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Chapter 5: Ch-5 Re-Write

A/N-A lot of dialogue and business talk in this chapter but we should be picking up pace soon. Also changed the location of the town and in addition reworked the deal Doran struck.


In front of me six member is one of the most dangerous families that have ever walked, each could poison me in a mater of seconds and I would be non the wiser.

But their danger level hand already jump as by Prince Ophelia Martell is something different a witch as could feel her magic saturating the small animals in the room form the bugs to the very dangerous snake on her shoulder.

And I could immediately tell I was in the room with no other than Khepri the most Dangerous warlord to have ever walk the face of the Earth.

I thank fully kept my cool and gave a respectful bow to Doran as the pleader of Dorne and waited to be spoke too.

Doran-"My men in the docks have spoken of a interesting man and ship that had docked in my docks, carrying a large amount of expansive goods. Now what are you doing in my lands, and who exactly are you." He spoke with a steel edge in his voice that held the power of his station.

Colt-"I am just a Merchant and a Craftsman by read as for my name it is Samuel Colt and my titles are useless now." The mention of my name caused Ophelia/Taylor to whisper something into her father ear, his fav never shifted from his polite smile. "As for my goods it hold a variety of slaves, Glass, and none crafted goods that you would never be able to find here before."

Doran still not trusting me but seeing his niece's reaction has his guards go off and revive my chest as they are internally expanded to carry more. While there guard left Ophelia whispered something in her uncles ear and made her way back to her seat.

Colt-"My princess and Ladies let me present just a small selection of my goods, first my intricate whale ivory carving that note the stars, another is my Salves that can heal and Previn sickness to and finally crystal clear glass."

Obryen was the first to examine each of the crafts as he had spent a great many years on the sea and at ports, he did a number of tests in the glasses for sturdiness and eventually he passed one of the bone fountain pens to his daughter and she then slowly made her way to her uncle.

Doran-"Guards you may leave us, we have something private to speak about." The guards nodded gave me a look and left the room, leaving me alone with the Martell family. "These are quite beautiful crafts, and this is the clearest glass I had ever seen. Now from what you said you are a craftsman and how much love you show these craft I assume you made them, which Is a feat that not even the great glass workers Myr. So I have a great many questions of how you came about this knowledge but my niece has advised me to say this "Golden Morning and Scion."

I cracked at those words to my shame, it all suddenly made sense the ever present bugs and the immediate noticing of my ship in the docks and I let out a small "Khepri" and met eyes with one of the most dangerous woman who had ever walked a version of Earth.

Colt-" I know what that means but not in the way your niece does as I had only read about the event that had taken place on the horrible day, as Princess Ophelia and I are from very different places."

Doran, looked to his niece who just nodded and gave me a look of interest.

Doran-"Now, with that done I ask you to please stay for lunch as it seams we need to have a much more thorough conversation. As what little my niece has said about her past life I know that it had a great many wonders that it seams you can create."

Taylor/Ophelia did give him a dirty look for his passive threat and spoke to mw for the first time. "He won't lock you up and throw away the key but we will be entering business, as even if you can only make these and have skills in shipbuilding you are worth a great more than that."

I did give a sigh in relief and followed the Martells into their private eating chambers where servants brought out wonderful meal of baked fish and fruits.

Ophelia, was the first to speak as it seams she will be leading this section of questioning.

Ophelia-"Now, you said a name that I had not heard in over 16 years, but I ask you not to speak much on that part of my life as I have moved past that."

Colt-"yes…. I had only read about your previous life as the multiverse as you have noticed is quite a lot larger than the PRT thought. Also if it makes you feel better their are multiple versions of yourself out their who had never even come close to experiencing your hardship they even never gained powers."

Ophelia was well not shocked at that but seemed to be put at ease that at least one version of her had not become Khepri. Her family was mildly confused but a couple of her half sisters seemed to understand what she had seen and done.

Ophelia-"*Cough* Thank you for that, now for what knowledge of Earth do you have and it also seems we come from very different Earths could you tell me about yours."

I immediately thought up a lie as hiding the Forge is my greatest asset and while she looks a lot more chilled out I don't trust this family.

Colt-"You may have actually read about my own Earth,if you are familiar with the Harry Potter book series I come from one of those. And here some proof." I flick my wand and summon a thing of black roses and pass them off to one of the sand Snakes. "As for knowledge from Earth I was a Engineer and from a ritual back on my Earth I have perfect memory."

While I could have hidden my magic it would make a good deterrent for her to betray me or spy on me as I knew a couple of anti-pest wards.

Ophelia eyed me up and down. "Huh, so my magic theory was correct about how my powers manifested here, as for myself While I was a good student after a bullet to the head and 16 years you tend to forget things, I have improved shipping via the compass and even a private printing press as you know yourself how dangerous those are."

Colt-"Correct even just publishing the Seven Pointed Star [L-1] will cause political ramifications in cutting into the profit margin of the church. Now, I have some bare bone plans for developing a couple different business for gathering wealthy for example I know that metallurgy is behind the times and I could start a Smeltery at a decent scale."

Doran-"Now, this is where I take over as it seems you are in the need of land or men and Dorne has much of both."

With that our discussion began.

I knew on the island I had appeared on I could place a couple cities but they would be extremely tightly but could hold about 16,000 people.

But I needed people and lots of them as I didn't trust the locals of step stones to have much in terms of true settled lands.

Till we reached a deal, one I would be allowed to "recruit" from the Martell lands but in exchange they would get better deals on future tax and tariff laws.

Doran would also be personally investing a large chunk of gold in my initial business to further cement our deal, he invested into a smeltery that would at minimum be able to produce at minimum 1 ton of steel a month which would completely out produce anyone on the planet.

For this his family would receive 5% of the profits and receive at minimum 6 tons of steel a year for no more than 10 years for as long as the Martell family wanted it.

As for Glass production they would for 10% of the profits in exchange a number of spies and the equivalent of the secret police of Dorne will be transferred over to me and to teach future students in addition to protecting me from Myr Assassins and supply me with merchant connections for both the Steel and Glass.

I would also be staying in the Palace till I could build my own castle on the island and enough infrastructure to support a population of 1,000 people.

While here I would act as retainer in the position of an Assistant for Ophelia where we would work on infrastructure projects as Dorne while not greatly damaged in the previous rebellions still needed repairs and updated infrastructure.

While Betrothal would also be included he did not fully trust and believe my capabilities, so it was tabled for now but he did hint that it was expected in the future.


L-1 the seven pointed star is the holy book of the seven faith.

Also for those who don't know the Ophelia is Taylor Hebert from Worm.

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