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Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Heroic Act

"What are you going to do before the UA entrances exam, Deku!?"

Bakugou asked him curious how his friend would do for the time being. He was his rival and did not let him fail at the entrance exam. 

"I planned on heading to Dagobah beach. It would be a good place to train."

"Ain't that the place field with trash?"

Itsuka recalled the place he mentioned to be filled with nothing but trash that people left for others to clean. She would understand if it was their dojo but to train to such a place confuses her.

"That's right, I thought it would be a great place to clean and their metal parts I could probably salvage. Also there won't be any buildings for me to break if somehow I went past the sound barrier."

Noticing her confusion, Izuku explained the reason why he would go train in such a place. He had yet grasped his speed but knowing that it could cause problems opted to train in a place where no one is going to be affected. 

Gideon helped gauge his relative speed from a treadmill having the velocity of 10,000km/minute and this is just light jogging.  

"How can you move that past without bursting into flames!?"

Itsuka exclaimed slightly worried that going faster would cause his body to ignite from the friction generated by moving that quickly.

It was simply too unreal to move that quickly unless that person has high fire resistances or anything that helped regulate the temperature. 

"That's what I thought. It seems rather moving fast. I am able to change the flow of time that makes me faster from an outsider's perspective. Though, I feel like my clothes would disintegrate from the amount of energy generated."

"Damn I can't wait to have a fight with you once you get a hold of that quirk, Deku!"

"Me too. Why don't you join me tomorrow for my training."

"Yeah, I'll be sure to head there."

Bakugou headed home on his own while Izuku and Itzuka were beside each other, still feeling awkward after their confession. 

"Uhmm I know this is sudden but can you take my hand?"


She blushed as their hand interlock yet felt a warmth in her heart burning. Both remained silent walking down streets only enjoying each other's company. 

No words were needed as the two knew how affectionate they were to each other. Itsuka never wanted the moment to end by just being with him.

"Hey Itsuka, I know this is sudden but….do you want to go on a date sometimes?"

"A-A date? S-Sure but I think we should focus more on preparing for the upcoming UA entrance exam.."

"You're right but how about this. If we pass then we'll go on a date, deal?"


As they were heading home, Izuku heard something turn his attention towards the distance where a speed truck inches away from the young woman who had headphones on and was unable to notice the incoming truck. 

Izuku's mind accelerated and slowed his perception down of time while generating a charge of electricity through his body as white lightning spark appeared around him. 

His eyes shimmer of white lighting turning his hair into white before planting his feet reacting without thinking that causes the surrounding windows to shatter from the sudden flash. 


The spectator was terrified that the young woman was about to be hit by the truck only to see a white streak appear that soon caused the glass to shatter from the sonic boom

They all saw Izuku whose clothes slightly burned from the friction generated while carrying the young woman who was shocked by what just happened then saw how the truck crashed into the building. Fortunately no one was harmed beside the collateral damage. 

"Are you alright?"

Izuku was unconcerned at his action knowing that using a quirk in public is illegal but did not care as long as he was able to save someone. 

He got a closer look at the young woman who had a bob cut with earphone jack in her earlobes while the young girl felt in daze looking at his handsome face and white messy hair that was standing up.

[A/N: Like killua's godspeed]

It made her heart pound just looking at him and being carried only made it beat faster then moments later she woken up from her daze.

"W-What's going on!? Why are you carrying me? Who are you!?"

"Woah there, just relax. Also hold on."

Izuku felt embarrassed carrying a random girl in bridal carry out her down gently shaken up from the sudden event. 

"I was just walking down that street and…."

"Well let me explain what happened."

He proceeded to tell her everything that made her shudder in fear and almost get run over by the truck since she was occupied by her music to not notice.

"Thank you for saving! If you weren't fast then I might have run over."

"No problem, that's what heroes are!"

"Say, what's your name?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Kyoka jiro."


Itsuka finally caught up running her way towards them as the distance that Izuku ran was nearly hundred meters in a few seconds. Jiro seeing the approaching girl made her feel sudden anxiety. 

She got close and found the young woman noticing something but put it aside for the time being, turning her attention to Izuku.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, my body just reacted."

"*Sign* it's fine at least you manage to save her. Hi my name is Itsuka Kendo and you are?"

"Kyoka jiro, I'm still thankful for your friend saving me. If he were a few seconds late then I would have been killed."

"Well that's how Izu-San is. His dream is to be a hero."

Few minutes later the heroes came to investigate the incident, finding the three taking them for a question which they answered honestly. They were relieved no one was hurt from the incident.

"Though, I don't condone using quirk before you got a hero license, still great job in saving this young woman! You have the heart of a hero and hope to see you rise."

"Uhmm do I have to pay for the damages that happened?"

"No, we handle it since this is partially our fault for not being attentive. Just go home and make sure to pay close attention on the streets next time, okay?"

The hero looked at Jiro who felt ashamed that she almost got killed because of her headphones. After a few minutes, Itsuka and Izuku planned to head home.

"Thanks again, Midoriya-san."

"Hahaha don't mention it. A hero is always willing to help those in need."

"Are you planning on going to the UA?"

"Yeah we both are."

"I assumed you're going as well, Jiro-san?"(Itsuka)

"Yeah it's always my dream."

"If that's the case why don't you join us on training? Maybe we can help each other in the exam?"

"Join you?"

"Yeah, we plan on taking the train for the coming months to prepare."

"I-I don't know since I might be a bother."

"Nonsense! It would be fine and maybe we might be home classmates."

"It's alright, Jiro-san, we don't mind and It would be fun to have another girl training since it will only be me, Izuku and another friend."

"If you insist then I'll surely join you guys!"

"Great, why don't we exchange numbers to send you the time and location?"

Izuku gave a heartfelt smile that caught the young woman's heart that was noticed by his girlfriend frowning in jealousy but remained quiet. It would only matter of time when lines of women start falling for him. 

After exchanging numbers continued their way toward home while Itsuka looked at Izuku who was still oblivious even after his mother lectured on the feelings of women.

She let it be known that time would tell how things would turn out. Itsuka would jump to conclusions and see things through. If by chance her thought came true then she would only support him. 

"Hmm is there something wrong, Itsu-san?"

"Nothing, just thinking what would happen if other girls fall for you."


"Oh come on knowing your personality it's only a matter of times other girls fall for you."

"Of course I won't try to flirt with other girls since I have you!"

Itsuka blushed how his bold claim slightly cleared her doubts on him having a harem but somehow felt her instinct that one way or another it would happen. She became silent and decided to just see things through.

Meanwhile Jiro after getting home laid on her bed recalling everything that happened as her pound. 

She did not tell her parents about the incident and went straight to bed. Jiro tried to herself but the image of Izuku always appeared in her mind.

'What's wrong with me!?'

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