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Chapter 13: Deals Conclude

Kye found himself in front of the room Amatiya and her daughters were staying in. He was there to receive the answer to his earlier proposition. Kye softly knocked on the door,

"Come in." Came the clear and gentle sounding voice from inside. Kye gently opened the door to see Amatiya and her daughters sitting around the small table in the living portion of the guest room having tea.

"Ah, Kye. What a pleasant surprise. We were actually just talking about you."

"Oh? Good things I hope."

"Haha, of course, there is little bad to talk about." Kye gave a small smile.

"Now that I do find hard to believe, I'm very far from perfect." Lilly and Sylvia had made room in between them for Kye to sit down by shuffling along the couch away from one another. To many, this would seem innocuous but in high-pressure social situations, this was an unspoken challenge. To be flanked by allies of the party you're going into a mental battle with was hard on the untrained mind who wasn't used to diplomatic situations. Kye had not experienced this particular technique much before but he recognised the challenge. He looked at Amatiya and she continued to sip her tea but looked up to meet his eyes as she did so. They locked stares before she gave a faint smile. Kye sighed out loud.

"So it appears you have amendments to the deal I have given you then?"

"Indeed, there are parts I'm merely curious about but others I'm just not happy with as a merchant. I trust we can work these out so that we can make this partnership a long and fruitful one then?" Kye sat down.

"Of course, I can answer any questions you might have, but I'm pretty set on my terms, there isn't a lot of room to move in unless you'd like me to go elsewhere that won't ask nearly as many questions."

"Why do you not have much room for negotiations?"

"I would like my plans to be as simple as I can make them for now until I'm ready to reveal a certain idea to the world. This foundation step is the most critical part of my plan so I need to ensure things go smoothly. This subsidiary plan is the way forward for my plans so they need to happen with those conditions, no negotiating. If the Klein household is unwilling to put out for exclusivity on certain Weavetech products, other houses will."

"This would be much easier to agree to if I had some idea what you were hiding. If you could at least prove it isn't going to hurt my house in the long run we could come to an agreement on the issue."

Kye sat in thought with his hands pressed against his lips. He shook his right leg up and down rapidly which was something he did often when in deep thought or stressed about something. Amatiya knew he was under pressure to show something about this secret project Kye had and felt sorry for him from the perspective of a family member but her duty was to her house. If Kye's secret plan had the chance of bringing damage to the Klein house then she would have to decline, no matter how profitable Weavetech could prove.

The inside of Kye's head was a turmoil of thoughts. While he could reveal the Weavetech generator to Amatiya now, the consequences to the blacksite and future tests of the technology could be enormous. Amatiya could likely keep the information a secret but Kye knew that he would be making enemies with merchant houses that had been cut out by the Klein house. While they may not do anything, the more likely course of action would be to attempt to make their own Spellweave crystals and make their own machines to run off their bootleg crystals. This wouldn't matter as Kye's crystals would be leagues ahead of whatever they devised but the safety of these crystals might lead to countless deaths because of improper experimentation and utilisation. Ultimately, Kye wasn't willing to risk it even if it meant this deal fell through, he wouldn't break his own moral code just to speed up the process. Kye gave Amatiya a cold stare.

"If those are your terms then I'm afraid we can't come to a deal, I'll look elsewhere." Kye stood up but his arm was grabbed by Lilly. Kye had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Lilly using her mind-reading skill on him.

"Wait. Mother, you can trust Kye's plans won't bring harm to the Klein household."

Kye was shocked to see Lilly stand on Kye's side in this matter just as much as Amatiya was.

"How can you say that Lilly?"

"I saw what Kye had envisioned for his technology and also the repercussions he imagined if his plans ever leaked out before they were ready. Even I, having seen his thoughts and the logic behind his reasoning, am still in awe of what destruction might be caused if things go wrong. You have to accept this deal as it stands Mother, the cost of you knowing or even of this deal going to another house is too high."

Amatiya flicked her gaze from Lilly to Kye. He stood there with a grave expression on his face as he listened to Lilly's words. He knew that if his technology was not handled with the utmost care in this phase of development, the body count could never be made up for by the advancements it would bring about.

"If what you're doing is so dangerous, why haven't you stopped it yet? Why continue down a path in which many could die if things go wrong?" Kye steeled himself before answering.

"Because the good I can bring into this world if I do this right is worth the risk. If my plans go right, I would improve this world for all sentient beings. I believe that despite the risk this technology could bring so much good! I'm not a fool, though, I understand that this technology in other hands could cause widespread devastation. Even now, I have made weapons of this technology but I am not doing this for power nor greed!" Kye was breathing heavily as he unleashed this tirade of words on the three in the room with him. His passion was overwhelming and they found themselves listening with rapt attention as he continued espousing his ideals.

"This deal, the weapons all of it is for the greater plan. If I could bring about this change without these things I would but alas, there are powers in this world that would rather us not prosper. The other kingdoms have long since been ahead of us in the fields of machinery and magic and will attempt to take this for themselves but I will not allow it! I created Spellweave to increase the standard of living for every person in this kingdom yet everyone seems hellbent on trying to stop progress!"

Although it wasn't their fault, Kye had gotten worked up as he remembered things from his past life. The countless arguments he had with colleagues at The Tower of Magos sprang to mind. To them, magic was something they used to stay on top of the social hierarchy, something that Kye, who came from such an impoverished and war-torn area despised. If they could help those in need yet did nothing but look out for their self-interests, did that not make them just as, if not worse, than those that forced this on those less fortunate? What all these talks and concessions to a plan he devised simply to bring about greater prosperity to his own people riled Kye to no end.

"Why do people insist on trying to stop me when I'm just trying to help them! They act as if I am exactly like them, always scheming something to further my own goals but my goal is to help them! I am NOT like the rest of those ballroom backstabbing bastards!"

What wasn't known to Kye was that Alicia and Layla were standing in the now open doorway to the room after they had heard Kye's shouting. They had caught most of his speech and were just as shocked as Amatiya and her daughters. They had never seen Kye angry, just indifferent to things. Never frustrated when something he tried failed, they assumed he was just more level-headed than most and could put failure behind him but it appeared they were wrong. Kye had the patience for machines and tools, they only did what you told them to do. Humans were, ultimately, Kye's one greatest weakness. He hadn't had the social experience many normal people had, so while he was decent enough at navigating things like negotiations or even just small talk, the empathy and understanding he had towards others were very little.

Kye realised he was now angry and took a few deep breaths. he had to calm himself down and apologise for his outburst. They were not the cause for his grievances so they didn't deserve this harsh language. Kye looked at Amatiya who was now just silently staring at Kye as if she could see right through him. Kye bowed his head deeply at them.

"I apologise for my outburst. It wasn't directed at you just... reminded me of some unpleasant memories of people I would rather forget. Once again, my deepest apologies." Kye turned to leave but before he could, Amatiya spoke up.

"Wait." Kye turned around to see Amatiya now standing. "While I may not know what it is your plan involves, your emotions right then were very raw Kye. it is clear to me that you intend to help people but you also realise that changes like these are often not gentle. It's that foresight that elevates what you just said from idealism into something much greater and more attractive for a merchant house such as mine. I will agree to your terms, exactly as you told them to me a few days ago. There is just one condition, however." Amatiya's face shifted from that of a merchant into one of a mother. "Please try and feel comfortable confiding in someone whom you trust. Whatever emotions you are bottling up inside of you will turn to poison if not dealt with properly."

Kye bowed his head in gratitude.

"I promise I will try. Thank you for going along with my selfishness."

Amatiya stuck her hand out.

"Then, to the future you wish to create." Kye shook her hand.

"No. To the future that we will create."

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