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Chapter 69: Interlude: The Princess' Thoughts

[Tohka PoV]

Currently, the three of us, me, Rei, and Tenka, are currently in a restaurant, or a family restaurant which Rei had called it. They are still restaurants in the end, so what's the difference?

It was around 11:50 A.M that we decided to go here and grab lunch. Even though we had snacks along the way just a few minutes ago when we are roaming around the city in 'our' date, Rei knowingly thought that we still need to get lunch according to schedule.

Umu. And I have no problems with that! Matters that are usually related to food is always a subject that would interest me in one way or another.

'Besides, it's not like I am still full from that snacks earlier,' I thought as I looked at Rei and Tenka.

The said family restaurant though has some reputation if I remember correctly. What's it's name again? Murama's? Masaki's... no, perhaps it was Masa's? Alright, whatever name this family restaurant was had the reputation of being a hotspot for serving couples in dates!

In short, this was a good choice of place to decide. And luckily, it wasn't too crowded from what I can see.


It was said that they have exclusive menus for 'couples'... but sadly, we are in triples. It's not like I am regretting this. Showing Tenka what this world has to offer with her own very eyes was a must. And that includes dates of course.

It reminds me about what just transpired earlier on where she was preparing to blast the whole area off just because there were too many humans in her sight.

Fortunately, me and Rei prevented it. Just by looking how Rei was close to panicking was a surprise. A pleasant surprise to be honest. I always thought that we 'Spirits', which includes Rei, won't probably care if humans were to perish...or so I thought if I was the same me back then.

Humans are beings that are very hard to discern. Rei said that even we Spirits could be considered as human if we were to lose our <Angels> and Reiryoku. As such, being human is something that I never even thought about.

To my realization however, it seems that I was already acting like one unconsciously. Having no need to use my <Angel> or Reiryoku since there is nobody after my life was a pleasant change that I would never regret having.

Well, setting that aside. We entered the restaurant and Rei proceeded to go to the counter to order some food. Meanwhile, me and Tenka had gone to find some empty tables to accommodate our lunch. And luckily, we immediately found one just right at the beginning our search.

After a few minutes had passed, Rei was still currently nowhere to be seen near the table we are in, he probably had gone to the washroom after ordering food.

And Tenka who was right beside me has her eyes shut as she her arms crossed under her chest. Her stern expression never changing as usual. From the looks of it, she seemed kind of tired, but nonetheless still has the spare energy to continue this date for today.

Looking at my 'older sister', I can't help but giggle. I always wondered what is the feelings she was currently having right now. Even if it was good or bad, I can't help but get excited at the thought.


It was then her eyes snapped open as she called out my name. Hm? Did I perhaps disturb her?

"What is it, sis?" I asked.

"....that bastard, where is he?" She said as she turned her head to where Rei was seated a while ago.

I widened my eyes in surprise. Normally, I would've thought that she always had her eyes on Rei just like me... wait, it was different. But still, I know Tenka wouldn't usually lost him even when her eyes were closed. Was I mistaken?

"Rei left a while ago after ordering and had gone to the washroom," I answered. "Um, is there anything else you want to say, sis?"

"None..." Tenka bluntly answered as she lowered her gaze.

"O, oh! I see..." I uncharacteristically stuttered as I delivered my response. My face probably turned slightly reddish, this was kind of awkward for some reason.



And so, except for the other people around us, the area on our table descended into an awkward silence. It was saddening me to be honest. I wish we could've prolonged our conversation.

After all, we are 'sisters' right? Despite the fact that we only had met and lived with each other not even for more than a day.

Swallowing up my nervousness, I then inquired with concern, "...are you alright, sis? Are you sure you are not pushing yourself just to accompany us in this date?"

Tenka shrugged. "Funny. The bastard also asked me if I am alright just this morning. I didn't expect you to do the same as well," she then let out a mocking laugh as she looked at my eyes.

"Umm, did I perhaps offend you, sis...?" I asked. For some reason, I felt this was really the case, and I can't just disregard this so I proceeded and asked.

Tenka then blinked her eyes twice trying to digest what I just said. Her lips then turned to a small arc as she mused, "No no. Perhaps the bastard did, but you didn't. Don't worry about it, Tohka"

"Are you sure?"

"I am, so don't be bothered if you are thinking that you did something bad such as offending me, okay?" Tenka reassured as she took my hand on her side.

"But speaking about Rei..."

"What about the bastard?" Tenka said back as she tilted her head slightly wondering where this conversation was leading to.

Looking at Tenka, I can't help but let out a small sigh. Why does he call Rei 'bastard' all the time? It was something that doesn't really bother me that much but still... it doesn't just feel right.

So in the next few seconds, I heaved another sigh as I slowly built some courage as I prepared to say my next words.

"Tenka, do you hate Rei?" I bluntly asked as I addressed her right now with her name. There is no playing around anymore with that question.


Tenka only blankly stared at me before slowly looking away as she held her chin. And so, a few seconds had passed with her in the same position as Tenka mulled over the question.

"...Um, Tenka?" I nudged seeing her continued silence.

"The bastard huh..." Tenka muttered before glancing at me with still a blank expression on her face. A few seconds later, she then delivered her answer and huffed. "...Hate is a strong word. I rather prefer 'dislike'... Hmph. I don't hate him if that is you want to know"

'Or more like, I can't fully hate him for everything he has done for you...' was left unsaid from Tenka.

"Would your dislike for Rei change then?" I then curiously inquired as I let out a smile. Knowing that Tenka doesn't really hate Rei, brought me some comfort. At least, these two who I would consider as the most important people in my life right now won't try to hurt each other, or worse, kill each other out of hatred.

"Who knows? Maybe if the bastard does something notable, but that probably won't happen anytime soon"

"Eh~? Why? If we all get along well, won't that be the best?"

"Hmph. Disliking the bastard doesn't mean I can't get along with him and you at the same time, remember that well, Tohka"

"Boo~ it's better if you just like him instead just like me," I pouted as I stared at her which brought her a small smile of amusement.

Tenka then shot a question, "Won't that mean sharing him with me, my dear little sister? You probably won't like to reduce the time you spend with him drastically, wouldn't you?"

"I won't mind if it is you, sis. As long as Rei stays together with us til the end, I won't ever regret making that decision," I seriously answered in a manner laced with conviction.

At that, both of us stared at each other that lasted for several seconds, which was soon ended as one of us broke the silence.

Tenka then sighed. "Do and think as you wish. That won't change the fact that I still dislike the bastard... oh, speaking of him, the bastard is back"

"Did I miss something interesting perhaps?" A voice was soon heard from a distance. It was Rei himself who was accompanied by several waiters with trays of food in their hands. "Well nevermind that, I've brought our lunch. Shall we proceed to dig in, ladies?"

With nothing left to say, I only nodded and Tenka also did the same a few seconds after.


As we began to eat, I then noticed something that is troubling me. What is this weird feeling? No matter how much I think about it, Rei is acting kind of weird today.

It has to be said that he is contemplating about something, but I can't pinpoint exactly what and where it was. Is my request that strange?

...Umu. Sure, it's definitely a surprising change on my part to suddenly ask for a tattoo all of a sudden. But still, I feel that it wasn't exactly the focus or root that Rei is contemplating about.


The nature of my request is sure new and unexpected, and seeing Rei's almost flabbergasted reaction brought me some form of delight.

After all, it wasn't that frequent to see such reaction coming out from Rei~ Ah.

The root of the sudden tattoo request was quite simple actually. The idea hit me when I met my 'friends' and planned the whole weekend date to be honest. Unfortunately, even if our date had commenced, I can't help but feel giddy in some way.

Of course, who wouldn't?

Practically, me—or rather, Tenka, my other self and 'older sister' as she would like to call herself as, fought with the intent to kill each other.

There was a mistake on my part for sure, and Rei admitted that he was the one to blame for most of it. I can't understand at first as for why he would go lengths to defend those... women as if their importance was on par, or even more than mines.

I might be overthinking... but when I confronted Rei about the matter when things had basically calmed down, which was just yesterday if some was curious after him bringing meals for me and sis, I then knew that he was 'genuine' after all.

I am by no means a stupid 'lady' to believe everything that even his man says to her. Everything should always be given a piece of doubt, no matter how insignificant or important it is. As such, when I heard his explanation, I knew that he was hiding something from me—no, 'us'.

Still, if there was something that Rei hadn't told a lie about in that talk, it was of the fact that he always cared for me would never change. I at least can discern if someone lies to some extent, and Rei is no exception for that. That's why I knew he was saying the 'truth' at that time.

Unfortunately after confirming that 'truth', I stopped listening as for why he helped and deemed those two other women to be some people of importance. What I just plainly remembered was the fact that they were friends of his that needed his assistance over something.

Some can fault me and even call me stupid as they wish. Hearing only Rei's 'honest' confirmation of his affections towards me was kind of enough to disregard the matter for those two other women.

Setting those things aside, before even this date began, it was like I am the only one missing something. And I know it was not about those two women that Rei said to be his 'friends' but something entirely else.

But that could be dealt with when the time comes. Our date takes precedence after all~

Oh, if some are wondering where I am meeting my 'friends', it is on the place called internet. The thing that Rei said to me to be useful in many ways.

It is when I stumbled on some chatting site where I apparently made friends...well, I also have the time to chat with them consisting of diverse topics. It was enjoyable at the very least. I also learned many things there...which would be better left unsaid at the moment.

'But it's okay'

Although the first operation 'Couple Tattoo' failed, there are still many operations left. It was not something that <Fraxinus> had decided upon. It was entirely mine.

Obviously neither Rei nor I said we were officially a couple just because I and Rei just dated several times... it's unbelievable to be honest. As far as I've known, we are already in a relationship where dating is commonplace and being a couple is what you would call our relationship is...

Still, several people out there (<Fraxinus> and some of my friends in internet) said that couples needed to be labeled or something like that. Something like a mark(?). Or at least, we still need to take a few more steps to become an 'official' one, is what they said.

I don't really get why they are insisting almost too eagerly on the matter, so I just agreed.

I mean, aren't we officially a couple already? But some say that we aren't...and I am not okay with that for some reason. I can just ignore them and their comments as if they were pebbles in the side of the road... However, I can't.

So in the end, I can conclude that it just feels like we're dating naturally... and we still need to take a few more steps to further ensure our relationship.


I thought it was good because it was natural, but my 'friends' all agreed that it was too dangerous a relationship as well. After all, it seemed some of them had already made conclusions as for what would turn out if I don't properly 'anchor' Rei to myself in this relationship of ours.

Perhaps it was because they were male experts, so they were sharply pointing places I had never thought of in our relationship.

Like for example, leaving me for a different woman and never coming back since I didn't do anything to prevent such thing from happening.

'…Of course, my Rei won't do that, but...'

However, I also thought I needed to nail it for sure. And what I mean to nail is to prepare and set to 'anchor' him to mine.

'And if I am not enough to anchor him down. I wouldn't mine if another woman like Tenka or somebody new decides to join anyways. As long as Rei doesn't leave me behind, I wouldn't mind such additions....' The thought made me somewhat conflicted, but if that is what it takes in order to ensure my goals.

So, I prepared today's operation and date.

It was out of the blue honestly for those who were involved. This date also used the favor I have asked for in <Fraxinus>, and it surely was a big help.

—"Testing. Testing. Hm? Tohka, can you hear me?"

Speak of the devil and it will appear. Such a saying I've stumbled upon while conversing with my friends.

The sudden voice came in directly from my right ear. In it was an earplug that connects to Kotori, who was the commander in <Fraxinus> and was supposed to be my guide in places and choices here in Tenguu City for our date.

"I do Kotori, loud and clear," I whispered lowly in order for Rei and Tenka not to hear it, but audible enough in order for Kotori who was on the other line to receive my response.

—"You guys haven't finished lunch yet?"


—"I see... We have decided the next courses of action you would have as a guide and also the designated locations for your date. Are you alright listening to it while you eat?"

I needlessly nodded as I gave my reply, "I'm good, Kotori. Please continue"

After formally forming a official relationship recognized by other people, that will probably reduce the chance of that happening at once. It was a small step to be honest, but at least it will bloom some results in the long run.

If you just get over this small hurdle, you can live happily with both Rei and Tenka for the rest of your life.

Perhaps adding more women who will just anchor Rei for me—no, 'us', for him not to be able to leave and just go away from our reach would be great. Sharing would be a small price to pay for 'us', to be with him for the rest of our lives.


With such a 'almost' perfect plan, the rejection of a couple tattoo right at that moment is tolerable.

It's a little sad however... yep, just a little sad.

Shaving those thoughts aside, I continued listening to Kotori as she stated what are the next things that they would help on the date while my eyes remained on Rei for quite some time.








[A/N: As you can see, an interlude showcasing the thoughts of Tohka. That's why the writing style is different which should be normally 3rd POV. Hope this doesn't bother you guys too much.

I had a hard time writing this chapter for several reasons like the change of writing style and applying the thoughts of Tohka who you guys could say that is partially OOC right now due to the divergences from the canon.

Also, comment if ya guys found errors and such. If something boggles your mind about the chapter, be sure to comment it so that I may possibly answer some of your inquiries.

With that said, ciao~]

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