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Chapter 3: To Find Something old


"Stop waggling your limbs in air, the sun is on its down side. Yes! Those cartons belong to the garbage…but fill it with scraps first Dennis." Robin orders around as if he wiped clean his plate already.

"Huh? But there are still some picks tufted in it. Maybe they will come in handy later; I going to store them in the rack anyway." Dennis fights back the bulldozing.

"Alas! Why aren't ya' following me? This job is low-key my fruit, so I should be taking the lead per se." Robin works up the courage to say such among the labour.

"Taking the lead and lazing around loud are hot and cold. Be a man of devotion and worship to the job." Brandon comments in a motivating way which sounded cringe-worthy to Connor as he scoffed by laughing at him.

"Well Brandon, you are au fait with numerous articles relating to buffet, can we rely on your hands? I don't want our lunch counter to become a greasy spoon." Robin changes the topic to end the calling out on him.

"Leave it to me! Cooking is no challenge for this dweller. I shall release my high-jinks is to make salt taste magnificent!" Brandon pumps up all of a sudden with the buttering words.

"You sure are using heavy words to describe your talent Brad; if possible, give me a separate block for my mess too." Connor joins in as he clasps his hand together.

"Ah you don't have to go that far, just decide the menu and…help me prepare." Robin senses that he was just about to get deposition.

At the farthest corner (basically their station was standing at the edge of the boundary walls surrounding the old building so the farthest corner isn't that far away), Eddie dozes off without any sense of an iota of responsibility. The other four instead of acting upon his case, pretended that they didn't saw and know anything to avoid conflicts, either way the progress would be the same.

The blissful evening cools the temperature effectively, which manages to condense the bodies of the labours working for continuous hours without any hitch. (There are exceptions too *cough* Eddie *cough*. )

The flowers enclose themselves while the leaves shrink, saying goodnight to all their lovable and unlovable folks and leaving to dream about the next morning.

The evening is like a boon, always ends the sappy day with a calm, restful and gleeful conclusion. Daily happenings are like sand, freely floats over the water and slowly sediments as if it struggled so hard to keep up with the flow.

Nights are just conclusion for the daily chapter, they transacts everyone's tenor to a new feeling which is congested.

The purpose of the congestion is to choose a single thread for the day, and make it pull itself off slowly, pacing with the day and eventually, lose from the ball of clustered emotions in the evening to exit the consciousness. A truly glorious chain of events it is.

The team commenced wrapping up and need to return their backs to the respective dorm as the overhead sun already preached adios to the earthlings a long time ago.

During the course, Annette marches on the field probably obligated to take the report from the flock of birds about to leap.

"Gash you're late. I hope you all learned a certain lesson on behalf of the shit you all witnessed today, Bwah!" Annette scolds with an annoyed demeanor.

"Jeez, our work is so el-"

"Please, No word from you berk! Stay soundless." Annette shuts Connor like if it's the first priority of the quest of argument with the lazy heads of the food quarter.

"Please excuse us lady chief, I am fully aware that we are god level late in submitting the progress but I am not the substitute to blame, it's that scum sleeping right over there." Robin as usual, slams a fist on others.

"Did I ask for any apology? Seriously, this station is derived from retards. Plus, the one there is pretty much getting on my each and every nerve." Annette blares in the air and then point towards the infant-like Eddie far away from the real world.

"Bfft…ha-ha gwah ha-ha, looks like we're in the same boat- ow!" Annette hits on the bare skull of Robin cutting his guffaw.

"Eh? It's noisy!" Eddie murmurs while blinking his eyes which are on the brink of losing the sleep. He jerks his body, unlocking it from the stiffness. The crowd turns their weak gaze towards his resting body without any attention generated for him.

"Anyway folks, keep moving and clear the ground. The time's touching the peak now." Annette grabs the free attentions by her commanding tone.

"Yeah exactly; now then, let's call it a day and will see each other after the next dawn!" Robin announces to everyone and then overpowers the sleepyhead by levitating his meaty body with his burnout pseudo-muscular arms. Eddie caught the glimpse of the act from his half-open eye lid and startled the heck out of Robin with a surprise weak scuffle with his uncharged legs. The sight of them ventilated the sightseers in a comedic but chaste way which made them vulnerable to melt.

"Jeez, what a bunch of middle-scholars grouped up in here." (They somehow make my day lively in a way.) Annette expresses her aggravation in an admirable mannerism. She frees the clipboard from her tight protecting shield and relaxed to any extent that her numb bones felt to relinquish on the hard and soft ground.

Among them, Connor left with his dearest bud Brandon for the dorm while Robin continued to scuffle with Eddie who was busy in his own scuffle to free himself, he was embarrassed to the toe. Robin is the type who would run off limits to do such bizarre acts without weighing up the outcome of it. But when he is up to his sleeves to do so, it would be of much concern for the latter.

Other than them, Dennis was left alone on the bare field with no vision of anyone. He wore his tired attire after the hassle ended and he was left alone. His body doesn't respond anymore to his dutiful mind but he needs everything done before it withdraws from his mind. He quickly gathered the remaining juice and stood finely vertical and swallows his spit and simultaneously races towards a taken pathway.

"Uhm…excuse me Annette, please wait for a sec." Dennis startles the guard less Annette from a meter distance before catching up to her.

"Oh it's you; you scared me for a brief moment. Heck's the problem?" Annette replies with blank tone. Her demeanor changes back to normal in a sprint of seconds and she gives the required expression in a delay.

"So...So sorry for the… that, well uhm…I need a favor from you. Can I borrow your time?"

"Well not much is left with me anyway, so I am glad to invest it in your request." Annette's demeanor from a strict mother vibe instantly transacts into a much warm and friendly one. Maybe the reason is the fact that both of them doesn't have a long past together. She seems to react according to the open aura established by the other side. Dennis is considered a subject to her that's why her reaction was more-likely for starters.

"I was saying that…I need to dig in the library archives for a manuscript, uh…so can help me out…it's just because you are quite familiar with that place!" Dennis spitted all his words after choking on each at a time. His nervousness devoured his pride and left him hanging on the ground.

"He-he don't need to freak out, we are the same age did you forgot? Anyway, I can spare some time from my sleep to help you with that."

my sleep to help you with that."

"Seriously, thanks! You saved my tomorrow from this one big mess."

"There's no need for it and speed up we need this to be done at the earliest, it's already past 10."

"You are right, we need to start stepping." Dennis slightly calms down and started pacing his movements with Annette. Their footsteps were perfectly aligned in a fixed loop and a heat of silence painted the dark sky.

Dennis' gaze hovers around the course without any sense of direction, believing that atleast a smallest point would satisfy his brain and he would stare at it till his road reaches the hedge. On the other hand, Annette's neck rolled from front to down with a long delay as if they are impersonating a globe in slow mode.

Dennis couldn't find his right direction and ends up peeking at the displayed side face of Annette in his direction. This time she was fixed to ground and force stopped her rolling due to a picometer of neck ache that struck her in the process.

From the corner of his eyes, he peeked at her face which seems to be unavoidable for him as everytime he tried look away; he reverts back and absently stares with the soft part of his vision. The strands of her hair covered her ears which hindered anyone to see what kind of, if any, piercing she sport. The lashes hid the glistening eyes of her but in real, it was just because her gaze was at the ground and Dennis stands higher than her. She looks too small and fragile when compared to the flourished Dennis even though they are equal in age. The sweat on her face remained the same as at the time of early evening. Dennis couldn't keep his cool around her and flicked in a reflex which wasn't intended by his mind but was the cause of his curious heart which was under operation by his adrenal glands. The flick turned his head ninety degree from front at her and instantly, he moved back upon catching sense. But this quickness was enough to catch the attention of Annette.

She turned her gaze at him and repeated the same scenario which was earlier performed by Dennis; she looks at his side face too, with wearing her smile she studied not only his facial features, but also his facial expressions which were spread all over his face. Dennis is an amateur in hiding what he feels or felt at a moment and gets caught everytime. He notices her and pretends to ignore with his futile whistling which was accompanied by a heavy exhalation. Annette stares for the last time and gives a small chuckle which was enough to catch the culprit. Dennis' weak guard was destroyed and responded with the same reaction without any additive dryness but with pure embarrassment. The phony distance between them was weakened and it cracked a little too, as a result of the starry night sky show with sounds of paddy footsteps. The silence is so soothing that a deaf person can even hear it.

" mean you're so different from all those jackasses; among them, kinda out of the world, you know that?" ?" Annette broke the soothing silence with a soothing gesture of light conversation in the starry night sky.

"I am not sure about it, what makes you think this?" ?" Dennis replies with smoothly silenced sound.

"It's not only the time around, but I noticed you quite frequently on day to day basis."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


A thick mist of vagueness in the topic pauses the two from continuing their quiet exchange.

'Wait, do you have the idea that we are in the same class? Even though the lecture hall is super open, you should at least remember the faces of the students you encounter on daily basis for hours!" Annette pouts with squished eyes at Dennis who realizes this fact brought to light to him by her.

"You know… uhm…ehm…okay you caught me." Dennis hesitates for a while but in the end, can't seem to find a proper excuse in time. "I in fact, don't even remember the names of the professors who are unavoidable even after the classes. Sorry if you hate me for this!"

"Well it's not any reason to hate you, but keeping track of other people isn't a hassle. On the contrary, if you leaving them stacking up, you would be faced with social problems. You are too naïve Dennis, aren't you?"

"He-he I suppose. Well talking isn't a problem, I just didn't cared this time around. But if you say so then, maybe?" Dennis gets embarrassed.

"You should go for it if you want to though, but it shouldn't be called that 'I forced you', got it?"

"Uh…yeah…I get what you are saying uhm…forcing myself won't bring the real things into the…uhm what should I be saying…hmm?"

"Ha-ha…now I can confidently claim that you can start some kind of fair acquaintance with others."

"Uh…what's that suppose to mean? Can you clear it for me?"

"What I mean is that you already possess an effective way to approach people which I believe in. What I want to say is, whenever you approach someone, be unprepared. This makes you easy to talk and the latter would most probably feel ease in sharing with you."

"Hah, you are more soft-hearted than I first thought of you."

Annette gets caught off guard by the simple words from Dennis and blushes with eyes wide open, shooting her vision at Dennis' face. With a grin on his face, Dennis laughs off the sudden reaction which was meant to be a counter attack to all her chuckles which flustered him. Now both of them are equal.

"Now we both are equal, he-he." Dennis claims the results.

"That's…that's not fair you beetroot! That's not how it supposed to be. Jeez."

After a pause both burst out laughing hysterically at their own mischievous sharing of words with their heads held up facing the starry night sky. Dennis comes to a perfect halt and looses himself in the ocean above him. Annette looks at him and following his direction, she finds herself lost in the dark ocean too. No one said a thing about it or another but somehow it felt they were talking about it, maybe by telepathy? Who knows!

The more they look, more the stars stare back and they can't stay focused. Disappearance and reappearance of them cause a ebullient effect on the gazers.

"It's boring hum, isn't it?" Dennis' murmur travels in the mist of silence.

"Huh? You said something?"

"Oh nothing, just talking to myself."

"Is it?"

Their footsteps clouded the air once again. Annette frees the clipboard and leave it pendent, gripped by her finger tips.

"So, what are you doing in the group? Cook or something?" Annette questions.

"Ah...well I began working today, and all I did was just carting things around."

"Hmm...but that doesn't explain the amount of sweat drops you lodge all over the face."

"Huh? What's that now?"

"Then you sweat a lot, is that what it is?"

"Hey stop with these assumptions...where are we going with this anyway?"

"Pfft! Yes yes, then me more about your work."

"Well, all I did other than that was just lurking for passers' work. I was really tangled up among work stacked upon me one by" Dennis pouts while looking away from Annette's face.

"Oh! seems tough being you. Well you did good work today then, didn't you? Then that deserves that sweat too." Annette lures Dennis' gaze back at their conversation.

"As I said, most I did was pointless work extirpating my own duty." Dennis tunes down his words until he lowered them to his breath.

Annette puts her thumb and index finger at her chin, gesturing upon Dennis' statement. " that's the way you see things."


"You know, when you see like that, you aren't focused on your work. Tell me about it?"

" can say that again, as I see it now."

"See! Those vain tasks were so because you feel burdened by your own load."

Once again, the scent of silence arouses for a brief period, soon to be broken by Annette. "Look Robin in this case, even after being an arrogant egoist, he even acknowledged other's work upon his dignity. It wasn't just to distract me, he was genuine about it."

"Guess you are right, that is the way to look at things, huh. Then, thanks for teaching out of your sentiment." Dennis pampers her view, hiding the knowledge that her example was completely made up.

With glossy eyes filled with spectacular embrace, she says,"Hmph, now you understand...that is, if you aren't satisfied by the progress, then probably the reason is that you are burdened with it. Either make a choice or accept it."

Dennis' ice breaks, and remain silent until Annette continues.

"What you did is accept that you have to do it because you were asked, but you don't know if you can do it or have the energy for it. Make a room for that energy and slip the will to do it." Annette puffs out her chest abruptly. "You can leave it if you want...hey but that's not my position to say! What's my job again?"

"Then what exactly someone make room for energy, slip something out of the digestive system?"

"Huh? It might be cringeworthy to say but figure it out yourself. For the record, these aren't my words, it's something my gramps used to say."

"Your gramps, huh!"

"Yes my gramps. know once he asked me a normal question. It was like -"Tell me, why you watch horror films if you are already scared of ghosts?" something like that." Annette tries to resonate her grandpa's words with exaggerated imitation.

"I think you missed something in it." Dennis darts his provoked curiousness.

"No...nothing, just listen to me idiot!" Uneasiness spread all over Annette's face in a matter of seconds.

"Oh yeah, Ima sorry!" Dennis takes aback with a faint smirk rubbed onto his face.

"Yes so listen, he asked me that weird question and I didn't put any logic on it and straightly answered- "For fun!" that more or less." She once again imitates a child-like squeal.

"I get an image of what he said..." Dennis wonders on his breath.

"So he snored out like "If there is conflict in a matter, analyze as my perspective of it until you get the one you can gulp without hesitation" to me. I kinda remained dumbfounded and stared at his eyes with utter confusion ever."

"Weren't you in grade school at the time? If that's the case, it would be meaningless until you find it."

"I know, right? But now I look at it, I like what I can do now, so won't you follow?"

"I don't know...yet. Maybe...or may-just maybe."

" are trapped in the almost identical state. You are really hopeless." (Why is he supposed to be honest about his decision to me?)

"Huh? Give me some time to adjust...I need the right mindset for it. Let me arouse my consciousness..." Dennis meditates his breathing and create jerks in exhalation.

The room among them felt silent for once again after the while. The door for the library wasn't far enough from the sight and with long steps; it's just an arm length away. With a zipping current flowing across the arm, Annette opens the door and they find themselves in front of a 'book-utopia' or something along the lines.


The library which the Arc e' Dome holds, is filled with everything one want to grab. Not only the history or course related ones, but also novels of variable genre to psychological books for every social and economical unit. That's why no one is ever going to hate this mega dumpster of millions of books; or what the students say.

Scanning the library starting from the left corner all the way to the right one, Dennis slowly steps in with his tongue barely sticking out and both his lips pressing the tongue muscle.

The library has its own charms; on scrutinizing the interior, it is somewhat ancient-wisely prepared with intense detailing of the Indian-style carvings which gives a breathtaking appeal to the admirers. The fissures running down and across the human-like carvings makes the spine crawl and the great pleasure feeds the guileless artists. When the gaze reaches the corner part, the lips of the watchers end up folding without any sign of retracing. The corners inhabit the faces of different archeologists that probably inspired the old building's origin. They really exalt the lives of the dearest professors and somehow look like they eloquent heartfelt blessings are protruding, accompanied by a lullaby. Talking about the main unit, the books which are held by the massively loaded dark wood framed shelves that are boarder by thin gold painted curvy lines driven continuously and later were branched together forming checks in order to glorify the boarder a picometer more. A series of doorways leading to an uncalled way occupied the slight plain walls and the frameworks they enjoyed were matched with the highly defined walls. A stone hedge guards the shelves from front and also serves as a base for stacking books. The chairs with chunky woodwork surround a number of lecterns made up of same brassy wood.

Annette walks straight to the open desk where rests another student lazing out like the world has ended. With one hand holding a palm length book, she relaxed there having some late night snacks. Her glasses shine upon noticing someone blocking the scene in front of her.

"Suuuuupppp….! Take a seat." The girl lazed with her tone.

"Sup, Jadelyn! You must be completely dashed out working your ass off all the day, isn't it?" Annette sarcastically comments on the girl's behavior.

The girl with such a lazy life is Jadelyn Keatley, the assistant librarian who just completely disappears from the world when she grabs any kind of book from anywhere; it isn't always supposed to be the library. Her lazy and bored characteristics often repel others but there are few exceptions. Annette, even though do not entertain herself with that kind of aura, she still respects Jadelyn to a great extent. And that is because of the strong determination living inside her lazy and bored manoeuvre. When she motivates herself to prove her point of view, she unleashes her complete potential. She only gets excited when she is dangerously sure that she is in the right.

Jadelyn is a complete book worm who hides her vague dark circles with the pair of red glasses who accompany her in everyday routine. Her face's minor nose region is occupied by fading freckles which indeed cutesy-fy a little bit too much. With her long brown hair brushing against the face and tied atop, bursting like a volcanic trauma, she straightens her position in order to match her head length with the end of the blonde hair of Annette.

Annette grins at her with a greeting hands up. Jadelyn manages to reply her by penetrating her blood to lift her arm just by a palm size.

"Need a book? Perhaps a bunch of them, is it?"

"Um…we don't actually need any book per se, but we do require a…ahem…what was it Dennis?"

"Ah…um…it was something geek jewel-"

"Ah yes we need a manuscript called geek jewel. I believe it recites in the archives."

Her niche didn't made her act, she acknowledges what's enough for her and calls out quicker than her lazed moan. "Sure I guess, but I can only guarantee you fifteen minutes to find it. Here's the key and begin the quest."

"How rude Jadelyn, shouldn't you offer your hand as being the assistant librarian, a part of the sacred library of wisdom? Sneak!"

"Gah Gah! The holy wisdom palace only lets its knights serve when the title is in threat or the calamity clouds drain upon, ouch." Jadelyn puffs out her chest in victory which made her back to crack.

"Alert mademoiselle! The old hag of this place will surely shoot three of us down as the matter of time strikes and the holy wisdom palace will lose it's one and only custodian."

"Eek...! Slow down okay, fine you got the points and now hurry up the thing; hey Dennis, take this and unlock the door."

"Oh okay…hgh!"

Jadelyn accepts defeat and shoves the key onto Dennis which he caught in a flinch. He runs away and slams his feet on the floor in front of the archive door. Snuggling the key into the keyhole, he twists his wrist steadily and sighed when heard a certain click sound. The girls hopped their way to the door and Dennis simultaneously pushed the door open and the room greets them with a dusty and paper-ish smell. Annette pushes herself as well as the other two welcoming them into the dusty room; in return, they greet the room with a funny sneeze.

"Jeez, what have you being doing all this time Jadelyn? The room's making me sick."

"Jams..., take out your handkerchiefs and wrap it around your face! Is fifteen minutes even enough for you?"

"Um…I probably should look in the upper slabs; you both can go for the corners." A hesitant Dennis supports his plan with stuttered words. Both the girls gazed into his direction.

"He-he, don't be a chicken when ordering to two ladies! You aren't compatible to be a man I suppose." Jadelyn toys with Dennis with her whiskers coming to light.

"Stop absorbing the time with chatty sponge! Dennis, hand over me the cardboard boxes and I will search among the articles."

"Okay, here you go!" Dennis presents Annette with air deprived smelly card board boxes. She smudges her face with revulsion, then attacks the box with lose grip which is reverted back upon pushing herself.


Seven and a half minutes passes without any lead to success and the clock outside roared at their faces with its pointy sharp hands ticking like crazy.

"Aeek!!" The secret search of them juggles by a sudden cramp hitting Jadelyn's back, shivering she bears the light pain without any squeal but unfortunately, her body responded in regards of her voice box. Her rigid lower body hits the stacked cartons behind her which launches the lighter boxes up in the mid air just about to attack the defenseless Dennis on the nape of his neck. The poor soul squeezes his eyes at the dark rack and mediated his mind at it, forming a bare shell offering a great subject of target for the projectile hovering between the air resistances.

"Hey watch out Dennis!" Jadelyn tries to lift his guard.

"Huh? Ayah…!" Regardless, the boxes succeed and he stumbles upon the metallic rack but manages to block his head from striking the rusty metal. His arms crossed shielding his head and the fall plan of the boxes failed.

"What the heck? Why-how they got on me?" Dennis with disfigured morphology cries which grabs Annette's attention, who was fairly distant from the scene.

"What's happening? Found the manuscript?" Shouts Annette making her way along the dusty road.

Dennis appears to be fainted but his backbone jumps up from the ground steadily as Annette misguidedly stubs her toe against his widely spread legs, while he manages to get up and she barely collapses among the projected boxes.

"The heck is happening? Is it a comedy drama sketch?" Annette shouts in the clouded room of dust piercing through the atmosphere.

"Sorry, I am the one to blame. Since no one reached any pitiful stage, let's wrap the tights up and continue this in the morning. The light's being weak lately and we already lost the natural light to begin with. Achoo!!"

With grief in eyes, Dennis hovers his gaze around the shallow dark passage while being laying on the articles like a turtle with his arms wide apart and glasses tossed diagonally on his face. His back relaxes the moment his gaze stations itself. He shoots his flat arm in the mist of darkness under the rack he is facing since the fall down.

"Nothing to worry about, and thanks to your clumsiness, the manuscript summoned itself beside my face while I were knocked down. Here it is!" Dennis pulls the zipper of the errand.

"Good work Denny boy!" Annette cries in relief.

"Yeah…wait what? What's all about that nickname?"

"Huh? (Flustering) I said something odd? I can't figure out my words at the moment. I should have said something summed from my tiredness. Let's get going."

(They seem to get along pretty well I guess. Ack! My back!) Jadelyn murmurs under her breath.

As the trio prepares to leave the archive room, Annette's attention is grabbed by an underlying box with owner's name written on the plane in the sight of her. It stands, Orahamm Marshal who is better understandable as the late professor of the old building and one of the founding members and also the late grandfather of Annette who unites with a belonging of her grandpa. Hesitantly, she picks it up and holds with firm but sweating and dusty hands and leaves the room with it. Dennis turns back in order to lock the room and gets disturbed with the box randomly appear in Annette's hands.

"What's this? Were you looking for something too at the same time?" Dennis questions which also catches Jadelyn's attention and forces her to turn at them. She smudges her reactions together in a pout.

"Not actually, but this called out for me so I picked it up without a second thought."

"Is something special in it? Hmm...?" Jadelyn asks smugly.

"Dunno, but it has my grandpa's name on it so I got curious if you understand why…anyway I am taking this with me to my room if it's allowed?"

"If you want to, then hurry up before the old hag shows up with her creepy grey kelps growing on her hair, he-he."

"Is that so? Then I shall depart with this….don't worry I will share its content with you sometime. I really hyped about it."

"Then you are a fireball right now, isn't it?" Dennis delivers a stupid joke which wasn't appreciated at all. "Um…let's….move on, shall we?"

"Okay, see ya Jadelyn. And sleep well for those muscles at least."

"Gah….sure-sure mumsy flower Annette!" With the final message, both Annette and Dennis depart for their respected dorms in opposite directions. Behind them, Jadelyn picks up the book from the front desk and teleports it at its home place. Stretching her bones and the body warms her muscles and gives a spark to move. Locking the huge doors of the library, she kisses goodbye to her beloved place and promises to meet at the dawn.

The night slowly devours the state and humans shut them from the horror of the night's chilly breaths. The curtains shush the windows and the light is shushed by the dreamy sleeps.

Morning arrives along with the sun, paying their greetings to the dead tired stars who remained woke up the whole night just to look out for the timid and broken souls wandering in and out and breaking down on seeing the ones they once saw, felt, talked, hugged and loved. Everything was red without any single trace of blood. Tears are in the same boat as blood, they aren't red but appears when one is hurt and broken and do leave the person all red at the site of external wound. It's ironic that red is a colour which is a representation for love also aggravates it.


Prior to morning routine, Connor suits up the earliest and admires his reflection with the bravado in his shiny green half-Irish eyes and brawls with his own hair for the most prolonged time period. In forging the morning routine, Connor, with no possible doubts is definitely the title-holder. His shoulders support the wavy long peach-dyed hair which he ties with a dust black rubber band. An old self of his once used to be a manky preteen who ran around the place with his silver drawn strands and triangular face, throwing away the neighborhood buds and had a primitive level of hygiene. Talking about now, the best house husband one could rarely have their hands on is our Connor, obviously below Robin in the generation. If he hides something from his peers and of course from everyone is his emotional sensitivity, yes a guy as cheerful and lively is really weak from inside with the most fragility one can imagine. The more in depth people fall, the more they behave like elasticity phenomenon. Knocking some sense to it, their cheerfulness acts as the elastic region, and exceeding that and entering the yield limit makes them just a temporary durable shell; and to find a living example is not much of a chore.

Diffusing the overflowing charisma, his matutinal march to the study building commenced. A light thud sound marked his past steps and the micro-drools on his lips submerged his breath in a packed vapour spit-like breath. His eyes shone and every past flower bed carved his nostrils. This day will as usual, will turn out to be burdensome and hefty working is going to kill his pastimes.

The environment is sounded with shriveling students who are either rest deprived or are enthusiastic as yesterday self. Unfortunately, their shearing strength has to wait till the lectures are effectively digested till the noon.

Connor's whiskers synchronized with the sudden groan regulated in a sprint towards him and groped his attention clustering his hum-sounded walk. His neck shifts from its position along with the shoulder muscles and the measurements his eyes took broke him into a cold sweat; in his field of view appear a wild assistant librarian Jadelyn, casually waddling at him with a sharp look on her freckly face. Connor's body thundered and his anxiety felt like it was all over the place, his body festered right at the place.

A complex aura of sadism emerges from Jadelyn in Connor's perspective and he forms a defensive build in order to counter the deliveries of her. Jadelyn freezes at a favorable distance and poked out her lips and tilted her head in confusion and blinks as if asking for the testimony. Connor jerks his muscles in form of an answer and grins with sourness at her, sticks his thumb out, his feet takes a step back and suddenly to front in a sense of grabbing the second thought.

"Sup', what's up to?" Connor greeted breaking the stress.

"Fine here…but you seem troubled, watcha' thing?" Jadelyn confirms her suspicion.

Connor pampers a reason but his cooked visible hesitation strikes back at his bones shriveling on the faces of onlookers. Jadelyn throws her neck to the polar direction with another blow of a pout and soon sets the alarms by raising her eyebrow. Her eyes narrows in annoyance and her muscles play an offensive role in snapping Connor out of his catalepsy.

"See, I already smelled the reason of your vibe so you are debarred from this dramatic arrogance. Connor, you dummy, you shouldn't make my look like some mobster on your throat."

Jadelyn tries to put Connor at ease but her mood continues to swing. Her wrinkles became finer. Apparently, Jadelyn appeared pissed off on Connor's face due a certain slaking in her personal shenanigans and gave Connor a cold shoulder which he took as obnoxious of her. He is quite scared of angry women.

"Aye aye!! What's with this sudden angelic response, and are you sure?" Connor jerks his body with sudden shock which mobilizes his satchel in air but he manages to rule over it.

"Hmm?" Jadelyn vaguely gives any response as if pretending to not to pay any more attention to his deeds.

Connor senses a feel of sarcastic rejection from her and inhales heavily to negotiate.

"Please! I still haven't gone through those pages and couldn't make myself to return any soon. Hey! Don't show that smudgy look."

"Okay, okay moron, jump back onto your limbs and just move damn it!" Jadelyn pampers Connor with extreme dissatisfaction. Connor aligns himself with Jadelyn takes a single step forward.

"And what's the reason? You haven't fed me with one yet."

"Nothing it's just, that I am worn out."

"That's news to me!" Connor's sarcasm puts Jadelyn off.

"Now why aren't you moving, are you seventy or something?" Jadelyn stays at her old grounds. It suddenly lightens Connor's mood and gives a creepy grin which she completely misses.

"Ha ha no way I am older than you miss lethargic in eighties', your library calls for you." They finally move towards the corridor gateway with both the parties showing parallel temper.

"Well, you know uh…Gah-" Connor trips on his words as his body encounters a foreign blow. His nauseated movement caught Jadelyn off guard and forces her to turn back to see the cause. There stood none other than Eddie and Robin duo who caught their position while being on their own tour to the college grounds. Eddie guffawed at Connor's pale face and Robin waves a greeting to Jadelyn and beamed at her.

Eddie jolts Connor by swinging his arm around his neck firmly, "Ha ha birch', you are so clumsy, don'tchya'?"

"Give me a sec, you blew me out of nowhere, and now yanked me will I was reverting back!" Connor remarked Eddie's comment. Robin moves towards Jadelyn to enjoy the show from her perspective.

"He is rather zealous for everyday, ain't he?" Jadelyn opt about Eddie to Robin who soon stood blandly near her and zoned out. He snaps out of it when Jadelyn's voice echoed in his mind.

"Huh? Oh yes, perhaps it's due to my care. I am like a mother to him or something."

"Eh…why that sounded unholy to me, sorry for that; and what was that drooling all about? What sadistic feeling have you sealed? That's creepy!" Jadelyn seemed disappointed with him losing consciousness over a mere friend's play.

"So anyway, what were you too ranting about earlier? Fill me in!" Eddie idiolect his question which was sound and clear and can't be avoided.

Connor sighs while hiding it and looks at Jadelyn with his special puppy eyes saved for times like this. Eddie's attack can't be deflected and no choice appears in front of them.

Eddie couldn't quite understand the shared vibe manifested by both of them, and turns to Robin for support. Robin sensed the situation of both the parties and tried to conclude a final decision.

(Even though Eddie's questioning is supposedly irrefutable, turning onto others without being considerate about their point of view to the problems seem too reckless to me, and they might not accept that straightforwardness. It's feeling like a kukri on my neck I can only move forward.-Oh yes! This might work! Kudos to my intellect!)

"Hey Eddie, why you appear to be interested in their personal funny business? You seem nowhere near the type who would show keen eyes in love affairs?" Robin attacks with a 360 degree roundabout attack which caught all of them off guard.

"Gwah!? What's that suppose to mean Goblin?" Connor infuriates with embarrassment at Robin.

"'Robin'" Correcting his name, he gives a complete normally made irate face. Connor smudges a question mark face in response to that.

"You don't need to correct me, I said the right thing." Connor asserted. This ample statement goes for an ego-shield that deflects Robin from his solitude resolution and traps him amidst of being full of himself and this soon turns over into a dispute between the two.

Eddie stood clueless, running his gaze around the three of them and at an instance his met with Jadelyn's, who stood out the weirdest one among them. Eddie's expression exploded upon seeing her reaction to the drama and when she realized that she is caught, immediately rubs of the unsteady behavior. The other two couldn't witness what Eddie did. He decided to remain quiet about it but is again reminded by the threatening look Jadelyn gave him without reading his mindset. The awkwardness between them remained untouched.

On the other hand, Robin and Connor made a cluster of the situation and this grasped the attention of by passers. The dispute abruptly stopped when Jadelyn couldn't take it anymore and jumper between them.

"Damn it, that enough! It's not like that or anything!"

"Huh? It isn't?" Robin fledges to his resolution and exits the brawl spontaneously.

To completely annihilate the passage of their curiousity, Jadelyn projects her greatest weapon of the ages, her deadly glare that can strikethrough glass without any shard remaining visible, just lost and merge with the air composition.

As the success shouted, both of them froze along with Connor and clearly showed sign of sorry. The ice melts, the thinner layer jolts Connor's voice to cover up for the mess.

"Well, it's just that Jade just got herself a new ally, a pretty potted plant. We were just...about what fortune it would bring?"

Jadelyn gets a hold of the lie and follows Connor.

Robin analyzed the answer and tapped his shoulder to congratulate him in cracking into the core without any crack marks. Now it's time for him to melt the situation further.

Robin places his thumb and index finger onto his chin and gently rubs. "I see, the root is just the whole bark and trunk here! I feel that, I feel that."

Connor tilts his as if saying (Am I this dumb to not get anything what is superficial? Why am I so good, good for nothing?)

"Huh…hey was that supposed to be a joke? How slick!" Eddie operates his mind to fetch out the meaning behind Robin's philosophy.

"Exactly Ed, but this joke is slow and takes time to grow on others. Just leaf it aside."

"O…more of it, you sure are smooth-handed."

"He he!"

"Argh…shut those tongues! And from where these tree jokes came from?"

"You don't understand Jade, every last plant on earth is one of a kind. All are comprised of an eternal tree of life as one of the twigs of it."

"Give me a break!"

Taking the trivial conversation with them, they enter the hall crowded with their alike. The daggers on the backs of the volunteers melted completely in the span of the night and the dreams they saw assisted them to work more diligently for the following work.

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