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Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : Meeting with the Goddess 1.

As I look into a familiar type of mirror made in my former world, I see an image of a vampire in disguise of a human girl holding a child with deep red eyes and snow white hair that could break all laws of science in my previous world.

And for some reason as I looked at my body I could somehow discern its size but how is it possible, but anyway forget that , as I look at myself clearly, am somehow short and I look at my muscles and joints and I look to be in between four to five years old, - - - - but, why couldn't I get up.

I mean a four year old can stand up on his own right, am right aren't I, maybe it's because of ~huh~,--- tch, it's her fault again, no I shouldn't lose my mind over her, that's exactly what she wants me to do, playing the blame game won't help me.

The servant named Firo puts me in the bath tub and first washes my white hair with what looks to be normal detergent soap, ~huh~ I breathe a sigh of relief so loud that I was worried that Firo caught wind of it.

So this world looks somehow different but has the same - - -, no that's impossible it may even be some kind of magic messing with my eyesight, yeah medieval fantasies aren't like this.

Firo stares at me with a blank expression and am worried she may start being suspicious and - - -, she may have said something but I wasn't paying attention, oh, oh, she may start thinking am a child who doesn't listen to his elders and will grow up to be a delinquent evil vampire, I mean that would be kinda badass, being evil I mean, but that's not that point I - - - need to put on my poker face no, a smile works yeah that's what children do when they're in trouble, it's the ultimate technique, as I prepare my mental attack I look at her one more time and am, relieved.

But luckily it seems she didn't notice after getting a face towel towel and making it one with the soap, she looks at me in an expression that looked like she's happy to be doing this, am at ease.

At first I thought that Firo would change the water into blood as some kind of sacrificial ritual like in some horror manga I read, but thankfully am gonna live.

And before I knew she had cleaned every part of my body, how embarrassing for a 17 probably 18 year old girl to clean a 17 soon to be an 18 year old man in a child's body, sadly all sense of respect for myself has perished, I reflect upon the cold hard truth of my situation I - - - have fallen.

As she is drying me off with a towel, a towel, no forget it no need getting distracted over the small stuff, my attention reverts to the earlier discoveries I made too, the bath tub, no I take it back the whole bathroom , the mirror, the soap, the hand towel they are the look the same as the ones made in my previous world.

As my thoughts are wondering off, a voice in my conscience erupts, a voice I recognize all to well.

"I see you have awoken, human."

A voice of a person that's put me in this mess, I carefully interpret the words in my mind while keeping on a poker face canceling the emotion am feeling so as to not alert Firo.

But I notice one thing when I look at Firo, she's not moving there's only one person who could do this ," What did you do to Firo, answer me."

I could feel an emotion of happiness that wasn't mine don't tell me I am basically connected to this witch and as I was about to go to town on this Godess she answered to me in a calm tone, "Don't worry I haven't done anything yet, I only just froze time leaving time for you and me to spend time together - - - don't you, want to have some fun with me."

"Shut up!!, ~hmmm~my second question why aren't you here why don't you come out, you coward scared of facing me after what you did to me."

She says in a bossy yet angry tone , "Me being afraid of you, the only reason why am not there is because am too powerful that if I show up, my power could very well affect the balance of that world, so don't get cocky you lowly worm."

If this is how Goddesses are, how worse are the Gods.

I ask her a question that breaks her state of understanding, I mean I could tell," Hey Godess you said you were one who brings death upon humans but in all this time you haven't told me your name."

I make the emotions am feeling and shut them down as to not confuse what she's about to, "----My---name is Ra--- Ralia, yeah that's right am the death Godess Ralia. "she gives my a stuttering reply.

~Huh~, Yeah she's lying, should I, no bad idea, I don't even need to sense her feelings on the matter yeah I shouldn't bother her about it, it might just trigger another problem for me.

I sigh and and ask my most important question.

"What did you do to me, and where am I."

"I see you haven't changed your still a selfish human, you didn't even ask how I was doing."

For some reason I felt like I was like this evil witch yeah I am I mean I damn right prepared to walk through the front door when I saw the guy in the ski mask so in an way, anyway , this is no time to be playing tsundere with myself , I have to get information out of her before she pulls another stunt on me again.

As I feel my mind with rage begging her to take a answer me back , as I felt connected to her mind I felt an emotion of amusement or wa it insatiable thrst for being entertained , yeah she was basically laughing at me, how petrifying, if she just appeared here once I swear I would have godamn killed this bitch.

"Anyway I will forgive your manners and tell you about your situation," as the feeling of being connected vanishes I feel a sense of responsibility in her, I guess she feels bad and wants to be the responsible one here.

Since she's feeling so jolly right now I could ask her to reincarnate me in some place else.

" Hey Godes---," she quickly interrupts me and begins her explanation.

"Human, the reason I sent you here was to fix this broken world."

"To fix it - -, I can barely repair my mindset and now you put this burden on me."

"Don't interrupt me while am speaking , as I was saying I have reincarnated many people from your world to stop the war between this species, I know you have a guess about the situation here because I was watching you since you were an entity of the world.

"Hold on you how long have you been watching me." I ask in a profound tone.

"Shut up!!, Anyway be glad am even talking to you so this is all I can give you, I trust you to handle the job, okay. "

You put someone in a situation they didn't ask for and you refuse all information I ask you to give about the trouble that's heading my way.

You know I have realized something, I fucking hate this bitch with all my soul.

I think she catches whiff of what I was thinking and agrees to co - operate, "You are such an ungrateful human ~huh~, okay I will give you some details."

"You read knowledge of this world that no one I sent had, thus all of them were slain due to ignorance but this time its different because I have you . "

I had my suspicions but she sent me to the world of the book I was fascinated by "The Devils of the Realm."

I ask her in a rational state of mind," What do you mean by slain - - -, did you send them - - - here to die. "

I could hear a pause in the emotions connected to mine maybe a feeling of sadness, I know I couldn't feel bad for her after what she did to me, ~huh~ I think my mental state of mind has gotten weaker ever since I was brought to this hell, my sense of reason ruined, how incompetent have I become to feel sorry for my enemy I am truly an idiot.

"Goddes--," as I am about to console her, I hear a voice of laughter in my mind, I felt an obscure sense as my soul continued bursting with rage.

I don't know why, but I felt I had a smile on my face instead of anguish but I wonder why, was expecting it and was also fascinated by this dilemma I faced , how could I be so stupid she didn't take their well being into account when she sent them to this shit hole.

Finally I feel an emotion of astonishment one filled with praise but why, "Human seems you we are connected are one being for some reason

"I guess you've noticed ~huh~ the reason you can perceive my emotions for some reason, but it is unimportant to my cause."

"You are a very special type of vampire, in other words a rare breed but it wouldn't be fun for me to tell you, you will figure it out on your own ."

"In due time you will realize how weak yet strong you truly are, I have set the stage for our little game."

"You will be essentially used as a beacon of hope for all those Devils in saving that God forsaken place simply put, you are going to become a servant of the House of Raven Blood the most superior house in all three realms of that world , you are going to serve the Queen of Raven Blood. "

" You should be glad you are now a hero of justice, you will become a human worthy of me if you become strong enough. "

Hero my ass, being one is the last thing I would do, I mean doing charity to save someone is something I would never do, but slthe last thing she said sounded interesting no , case closed , anyway about what she said.

I stop her and ask her one last question," Hold on , how do you know all this. "

I could feel a wave of emotions before she started speaking, no don't tell me, " - - - It's because I - - created that world human. "

" It is a world I created for my own amusement, but it failed, - - - it stopped - - - getting interesting - - because of that genocidal war, I hadn't planned for it I - - didn't know. "she says that bullshit to me as I am still in shock.

In that brief moment I could only muster up one thing to logically say, " What the hell did you just say. "

" So it's a game to you, bringing new life and pitting it against the odds and then putting them through hellish suffering."

She laughs in a mocking tone and catches me off guard, "Hey human are you mad, don't be I changed the world a little to suit your tastes, you will find some things familiar to you."

As I hear her say that I remember one important detail, "Hey witch why don't you stop this war, I mean you are too powerful for it right and I guess you have the strength to bring hell down onto them, but in the book I estimated the end of the war to be in the next decade so it will--," she stops me before I can with an unwavering will.

" No your wrong at this point not even me can stop it , it will only end in a massacre for all of them, please stop this before the other gods intervene, I - - - beg of you. "

Ugh!! so she's feeding me to the dogs ~huh~, anyway it's no time to be fighting with her, she might be of use to me.

This time I could tell she wasn't messing with me but just to be safe, "Ralia you will offer me your assistance when I need it the most in support of this endeavor, and when I do you will grant me one wish, what's your answer ."

"Even if you order a deity like me to die I will do it, even if you choose to make me yours and yours alone selfish human," she changes her dramatic tone to a seductive one.

It was then I realized that this godess named Ralia has a personality disorder but she doesn't realize it, how - - fascinating.

In a way I love this goddess, and in a way she's driven me into a corner and my mind is warped just like hers how utterly infuriating but yet interesting.

I pay attention to what she says next and she literally drops a bomb I never expected.

" Human by the way, I forgot to tell you this, an inescapable death awaits you on the battle field, so get stronger and prepare to fight for all your worth, okay."


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