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Chapter 49: Chapter 8: Bath and Dinner?*

[A/N: Well... Slightly NSFW content I guess? Nothing much but you know... a warning of some sorts so yeah....

Also, this is an early and long chap as well! I'm quite motivated to write for some reason today and yeah, UmU UmU]


As soon as Rei stepped out from the door, he was soon greeted as Tohka jumped right over him.

Rei who was slightly surprised by the sudden action of hers moved as he prepared himself to catch her body.


"Welcome back~" Tohka greeted him with a smile.

With all things in happening in the world, Rei could deem himself to be very 'lucky' right at this very moment. As in, who would just be greeted by a beautiful woman jumping right to your arms when you go back home.

Definitely, there would be some people, but the amount could be even counted in a few numbers.

Patting her head, Rei showed a delighted smile of his own.

"Yes, I'm happy to be back," Rei said in pure honesty and then added. "Did something happen?"

Though out of nowhere, Rei asked in concern. He still couldn't remove the fact in his mind that something really happened. He hopes it's nothing much since no real damage was shown when he was outside the house.

The worst case scenario is that Tohka had set the house on fire or rubbles or something... But that wasn't the case which Rei gladly took in heart.

Somehow, Tohka's body flinched.

That already gave the answer that something definitely happened.

Tohka briefly looked up to see Rei's face as she scratched her cheek. With a sheepish smile, she then spoke.

"Ah... hehehe. It's nothing dangerous mou~, I can assure you with that much Rei," She then paused as she slowly averted her gaze. "Um well, there was a problem since the kitchen is... burnt? No, it turned into a battlefield...?" Tohka tilted her head cutely really wondering if she had done something wrong.

"...What?" Rei could only respond as he widened his eyes as he lifted his brow.

Clearly, Rei shivered at the thought. For one fact is that Rei has one more hobby besides reading novels and books which is cooking.

In short, the kitchen could be called a rather comfortable place for him. And now knowing that it would end up like a 'battlefield' as Tohka described it to be resulted an unknown pain on his chest.

Battlefield in Tohka's dictionary is one thing, which Rei could imagine.

'Utter destruction or something related to rubbles and explosions...' Rei ridiculed. on his thoughts.

"It's better for you to see it yourself, Rei! Besides, it's your fault making me wait this long, hmph!"

With a huff, she then held his hand and dragged him to the house. Rei didn't resist as he allowed himself to be taken away.

What she said was basically reasonable... and unreasonable as well. Leaving her here for almost a day without anything much to do was practically asking someone to bore the one day out of their life.

Nevertheless, that wasn't a good reason enough for her to destroy the kitchen! As in, the kitchen of this mansion almost has everything a simple cook would dream off!

Even though Rei hopes for the best to occur... there are things that will always dash those so called 'hopes' into nothingness in one way or another.

In response, Rei merely nodded and quickly entered the kitchen as he eyes scanned the area.




It was a mess.

A utter mess he says.

It was so messy that he couldn't help but can't describe it.

'Is this what you feel when your pet makes a mess out of your home if left alone?'

Rei then moved in front of Tohka as he slightly leaned over meeting her curious gaze. Rei held Tohka's shoulder as he looked at her with a slight twitch on his eyes.

"Rei...? Is there a problem?" Tohka asked with a hint of concern.

There is a problem. But Rei doesn't plan to divulge it anytime sooner.



"You are prohibited from cooking nor from using the kitchen from now on"

As if something struck her, Tohka looked rather in disbelief and acted as if she had receive some slight pain.

"E-Eh? But Rei I want to—" 'cook', is what she wanted to added but was cut off by Rei instantly.

"No buts. I promise that I would cook delicious meals for us in exchange for that each and every opportunity possible. No breaking this. It's a promise, okay?"

"Ah... Mm, sure?"

Tohka found no reason to retort. In the first place, why would she?

"Why a question?"

"Who knows~ But okay, as long as you keep your promise," Tohka said in a rather uncharacteristically playful grin.

"..Sure, but first, I'll wash myself up before preparing dinner," Rei mumbled in a low tone which however didn't miss Tohka's ears.

Turning himself back, Rei then spoke to Tohka, "Entertain yourself for a while. I'll first set myself up before making out dinner"

Upon hearing those words, Tohka rather acted as if something got her attention, though briefly.

"N-Nn, okay Rei," With a stutter which Rei didn't miss, he surely knew that something interesting was bound to occur sooner or later.

And we'll, all he has to do was wait for that to happen.


Sitting on the tub filled with warm water, he relished the sensation of the hot water against his skin as he heaved a long and slender sigh. Many repeated echoes resounded off the bathroom walls and returned back into his ears.

"Today was again…was more tiring than usual..."

Rei sunk his shoulders into the hot bath, and let out another sigh.

From the pores of his body, it felt like his entire body's fatigue melted away. Rei took his time and slowly closed his eyelids.

…And now, he wondered how much time passed. All the while considering the relaxing feeling he was shaving now promptly convincing him to ignore the time, within his mind still lingered that he has to prepare

Suddenly, his attention shifted right towards the door entrance to the bath.

But that was natural. Because right now, facing the glass that separates the bathroom from the changing room, he saw the faintly visible figure of a black haired girl.

Tohka was holding her towel barely covering a portion of her front which revealed her very alluring figure, it made Rei slightly widen his eyes in surprise on what she's doing here.

Moreover, he wasn't necessarily against this happening. More like he would consider this as a moment to remember or something.


Tohka nervously called out as she tilted her head as she fidgeted while entering in the bath.

Her body movements clearly shows that she was nervous, as in very clearly. Her voice seemed rather in a higher pitch tone than usual.

Tohka intended this. She planned into enter here knowing Rei is here as well. There was no going back now.

"Tohka, are you going to take a bath as well? Should I leave?" Rei asked as he showed a smile.

"N-Nn, there's no need to leave Rei! But.." Tohka gave him a quick nod in response. "...Would you mind... if I join you instead?"

No matter how this Tohka changed from what he had expected, she was still an innocent airhead in the end.

Literally, her advances ever since he sealed her was clear upon the very start. For some unknown reasons, Rei himself considered unexpected things to be normal recently.

As in, why wouldn't he? As they say, the world is full of surprises, and among the 'unexpected' were surprises as well.

Looking at her figure, Rei couldn't help but get a reaction out of it, still, being who he was, he tends to practice some self-control upon himself. This however could also bring a detrimental thing upon him since bottled up tensions or feelings from within, if were to explode out, may more or less be troublesome.

Shaking his head slightly, he gestured his hands as he tapped the bathtub. "Sure, I won't mind. As you can see, there's still some space"

"Mm, g-great!"

Though her enthusiasm was apparent, her flushed face also shows that she was embarrassed upon how things are developing right now.

It couldn't be helped but comparing Tohka as someone who was an explorer raiding a foreign and undiscovered territory!

Remaining calm, he gazed into her eyes and said, "What use is there in hiding them when I've seen everything before?"

Upon hearing his words, Tohka's face flushes in a deep red as she motionlessly looks back at Rei.

"Don't mind it much, beautiful things are meant to be hidden most of the time but surely there are times as well where they should be... revealed, Tohka. Come on, get in the tub," Rei said while patting the tub.

And for some unknown reason, Rei now was playing a dangerous game on his mind. Though dangerous would be an exaggerated word to describe it, as someone who was still a healthy young and vigorous teenager like him, it was.

It was just a simple game questioning himself whether he could hold himself back or not. Something pretty simple...yet very hard to execute for many.

Meanwhile, Tohka's mind blanks out with the things Rei said to her. Beautiful things? What did he mean?

Nevertheless, she knew Rei was undoubtedly complimenting about her 'beauty', and that was enough to earn her approval to follow his request.

Still, she looks forward with a slightly confused expression on her face. Acting like a shy maiden as she should be, she slowly placed her foot on the tub.

For Rei, everything seemed not to be surprising. It's as if he had already experienced this kind of scenario... which is true. This kind of thing already happened between him and... and... 'her'.

Her long black wavy hair and those shimmering golden eyes. The smile that she always gave him whi—

'Enough with this... I probably shouldn't think about something that I already lost... Specially, out of respect to Tohka as well'

Thinking about another woman even though you have one held in your hands? What else can you call this but disrespectful to your partner?

And so, slowly shaking his head, Rei immediately dispersed those previous thoughts of his and instead focused on this alluring lady on his arms.

On the other hand, breaking out of her stupor, Tohka realizes that she is already lying naked within his arms in the tub as her body begins to shake slightly.

"Do you perhaps feel uncomfortable taking a bath with me that much?" Rei said while trying to sound sad and disappointed.

Rei was teasing her as he waited for her reaction, though Rei only wanted to get out a simple response out of her, she instead responded in panic of denial.

"No!" Tohka instantly responds before turning around to face him, "It's just… this is… more embarrassing than I thought it would be"

It was then she had adjusted, "But well, I can say that it's good to be this close with each other, hehe"

Beaming a smile, Rei raised his arm to stroke her cheek next down to her—long raven hair as he brought it closely before saying, "You know, I am enjoying this more than you would think. Many people—or to be specific, men, would be jealous on what I am in in fact"


Not getting what Rei meant by those words, Tohka asked. Hearing this, Rei couldn't help but chuckle and show a boasting smile.

"Yes, they should be. After all, I have such a beautiful and lovely young lady taking a bath with me"

"Eh? B-Beautiful? Me?" Tohka stutters as the blush on her face reddens even further.

"Of course," Rei responded with a smile earning Tohka one of her own.

Still blushing, Tohka then changed the topic in order to save herself from his praises. If he continued, she would more or less heat up to the point where something out of place might happen.

"Rei your hair is... very silky. But I have to ask," Tohka then paused as she stroked my silver hair. "Do you have any plans on cutting it?"

"Cutting it... I think not, why do you ask?"

Genuinely curious, Rei asked as he looked at his hair. So far, Rei felt that there was no need to cut it, simply tying it with a hair tie and several strokes of a come would make it exude elegance and beauty that many would envy for.

"It's nothing. I just want to keep the hair cut off for myself, hehe," Tohka giggled while her eyes showed a somewhat chilling glint even in Rei's eyes.


"...For yourself, huh"

"Mm? Is there a problem with that? Is that not allowed, Rei?" Tohka questioned hoping for the best.

"No... it's just... Nevermind," Applying a rather understanding expression, Rei simple smiled as he diverted the topic.

"Tohka, what would you want to eat for dinner? I can make it up depending on what you request"

"Dinner? Food?"

"Yup," Rei replied accompanied with a nod.

Tohka then turned around and slowly leaned her body towards him as she moved her body forward. Those twin peaks that she has was now clearly being revealed with no sense of embarrassment compared from a while ago.

For some reason, her expression looked... foxy(?) at the moment. Slowly tracing her fingers on his chest as if she was feeling him up, she then spoke.

"Ne, speaking about dinner Rei...." She then leaned further until her lips was only a few inches from his ear. And she whispered in a surely seductive tone.

"...I don't mind being your dinner for right here for tonight~"


The food is offering herself up to you, rejecting it was utterly deplorable. Nevertheless, Rei couldn't help but raise a brow wondering where this girl picked this kind of act up.

After a few seconds of realization, Rei couldn't help but flick her forehead.


Tohka grimaced and even some small beads of tears formed on her eyes. No matter how she wants this person before her, she can't help but be slightly angry for what he had done.

The flick did really hurt, and for Tohka, that was even more felt compared from what she had ever felt before!

Seeing her reaction which couldn't be 'not' described as cute, Rei let out a giggle.

"Tohka, as much as I would want to continue this, be sure to know what your word little girl"

"E-Eh? I'm not a little girl Rei!" She retorted in a rather angry tone. She definitely wasn't! She was confident that she was a pretty lady by body standards—and her thought process which she didn't take account about in the first place certainly qualified her to be treated as a child.

"Still, setting aside what you just said earlier, what would you eat for dinner?" Rei asked diverting back the topic on how it was supposed to be.

"Eh? Ah, I would like some— No! Don't change the subject! Mou!" Tohka pouted before continuing. "Besides! This should've worked since in the internet it said— Mmph?!"

As much as she wanted to justify herself while gently rubbing the sore spot on her forehead, her lips were then stolen by his preventing her to speak any further.

It was sudden. It could be even called aggressive, yet even so, Tohka gladly received it with her own.




"Ne, Rei?"

"What is it?"

"Can we do it again?"

"Do what?" Rei teasingly asked sounding curious about her request even though it was clear already.

Tohka pouted cutely and then spoke.

"Another kiss, I mean," she responds with her head lowered. However, when she looked up, her eyes filled with something akin to intoxication.

She wanted more. Deep inside her, she probably craved for more than that. And for Rei, he understood a part of that.

As a response to her words, Rei placed his hand on her chin before lifting her head and closing the distance between their lips in one go.

Tohka's body flinches before it becomes limp as she leans forward, pressing her soft breasts against his chest.

The kiss of theirs then began to turn more—intense in a sense. Rei, for words to describe how he is executing this act was more or less—like a predator.

Yes, a predator. It was as if Rei was a predator devouring Tohka who was his prey in this regard rather aggressively. This undoubtedly slowly ravaged her from within.

However, instead of resisting, she just accepted him gladly as her arms had slowly wrapped around his neck... and one slowly moving down to his back.

Two seconds...

Five seconds...

Ten seconds...

And for who knows how much time had passed, they didn't stop.

After a short while, Rei broke the kiss. A trail of saliva had which is one of the results after that intense heated moment of theirs.

Rei then gazed at Tohka, only to find her lost in a trance with a gleeful expression, her eyes shouting that she still wants more. She even started to make small moans making almost anyone fall in some sort of temptation.

As much as Rei would want to indulge this moment and what would come after it, continuing this any further would more or less taking things were progressing a little too fast.

Call him a coward or something, but Rei felt that if this were to end up into 'that', Rei knew that Tohka would probably missing out something in the process of their relationship.

'Yes, this wasn't how it was supposed to be... Not this fast at least'

They would eventually end to the point where something like 'feeling each other up' was inevitable but right now... out of consideration of many things on how things may go forward in the future, he chose to restrain himself. Such a shame but sacrifices like these are done for the greater good.

So far, he somewhat felt that their related should first progress a little bit more before stepping it up to that level.

"...So, you want to continue any further, we would probably miss the time to eat dinner. Isn't it better to end things here for now?"


She didn't respond, her faint moans were only heard as she was recovering from the kiss alongside the droplets of water spilling out from the tub.


"We can continue this for another day, you know?"


She then looked up, breaking out of her trance, she then weakly said.


Putting a small and gentle kiss on her forehead, Rei then patted her head which for some reason made Tohka feel more happier than what just transpired a few seconds ago.








[A/N: What? You expected segs but it was me, Dio! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY




Well, for those who expected a lemon while reading the chap then unfortunately, as you have read, nothing much happened except for the steamy moment between the two.

Let me clarify, as I answered on a question in a REVIEW (kindly check it out), lemons would occur occasionally 'only' after developing more of their characters with each other.

And as you can see, it's only been a few chaps and only a 'few days' since she was sealed by Rei which is still early in my opinion.

So... Erm.

And so, once again guyz~


For some readers out there, I know some expected more but... yeah. Sorry for raising your hopes up in this chap hehe.

Bruh, maybe I'll try making a lemon soon enough after some tweaks here and there in this arc HAHAHA

With that said, adios~]

Wryyyyyyyy Wryyyyyyyy

Long chap and a very special one to boot I think! I was quite motivated when writing this chap but the fact that some errors might occur still stands so gladly inform me if you find one.

And with that said, I thank you guyz once again for reading this book!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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