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Chapter 72: Chapter 68: Fighting Words

A/N: Hey there all you dedicated readers of mine.

I just want to let you know that I will be posting another One-Piece fanfic soon.

Now before anyone askes I AM NOT STOPPING THIS ONE.

I repeat. I am not stopping this fanfic. It will be my main focus for the foreseeable future. I promise you that. However from time to time I will update the new one.

So check it out.

So without further ado here is the chapter.


As soon as our entire group entered the tunnel into the mountain the oni tribesmen who opened it in the first place by moving the giant boulder re-sealed it.

By moving the boulder back into place.

Letting me know that members of the oni tribe possess incredible physical strength. I assume the same applies to their durability as well.

Seeing this it's no wonder Kaido was so strong even when shown as a kid in the flashbacks during his defeat in the manga even before he ate his devil fruit.

The moment the entrance to the tunnel entrance was sealed pitch blackness surrounded us.

But that only lasted for a few seconds before the entire tunnel was illuminated. Courtesy of fluorescent moss scattered throughout it, which glows a brilliant gold color.

Looking at the moss I found it beautiful in its own way.

I admired it for a few seconds before I started moving along with Konpeki's group and my own.

We then walked the tunnel for approximately twenty minutes before we saw an exit covered entirely by light.

Crossing through said light-covered exit we immediately found ourselves in a large underground cavern. Which was illuminated by the fluorescent moss just like the tunnel was. A large patch of it sitting at the very top of the cavern. Which resembles the sun in a strange way.

"Welcome to our home." Konpeki spoke to my group.

"Thank you for inviting us." I replied.

Once I did so Konpeki led my group to a village located near the center of the cavern.

The moment we arrived some of Konpeki's men went to take the prisoner's we gave them elsewhere. While a lot of the people of the village swarmed Konpeki and greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Welcome back lord Konpeki."

"We're thankful you've returned safely."

"Lord Konpeki, please go and rest. You must be tired."

These and several other comments flew out of the mouth's of the villager towards Konpeki. Letting me know he's not just the leader of the warriors but the people overall as well. He also seems to be very well liked and respected.

By both the oni tribesmen and the ordinary humans. Because this village is a mix of both.

A smile on his face Konpeki returned the greetings given to him by his people. Until eventually they dispersed. Some of them greeting my group as they did so.

I guess since we're with Konpeki we are not suspicious in their eyes.

Yet another reason I am glad my crew and I didn't choose the slaughter route earlier.

My group greeted the villagers back.

Then once they had all gone back to their original activities Konpeki turned to face us. "If you'll follow me."

"Sure." I replied.

Konpeki nodded. He then turned back around and started walking, my group following him. Brunch trailing behind us giving us the stink-eye as he did so.

'Seriously, just what is his problem?' I thought.

It's like his personality is set on dick-mode and it doesn't have an off switch.

Well so long as he doesn't try to attack me and my crewmates I'll forgive his attitude. But if he should dare make a move against us he'll end up dealing with the Grim Reaper from Family Guy instead of me.

Our group didn't have to walk long before we reached a giant house located in the center of the village.

The moment we did so the front door opened up and an old man stepped out to greet us. A smile on his face as he did so.

"Konpeki, Brunch. Welcome back my boys." The old man said. He then turned his attention to us. "Oh and I see you've brought visitors as well. Welcome to our home. My name is Nosh and it is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Likewise. My name is Soren D. Roberts." I spoke. I then introduced my crewmates.

After I was finished all of us headed inside.

Then Konpeki brought us to a sitting room where we all took seats.

Except for Brunch who went off to do his own thing. Whatever that is.

As Nosh closed the door and left my gaze fell on Konpeki. "So, now that we're alone mind explaining to us what is happening on your island at the moment?"

"Yes. Of course." Konpeki replied.

He then began explaining the situation currently plauging Hex Island.

While giving us a bit of history about the island as he did so.

For generations the oni tribe have called Hex Island home and ruled over the normal humans as their leaders. Though they are not tyrants. In fact the oni tribe and normal humans of Hex Island have exited in peace and harmony for generations.

But recently everything changed.

Due to the death of Konpeki's father. An oni by the name of Murasaki, who was the previous head of the oni clan and leader of Hex Island. 

Who is also called the Shuten-doji by the way.

After Murasaki died his eldest son Shinku, Konpeki's elder brother, took over as ruler of the island and became Shuten-doji. But unlike the rest of his family it seems Shinku is a bad apple.

He's arrogant, sadisitc, and an all-around asshole.

The moment he came to power he started oppressing the people and lording over them like a true tyrant.

Naturally Konpeki could not stand by and just let his happen. So he attempted to reason with his elder brother and make him see his actions were wrong.

Obviously that failed miserably.

Given Konpeki's current situation.

He and those loyal to him have been forced into hiding by his brother and the forces loyal to him.

Basically my crew and I just stepped into the middle of a civil war.

Lucky us.

I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell.

After Konpeki finished his tale Weisz spoke up.

"I get what you're saying. But if he's such a bad guy why haven't the entire population of the island risen up against him and de-throned his ass? Especially now that his own family has turned against him as well." He spoke. Making a good point.

Konpeki sighed. "I wish it were that simple but it's not. My brother is just simply too powerful. Not to mention he has no issue with taking innocent lives. If the people were to be more active in resisting his rule I'd have no doubt he'd slaughtered him all himself with a smile on his face." He angrily spoke. Clenching his fist as he did so. "Dammit! If only he we had stopped him from eating that strange fruit all those years ago then maybe this war could've ended before it even began."

"Strange fruit." Alfia spoke. "Can you describe it for us?" She asked.

Since it sounds like this Shinku fellow ate a devil fruit which powers he's using to keep his own ass in power.

"Am sure." Konpeki replied.

He then described the devil fruit too us.

As Konpeki did so I took the description of the fruit and searched my memories for a match to it in the devil fruit encyclopedia. Eventually the identity of the fruit came to me.

The Ika Ika No Mi (Rage Rage Fruit). A paramecia type devil fruit which increases all of a person's physical abilities from strength, to speed, to endurance, to even stamina and recovery time based on how angry they get. Their powers getting stronger the angrier they become.

Basically the fruit turns its eater into a One Piece version of the Hulk.

Which in the right hands could turn a person into a formidable opponent.

So I can now see why Konepki and his forces are struggling to take down Shinku. Especially if he knows how to truly use his devil fruit powers.

"Am, are you all alright, you've been silent for several minutes now?" Konpeki asked us.

"Yeah, we're fine." I replied. "Say Konpeki, want some help in dealing with your brother?"

Because as long as Shinku's in power we definitely won't be able to re-stock our supplies which we desperately need to do. So the quickest for us to resolve our issue is to take down Shinku himself. Replacing him with Konpeki as the ruler of the island and his tribe.

That not only solves our problem but the resident of Hex Island as well.

Two birds, one stone.

"What?! Roberts that is very kind but I cannot ask you to get involved in our struggle." Konpeki spoke.

"Don't worry about it. My crew and I are strong." I told Konpeki. "We can handle anything your brother and his forces can throw at us. Trust me. Besides, you trusted us enough to bring us to your village and one good turn deserves another. So let us help you."

"I...Well ok." Konpeki spoke.


Then as soon as he did so the door to the room was slammed opened and Brunch stepped inside. A furious expression on his face.

"Hello no!" He shouted. "Konpeki I kept my mouth shut when you wanted to bring outsiders to the village. But I can't do the same on what I just overheard. Allowing outsider to fight our battles for us. We're not that weak. We don't need their assistance. This is our home. So I'll say again what I said earlier they should just get on their ship and get the fuck off our island. Besides, their probably just lying to you. This bunch is probably weak as hell."

Before Brunch could utter another word I moved in front of him and punched him square across the face.

Since what he just said are fighting words.

So if that's what he wants then I'll damn well give it to him.

He seems like he could use a good ass-whooping anyway.

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