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Chapter 7: Rescue

it has been two days since their disappearance, and Alex was getting ready to kill for the first time.

he has been practicing the long sword of silence, even before he came here, though it was hard, he managed.

(man, I need to grow faster... come on remember your biology lessons, what do I need to do to grow faster?)

with a sigh, he shrugged and looked over at his mentor who was walking beside him.

"where do you think they are?" he asked her, dodging a drunk man.

as she was about to answer they heard a distinct sound of a fireball exploding.

Ghislaine dashed off and Alex was right behind her, boosting his body with mana and supplying his Toki to keep up with her.

gripping the dagger that was like a short sword for him right now, he jumped over to another roof and noticed the sword flying towards Rudeus, but Ghislaine was already on it, focusing on the two at the other and of the alley.

he dashed towards them since he was behind them, the two men didn't notice him.

he managed to slash through one's neck, suppressing a grimace, the other man turned to him, surprised and enraged, but was quickly despised by Ghislaine using the longsword of light.

Alex was ready to puke, but he held back, not wanting to look weak.

he was having midlife...early life crisis.

(I killed someone, god what have I done?)

he was about to further into his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

looking up he saw Ghislain, looking at him with a nonchalant gaze.

"good job, for your first time it wasn't bad," she says with a nod and Alex evens out his breathing, it wasn't the time to break down right now, and hopefully he won't. ever.

"let's go" Alex mumbled and looked over to his brother...who was breaking down... realizing that in this world you can be killed. shocker, I know.

with a shaky sigh, he went towards his brother and held out his hand.

Rudeus looked at his hand for a few long seconds he grabbed it and let himself get pulled up.

Alex made a water ball and heated it and washed his hands to get rid of the blood,

Rudeus did the same, and they both looked over to the two women that would end up being a constant in their lives.

Eris was telling Ghislaine about what happened while jumping up and down, and the beast woman was watching all this with a graceful smile on her face, treating the little redhead like a sister.


with a shake of his head, Alex heads towards them, he still had Eris to bring home.


"Bend your knees more!" Instructed Ghislaine, and swung down her wooden sword as if to prove a point.

the two kids in front of her did so, while the third one was working to perfect the longsword of silence.

Alex cut the wooden dummy in twine and let out a breath, he had been at it even before the other two joined in.

"I'm finished" he informed his instructor, as he sat down next to her, and started watching the duo train.

"good, continue this and soon you will be the youngest sword saint, and maybe even a Youngest sword king" she responded with a smile, which he returned.

"well, I have a good teacher" Alex count help but say, returning his gaze to the other two.

"im sure you could have gotten there without my help, it would only take you a little longer"

"no, it would have taken me much longer, Dad doesn't know how to teach, I asked him to tell me the basics of slash and he explained- and I quote - 'grab your sword, get into the stance and go swoosh'" explained Alex, which got a smirk from Ghislaine.

"I see he's still the instinctive type" she released a sigh and pushed off the wall.

"Alright you two, time to spar, Rudeus spar against Eris, I'll spar against Alex" she informed the duo, Eris shot an envious look towards Alex, a little mad that Ghislaine didn't personally train her, but focused on Rudeus soon after.

Alex only sighed, not only was he going to get a beating but a cold shoulder from the one he's supposed to be guarding.

"come on, we will spar over there, lets see if you're any closer to the Saint rank" she prompted and he got up, following her to the other side of the opening.


Alex and Rudeus were getting ready for bed when Rudeus suddenly asked.

"what was in the letter father wrote you?" Alex looked over to his with a startled eyebrow, before starting.

"he said that Ghislaine was a sword king and would train me, while we stay here, he said that He permits me to make moves on Eris but warned that it might turn into a fight between brothers" Rudeus chuckled at this, scratching his head, Alex just gave him a blank stare.

"anything else?" he asked again, wondering if anything was different from the letter he received.

"apparently, I defend Eris and get paid for it, he could only defeat Ghislaine in bed, and I should keep my hands off Ghislaine because she's 'His'" Alex listened and went back to removing his clothes.

"heh, actually the second part is not true" supplied his brother, making Alex raise an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me she defeated him in bed as well" Alex deadpanned.

"no, no, She never sis it with him, he wanted to do it, but after almost losing his manhood, he backed off" his brother replied, shaking his head.

(...what? that's not how I remember it happening in the novel, so, it changed huh? or maybe Bob sent me to an alternate world just to make it possible for me to be born... much like Orsted using his ability to go back in time, but in reality, he goes to the alternate world)

while thinking that, he was having a frown on his face, and Rudeus thought that he didn't believe him.

"she said so herself in the carriage, weren't you listening?" at this Alex turned his head, while answering.

"Nope, was reading my letter at the time"

with a shrug, they proceeded to get into their beds.

as he lay in bed, he started thinking about what could happen since this minor change, could mean that there is a possibility of bigger changes he remembered the answer to his earlier question

(Growth hormone, Duh, if I use magic to produce more of it, I'll need more sustenance, and ill also need my muscles to grow, but a seven-year-old with a body of a twelve-year-old would be suspicious anywhere you go)

with a sigh, he turned to his side and drifted off to sleep.

too bad the nightmares still haunted him, even after a week of his first kill.

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