnee Dust Company has been accused of fraud and economic manipulation by the Bank of Menagerie."

The heir to the company snorted. "Rubbish," He commented with a whisper while looking at his lawyer, the man looking incredibly nervous but extremely careful to not give up anymore info about his current state of mind.

Her feline ears twitched in annoyance, already irritated by staying in the proximity of the dangerous businessman.

It was instinctual, but also common sense as the man had more than once proved to be intelligent enough in using the Atlesian laws to reduce the rights of the Faunus workers, never once considering applying the same with the other human regulars.

Actions that were condemned multiple time in the past and… nothing had gone through with it because of the traditionalist opposition to any investigation over the matter.

Bribery and corruption played big roles too, but it was bigotry that truly won favors for Jacques.

It was so unfair to think that someone like this man could have gotten this much power and political clout to aspire to this situation, enough to try and subvert a blatant violation of international rules.

Yet he was here, looking completely collected and uncaring of the attention he was currently receiving, as if he knew that nothing wrong was going to happen to him and he knew about it.

There was just some worry about this strange calm, her mind quick to remind her that the evidence brought by John would have been more than enough to strike the infuriating bastard down without much of a fuss.

"Mr. Schnee, you are granted the chance of offering your defense at these accusations."

Jacques sighed as he was given the chance to speak first, Sienna continuing to eyeing the fool as his attention was still directed at the maimed young man sitting beside her.

"The accusations forwarded by this weakly-formed entourage can hardly present a clear sight of what is happening over what has truly happened in the last few years, rather it proposes baseless guesses over superfluous data accumulated lazily and inconclusively," He began explaining, picking up a copy of the graphs showing the 'curious' situation that had brought this situation to happen. "The documentation presented contains indeed some suspicious activities, but no proof whatsoever that might entail that those are caused by the SDC. In fact, the spikes presented here are from four distinct lines that are not connected one to another."

He slammed the paper on the table, glaring fiercely at the bored-looking John. "This is why I suspect, having solid proof myself that it is just a ploy from Menagerie to undermine Atlas' stability with such a pretentious claim!"

The journalists were the loudest about this sudden proclamation, the noise of collective tapping by their digital notepad drawing some attention… but nothing from John.

The young man looked unimpressed, rather irritated by the boisterous intervention and, as Ironwood turned towards them, Sienna turned her full attention at the injured human.

He glanced back, blinking and nodding as he slowly got up and spent a moment to glance impassively at the angry-looking Schnee.

"While I would find this patriotic speech quite endearing if it hadn't been build on big words that meant nothing, I think it would be more honest to admit that the consideration allowed by Mr. Schnee is not only partial but also born from terrible knowledge over the subject of simple economics." The jab was visible and many looked surprised at the insult towards the businessman's intelligence.

"This is why I shall enlighten the people here with a more apt language, considering the numbers and the variables that I have to present and introduce for this case. It will all be simplified for the sake of avoiding any confusion or misunderstanding as not everyone here is much aware of some of the general terms of this topic," He said, drawing a brief pause as he took the documents with the graphs listed on them. "The documentation in question, the one that Mr. Schnee used to vilify and put the entire accusation in jeopardy out of spite than logic, are actually deprived of some simple understanding of the Banking system in Menagerie."

Ironwood frowned at this. "I thought that Menagerie accepted the International Bank Act," He commented loud enough to draw a calm look from John.

"That is part of the case, Menagerie considered a special case by Article 324 and 410 of the International Bank Act as it isn't recognized as an independent Kingdom, but rather a 'sub-kingdom' nation." The young man quickly answered, letting no seconds go to waste. "Thus, as per regulations, several limitations are applied for the same of protect the local economy from the competitiveness existing in the four Kingdoms' market and ensuing some rules over the working of the bank itself."

"And what kind of 'limitations' do you wish to point out to this commission, Mr. Bukharin?"

Sienna was quiet, completely surprised by the vast use of complicated words flaunted by her supposed 'aide', someone that wasn't supposed to be taking a major rule in the activity but…

Maybe it was for the best, her nerves still tense towards the SDC and her reasoning a little biased over the matter, enough to bring some unpleasant reactions out of her.

"The limitations in question are about the limits of the bank accounts and the interest rates promoted by the bank itself," He replied carefully, bringing up to attention the files once again. "The Bank allows the creation of multiple accounts by paying a certain fee, increasing the interest rates for those that have multiple bank accounts."

Many journalists and politicians nodded in awe at the system while some of the economists were looking intrigued by the rules present in Menagerie, impressed by this little aspect of history that was easily ignored by many businessmen.

"S-Still it doesn't explain the crime itself and the c-connection to my client," Jacques' lawyer stated with a hint of nervousness. "The documents introduce some individual, yet it is easy t-that someone else could have just used the CCTS system to bypass those obsolete regulations."

John hummed. "Yes, online… well, that would be a good guess if the Bank truly accepted online transactions," The human mused in faux innocence, bringing everyone to a quiet standstill just for some fleeting moments.

"Mr. Bukharin, you are saying that…" Ironwood paused, checking with his team if there were other surprises that he should have been aware of. "The Bank of Menagerie doesn't allow transactions with CCTS-connection?"

"That would be correct, the system disavowed by Menagerie as per the international meeting held in Argus three decades ago because of the limited range of the CCTS-connection that reaches the island."

"So this mean that transactions have to happen in person or via trusted associate."

"That is indeed correct, General," John agreed with a nod. "And that is where the accusations to the Schnee Dust Company are born from."

The young man then started to look through the documentation, fishing out two colored pictures taken by a security camera that were portraying a formal-dressed man entering/leaving from the Bank's entrance.

Jacques sat down with a surprised look, his legal support appearing a little paler than before at the explanation behind the seemingly innocuous evidence.

"I assume that these photos had to seem 'odd' without the proper context, but now that it's clear that the reasoning behind the presence of those, I should introduce this curious individual," The injured speaker announced by bringing up another photo, this one showing the full face of this stoic-looking human. "This is Otto Sedan, prominent economic advisor to the SDC's Board of Directors. This man is tasked to monthly deposit or retire money out of the four bank accounts established under his name."

"Wouldn't that make him a thief? Maybe he stole money and-"

"Not truly, General Ironwood," John interjected with a serious tone. "While the eventuality of this shady individual being a thief had crossed the investigative group in Menagerie, we also confirmed that this wasn't the case by checking on the documents regarding the non-negligible amount of money presented at the Bank. The reason dignified being that it was a 'legitimate gift by the SDC' to Sedan for the sake of… deposit it within the Bank accounts."

"And why would it be a problem if I decided to deposit some money away in Menagerie of all places?" Jacques jumped in with an exasperated tone. "More money would revitalize the bank and-"

"It would actually be a problem considering you are depositing as a 'single individual' instead as a 'company'," John quipped quickly, interrupting the attempt to turn down the offensive. "Interest rates change immensely between the rule of the 'Individual' and the rule of the 'Collective', the latter receiving much less because they have access to special options in case of bankruptcy, of loans and other important issues that a company could be facing against. So yes, what is happening here with the legitimate documentations here confirmed by the International Economic Treaties is that Mr. Schnee has committed a massive fraud crime against Menagerie AND the Kingdom of Atlas."

People were now stirring at this angry statement, numerous politicians were now openly-glaring at Jacques, the businessman looking horrified by what was just happening in that escalation.

John turned his attention to Ironwood and nodded. "This is the full and detailed explanation of accusations, I think I will end my turn here."

Before any of the SDC's representatives could try to bring up some defense about the case, the lawyer sighed and nodded at the arbitrator.

"We concede our time for this session and we request that the session for tomorrow is pushed a two hours later than planned," The man glanced at his client with an annoyed look, causing the heir to look incredibly uncomfortable. "There is some evidence that I wish to study a little more about the case."

James nodded with a perplexed look. "It will be conceded, but I expect the presentation of any new proof two hours prior to the original date. This session is adjourned."

Noise resumed louder than before, numerous journalists trying to instantly break through the wall of guards separating them from the Menagerie Entourage.

Sadly, Sienna was much faster as she helped John up and proceeded to rush out of the room while followed by their bodyguards, their destination… their room.

While the Tiger Faunus tried to sponge up what had just transpired in that eventful day, the human decided to say something that caused her to almost trip.

"Tomorrow is going to be your turn."

Her eyes widened, the tanned woman glancing at the tired-looking young man with a frown. "What?" She asked confusedly.

"I managed to… remove their foundations. The lawyer can't do much about it and I guess they will try to make some faux defense," He explained calmly, drawing a yawn. "We have the spotlight and… tomorrow I want you to shred them with words," He smiled mirthfully. "Not with your claws."

The Faunus snorted and shook her head. "And what do you think I should say?"

The human pulled a half-shrug. "Whatever you can say that is offensive, polite and good publicity for Menagerie as a nation, I reckon."

Blinking at that strange advice, Sienna ended up spending the rest of the day genuinely trying to write down something that could work with that ugly mug that was Jacques Schnee, keeping her phrasing cautious but also entertaining to some.

She then ended up presenting the content to the tired John, the young man close to fall asleep in the small couch in their room and he snorted…

Before starting to giggle at certain 'not-so-polite' words that may or may not have passed through her 'impartial' filter.

Of course, some corrections would ensue for victory's sake.

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