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Chapter 28: Chapter 28, A dance and A decision

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Diran pulls the car up to the side of the street just a couple of blocks away from the hospital. Putting the car in park he looks over to Mina.

"Stay here and cover the car."

Mina looks over to him like he just said the dumbest thing ever, "where are you going? We already have everything we need"

Diran grabs his gun from the door and checks if it's Loaded, "actually no we don't, when I bought medicine they didn't have any antibiotics left. So I'm going to go get some. I want to get this done quickly so please stay here and cover the car so it doesn't get stolen."

Mina dose a upset face as she slides back in her chair, "fine, but if you don't come back in the next hour I'm going to be mad at you"

Diran leans over and kiss's her head, "if I don't come out in twelve hours, leave"

Diran leans down and pops the trunk and steps out of the Smasher. Diran closes the door behind himself before walking around the car to the truck, he opens it and grabs the pump acton shotgun and a box of shells.

He closes the trunk and starts walking towards the hospital. As he walks down the street he opens the box and loads the gun. He puts the extra shells in his pants pocket.

He walks down the empty street towards the hospital with a slight bounce in his step. It seems like he's having a good day. Slowly some body's on the street starting slowly getting up.

Diran just keeps walking past them letting them get up as he walks. Suddenly he stops on the spot, turns around and Raises his weapon

[Bang💥 ]


[In The hospital]

Kirishima, Aizawa, Asa and Tanabe are still talking

"So your telling me that we need to go to the basement? What's wrong with the basement" says Aizawa

"What do you think happened to infected that went down but couldn't for some reason go back up? They just kept going down. That means the highest amount of infected are down there" says Asa

Tanabe starts talking "With that said the basement is also where cold storage was. Most of the more delicate drugs and medicines are down there. In storage room 5 is a drug called blatantx5. It was being tested to hopefully increase one's quirk but instead it was only bringing the blood pressure inside the body to a almost stand still. Meaning that hopefully the blood in Uraraka will slow down enough to make it so I can go in and close the wound up completely or hopefully clot up on it's own. Sadly that means someone has to go down there, Doesn't help that the room we need to get to is next to the morgue."

Kirishima raises his hand immediately, "ILL DO IT!!"

The three turn and stare at him as if he just said he was going to kill someone.

Aizawa cross's his arms in a x. "No absolutely not. I should go, I'm more trained and faster then you. You may be able to make your skin stronger but we still don't know if you'd get infected if they try and bite you"

"What if I go with ida!? He'd be able to watch my back well I'm down there!" Says Kirishima

"No is no!, I'll go" Aizawa yells back

Asa yells over the others, "Stop yelling! … how about this. I'll flip a coin and what ever side it lands on.. that's who will go. Heads is kirishima and tails is Aizawa. I know you both could do it but just to make it fare I'll go with whoever ends up going."

Aizawa go's to say something but quickly gets cut off by Asa, "This isn't up to debate, you may have been a teacher and a hero but this is the apocalypse, those titles don't mean much anymore"

Aizawa looks a little frustrated at what Asa said

Asa looks towards kirishima and begins to talk, "- and kirishima. I know you want to prove yourself but we.. you. need to be careful out there. If you're not careful you'll get yourself or others killed.. understood?"

kirishima nods looking a little defeated, "understood"

Asa takes a coin out of his pocket and gets ready to flip it...



I'm giving you guys/girls the chance to decide who goes!! So I'm going to leave to words down below and it's up to you to comment on who you want to risk their life. The one with the most comments will be the groups decision, You will be deciding fate today my glory's readers~

(Heads is kirishima)

(tails is Aizawa)


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