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Becoming a dungeon core Becoming a dungeon core original

Becoming a dungeon core

Author: whatisthisname

© WebNovel

Old Chapters part(1)

For those that are new, I am going to rewrite the entire novel. Old rewrite(1) and (2) are old chapter. You dont need to read it.


Talk - " "

Think - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


Chapter 1 DEATH

"Uh come on" we can see Alex raging on battlefield 4 as he died again in the tank because multiple players in quad bikes came after him with c4 strap on the front of the quad bike. "Why are they all targeting me, there's literally other tanks all over the map, yet they keep targeting me" yelled Alex as he was pissed off.

[ Let's just get off, I'm done for tonight ] thought Alex as he was ready to go to bed as it was late at night. "Man I should read a bit before I go to sleep, '' murmured Alex as he was thinking of what online novel he should read. "Should I read a fantasy novel or a modern war novel mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, eh let's do a fantasy novel book" saying this to himself still deciding on what to even pick.

As he was reading with no care in the world he noticed that he was reading for 2 hour straight.

" Oh god I need to go to bed " said Alex in a surprised voice as he saw how late it was. As he was a straight A student he needed to keep his grades. He is also very fit as he works out daily because his father who was an American soldier, made sure he was not lazy at all, he made Alex who was also an American learn how to use guns. Sadly he died in battle but Alex always looked up to him even when he was a young.

Sadly enough his mother died when he was born, so it was mostly his grandmother that took care of him when he was young, when his father was busy. His grandmother was the only relative left that he had other than his father, but she died when he entered highschool.


As it's the morning we can see that Alex woke up later than usual as he forgot to set up a phone alarm.

" Shit shit shit I'll just get food at school " says Alex in a panicked voice as he hurries out of his house grabbing a bike and locking the door before riding off. He rode his bike to school with the hope that he would not be late for school.

While Alex is on his way to school. We can see a truck stalking around the streets trying to find some prey and when the truck sees Alex it knows who it will be its next prey. DUN DUN DUNNNN

" Come on, hurry and turn green so that I can cross the road " Alex said in an anxious voice. When the light finally turned green he looked both ways before crossing, as he was in the middle of crossing the road a 6 ton truck magically appeared out of nowhere hitting him hard without him realizing what just happened.

" What the fuck just happen! " a panicked voice coming in an area known as the void, as you know this Alex freaking out because all he saw before dying was a white 6 ton truck crashing into him then before seeing black all around.

Still not understanding what is happening.

" Hahaha boy you died " asks a mysterious voice. " What I died? How?? " Disbelief could be heard in Alex's voice.

" What do you think would happen when a human body is hit by a 6 ton truck going 100 mph? " Said the mysterious voice with laughter in it. " WHAT really! Did you choose me to die?" Ask Alex with disbelief, curiosity and anger in his voice.

" No I'm not the one that gets to choose who dies, it's usually the reapers who disguise themselves as what people think of them, so they come as trucks and they usually choose random people " explained this mysterious voice.

" So what will happen to me then? " Ask Alex who was wondering what will happen to him. " And why was I chosen? I loved my life. Is there any way possible to have me reincarnate back on earth? ". Alex yelled with tears in his eyes?

" Sorry, once you die you can't no longer go back to your planet but a reaper did choose you to die so…" The mysterious voice stopped for a bit to make some suspense.

" You will get 3 wishes and yes, you will keep your memories, and before you ask. No asking for more wishes and nothing too OP liking becoming a god. I will tell you if you go overboard with a wish " told the voice with amusement in his voice.

It took Alex a couple of minutes to process what the mysterious voice said but he started to get a bit excited as he will be able to wish for things that were only a fantasy for others. So he tried to remember most of the novels he read to think about what he should wish for.

" Ok then, for my first wish I want a system that has everything that I could think of. My second wish is that I want to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a dungeon master and for my final wish I want unlimited energy that can turn into any type of energy that I want it into. " Excitedly ask Alex with hope that It will be fulfilled.

" The first two wishes I will accept but the final wish I will tweak it where instead of unlimited energy you will get a massive energy pool and I will allow the transformation of energy. " said the voice in the void already thinking of how much trouble Alex will make with these 3 wishes.

" Let's goooo thank you very much for this chance " said Alex with stars in his eyes and happiness in his voice.

" Haha good bye my boy I hope that you won't come here soon " the voice said with the occasional laughter in his voice.

We can now see an excited Alex falling through a black portal.


Chapter 2 Dungeon Core

" Uhh, Is this really happening, am I dreaming? Let me pinch myself. Wait... I can't move?" say a voice coming from a small crystal that has different colors appearing and disappearing all around its body. As you know, this small crystal is Alex who wished to become a dungeon master. But a problem arose, he couldn't move. He had yet to realize that he was only a small crystal.

" Uhh move " yelled Alex trying to move his body.

( Greeting host this is the system that was wished by you )

" Yes, I almost forgot about that. Pull up my stats, System " said Alex in a panicked voice.


Name - Alex

Species - Dungeon core

lv - 1 (0/100)

hp - ( 2000 / 2000 )

Mp 15 - (150000 / 150000)

int - 20 ( Intelligence )

str - 0 ( Strength)

sp - 0 ( Speed )

shop points < SP > 0

dungeon points < DP > 0



Energy transformation

lv 1 - Body takeover

lv 1 - telepathy


Mp regeneration

360 vision

Hp regeneration

[System shop]

[System map]

[System inventory]

[System roulette]


[Dungeon shop]


" That's nice but why is my speed, strength, and dexterity all zeros " Alex voice out.

( That's because the host has no body. Host is only a dungeon core. ) You can almost hear a faint sarcastic tone in the system.

" Will I be able to get a body? " questioned Alex

( Yes, For a permanent body it will cost points. But host can have a temporary body from body takeover )

" Ok, that's nice to know but let's give you a name. So let's name you Alexa and how do I move?" said Alex with relief found in his voice.

( <DING> Hidden Quest complete. The host has gotten a gift for giving the system a name. Host if you look into the system inventory there is a manual on mana manipulation ) A feminine voice can be heard from the system who is now know as Alexa

" Ah, here is the mana manipulation manual and the gift. Alexa, how do I use the manual and how do I open the gift? " Alex ask

( Think of pressing the gift and manual. The information in the manual will be directly sent to your head and the items from the gift will be sent to the system inventory )

" Ah ok that's easy enough to do " As Alex tried using his mind to click the manual and gift he heard 4 loud dings coming from his mind.

(<DING> lv 1 - Mana manipulation has been learned.

<DING> lv 1 - Mana vision has been learned.

<DING> lv 1 - Mana tendrils has been learned from lv 1 - mana manipulation.

<DING> 4 different types of common system tokens have been added and 100 system shop points have been added with 200 dungeon points )

" Wait, What are the 4 types of tokens? And why is the dungeon shop closed? " ask Alex with curiosity.

( The four types of token are Beasts tokens, Humanoid tokens, abilities/passive tokens and dungeon tokens which can range from dungeon floor templates, beasts, area spawners and many other things. The reason that the dungeon shop is closed is that you have not started a dungeon, I recommend that hosts use a token and summon something to take over its body and try and find a cave to start or use mana manipulation to build a cave or hole)

" Mmh let's look at what is around me first. Man all I see are mountains and trees. " said Alex while looking around

" Alright let's use all 4 tokens. Please, mysterious voice give me good luck " if Alex had a body, he would have been in a praying position.

Mysterious voice POV

" <Achoo> Huh that's weird I wonder if those other gods are talking about me. "

Alex POV

( <DING> Beast token > LAV-25 (BF4 Ver) lv - 1

<DING> Humanoid token > Elite Police (M.F.K.Z)

<DING> Abilities/passives token > passive - night vision

<DING> Dungeon token > flatland template )

" Wait, why did I get the LAV-25 in the beast token? " Disbelief could be heard in Alex's voice

( The reason you have gotten the LAV-25 is that it will count as a golem. When it's out of your inventory, it will automatically protect you even without someone driving it. It has its own consciousness and it will always follow your orders. All things summon from the system is loyal to you )

" Ok, that's good to hear, let's summon the LAV-25 and use body takeover.". As Alex is summoning the LAV-25. Some nearby ugly green goblins with loin cloth that only covers their private part, that were hunting for prey are now heading toward Alex because of the noise he was making.

" Wow it looks so huge, I cant wait and use takeover " We can see mana tendrils coming out of crystal and start fusing it self as with LAV-25 and as soon he finished fusing the goblins found the LAV-25.

Random Goblin POV

" Brothers I see big weird rock " goblin A yelled out.

" Find voice stupid " goblin B yelled at goblin A. Who's trying to find the voice with hope that it's a human so that they can eat them. Humans are delicious to them and especially the women as they have fun with them before they kill and eat their bodies.


Chapter 3 Princess(1)

Alex POV

" My god, those goblins are ugly as hell. They look so scrawny and yet their stomachs look bloated " A disgusted voice can be heard coming from the LAV-25 as the barrel is being pointed at the group of 5 green goblins. " Well at least I have some test subject to shoot at and Alexa pull up my stats ". An excited voice is coming from the LAV-25 while the goblins have no clue on where the voice is coming from.


Name - Alex

Species - Dungeon core / Golem - LAV-25

Rank - I

lv - 1 (0/100)

hp - ( 2000 / 2000 )

Mp - (150000/ 150000)

int - 20 (Intelligence)

str - 0 (Strength)

sp - 0 (Speed)

LAV-25 stats

Rank - I

lv - 1 (0/500)

hp - (4000/4000)

Mp - (15000/15000)

int - 20 (Intelligence)

str - 94 (Strength)

sp - 85 (Speed)

shop points < SP > 100

dungeon points < DP > 200



Energy transformation

lv 1 - Body takeover

lv 1 - telepathy

lv 1 - Mana tendrils


lv 1 - 25mm HE Shells (10 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - APFSDS-T Shells (20 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Canister Shells (10 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Coaxial LMG (100 Mp every 10 sec)

lv 1 - TOW Missile (500 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Zuni Rockets (50 Mp per shot)

Smokescreen (100 Mp per use)

lv 1 - Active Protection (500 Mp per use - last for 3 seconds)

lv 1 - Gunner Incendiary (50 Mp per use)

lv 1 - Proximity Scan (100 Mp per use - 5 meter radius)


MP regeneration

360 vision

HP regeneration

lv 1 - Mana manipulation

lv 1 - Mana sense

Night Vision

LAV-25 -

Gunner SOFLAM - Able to lock on targets

Optic switch - Zoom, Thermal, IRNV

[System shop]

[System map]

[System inventory]

[System roulette]


[Dungeon shop]


" Wow those stats are good I think. Wait... Can the LAV-25 level up. " Say Alex looking at the stats and seeing the level stat for the LAV-25

( Yes the LAV-25 can level up and the abilities could also level up. Your magic stat exchanges with the things you use body takeover with )

" That's good to hear. I can't wait to level up the LAV-25. Lets start using the Coaxial LMG on the goblins to see how strong they are " Alex said with excitement in his voice

Goblin group POV

" I hear voice from weird rock " said one of the goblins speaking gibberish if other species heard it. As he was saying this he noticed the top part of the rock start turning and looking at each one of them.

" Go hit weird rock " yelled the goblin leader as his senses warned him of this rock and he believed it because this instinct he honed through several battles from adventures or other goblin tribes saved him many times throughout his life as a warrior.

As soon as the goblin leader said that loud bangs were coming from the top part of the rock killing him and the rest of the group even when they were wearing leather. The weird rock was able to pierce through the leather armor like a hot knife cutting through butter. The goblins had leather armor from the dead corpses of adventures they had killed and eaten.

Bandit Group POV

Nearby Bandit cave

BRRRRRRRRRR `` What the Hell is that noise " Multiple Bandits were alarmed by this noise as it sounded not far away from them. The Bandit leader that was about to have fun with the princess heard the noise and quickly told the rest of the bandits to be on alert as they have been getting more adventurers going after them as they have pretty big bounties on them. Especially now that they have kidnapped the princess of the Kingdom Flora because the Duke of Flora has paid them hundreds of gold coins to kidnap and deliver the princess to the dark mage tower.

" Quickly, Move the Princess deeper down the cave and start preparing to be attack hurry and stop STANDING AROUND " yelled the Bandit leader because delivering this princess will allow them to be set for generations if they don't spend the most of their money on women, gambling, drugs, or weapons.

" Damn, Did they already find us? " murmured the Bandit leader as he heard the princess struggling and taunting them. " Hurry and shut her up or I will do it myself. "

Yelling can be heard in the cave coming from the princess " Hahahaha my father will be sending his men right now to save me and to kill you all or make you into slaves "

Alex POV

(<DING> You have killed 5 I rank level 12 goblins. +300 xp has been added to your main body and to the LAV-25

(<DING> You are now level 3 (0/300) + 2 random common tokens +30 in each stat

LAV-25 now has (300/500))

" Wait... Killing enemies with a body I take over shares xp? " questioned Alex with disbelief in his voice.

( Yes, all things killed by you or using their bodies shares xp between your body and the body you took over)

" That's really good. So do I still get xp when a summon kills something? " Alex asks with hope that it will be true since he can become stronger a whole lot faster. Since he still does not know how strong things are since the novels he read, goblins were easy to kill by themselves but hard to kill in groups.

( Yes all summons and dungeon monsters share xp they have gotten with you. Killing dungeon monsters or summons made by you will not give xp ) Alexa said with amusement hidden in her voice.

" That's good to hear I guess, But what will happen to a summon or dungeon monster if they are killed? " Alex asks with worry.

( All summons that are killed will be transported into the system inventory and they will stay in there till they are back to full health. Once they finish healing they will be in a cool down and it can last for days, weeks, or months depending on what rarity they are. For dungeon monster it will be the same but it will depend on what rank they are, rarity, and how much mana you have. ) Hearing this Alex sigh in relief knowing that his summons and dungeon monsters will be alright if they die

( Also when you buy monsters for your dungeon, the monster you bought will have a limit in your dungeon for example if you have 5 goblins the limit will be 5/5 and if you buy an extra goblin it will turn into 6/6. When a goblin dies it will turn into 5/6 and it will turn back into 6/6 once it re spawns )

" Alright, that's good to know. " Alex said while looking at the meaty piles of flesh on the floor that were once goblins. And surprisingly he did not feel sick at all and he wondered if hunting and gutting those animals in his last life made him not worry about killing.

(<DING> Quest issued

Save the princess of the Kingdom flora

Bandits killed (0/37)

Reward - 1 random common token, 100 system points, + 200 xp


" Mm... Alexa accept the quest but how will I find the princess " Alex asked

( By using the system map you can find the area that she is in )

As Alex is looking at the map all he sees is black all around him but the area he is in and a yellow circle showing the area the princess should be. So he asks Alexa a question " Alexa why is the map mostly black and is the yellow circle the area the princess should be in? "

( The map will be filled over time once you go to that area and the yellow circle is the area that she should be in. Good luck Alex ) Alexa said, trying to pump up Alex.

" Thank you Alexa and you sound a whole lot better than the monotone voice you've been using " Alex said feeling thankful that his system can have feelings instead of being one boring monotone voice.


Chapter 4 Princess(2)

" Let's see if there is a road of some kind " Alex says while looking, trying to find a path because he does not want to destroy the nearby trees.

[ Ah there a trail right there but it looks like I will barely fit on the dirt path uhhh should i bring out the elite police ... yeah and I will scout the area while the LAV-25 make its way there but I will keep it out of the yellow circle for now ] A crystal can be seen popping out of the LAV-25 falling onto the floor landing softly on the ground. A bright light quickly flashes in the forest and in the middle of the bright light a police officer that is heavily covered in armor with a blank white mask covering its face with two eye holes to see through.

" Wow, that looks amazing and Alexa, how can I get the appraisal ability? " Alex asks as he barely notices he has no way to scan something unless he uses body takeover on his summons or dungeon beast.

( Well if the host takes a look into the system shop you will see that the appraisal ability will cost 1000 system points) a bit of anger can be heard in Alexa voice.

" Oh sorry Alexa please open the shop " a voice can be heard on the ground while the LAV-25 is looking around while the wood owl is circling around this crystal in the sky.


[System shop]


(Miscellaneous items)






Right now Alex is freaking out because some of the stuff in the shop cost hundreds of thousands to millions like a titan fall titan cost 2 million or a car schematic cost 100 thousand and many more expensive items. As Alex looks into the abilities tab he notices the search bar on top and types with his mind an appraisal ability and the cheapest one was 1,000 points. As he looks on how many points he has it's at 100 points and when he saw that amount he felt poor but he knew that he was only looking at appraisals abilities and that he has barely been in this world for less than a day.

" I can't wait to unlock these amazing things especially in my dungeon " Alex said while dreaming of having all of the overpowered creatures and other things.

" Alright let's start. Elite Police officer(EPO) pick me up. " When Alex said that the EPO that was looking around turned to face his master and picked him off the ground.

[ Alright let's use body takeover ] As soon as Alex said that, his body started to fuse with the EPO hand and once the crystal fully fuse. Alex was now seeing through the EPO eyes.

" Ah it feels good to be back on two feet. Let's see the stats. Alexa only open the EPO status "


Name - Alex

Species - Dungeon Core // Human/Macho hybrid (Elite police officer ( EPO ))

Elite police officer Stats

Rank - I

lv - (0/500)

hp (800/800)

MP - (15000/15000)

int - 20

str - 23

sp - 13

dex - 37



Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 627 ( 6 shots in a cylinder/ 25 Mp per cylinder ) (300 Mp for each revolver)

Police rifle ( 60 bullets in a mag / 30 Mp per mag) ( 600 Mp for each rifle ) [[ I search google for this gun and all it said it was a Police Rifle ]]

Mossberg 500 cruiser ( 50 Mp per shell ) ( 600 Mp for each shotgun )

M26 Hand Grenade ( 300 Mp each )



lv 1 - Sharpshooter

lv 1 - Gun expert

lv 1 - body manipulation


" Wow, those stats are good I think. Well let's start this rescue mission " As Alex said that he jumped on top of the LAV-25 and ordered it to follow the path leading towards the yellow circle on the map. As the ride there was going slow he decided to get a better look around his environment.

[ Wow it looks so amazing, the trees look, the air and the sky is clean from pollution. I hope that this world won't be burdened by pollution in the future ] Alex thought while looking at the environment, hearing and seeing the local fauna and plants especially now since some of the plants he is seeing look so weird even the fauna looks weird. Some deer he sees are covered in rocks, plants, or even water revolving around them and the plants are bright blue, bright purple, and even bright green but around those one no plants are growing near it.

" Man, I'm already missing my old planet. It sucks that I did not finish red vs blue. " Right at this time Alex is just feeling sad right now but he knows he is in a new world with magic and with a system that has everything and he knows he will find happiness in the future. [ Let's check the map. Let's see how far I am. Oh I'm actually almost there ]. So when he checks the map he can see what route he took because the path he took is shown on the map and there is even a small deer symbol with a yellow circle around it moving.

" Hey Alexa, is that deer symbol of the deer herd I passed a bit ago? " Alex questioned as he knows it will be useful for hunting materials and to level up his summons, abilities, and to level himself up.

( Yes the deer head symbol on the map shows where the herd is located. All kingdoms, city's, dungeons, and herds will be shown on the map once found. And pay attention to your surroundings ) Alexa said with a stern voice

" Alright LAV-25 stop here. I'm going to scout ahead so see if I can find some sort of tracks. Alex said, looking at the floor and trees trying to find any kind of mark that will lead him to where the bandits and princess are at. As he looked around he decided to try to manipulate mana inside the EPO body to learn how mana works in this world and as he was doing it he felt a bit stronger and he heard a ding in his head.

( <DING> lv 1 - Mana strength enhancement learned (+5% buff) (10 Mp per second) )

[ That will be really helpful in future once it's a high level especially when I get more powerful beasts or humanoids ] Alex thought to himself already knowing how strong this one ability will be.

As he is looking at the forest floor and trees he finally finds some footprints. So he decided to slow down and to be quiet to hear the surrounding environment. He also decides to use mana vision to see if he can see anybody and once he uses mana vision he asks Alexa on how he can summon the police rifle.

Alex, knowing that there are 6 bandits surrounding him waiting to attack, still walks the same pace to not alert the bandits. [ Alexa summon my police rifle and is it possible to summon attachments ]

(Yes all weapons that are unlocked can have attachments added for extra Mp. But please be careful don't be reckless or cocky) Alexa said with worry knowing that it will be his first time killing a human being.

[ Alright let's start Alex. No Hesitation they will try and kill you. You can feel bad later but not now I need to get used to killing people now that the rules have changed. Thanks for the encouragement Alexa.] Alex thought to himself trying to pump himself up now knowing that once he starts it will change everything he ever learned about killing others in his last world.

( ts I'm not trying to encourage you) If Alexa had a body she would have been blushing.

Bandit team POV's

[ Look at this dumbass walking out in the forest not even trying to hide. Even more that he's wearing such weird leather armor and he is not even holding some sort of weapon at least bring a sword or a dagger even ] Thought bandit 1 thinking that this person will be an easy kill.

[ This person is by himself does he think he can take us only by himself he is either cocky or he has a death wish ] Bandit 2 thought knowing that this person will die. These were the kind of thoughts going through the 6 bandits that were surrounding Alex thinking that he will be killed easily.

Bandit team leader POV

[ I can't wait to loot his dead body once we kill him. Alright I should signal the others to attack ] As soon as the Bandit team Leader signals the rest to attack he notices this heavily armored person stop moving and bright light appears in his hand. As soon as the light disappeared the person turned quickly to the left and in his hands a weird looking bow or staff appeared shooting out something bright, loud and too fast to be seen. When I look at my teammate, the one the armor guy looks at first. His body had big holes in his chest and stomach area and he was missing an arm even when wearing metal armor and that is when I realized that I need to kill this person as soon as possible before he can wipe us out.

Alex POV

[ 1 Down, 5 more to go ] Thought Alex tried his best to turn his body and rifle before the bandits got too close.


Chapter 5 Princess(3)

Alex POV

[ 1 Down, 5 more to go ] Thought Alex tried his best to turn his body and rifle before the bandits got too close to strike him down. As Alex is trying to turn his body to face the bandit he decided to switch to the mossberg 500 as it will be good in close range and a makeshift melee weapon for now.

(<DING> Rank - I / level - 12 bandit killed +60 Xp. You are still level 3 (60/300)

Elite police officer is still level 1 (60/500))

Ignoring the notification. I face the two charging bandits with anger shown on their faces and switch to the mossberg 500 hoping to get a shot in before they get close. But they were quicker than expected so I did something unexpected.

[ Fuck it. I'm going to use the mossberg as a melee weapon. Dad if you are seeing me don't be mad at me ] Alex thought while changing where his hand is holding. Putting one hand one by the trigger and the other by the end of the barrel using it to block the two daggers trying to kill him. [ Don't break on me mossy ] Alex said crying in his head hoping that the gun won't break because if it does it may kill the body he is using.

" Ahhh! " Yelled Alex, blocking the two hits as the impact was more heavy than he thought. Cracking can be heard coming from the mossberg and in the next moment a snap and a crack could be heard. That was Alex hitting one of the bandits with all the strength he can manage hitting the bandit straight in the neck killing him.

(<DING> Rank - I / level - 14 bandit killed +70 Xp. You are still level 3 (130/300)

Elite police officer now has (130/500))

As Alex hits the bandit in the neck he lets go of the mossberg and quickly grabs the dead bandit, using his body to shield him from the incoming dagger strike while using telepathy to call the LAV-25 for reinforcement.

" Haa Haa. Come on I know that there are four of you " Alex said a bit out of breath as the armor he is using is a bit heavy and it's not suited for a forest environment. [ Damn I will need to start learning magic so at least I can support myself ] Alex thought of trying to start a dungeon so that he can test and learn magic in peace.

Bandit team leader POV's

[ h-h-How did he kill both of them so quickly we're D rank adventurers, is he a C rank or higher. I-I must tell the boss about this ] This was the thought going through his head as he knows that they are in serious trouble. [[ Some of you may already know what will happen in the future. I just hope I can make it work. ]]

" ALRIGHT everyone attack now or we will all die " [ Well only you guys are going to die ] As the bandit team leader said that, he ran once he knew that the rest of the team was not paying attention.But when he was still looking back he ran into something cold and hard landing hard on his but due to the impact. When he looked up, all he saw was a weird rock with a long thin barrel pointing towards him and before he could react to anything a loud bang was heard before everything turned black.

Alex POV

" Alright come and get me you bastards " Alex yelled, making a come motion with his fingers knowing that he needs to hurry and finish the three that are charging towards him and hurry to the last bandit that's running away before he alerts the rest.

(<DING> Rank - I / level - 18 bandit killed +90 Xp. You are still level 3 (220/300)

LAV-25 is still level 1 (390/500))

" Yes it's here " Alex said out loud, pumping up his fist making an opening that allowed a bandit to stab him right on his shoulder. " Arrggh, god damn you " [ Damn that hurts arggg ] Alex said in pain while using his ability to call in another mossberg 500 shooting it point blank range on the bandit face making it explode.

(<DING> -40 HP <DING> Rank - I / level - 13 bandit killed +65 Xp. You are still level 3(285/300)

Elite Police Officers is now has (195/500)

Trees breaking down can be heard coming behind the two bandits and before they can look behind them they feel something hard hitting them. An engine noise and multiple cracks with groans of pain can be heard before two loud bangs making the once less quiet environment fill with more sound. After that it was just silence in the forest accompanied with a rumbling noise.

(<DING> Rank - I / level - 12 bandit killed +60 Xp. You are now level 4 (45/400) + 1 random common token +15 in each stat

<DING> Rank - I / level - 14 bandit killed +70 Xp. You are still level 4 (115/400)

<DING> Elite Police Officers is still level 1 (325/500))

As the bandits are now dead he feels sick seeing what he did to them especially now that 2 heads are splattered all over the floor.

( Please focus on all future battles or else you may not be lucky next ) Alexa said with worry and anger.

" Sorry Alexa, I just got excited when I saw the LAV. I will be careful next time " Alex while laying on the ground due to seeing all the blood. [ I need to get used to this. Come on Alex, you need to start preparing your emotions. I must not let my emotion control me ] This thought was going through Alex's head. You can hear Alex breathing in and out slowly trying to calm his nerves.

Once he was done preparing his emotion he got back on his feet, jumped on top of the LAV-25 and continued using the path he was following without caring of getting spotted.

Passing through the trees a rumbling noise can be heard echoing off the mountains making the bandit lair alert thinking that it's adventurers, the royal army, or some kind of beast heading towards them.

Bandit leader POV

[ What is that noise? ] " EVERYONE starts preparing for battle. We will defend this cave as this is the drop off point. The wizard should be coming any minute now " The Bandit leader wanted everyone to start preparing because he has been having a sick feeling in his stomach after his 3rd in command has not reported back yet and none of the 6 he sent to scout have not come back.

As everyone is rushing to their places in the cave the rumbling noise just stops. No one could have seen it as it was still being covered in the forest. Silence, just silence and breathing can be heard in the cave, not even chirps of birds, bats or creatures crawling on the ground can be heard.

All of a sudden a large figure covered in a black leather armor with red splatter spots came out the forest edge holding some kind of weird... club? The figure then aimed the weird club at them and said " Release the princess or you will be killed you have till the count of 3 ".

" Hahahaha there is one of you and there are 30 of us. You must be looking for death boy. You 6 go kill him and hang his body over the cave. " [ There is something wrong with this boy. I don't know what is in his hands. I'll let the others be a sacrifice. Let's hope my instincts are correct ]. The bandit leader knew something was wrong especially when the source of the rumbling noise could not have come from the large man. The source of the noise is still waiting in the trees, probably looking at them, waiting to strike.

6 loud bangs were heard and 6 thuds were heard. The 6 bandits that were rushing the person were all missing a head. Silence is what followed after the 6 were killed instantly without knowing what just happened.

" E-E-Everyone attack now or you'll all die from him " As soon the Bandit leader quickly overcame his shock he ordered his men to attack the man. 21 bandits quickly rush to the large man, all with various weapons while the 9 that stay behind quickly shoot arrows making the arrows do an ark so that friendly fire does not happen.

Before anyone could get too close, the large man threw two rocks at them making them wonder why he threw it, but one bandit had gotten the wrong idea.

" His thing mu-- " Before the bandit could finish his words, two explosions appeared, decimating the 21 bandits that were charging at the large man. While the rest of the bandits were either blown back a bit or had shrapnel embedded into them.

[ uhhh i-i-is he a m-mage. Why is a mage here, the kingdom of flora only has one mage and he always stayed in the royal castle ] All the bandits that were near the explosion had ringing ears and the bandits faces were all pale since mages were supposed to be really rare and that they would always be protected by some sort of big kingdom or organization. To show how mages are really rare, Around 10 real mages would be born in a big kingdom at least every 100 years, if the kingdom is lucky, and anyone could be born with that magic gift.

Real mages are people that can cast real spells. Almost everyone can use mana but they don't have a real affinity, so they can only cast small things like making a small flame or filling a bucket full of water. Higher rank nobles have more mana than commoners because they are more blessed by their god but it's possible for a commoner to have a mana pool the same size as a low or middle rank noble or in rare cases, even bigger than some middle rank nobles

Before anyone could get out of shock, 9 loud bangs were heard along with heavy footsteps coming closer to the bandit leader. The only thing the bandit leader could hear were heavy thuds of footsteps coming closer to him slowly, making him feel like it was minutes when only seconds passed. But the footsteps just stopped and when the bandit leader looked up he saw the large man covered in a see through dark sphere.

[ H-h-he's here, Lord Erick is here. We can finally kill that bastard hahahaha ] You can see the bandit leader face full of happiness knowing that Lord Erick is a powerful dark mage. [ I must bow down ] " Esteem Lord Erick we have the princess tied up alive in the cave but as you can see this man you have in the bubble has killed all my men. Please kill him my lord " The Bandit leader asks, trying to be an ass kisser.

An old raspy voice that honestly sounded worse than a dog trying to sing said " No this thing is not human I must examine this specimen and it's even better if he knows fire magic. Don't worry he can't escape from my level 5 dark barrier. " Smugness can be heard in Erick's voice as thudding noises can be heard coming from the dark barrier.

After Erick said that, a flying light came out of the forest, rushing towards the barrier making a big explosion, bigger than the last two, destroying the barrier in one shot making Erick and the bandit leader surprised.

[ C-C-Crap I forgot about the beast that came with this man ] the bandit leader's face was pale as he was too focused on this man.

Dark Mage Erick POV

[ W-What was that powerful magic. Did this thing bring a powerful beast? It must be out of magic using such powerful magic. I must put up a barrier ] " Dark magic - Dark Barrier " Erick said, forming a Barrier made from dark magic taking at least 1/100th of his magic making him nervous as the beast is powerful so he uses more mana than usual.

As soon as the barrier was up. Erick let his guard down thinking that he was safe before another bright light came out the forest and moved mid air towards his barrier making his face pale as he thought that powerful magic would empty a beast mana pool. As soon as the explosion happened, Erick was knocked back due the shock wave and heavy thudding can soon be heard coming toward him fast. Before he could place another barrier a fist came out the smoke, hitting him right on the nose breaking it and knocking him out as he never felt so much pain in his life.

Alex POV

After hitting the old guy on his nose and possibly breaking it. Alex quickly brought out the mossberg 500 shooting a shell in the bandit leader's head killing him instantly and for the fate of the old guy. Alex will ask some questions hoping the mage will answer. No, the mage will answer. If he does not comply, he will be given a reminder on what Alex will do if he does not talk.

" mmm the magic barrier he used was either weak or the TOW missile is really strong. But he said that it was level 5 and he had smugness on his face. I need to learn more about magic as soon as possible " Alex murmured to himself.

" LAV keep watch. Make sure that this mage doesn't escape, you may shoot him if he tries to escape but don't kill him ". [ Thank god I have that night vision passive it makes things a whole lot easier ] Alex thought to himself as the cave looks fully brightened and he can see traps that are deeper in the cave.

" PRINCESS ARE YOU THERE? Alex yelled, hoping that the princess is still alive and in this cave. A few seconds later a struggling sound and muffle voice can be heard echoing off the cave walls. [ Yes she is here and still alive ] Alex sighed with relief knowing that the princess is alive.

No one POV

Heavy footsteps were echoing off cave walls slowly making their way to the captured princess. Soon the footsteps stop right in front of a poorly built wooden door with chains and a lock keeping whatever is behind the door trap. Jingling could be heard as a large figure is trying to pull the lock to see how tough it is. A bright light soon followed with a loud bang with chains hitting the cave ground making the noise in the cave even more loud and creating a small dust cloud.

As the large figure finally broke open the lock he slowly opened the door making sure that there were no more traps. As the dust is still steadily going down a rock was thrown at the large figure head while a fist was heading towards the large figure special place.The large figure was taken by surprise at first by quickly came over it as the rock just bounce off its helmet and the attacker squeal in pain as their fist did nothing.

Alex POV

Alex was surprised by the princess on why she attacked him but he would do it if he was kidnapped. But when he got a better look at her he was surprised by her beauty, ample bosom, great ass, and small muscles on her body enhancing her beauty to Alex who was stunned by her.

( mm pervert ) Alexa said to Alex who was staring at the princess who had a rag that barely covered her special places

[ S-sorry Alexa I was just surprised. Please buy a cloak that covers her body] As soon as Alex said that a cloak appeared out of nowhere surprising the princess that was ready to attack again.

( <DING> - 10 system points )

Seeing that she was still in an attack stance Alex said " Sorry princess I did not mean to surprise you. Here take this cloak to cover yourself. I know you have many questions but let's leave this cave first. "

(" <DING> Quest completed + 1 random common token / + 100 system points + 200 xp

You have killed 10 I-rank level 15 bandits + 750 xp / 14 I-rank level 13 bandits + 910 / 6 I-rank level 18 bandits + 540 xp / 1 I-rank level 23 Bandit + 115 xp / You are now level 8 (420/800) + 4 random common tokens + 60 in each stat)

( Your Elite Police officer is now level 3(1140/1500) + 30 in each stat )

As that notification went off. Alex felt a big strength boost surprising him.

( I was holding off the notification until you finish the battle so that you won't get distracted again ) Alexa said asking for a praise

[ Thank you Alexa. That was helpful of you and thanks for caring for me ] Alex said truly thankful for Alexa.

( mmh your w-w-welcome ) Alexa said with a nonexistent blush.

[ Alexa pull up my stats for me and two summons ] Alex thought excited to see how strong he and his summon have gotten.


Name - Alex

Species - Dungeon core

Rank - I

lv 8 - (420/800)

Hp 20 - ( 200 / 200 ) + 120 = 140 (14000/14000)

Mp 15 - (150000/ 150000) + 120 = 135 (1,350,000/1,350,000)

int - 20 (Intelligence) + 120 = 140

str - 0 (Strength) + 120 = 120

sp - 0 (Speed) + 120 = 120




Energy transformation

lv 1 - Body takeover

lv 1 - telepathy

lv 1 - Mana tendrils

lv 1 - Mana Strength enhancement (10Mp per second) 5% boost



Mp regeneration

360 vision

Hp regeneration

lv 1 - Mana manipulation

lv 1 - Mana sense


shop points < SP > 180

dungeon points < DP > 200

[System shop]

[System map]

[System inventory]

[System roulette] 8 common tokens(CT)


[Dungeon shop]


Name - None

Species - Golem (LAV-25)

Rank - I

lv 1 - (390/500)

Hp 400 - (4000/4000)

Mp 43 - (4300/4300)

int - 10 (Intelligence)

str - 94 (Strength)

sp - 85 (Speed)



lv 1 - 25mm HE Shells (10 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - APFSDS-T Shells (20 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Canister Shells (10 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Coaxial LMG (100 Mp every 10 sec)

lv 1 - TOW Missile (500 Mp per shot)

lv 1 - Zuni Rockets (50 Mp per shot)

Smokescreen (100 Mp per use)

lv 1 - Active Protection (500 Mp per use - last for 3 seconds)

lv 1 - Gunner Incendiary (50 Mp per use)

lv 1 - Proximity Scan (100 Mp per use - 5 meter radius)



Lv 1 - Gunner SOFLAM - Able to lock on targets (400 meters)

Optic switch - Zoom, Thermal, IRNV


Name - None

Species - Human/Macho hybrid (Elite police officer ( EPO ))

Elite police officer Stats

Rank - I

Lv 3 - (1140/1500)

Hp 80 - (800/800) + 30 = 110 (1100/1100)

MP 34 - (3400/3400) + 30 = 64 (6400/6400)

int - 20 + 30 = 50

str - 23 + 30 = 53

sp - 13 + 30 = 43



lv 1 - Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 627 ( 6 shots in a cylinder/ 25 Mp per cylinder ) (300 Mp for each revolver)

lv 1 - Police rifle ( 60 bullets in a mag / 30 Mp per mag) ( 600 Mp for each rifle )

lv 1 - Mossberg 500 cruiser ( 50 Mp per shell ) ( 600 Mp for each shotgun )

lv 1 - M26 Hand Grenade ( 300 Mp each )



lv 2 - Sharpshooter

lv 1 - Gun expert

lv 1 - body manipulation


[ God damn I have so much fucking mana hahaha I can't wait to level up more ] Alex yelled in his mind due to him seeing so much mana and being barely level 8


Chapter 6 Traveling(1)

Alex looked down at the princess in his arms and asked " Why do you not want to be taken back home, don't you live in an amazing Kingdom? ". Alex was perplexed on why this princess does not want to be taken back home.

" The Kingdom is bad and my father wants me to marry some fat ass prince of the Kingdom of Sloris to strengthen relations between both kingdoms and all my father want is more power, money, land, and slaves. I absolutely hate him, he does not care about me, he only thinks of me as a pawn. My dream is to be a knight so that I can protect everyone so I always train in secret and by watching the guards to learn. " Alexandra explained the reason why she does not want to go back.

" w-w-Well do you have anyone else to stay with because the longer you stay with me the more danger you will be in and why do you trust me? I could sell you or make you into a slave.". Alex said, trying to discourage Alexandra from traveling with him as it will get pretty dangerous on the journey ahead and that he does not know how she will react once she learns that he is a Dungeon core.

" I could tell that you wont try and make me a slave because you save me, carry me so that I don't step on rocks and you said that you will deliver me to a city so that they can take me home. And I don't care if being with you will be dangerous. I love adventures and I want to travel to get stronger and to save people from my father and from other kingdoms " Alexandra explained why she partly trusts Alex and the reason why she wants to stay with him. The reason that she partly trusts Alex is that why would you trust someone very much to share a secret or other thing when you barely met them for almost 10 minutes.

When Alex heard this, he had many thoughts about the pros and cons of Alexandra coming with him as a travel companion as she will question many things that will happen in the future and what will her reaction be once she learns that he is a dungeon core.

As Alex is still deciding if Alexandra should come with him, when they finally exited the cave they saw a old man that was laying down on the floor, groaning with pain with a small pool of blood near his legs. Then they saw the LAV start moving towards Alex, scaring Alexandra as she never has seen something like that.

" What is that and who is this old man and where is the rest of your team? " Alexandra exclaimed as there was an old man dying on the floor with a weird carriage moving without a horse heading towards them with a rumbling noise coming from it.

" Uhhh... That is my Golem that I created and this old man was the person that wanted to buy you. Also what do you mean where the rest of the team is? " Alex wondered why he would have a team with him on this rescue mission.

" How can you take down at least forty men by yourself, without getting hurt, and how did you not run out of mana? " Alexandra questioned as this man somehow took out 37 men without getting hurt and running out of mana.

When Alexandra said that, Alex looked at her and placed her down on the floor, used telepathy on the LAV to stay right beside her and a bright light quickly flashed on Alex's hand. He pulled the pin off the grenade, he threw it far enough where the blast or shrapnel wouldn't hit them and covered Alexandra ears as she wondered why Alex was covering her ear.

A loud Boom with the sound of trees breaking and falling could be heard in the forest. This caused the nearby animals to start running away while the birds were quickly startled and flew away fast as possible. Seeing this explosion Alexandra face quickly paled as the thing that Alex threw was powerful and that it could out a decent amount of people just from the radius.

" W-w- What was that and how do you have it? " Alexandra asked dumbfounded as it was something she had never seen before and that Alex threw it like it was worth nothing to him.

" ... Well I made it and I can create many more also it is called a grenade. It does not use magic so anyone can use it " Alex said looking at the pale and dumbfounded face of Alexandra not knowing that this small grenade can change war itself.

" d-d-Does anyone else know about this grenade? " Alexandra asked, hoping that Alex would say no as this single small thing can cause lots of trouble especially since it can be made without magic allowing anyone to use it.

" Of course not, I know how dangerous these can be when any kind of person could use these " Alex said scoffing at Alexandra knowing that if some kind of group gets their hands on a single grenade, they can make many more grenades and make them more powerful with magic.

As Alex said no, Alexandra quickly released her breath not knowing that she was holding it. "Keep it that way ok because these are too dangerous". Alexandra said seriously to Alex, looking up and straight at him.

"Ok princess" Alex said, teasing her for reminding him of something really important that he already knows. Alexandra just ignores his comment but angrily says "Don't call me princess anymore I don't want to hear that title".

"Alright stay here with my LAV, it will protect you. Im going to ask this mage some questions on why he wanted you". After saying that, Alex grabs the old man by the neck and drags him back into the cave leaving a trail of blood.

"So what can you do?" Alexandra asks the LAV not really knowing what else to do other than to watch her surroundings and still thinking if betraying her father is the right way to go since Alex will be in more danger traveling with her.

While the LAV just looked at her and turned its barrel to the trees and shot 4 zuni rockets. Making the trees scatter all over the floor and making Alexandra dumbfounded as this golem that Alex created is also really dangerous. "*Sighs* You got to be fucking kidding me"

Back to Alex, we can see a trail of blood on the cave floor leading to the holding area where the princess was being held was now holding a pale old man crying for his life. "Alright, I'll let you live, you answer some simple questions, you got that" Alex said, making the old guy nod his head.

"Why were you buying the princess of the kingdom of flora? Aren't you afraid of the kingdom chasing after you?". Question Alex and the old man with tears in his eyes replied with "The princess has a massive mana pool but she has not unlocked her magic yet. My master wants her because of how much mana she could hold as it can help speed up experiments. The reason why I'm not afraid of the kingdom is that I'm part of the organization called black crows. Now let me live or else the black crows will come after your life and make you and that princess into a slave and a test subject. They will never let you go if you kill me, I won't talk about this if you let me go"

At the final part the old man threatens Alex, making him frown as he now knows that a big organization and kingdoms will go after him once they learn about what he did. But Alex does not care, he wants them to come so that they can strengthen him.

So Alex asks the final question "I will let you go after you answer my last question. How do you use your magic?".

"It's easy, you need to clear your head and create the image of how you will use your magic so if you think of a wall, A wall will be created and it also depends on what your affinity is. Now that I answered your last question please let me go". The old man explained how to use magic and begged Alex to let him live, especially now since the amount of blood he lost is darkening his vision.

As Alex turned his back to the old man, he quickly tried to use a spell "DARK MAGIC - D--" the old man was not able to finish his spell before a black tentacle sliced him. This black tentacle retracted slowly going back into the gap between Alex's mask and face.

(<DING> Rank - I / level - 37 Mage killed + 185 xp. You are still level 8 (605/800)

Your Elite police officer is still level 3(1325/1500))

"*Sighs* I made a dumb choice of letting him live... I need to kill all my enemies now on" Alex said sadly as he was going to let the old man live.

[ Let's go back to Alexandra and figure out what we will do ] Alex thought, leaving the dead body there to rot. Once he exited the cave he saw Alexandra looking at the forest and when he looked where she was looking he saw the nearby patch of trees gone.

Alexandra hearing Alex's footsteps turn around to face him and looks at him with a face that says really. "...What?" Ale questioned wondering why Alexandra is looking at him with a weird face.

"wha-what...Nothing, lets just leave this place" Alexandra said not wanting to talk to Alex as this golem is way more dangerous than the grenade.

"Umm I don't really know the land. I have been traveling on any path I can find." Alex said, making Alexandra rethink her choice of coming with Alex. Alexandra then said "I know a town that is a couple days away, I need to buy some clothes. And by any chance do you have any coins"

"Sorry, I do not have any coins but we can loot the dead bodies to find anything valuable. You can stay there, I will check the bodies for anything" Alex said, turning towards the area where he threw the two grenades.

A couple of minutes later, Alex found 3 silver coins and 142 bronze coins from the dead bandits and he found 3 gold coins, 42 silver coins and 153 bronze coins from the pouch the dead mage had.

"Let's go, But are you sure that you want to travel with me? If you stay with me you may die" Alex said warning Alexandra on making her final decision. "Yes, I'm sure and stop asking. I won't change my mind to be with you."

Once Alexandra said that Alex heard a ding going off in his mind.

(<DING> A new feature has been unlocked. A companion that you allow to be connected to the system can level up faster once connected. You can disconnect someone from the system if needed.)

[ That will be useful. Alexa will Alexandra be able to see the system and use the system?] Questioned Alex.

(No Alexandra will not be able to see or use the system unless you allow her to use the system.)

[Ok connect Alexandra to the system but don't let her see or use you] Alex said to Alexa in his mind. "Ok then, come here" Alex said to Alexandra as he jumped on top of the LAV and put his hand out so that he could pull Alexandra on top of the LAV.

Once he pulled Alexandra up top he asked her in what direction the town was. When he got the direction he commanded the LAV to move north and the speed of the LAV surprised Alexandra as the several day trip became around a 2 day trip. Alex decides to ask some question to Alexandra know more about this world. "Hey Alexandra what are the other nearby kingdoms' '. Alexandra replied with "Well there is my kingdom which is called flora then there is another kingdom which is named Sloris which we are in an alliance with two other kingdoms named Tilan and Kido. All four kingdoms think that humans are the overloads of the world and they enslave anything that is not human. They worship the god of Fire named Iros."

" The next kingdoms are called Sesan, Gredal, Zeodo, and Domid. They are with allegiance to each other. They are currently at war with my father's alliance because the Flora, Sloris, Tilan, and Kido Kingdoms are going over their borders and trying to take their land and resources; it is also causing many of their citizens that are near the border to die each day. These 4 kingdom are the ones I want to support because they do not support slavery. Each kingdom follows their own god." Alexandra still explaining!

" The Sesan kingdom follows the goddess of water named Iana. The Gredal Kingdom follows the god of earth named Undis, The Zeodo Kingdom follows the god of Air named Exdis and the Domid kingdom follows the goddess of light named Ulene. What god or goddess do you follow? '' Aleandra finished explaining and asked what god or goddess Alex followed.

"...Um I do not worship any kind of god" Alex answered hesitantly as he knows gods in fantasy words are very important to the people that live in this world.

"To be honest I also do not worship any kind of god or goddess. I don't like that we have to follow their rules and that we can't do some things as it goes against their teaching. So I guess that we both don't really like god's much huh." Alexandra said while looking up at the clear blue sky with an occasional bird flying above them, reaching her hand out as if trying to grab the birds in the sky.

After traveling for about 4 hours, making small talk with each other during the ride, they decide to camp in a clear patch of trees right beside a river. "Let's stop here for tonight, I'm getting hungry" It was starting to get dark and both Alex and Alexandra were starting to get hungry.

As both Alex and Alexandra started making camp. Several figures wrapped in a cloak were examining the battle area.

??? POV

[Mmm what happened here, what caused these burn marks and what caused that patch of trees to be burnt. I need to find Lord Erick first.] A mysterious figure(MF1) thought looking at his subordinates investigating the area around and inside the cave.

Soon another person covered with a cloak kneel right in front of the leader. "Sir, We found Lord Erick but he is dead. When we examine closer it appears his neck was cleanly sliced off but we don't know what weapon was used. We also can tell the person took his storage pouch and they looted the dead bodies here." The man(MF2) said who was still kneeling and not looking up.

"Is there a dead girl anywhere? Lord Erick reported that he was going to buy a girl for master." MF1 said asking MF2 not even looking at the man.

"We have currently found no dead body that resembles a women but we found big footprints on the ground that is first seen coming out the forest, it appears they had a fight with the dead bodies here, Then it enters the cave and we found a lock on the floor which is mostly destroyed and the big footprints stop after passing the wooden door. Lord Erick's body is behind the door." MF2 stopped a bit to allow his leader to think of what he said. MF1 said "Ok then, Is there anything else that I need to know."

"We found some kind of carriage track but the wheels are too wide and the wheels appear to match a pattern. Also we examine the tracks closer and we notice that there are no horseshoes tracks, we also found some kind of metal casings on the floor." MF2 reports his finding to his leader.

[Mmm, I will send 3 men to follow the tracks.] MF1 thought. "Alright everyone let's head back, But you three, go and follow the tracks. Eliminate everyone that is with these carriage tracks. Report back to me when you finish the job." Said MF1 pointing at three other figures that are covered with a cloak. "YES SIR" was the reply from the 3 chosen men.

[*Sighs in the mind* How will I break the news to my Master. Lets just pray to hope that I don't die.] MF1 said in his head with his face turning pale at the thought of his master getting angry as he may become a human test subject on future experiments.


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