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Chapter 34: Unshaken

Early morning, she wakes up from her dreamless sleep, she turns to the other side and watched from her window as sun has yet to rise and only the sky showed the twinkling stars. Rosaria slowly sat up and then felt the soft blanket fell from her chest and into her lap.

She brush any misplaced strands on her face, like she does every morning but found her strands were already brush back her ear. She touched the side of her neck and scratched it lightly, feeling a bit itchy there.

Rosaria looks down on the fur blanket and picked it up, she remembered sleeping without it last night, did she felt cold during her sleep?

" Come to think about it, my back feels warm " she says to herself and looked at the space next to her, she touched the covers and found it a bit warm. Rosaria didn't find any suspicious about it, thinking she must have turn around in her sleep.

With that conclusion, she left her bed and stretched her arms up, sighing in relief as she continue to stretched her back and then proceeded with her legs.

Rosaria then changed her clothes into a more warm attire before taking her weapons.

Another day, another practice exercise in the forest.

In the morning she had busied herself with her own training and strengthening her body, from archery to stamina build up and shadow boxing, she recalled her previous worlds and the right amount of exercise for her small body, and the result was her returning back to the palace in a sweaty disheveled state.

Upon arriving in her quarters, she didn't wait for her own maids to serve her knowing they were still asleep at the moment, Rosaria had ordered passing palace servants to fetch her warm water and did the rest of the preparation herself.

Filling the tub with scented oils and grabbing a soap in the stand nearby, she placed it the soap holder before proceeding with taking off her clothes. When she finally dip her body in the tub, Rosaria leans her head back and sigh in satisfaction.

She could almost imagine her aching muscles scream in appreciation as the warm water worked it's magic, she massages her arms and thighs while bathing and indulge in the quiet morning.

While the Rosemond founding celebration almost approaching, she was reminded of the battle outside the southern border. While the celebration happened, many of their soldiers died and the royals unbothered attitude of their peoples grief made the relationship of both the royals and it's subject into something hostile.

Even though the Harthemrian's soldiers stopped their pursuit of the throne and acquiring Rosemond's throne this year and signed a peace treaty, they would only do that to lower their guard down and will strike again in the future.

Rosaria wanted to save the people under the Rosemond empire but without power herself, she won't even be able to change anything.

Rosaria scoops a handful of water from one bucket next to her tub and washed her face before brushing her hair back.

" Poisoning the Harthmerian's water source will either make them back down or fight back, I've given the king an advantage as of now but he needs to plan out the next course of action as soon as the enemy reacts to this attack " She says to herself and takes another scoop of water.

" The next move should be, strengthening the defense near the village close to the borders, " She grabs a sponge and scrubs her body as she spoke to no one.

"once they capture one of Rosemond's village, the empire will have a hard time fighting back "

Because once the news of "a village being captured by the enemy soldiers" travel to the public's ear, especially to the commoners, the people will criticize the nobles and the royals, this will make tension rise between nobles and nobles and even the royals and commoners.

Rosaria finished scrubbing her body and proceed to wash away the soaps that cling on her skin. Once she was clean, she step out of the tub and landed her feet on the carpet before taking the white robe and wrapping her naked body. She then took the towel to dry her hair.

She walked towards her room and change her clothes into a more comfortable dress, without a corset crushing her rib, and made plans to return to the prince's room after her hair was dried. She eyed the night down she wore yesterday and had vile smirk on her lips.

It was time to continue to play from yesterday, too bad her actors didn't know they were part of her script.

When Christopher woke up, he was still half-asleep and his eyes wander on his room but was greeted by the sight of silver locks resting on his chest and a sleeping face breathing peacefully.

The man immediately froze on his place and found his princess sleeping naked on his arms, a hand placed around her. He didn't need to check for himself, even he was lacking of clothes underneath the blanket.

He was not sure, how this happened.

All he membered was how she entered his room in such an alluring state and he was grabbing her hands towards the bed.

Before he could move to check her body underneath, a knock had stop his hand and the maid butler his room as usual, probably thinking the prince had stayed outside the palace and visited the night in his lover's estate seeing Caroline leaving the palace last night.

When the butler entered the room, the old man was shocked silly upon seeing the figures laying on the crown prince's bed. He had to double check if he was seeing blond hair or silver.

" My word..." the butler had received a glare from the prince and was immediately silenced, the older man bowed his head. Even if the prince was charming and handsome, when he glares at anyone, it would make people lower their gaze uncomfortably.

The crown prince didn't noticed the maids that were also present outside the door, he was too focused on his butler as he spoke harshly while removing his arms off his legal wife.

" Speak none of what you saw today! Now leave! " he shouted and made the butler leave with his head bowed. He didn't even spared the sleeping figure with his wrath, Cristopher shakes Rosaria rather harshly and the woman blink her eyes sleepily. This was the first time they have woken up next to each other so Christopher had never seen how those golden eyes would look so innocently in the early morning, as if a magic spell had been casted upon him, Rosaria had some kind of glowing aura next to him, and his eyes saw a hickey on the side of her neck.

So it seems we spend the night together...

He looked at her lovely sleepy expression and couldn't help but lean closer to kiss her lips.

But Rosaria stopped him from dreaming he could claim such precious kiss from her, seeing how he was being disgustingly close, she pushed him away and took the blanket as she ran to his washroom, grabbing the night gown that she placed on the floor.

Rosaria was slightly surprised that his first reaction was to press his face on her, which was disgusting to even imagine it happening.

" That cheating bastard " Rosaria suddenly feel bad for Caroline for a few second, but was also thrilled to see how the idiot had a head of a dick to even stay loyal. It was going to be a bad ending between Caroline and Christopher, and she won't be sad when it happens.

She quickly change into her night gown and grabbed a large wool coat on the closet, seeing how she was wearing his highness's clothes, it would surely make a lot of gossiping maids and servant run their mouth.

" Princess, come out " The prince knocked on the washroom door and Rosaria was already planning on her next move.

She opens the door and change her expression into a more worried and innocent look, it was time to work on her magic.

He was already wearing his tunic and pants as he looked at her, handsome blonde disheveled hair and blue eyes watching his small legal wife who was worriedly looking at him in concern.

" My prince, I'm sorry for hiding, I was too embarrassed seeing how we had... " she didn't finished and mustered to blush, her cheek was slightly pink and it tugged Christopher's heart. Rosaria used to act like this, years ago she was a lowly noble who received the crown prince's little affection, but recently she was a bit distant and cold.

He didn't realized his hand moved and brushed the hair, he saw the evidence from last night's activity that he had seem to forget but no matter the reason for his blackout, the hickey was there as proof.

Rosaria didn't know what the prince was thinking as he looked attentively at her neck, she didn't know the man was having a huge misunderstanding because of one marking on her skin. She was slightly bothered at this idiot looking guilty all of a sudden.

Are you feeling guilty for Rosaria or Caroline, prince Christopher?

She mentally laughs at his dumb expression, no matter whoever between the two women he felt that for, Rosaria was never going to forgive him and would play his heart and break his relationship before she leaves the palace.

She leans her head on his hand and looked a bit pained, acting as if her body was sore and tired. Christopher was shocked to see her in such vulnerable expression, he was very confused as to why she was not able to stand properly as she wraps her hands protectively to herself.

" Come here " he was slightly worried " How come your already shaking, was I too rough on you last night? " his words sounded a bit angry but Rosaria didn't even mind his tone, she was here on a mission and that was to make him fall out of love with Caroline.

She had a deadline, once the founding celebration happened, she needed to disappear completely. Staying inside the palace will cause her no good, the future for Rosemond royal's was never going to be better, if she can't escape during that day, she will never have any chance in the future. Being connected to the throne will only expose her to danger, a throne that will only be painted with blood once the Harthmerian's decided to forcefully take the crown.

Her disappearance will create an opportunity for the commoners and nobles to shaken the royal family, Rosaria's real family might also receive a few backlash but with her disappearance but only the royal family will be greatly affected, the nobles and royals won't turn a blind eye on the people's voice, because they will need for their reputation to be flawless and not a speck of rumors would be tolerated, listening to the peoples voice will be the first step to silence them.

If the Emperor was smart enough, he would choose to stop more bloodshed and accept being conquered by the neighboring kingdom, the king was never a man who believed in patriotisms anyway, he was nothing but a greedy emperor.

" Rosaria, h-how come your in pain? " Rosaria snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the prince. She had long planned for this, her escape, and as for Christopher, all she hopes for him is either his demise or his heart broken as if he was being killed.

Rosaria lowered her head, hoping she looks pitiful enough for him to believe her next words.

" My prince, that was my first time " she says and looked embarrassed as she spoke again.

" I was never touched by any man, I heard this was normal for us women who had their first night with their lovers " Rosaria was lying, it would have depended on how their partners treated them on bed, but she needed to say that to make him think of something.

He was quiet all of a sudden, and Rosaria lift her head, to her amusement, he had caught on what she was implying.

His mind must've played back to his first night with Caroline.

He remember when they reunited and had a passionate night in his room, even when Rosaria was in a relationship with him, he treated Caroline like a gem and loved her as if he had loved no one else but her. The next day she wasn't in pain even if she had spoken the night before that it was her first time, she even initiated the second time and surprised him on how good she was on bed.

Although Caroline had been divorced three times, she always told Christopher that she had never been under a man, convincing him she was a virgin even after marrying three men when in fact she had given her first time to another noble even before Caroline had been married. And it wasn't Cristopher who had spent her first, nor second, and not even her third, Heck Rosaria couldn't even be sure what number Christopher was.

But that shouldn't matter if he really cherish her, Rosaria looked at the man and she wasn't disappointed on how his expression change into something sinister. She had low hopes about him, what do you expect from a cheating man?

" I'll call the maids to help you " Christopher says and rings the bell on his nightstand, Rosaria was pleased for this development, the more people see of their current state, the more will assume and it will create a wave of rumors. These rumors will be either true or fake, or even become exaggerated, which is what Rosaria need.

She smiles thankfully towards the prince that was looking away from her, she could how his mind was in such chaotic state from the looks of his expression.

When the maids arrived, they immediately escorted the princess back to her own chambers. When they were about to enter with her, Rosaria stopped them.

" Your highness? " Sandra, her own maid, was looking at her confused from not being permitted to enter. Rosaria acted weak and tired next, and she looked at them with a weak smile.

" I'm tired, please serve my meal in my room, I'd like to be alone and rest for a bit " Roasria says and the maids look at each other, as if they understand how she was feeling, they left her alone in her room to rest.

Once the door was closed, Rosaria had a huge smile on her face. She runs and jumps to her bed, sighing contently as she laid her back.

" Now how will you act Mr. Main character? I'm sure you would exceeded my expectation when you meet Caroline today " Rosaria opened her system and laid there as she watched the image of Caroline, who was telling her coachman to hurry to the royal palace. Christopher in the other hand, has sat on his bed, head hung low, and was thinking deeply.

Rosaria had an idea as she saw how Cristopher was still deep in his thoughts, she called for her maid and gave her an order.

When Caroline entered the palace grounds, she had a bad feeling as soon as she saw the servants chatting amongst themselves and as soon as they saw her, their reactions were different to what they would usually show.

They used to bow their head or smiled at her but now, they looked at her with a different emotion. As if their eyes looks at her mockingly and their lips smiled of a fake smile. Her expression changes and she furiously stomped her foot towards them.

" Greetings, Lady Caroline" one of the servants bowed, but before he could straightened his back, Caroline had just slapped his across the cheek and her strength was not reduced, as if she really intend to hurt the servant.

" Looking at a lady in such disrespectful gaze, you need to be punished! " the blonde woman was accompanied by her personal maids from their state, she looked worried but not surprised, indicating this wasn't the first time this noble had acted out of nowhere.

" L-Lady, please stop him, we will punish him accordingly. I apologize if he had offended you in any way " another servant, who had a higher rank than the rest, pleaded and ask for her mercy.

Caroline wasn't usually like this, she wanted to be perfect and wanted her image to be sweet and innocent, but lately, she was tired of playing perfect and sweet. She was getting impatient with Christopher and Rosaria, she wanted to be called " Your Highness" and "Princess" like how everyone called Rosaria. She wanted to be address as Christopher's wife. She wanted back what Rosaria stole from her!!

" Why are you stopping me, are you defending him?! Is that it? You lowly servants! If Christopher hears a word about this, you will be strip away from the palace! How dare you looked at me mockingly! " She pushed the servant harshly and made him winced in pain. Caroline walked towards the stairs, and it seems like she was heading towards prince's quarter. Her maid didn't even apologize and walk without looking back, the palace servants looked and help their co-worker up.

" Damn, what's wrong with her these days? " the servant that was pushed says in an angry manner, he was just talking with the maids and flirting with them. All of the sudden the crown prince's mistress slap him for no reason.

" Quiet, you might lose your tongue if you speak ill of his highness's lover " one maid worriedly offered him a handkerchief.

" Ha! I'm pretty sure his highness had grown tired of her, I heard he spent his night yesterday with the princess and was very affectionate with her this morning"

This news shook a few of the servants. Seems like a few of them already knew of the news that travel around the palace so earlier in the morning.

" Does this mean... " they were thinking the same thing, if the princess had manage to change the crown prince's heart then Caroline will lose her place and her face "

" Should we tell this incident to the head butler? " One maid asked and the male servant who had been unfairly treated by Caroline had was suddenly determined to watch the mistress fall out of the crown prince's grace.

" I'm going to follow the lady and see if I could make her regret being such a b*tch "

When Caroline arrived to the crown prince's door, she was surprised to find it locked. She was smiling when she arrived but seeing how she couldn't enter herself made her expression change, she bang the door and called to his name.

" My prince, It's me. Please open the door! " she knocks her hand frantically and her maid was embarrassed at her lady's behavior, a few palace servants watch at the end of the corridor and even the servant that was slap harshly was watching with a frown on his face.

" Christopher! open the door! " Caroline had called to his name and made the palace maids gasp, although she was a mistress, she should know only those between the royal family members were allowed to call each other's given name. Even if Caroline was able to call his name in private, she should learn to refrain from saying his name in public. Even her behavior at the moment was very disrespectful to the prince and the royal family.

Caroline's maid had looked very embarrassed at this point and tried to talk her out of her anger.

" my lady, please calm down! This is the royal place, the prince won't tolerate this kind of behavior-- " She couldn't even finished her sentence when she was slapped harshly by her own master. The maid had look stupefied and lowered her head.

" Shut up! Who are you to tell me on what I should do? You little stupid servant!! " The blond woman was screaming loudly that even without Rosaria's system, Rosaria could still hear her voice and her constant banging on the door.

The crown prince's door suddenly opened widely and Caroline was about to slap her maid again but she stopped and smiled happily seeing her handsome lover's face. Not even properly looking at his angry face, she jumps to his chest and hugged him.

" Christopher, your servants are too disrespectful. How dare mock me in your palace, please fire them for me! " she looks at the servants and found them in the end of the corridor, watching the couple anxiously.

Caroline found the servant she found disrespectful, the man was now worried he might had trusted about the news too much and might lose his job.

" It was him! he was looking at me rudely, mocking me with his gaze, even other servants had looked at me rudely with their lowly eyes! " She points a finger and slyly laughed.

" Lady Vanderbond " A harsh and cold voice silenced the woman, Caroline had looked at her lover with large eyes. Surprised was an understatement, she was aghast to the point of not being able to move. The servants could even move as the crown prince's handsome face had turned fierce.

" I advise you to behave properly when you visit the royal palace, you are not permitted to enter the royal family's quarters as you pleased. Leave today, I'll turn a blind eye on your actions today. " Christopher takes her hand that was wrapped around his body and removed them harshly.

" As a member of the Vanderbond family, I won't let them punish you but next time, you should address me of my title " Christopher's gaze had never been this cold on her before. She got out of her shock and nervously laughed, she hooked her hands on his arm and gently talked him out of his anger.

" My prince, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Please forget about my actions today, I just wanted to talk privately.....just like what we used to do " She pressed her breast closely towards him but he was too clouded with anger that he finds her actions too annoying. Since when did he find her personality adorable? Was always like this?

He removed her hands away more roughly and glared at her.

" Watch what you say Lady Vanderbond, you do not want to test my patience today. Return to your residence while I'm still being nice to you " He warns her and she didn't think his personality would change overnight.

It wasn't him, she knew he would like her even if she was spoiled and unfair, her Christopher was being manipulated....

And she knew who was the culprit of his change.

Is that why he locked the door?

She is inside!

" That snake! " she pushed the crown prince and the man was shock to be treated by his lover so aggressively. She marched inside his room and turned everything upside down. Her maid couldn't believe how she's acting!

" where is that bitch? That whore! " she was flipping blankets and opening closet doors, her actions alerted a few servants and immediately, the maids tried to stop her. The room became chaotic as blond lover was causing a commotion in the palace. The maids tried to calm her down but she was too engross in her anger to understand her mistake.

" Drag her out here! That snake!! "

" Lady Vanderbond please calm down " one maid says and tried to held her still but failed to do so when she was being slapped.

" Don't touch me! How dare you lowly servant touch your master with your filthy hands! You and that snake are the same, lowly whores who cannot understand their place!! "

Christopher heard her and was suddenly furious by her words, he stride towards her in rage and grab her arm harshly. This startled Caroline but she continue to cause a ruckus.

" Let me go! You told me you love me! and you promise me ---" before she could finished her words, the crown prince slapped her harshly and the sound of his hand hitting her resounded across the corridor. Everyone else around had looked surprised and astonished to see the development of the two couple.

Caroline couldn't believe, she had never been slapped in her life, not even her parents had cause her any kind of pain. Christopher was the first to even hurt and humiliate her.

" You are forbidden from entering the palace, go back and reflect on your actions today! " Christopher had harshly said and looked at the male servants outside his room.

" Escort this woman out of the palace before I drag her out myself! " The prince pushed her away and seeing how the prince acted towards her, they didn't care of her wellbeing anymore. The male servants dragged her out harshly and Caroline began to plead and cry for her lover.

" Christopher! why are you like this! my prince! I---forgive me! please don't be like this!!"

" shut up! shut her up! Don't let her voice reached the princess quarters! " Christopher couldn't believe his own voice, he was worried if the news of his mistress would affect his legal wife. He wasn't like this but seeing Caroline, he knew it was her fault.

Caroline looked at the prince and laughed hearing his words.

" You don't want her to hear? You fucking hypocrite! You don't want her to know about how you cheated on her from the start?! You slept with me when you dated her!! You said you love my body! The crown prince only has eyes for me Rosaria, you fucking snake, you will never have him!! He is mine!!! " Her voice rang to the corridor before anyone could stop her words from leaving her mouth, the crown prince was more angered by her now that he had seen how she truly acted.

He ordered the maids to check up on the princess and have the butler fixed this mess.

He was sighing from stress until he saw Rosaria's maid, Sandra, walking towards him with a worried expression. Christopher was suddenly worried seeing how she was heading towards him.

" Is your master....did she order you to come here? " Christopher asked, his face looks worried and Sandra nodded. His heart beat so fast from being nervous of her answer.

" Her highness had asked for the chef to bring your highness's breakfast to your room before she retreated to her chambers, the princess was asleep when I entered her room and served her meal. She should be awake later and eat her meal " The ginger haired maid lower her head and gesture for the maid behind her to set the meal on the crown prince's room.

Her words, made Christopher's heart steady, he was feeling reassured hearing how the princess was asleep when Caroline was shouting.

" give her my thanks once she wakes up " Christopher felt that it was too insincere for him and panickily added on his words " Tell her I'm inviting a famous seamstress tomorrow, let her buy any dress she wants or make one for her. Also, tell me what color she will choose " Christopher coughs awkwardly and Sandra was thrilled to hear how her master being doted by the crown prince.

The ginger haired maid nodded enthusiastically and then excuse herself and the rest of Rosaria's maids left. Leaving a few servants under Christopher to clean his room.

Christopher looks back to the meal his wife had told the chef to prepare for him, he was touched by her gesture.

He couldn't help but smile to himself.

Rosaria on the other hand, had fell asleep before Caroline could even give her a good show. After sneaking back and waiting for Christopher to wake up by her side, she was hella tired from the long long wait. She was already dozing when the prince woke up, so when she finally planted the seed of doubt in the crown prince's mind, she was excited enough to see how it goes but before she could reach the best part, she was then fighting her sleep but failed to stay awake.

She didn't see how it ended, what a shame.

That's what she thought after waking up on the middle of lunch to her maids entering her chambers, they were serving her lunch and were being discreet as possible.

" What time is it? " Rosaria says as she had woken up from the heat of the middle of the day.

" it's past lunch time your highness" Sandra says and Rosaria felt her stomach churning, she got up and ate her brunch.

When she was in the mood for gossip, because she slept the moment the climax was on, Rosaria asked the maids if anything fun happened in the morning. The maids were looking around except her and Sandra confidently smiled.

" Nothing eventful that you need to know, your highness. Oh but the Crown Prince did relay a message for you, There's a seamstress hired for tomorrow and you can buy your dress for the season. " She says smiling and Rosaria looked at her but didn't show how she understand what she was hiding.

" A seamstress? It looks like I do need a few dress this season... " Rosaria rose from her bed and stride towards the table, where her food was still warm. "I guess I'll ask the dress maker to make my Founding Celebration dress tomorrow " She looks at the maid and got her suspicion confirmed.

Rosaria didn't tell her poor maid on how she was bad at hiding secrets, she let het enjoy the feeling of accomplishment as Rosaria kept quiet and ate her meal.

As she was eating, she was thinking of learning what happened in the palace while she was on dreamland dreaming of Alexander. Rosaria was determined to know her fruits of labor, she smiled as she had a plan.

When the afternoon came, Rosaria had looked at her system and used it to spy on the palace workers.

She was surprised to hear what had happened in the morning, left her slightly wondering.

Christopher was design as the perfect Main Character who refused to acknowledge his wife and love only her mistress which was his first love, this world revolved around the story and progress of the royals and Christopher's life as a crown prince that had to secretly visit his lovely lover in hopes to safely keep her away from his obsessed wife's eyes, least she would try and harm her. Most of the previous Rosaria's memories were filled with images of the palace ground, and only as few moments of the harsh reality outside the palace was seen except the time when she was divorced, she had saw the world outside her golden cage and saw how there was a bigger problem than her love affairs.

Although Rosaria died first after she divorce him and he had sent out an assassin to kill her, he had lived a few more years before the Harthmerian Empire invaded the kingdom and slaughter the royal family. Christopher included, his wife, the female lead, was spared and their child, which was the youngest prince who survived, avenged his family and took back the throne from the ruling leader. A Harthmerian prince who had died by the hands of a young mercenary who was the last descendent of the Rosemond royals, the one and only rightful owner to the throne.

Rosaria's children where slaughtered along with the rest of the royals, so Caroline's own child was able to live and continue his life.

"What a bunch of bullshit" Rosaria says and released the arrow from her hold. It pierced through the wind and hit the tree trunk.

It was late in the afternoon when she left to the forest where she practiced her archery. It was already night time at the moment, a few hours had passed as she continued to train her strength and aim.

She had returned to the forest outside the palace with a few oil lamps scattered around the forest to light up the dark place. Only enough for her surroundings to be seen clearly as it light up the forest grounds.

The forest was far away from the palace guard and anyone patrolling the near a small towns wouldn't come near the forest.

She quietly and carefully took the oil lamps from the storage room after lunch time and left the palace ground without anyone seeing her.

Although the previous Rosaria was not involved with the war, there was still traces of the harsh battle in every part of the kingdom of Rosemond and its neighboring kingdoms. The princess might have died from assassinations in a church before but even without it, the newly divorced Rosaria would have died from the hands of the Harthemrian soldiers that conquered their kingdom.

Rosaria dropped her arms after practicing for too long, she looks at her hands and found it shaking from being used the whole time. She sigh and walked towards the tree where he bag was located, she was about to bending down to take out a canteen and drink her water when she pause midway from straightening her back as she felt something.

She felt another presence in her surroundings but Eve choose to ignore it.

I danger.

She says and checked her map. It showed no other person around, this made her feel even more curious.

Her guts were never wrong, so she was confused, she looks at the map again and finally decide to ignore the rising curiosity.

She trust her instincts.

Exiting the system panel as she turned her head, Rosaria sighs.

She takes more oil lamps out and scattered them around, hanging on the tree branch, on the roots and even placed on small boulders around, before she lights them up.

Even if she could see clearly using the system, Rosaria shouldn't trust or use the system too much. The last time she was too lax around it, she was suddenly thrown out to another world without any prior warning.

Who knows what this new system might announce when she put's her guard down. She shouldn't be too dependent on it.

When she finally lit up the oil lamps around, she could finally see more of her surrounding's even without the system's help.

" That's better " she says to no one and positioned her body.

Making sure that her hands and strength were enough to draw the string back.

The mare stayed settle further behind Rosaria as she started practicing.

The whole time in the forest it was just her and Minerva and another presence that lingering around.

She could smell the burnt cigar or smoke in the air, this person was definitely around but Rosaria had long sense he was not a threat to her.

Even Minerva was very lax about the stranger that stayed hidden somewhere.

Rosaria doesn't know this person's identity, so she doesn't talk much, she focused on her aim. She had made her own target circles with just white chalk powder, drawing them on tree trunks.

" Steady..." Rosaria had wore the bracer and chest guard over her night gown, she had tied her silver haired loosely. She takes another shot, she draws another arrow and hit the tree trunk yet the arrow this time didn't pierce through the wood and fell in the ground.

" Focus... " She takes another bow and aimed positioned, she stood there under dark forest, moonlight finding it's way to shine down on her silver locks.

" Focus.... " She pinched the tail and between her fingers, nocking the arrow, then drawing the string.

" Breathe... Rosaria, you got this... "

She released the string and the arrow shot straight to the tree. The wind passed by and her hair flutters and well as her night gown. She looked at the messy state of the the forest, many arrows stuck on the tree bark and trunks but there were also plenty of arrows laying on the forest ground.

She realized her hand had tremble and she looks down to her fingers, it was filled with cut and red marks from the feathers and cord.

She clicks her tongue and sigh.

" Ah, I cut myself. " it was only a minor cuts, she had worse injuries from her previous lives.

She was going to place down her bow and arrows to wash her cut in the stream when the sounds of rustling leaves from behind her.

This time Minerva had sensed danger as the mare lift it's head and looked cautiously at the other side of the forest .

And so did Eve.

VeronicaJade VeronicaJade

Word Count: 6,423

My hands are aching from typing, ah my smol fingers~ I recently bought anti-radiation glasses, I hope it lessens the weird pain in between my eyes. We still have a long long way from the end of this work, I have many ideas that I want to write for our main characters, so I need my eyes to stop hurting from time to time. Still want to continue writing this.  

Also, I'm continuing my small updates right now, so wait for little while, I will be uploading soon. A big THANK YOU again for Halimo00 for 4 coffee's in my Ko-fi page and making this update possible<3

Here's a small theater for those who missed our Male Lead. Cause I sure did miss that man.

Christopher: The evidence is there, I kissed you last night! *points at Rosaria's neck with a hickey* I will take responsibility for you in the future~

Rosaria, disgusted: No thanks, please leave me alone.

Male Lead, waiting for his introduction to be official in the second Arc: Let me punch his face, just once

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