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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Arlo vs Adam.

At the main hospital of the school the special ability doctors were tending to Arlo and some distance away was Sterling leaning against the wall with his hands crossed watching them do their job, without even needing to be informed by them he could feel how extremely weak his aura was and it the same time still just as powerful like there was nothing wrong with him in the first place.

Another detail was brought to his attention and that was the black shiny arrow headed tail the boy, it was quite an anomaly indeed. Plus his hair, was that dye cause he really was loving the look of silver on gold. Those silver tips are what was sealing the deal for him, at least his new student had a cool taste also. He looked at the boys right hand which had some blood on it, it didn't look to be his as there was no injury present so it definitely was from someone else.

They tried to put a needle in him to draw blood but the doctor only flinched when he felt a hard pinch and looked at his arm, the staff around him looked at him "is something wrong" one asked. He nod his head and tried again but flinched again "ow" he exclaimed and this time everyone had weird looks in their eyes, **//is something wrong with him today//** they all thought simultaneously.

"He's reversing your attack onto you" Sterling spoke after noticing what was going on and came forward.

"Attack?" a nurse asked but then she and everyone else looked at him again and finally understood what was going on and why the doctor flinched "so that's his passive huh"the doc said as he dropped the syringe and Sterling nod his head "this is a bit troublesome, also your arm's bleeding doc" he informed and the doc looked to see a 2centimeter wide hole in his arm with his blood dripping over.

His mind was made aware of the pain now and he hissed but luckily there was healer in the room with him so she came and placed her hand over the wound to heal it, Sterling had a look of interest in his eyes. It seems he doesn't just return damage but amplifies it also, he wondered what would happen if someone actually shot him with a gun. A fired bullet is something disconnected from the gun itself so who actually would the damage be returned to, or is his reversal ability something so strong it could still actually reverse the damage to the one who fired the bullet itself.

If it truly was able to have such sentient like selection then it truly was something terrifying, he would have to test what an automatic gun would be able to do since it's unmanned. But this is if he finds out the first scenario does indeed not make anyone safe from his ability.

"Are you okay sir" a staff asked Sterling as he had standing there looking on for quite a bit. Sterling broke out of his thoughts as he looked up "hm? Oh yeah was thinking about something, anyways-- he froze as he saw Arlo's eyes open and stare right at him but then break contact as he looked at everyone else in the room and they had looks of relief on their faces seeing him awake.

The doc spoke first "I'm sorry if you're a bit confused but you were--" he didn't even get to finish his words before Arlo just went ablaze by his aura catching everyone off guard as they thought he felt threatened by something but he suddenly turned it off making them immediately sigh with relief.

The Doc wanted to say something again but Arlo had sat up and dropped down from the bed as he walked away from them, "Wait you can't- the Doc and everyone had a look of surprise when Sterling now suddenly appeared before Arlo blocking his path. The two locked gazes with each other and a bit of annoyance appeared in both their eyes "look kid you need-


"What?" Sterling exclaimed a bit looking at Arlo

"Move" Arlo said in an extremely calm and low tone.

*/This fucking kid/* Sterling's brow twitched in annoyance but then he took in a deep breath and then breathed out "let's start over again, something's clearly happened to you for you to be here right now. I'm just asking you to wait a little so we figure out what knocked you out in the first place" Sterling proposed hoping the kid will listen this time, the Doc chipped in a word too telling him that he may possibly be injured internally and in need of serious attention if so.

Sterling looked at Arlo with eagle like eyes, his extremely powerful senses could see it. The ever so slight trembling going on with him, the tiny bits of sweat that were forming on his forehead and his extremely fast heartbeat, something really is wrong here. What could have caused the kid to become like this, he was clearly in pain and was hiding it but what exactly could have hurt him. He's already confirmed the power of his defenses so he's clearly no glass cannon, he thought back to the thing that burst out of the front door when he came to meet the kid.

Arlo's demeanor suddenly underwent a change in the presence of everyone, it just became cold and unreadable and it was so obvious the change that just happened. Sterling could feel his heartbeat return to normal and the little spasms stop.. "I'm not in need of any attention, i was the one who made me like this during a bit of training" his tone was calm and undecipherable.

They all had raised eyebrows and Sterling's gaze became more focused "how exactly did you do this to yourself" he asked, the boy was clearly lying right now.

Arlo's eyes glowed as he looked up at him then lift his palm as he summoned a small golden orb then levitated towards him "crack it" he commanded. Sterling raised a brow and took the orb in-between his fingers then applied an insane amount of strength, a crack resounded in the room and Arlo bent a little forward but steadied himself as he wiped the small line of blood from his lips.

Sterling finally understood what he meant, "rebound damage" he said loud enough for everyone to hear and they too understood, Arlo de-summoned the orb and nod his head "yes, today was the first time my defenses were cracked and i experienced pain so it affected me a little bit more than it should have" he said. And he technically hasn't lied yet, about the first part at least. Today was indeed the first day his barrier was cracked, and by none other than Sterling himself.

Sterling nod his head "i see, well it seems it was nothing after all. But you sure are a drama queen kid" then he moved out of the way "you can go now kid, I still have business with you but I'll come later". Arlo raised a brow but didn't bother to think any further and just left, Sterling turned to the Doc "well goodbye Doc" he turned around to leave also.

The Doc sighed, what a weird way to start his day indeed. He dismissed the others to do whatever they wanted and just went to another ward where a different boy lay, he picked up the already prepared daily report and checked it, nodding his head in satisfaction as he read it. Then he dropped it back down and looked at the boy who had awoken.."how are you feeling Holden" he asked.

Holden smiled and placed his hand before his face, squeezing it repeatedly as he was feeling a little stiff "I'm completely recovered now Doc, i thank you and the healers for taking care of me" he picked himself up the bed and sat with his leg out.

The Doc smiled "you don't have any reason to thank us, were just doing our jobs obviously haha" he cracked a small laugh at the end and Holden just smiled, the Doc smiled with him also and put his hand into pockets of his jacket "I'll leave you be now Holden, you're free to leave at any moment you want. You've also missed a bit of school you know" he told him.

Holden nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "Yeahhh, i figured, but I'll catch up with what i missed eventually" he stretched his arms once again and the Doc nod his head "that's good, take care Holden" he turned to leave and Holden returned a goodbye also then the Doc was out of the ward leaving Holden as himself.

He sighed and slumped back down onto the bed with one arm over his eyes as memories of his last fight and the phantom feeling of the flames on his skin came rushing in to the front of his mind, he groaned and dragged his hand over his face then turned as he shook his head a little and stood up, deciding to get going now. He met some staffs on the way out but since he they were just minor staffs he didn't know, Holden Just kept to himself and walked out of the building heading straight for the boys dorm....

[Three hours ago before the incident]

Arlo had woken up pretty early in the morning for some reason, it wasn't like him at all to be up this early but since there really wasn't any problem at all he accepted it and decided to check his body. Everything looked good, he activated his ability and manifested a small golden flaming orb atop his palm, he nod his head as his power and control didn't seem to have been affected one bit.

There was still a lingering feeling of weakness and fragility in his body but he understood the reason, he had passed off a really huge amount of life force and had no idea just how much he has left. It really was a problem now. He's not an immortal being anymore and mortals don't regenerate life force, only lose life force as they age.

Perhaps he may possibly be alive for 20+ years more and although he's still a demon/god in essence, the true aspect of immortality/divinity is no longer present with him, he can regain it obviously but that would be undoing everything he's already worked for.

Arlo checked his aura again and frowned, if there ever was a time where he could have been called weak it would be now. His Power LVL and aura strength was the same as before but it just felt so weak at the same time, his aura really was responding to his life force. In essence right now he practically should be the equivalent of an 70+ year old man in terms of life force but his body still carries the visual vitality of a kid. He felt some weakness come over him and a slight tremble in his body, it seems the crisis really wasn't averted yet. His body is going to get confused cause he messed up the time and speed of a natural process like aging, it's practically going to be stuck between deciding if he's a kid or something else and this would cause some problems.

For the first time in his life Arlo felt like he had to be careful, his naturally carefree and lazy state would have to be managed lest he does more damage to himself with this behavior, he could already predict his future stamina issues when fighting. Probably due to how heavy and unbalanced his ability would feel to use right now, but if he fights with his passive state then this problem is drastically reduced.

He slumped back onto the bed and sighed, it's not like he could actually retract the soul energy he gave Venus, it could and would be very dangerous for her. Even if he could and decided to take it back it then failed leading to immense harm, it would soil the possible relationship he wanted from both Venus and Aria. "Damn, so many problems that comes with denouncing nearly all of my divinity and power, but i guess I caused this for myself so i can't really blame anyone now huh" was his last words to himself before his eyes begun closing and he fell asleep again....

Two hours plus later into his sleep again something happened, unbeknownst to Arlo whom had still carelessly left his door unlocked before, a knock resounded but he was too far deep in his sleep to hear. The door knob was turned and the door opened slightly for a bit then fully after as the blonde haired figure callled Adam stepped into Arlo's room, abusing his status ad king and not caring about what he just did. And Arlo even in this state of his now still wasn't prepared to let go of his carefree and unguarded self, but he truly wasn't to be blamed this time, it wasn't especially easy letting go of a habit, let alone after it becomes and IS second nature to you.

Adam looked down at the sleeping Arlo with extremely cold eyes, there was no way he was believing that this kid was that powerful and he would prove it. He had concluded deep in his mind that Dawn was deliberately deceiving him probably just to protect the kid, he must still be extremely important for Dawn to go this far for him. But even then he won't allow Dawn to lie and deceive everyone like this, it goes against order. If Adam himself was listening to his own words he would find the deep hypocrisy in them, he wasn't doing this for the sake of anyone but himself and he knew this. It was so he could secure his own confidence and pride, nothing else mattered to him, hence the grave mistake he just committed.

Suddenly Arlo's eyes sprung open which surprised Adam as he instinctively took a step back, but then Arlo hurriedly got up from his bed and walked into the bathroom as he coughed something up and fell to his knees. His breathing turned into a heavy pant and he looked at the floor which was stained with his blood, this really wasn't good at all, he may have possibly still underestimate the damage he's done to himself. He coated his arm in a golden flames and burnt his blood away to nothing without harming anything else, but somehow doing this action made it seem as if he wanted to pass out but he steadied himself and held his head groaning as he turned around and stepped outside the bathroom.

Taking a step outside he looked up and paused looking at the figure before him, Adam looked down at Arlo with an unbothered gaze but he still was curious about why Arlo looked to be so out of breath for some reason "what's wrong with you" he asked.

"Why are you in my room" Arlo asked not bothering to answer Adam's question, Adam frowned as he heard the tone used in asking that question "do you think you have a right to be angry at me" he asked Arlo but he didn't respond. Instead after he stood looking at him for some time his eyes suddenly glowed as his aura flamed around him which surprised Adam greatly when he saw this, but something was different. He didn't even get a chance to finish his thought before Arlo appeared right before him in mid air, he reacted to this and activated his ability on instinct but it wasn't enough as Arlo gave him the mightiest backhand slap he ever felt in his life, bursting his tooth out his mouth.

He became a human cannon ball as he burst through walls and out the front of the building causing massive surprise to people present but all they saw was something move out at high speeds and continuing on for nearly a kilometer and crashing hard into a tree, breaking it on impact and then rolling heavily on the dirt with a bounce until he came to a stop, some dust rising off into the air from the point of impact.

Far back at the building Arlo's aura raged and spread every where disrupting everyone's senses as they looked up to see a small figure with a flaming golden Aura around him and a black tail swaying behind him. Arlo's gaze went down to the crowd below, his breathing incredibly heavy and his vision was getting blurry by the second. He couldn't hold on anymore and just fell unconscious, his aura deactivating as he dropped down to the ground. Or so was what would have happened if someone didn't catch him first surprising the on-lookers once again as the red haired man took the boy away from the scene.....


Arlo avoided going back to the dorm now and instead went to the green plains to lay down and rest his head, he exhaled deeply and place a hand on his chest. He had to find a way to fix this, it's not impossible but the methods he would have to use now aren't available to him yet. He would have to wait a bit before he's ready and then he would of course choose a partner for the deed, aura users would be best as they had actual quality energy to give. But he would have to be careful, he's not anything like he once was as a true god incubus with divinity, based on a fine tuned natural instinct alone he should still have some effect on Just how much he can extract without doing damage like he did to himself. Cause once it goes past a particular level, the lost energy can no longer be regenerated and that indeed becomes a problem.

He closed his eyes for a moment wanting to test something and opened them again showing his one time Sharingan, he deactivated it after a few seconds already confirming what he wanted. The usage of Sharingan too was affected, he could already feel some effects on his body. Although a bloodline ability of his it still did take spiritual power to run which is something he can't draw in large amounts as of now, he could manifest it with minimum power since it barely takes anything to maintain but he will indeed get weaker the longer it's on.

Just from manifesting the sharingan alone he's already seeing the world differently as a passive effect, same as when he awakened it that very morning two years ago. In fact, it's effects were much greater now than when he awakened it, his eyes had a big harvest yesterday. He could fuel it's effects by pouring more power into it but that wasn't something to be advised now, Arlo raised his hand to his face seeing it tremble. His body hurt a lot now and breathing was a little fast paced, this will be a constant side effect until he fixes his body again.

He dropped his hands over his eyes and just rest, he knows at some point the one to train him would come, he had to figure out how to manage in this scenario as he would most definitely need his ability for something. Pain would literally have to become a daily part of his life because of this, his threshold is immense so it's not going to be that hard, one thing he would have to manage the most is his stamina.

Luckily his ability manifests on whomever and wherever he wants but now he should be careful manifesting the full thing, he would have to fight with precision and effectiveness whenever he uses his barrier. Perhaps...he manifested a small flaming orb before him and then manipulated it into a flat barrier, then expanded on it's size so it could at least shield the front part of his body. It wasn't a full power barrier as he couldn't pour much power into it but it was enough, he could move it fast enough around him to shield whatever attack hits. Plus he may barely need to use it anyways, his passive durability is more than enough to stop most things in the world from harming him.

Arlo felt his heartbeat begin to speed up a bit and then deactivated his ability and breathed out, it's really a good thing that his ability grants him the luxury of not fighting long battles since he could demolish even a normal 6.0 with just his passive state alone, his ability is only used when it's meant to be overkill. But if he wants to contend with a monstrous 6.0-7.1, his ability is very much needed to come Into play at some point in the fight.

Although he's a 5.6, his passive state grants him a defense equivalent of a 6.0, not strong enough to withstand multiple full power blows from a really strong 6.3 without getting a bit injured. That's where his barrier comes into play, the sturdiness of his barrier far surpasses his own body, he's a high-level with the power to absolutely crush a god-level. But still, even when facing a 6.0 he may never need his barrier at all, there still exists his ability to reflect damage three times greater onto the doer of the attack. No matter the situation, no matter how handicapped he may be, the fact always remains that he's still an absolute cheat ability user and a real pain in the nuts to fight.

"I still have unfinished business don't i" he remembered and got up as he looked at a particular distance away then Vanished from the spot as blades of grass were uprooted from his former position


Sterling had already head back to the principals office and told the old man about the incident with Arlo, Dawn was already aware of this since he kept watch over everyone important. "What was the reason he gave you for the incident" he asked Sterling looking at his hand as he reached into his pocket from pure habit to pull out a cigarette but he stopped himself when he saw Dawn's eyes trained and focused on him.

Sterling cleared his throat "Ahem, yeah the kid said he suffered from rebound damage" he said to Dawn who raised a brow "what do you mean" he asked as he was a little lost here.

: "Oh well, I found out that a side effect of having his barrier break is that he suffers some rebound damage" he explained to Dawn who nod his head in understanding "I see now, but how was his barrier cracked, amongst the students present none has the ability to damage him" he said.

Sterling nod his head in agreement "yeah, but he said he cracked it himself during some experiment of his", Dawn's mouth formed an 'O' as he understood now and leaned back in his chair "but anyways the kid is lying" he said and Sterling agreed "yeah I know, there's an inconsistency with his reason, something...or Someone actually flew out the front walls of the dorm. Rebound damage doesn't cause that, I'm guessing he had a fight with someone and clearly lost his cool hence the reason for the big hole in the dorm. I didn't bother to ask further as I deem it non-important, but still something happened to the kid and it wasn't rebound damage" Sterling concluded finally bringing the cig to his mouth unaware of the action he's doing.

That was until frost started appearing on his hands and the whole room temperature dropped to an unknown degree of coldness and Sterling gulped as he was made aware of his actions.

"You're not smoking in my office Sterling" he said in the most chilling of tones possible and with a non-joking face. Sterling gave a nervous laugh "jeez old man, you're scary" he said flexing his fingers to get rid of the icy feeling in his veins as the frost receded and Dawn's eyes went back to normal.

Dawn's face went back to normal almost immediately "so anyways I think i know who he pummeled out the front side of the dorm building" he said opening his computer to search something.

"Who?" He asked

"Adam" Dawn replied and Sterling raised a brow "Oh, yeah I remember the kid, the one Vincent took under his wing as his successor right" he recounted and Dawn nod his head "yeah that's him, although he may possibly have lost that status now depending on what royal position Arlo takes".

Sterling rubbed his chin "based on what i felt from the kid, he's definitely going the route of King" he guessed and Dawn concurred with him "the possibility that he doesn't is very low, probably 1%. But if by chance he does not go the route of King, the Ace is very much what he would take on next as it's the closest match to his personality after the King role". Sterling agreed with the take and stood as he stretched "anyways hows the schedule coming along old man" he picked his jacket up.

Dawn looked up from his computer "It's already finished, have a look if you want" he pushed a file forward that his assistant had prepared for him minutes before Sterling arrived again. He picked the file up and screened through it at a fast pace then be closed it and nod his head "It's doable, I can work with that" he spoke his thoughts on it.

"It's good you agreed cause I wasn't making another for you again" Dawn said and Sterling chuckled "Well uhhh... actually..." Dawn's gaze raised up looking at Sterling with piercing eyes, daring him to say it, to just finish that statement.

Sterling closed his mouth shut and just turned around "Yeah, it's all good actually no problem at all"he hurriedly walked out the office shutting the door behind him. Dawn heaved a sigh and rubbed his temple while shaking his head, he's too old for this shit....

[Meanwhile at the school building].

At the rooftop sat Adam and in front of him was a lackey of his healing his torn up and shredded face from the damage done to it, he barely had any tooth left in his mouth and looked like a zombie, but thanks to his ability the tooth was slowly recovering.

The poor guy was sweating buckets as he healed him, he was all on his own and then all of a sudden came Adam in with a banged up face telling him to heal it and threatening him to keep his mouth shut about what he's seen. But the dude wasn't exactly scared because of this, he was instead more frightened by who could have damaged Adam like this.

If Adam had gotten into a fight with either the King or Queen everyone would know about it, but this kind of damage doesn't look familiar with any ability of theirs. Could it have been one of the other kings, but Silver is the only king who stands a chance against Adam but even he couldn't have done that...could he?. The thing that flew out of the building before, that must have been Adam right. The other Kings are not part of this dorm but another, so is the Queen's. Vincent and Adam are--

The healer was brought out of his daze when Adam suddenly slapped his hands away since he was finally healed up, the lackey stood up and stepped back giving space to his superior.

Adam stood up and rubbed his now smooth face still feeling the phantom feeling of getting his flesh ripped apart by that hit from Arlo, his red eyes glowed and became even deeper. Rage seethed through each and every part of him, how could it possibly be accepted that a brat was stronger than him.

He was a genius, reffered to as an actual freak due to how strong his power was when he awakened, his potency and potency was something that far surpassed his level. In his life he had only ever met one person able to rival his potency and only two people surpassed it. His only rival being Silver and his superior being only 'Her ' the Queen, Vincent only was slightly above him in potency but his ability made him too dangerous. He had accepted these people for being able to rival and surpass him...But in no way would he accept a brat as his superior!, His aura leaked out in huge amounts making the poor healer besides him sweat and tremble in fear as he felt the suffocating feeling of Adam's potent aura wash over him.

Adam's rage just didn't seem to want to stop at all, instead the more he recounted that scene and the moment where he looked at Arlo's stats the more his rage increased, his eyes were becoming strained with veins *//unacceptable, truly unacceptable//* he chanted in his mind.


A calm voice called and both snapped their heads towards where the voice came from, the healer was confused about who this was but Adam's boiling rage was just being fueled as he looked at the boy "you" he spoke with pure venomous hatred in his voice, not one single ounce of fear was present in his voice although the boy was his superior, his rational mind was being overtaken by rage for the humiliation he suffered from being hit that way by Arlo.

The innocent bystander which was the healer began stepping back in fear, was this possibly the one who did that to Adam, but who is he. There's no way he won't be know with everything about him, from the way he looked to the tail swaying behind the boy.

Arlo looked at Adam with a condescending gaze, it was as if he was looking at nothing but trash and this gaze seemed to make Adam even more enraged.

He walked forward still with his condescending look "it seems I've been way to lenient with you Adam, there are existences in this world you just cannot anger, and I'm one of them" he stopped a meter before him and slowly raised his index towards Adam "I'm initiating an instant challenge, your time has come Adam. You're going to die and no one's saving you" Arlo spoke in a tone of finality.

Both their senses were alerted when the healer suddenly broke off into a run away from the rooftop and down the stairs, Arlo looked on with a casual gaze for some seconds then looked back up at Adam. The two locked gazes, one had the gaze of mad boiling rage and the other just had a bored and pure condescending look...


The healer ran down, his heartbeat racing and his breathing fast paced. There was no way, that definitely must have been the one who harmed Adam to that extent, there was a new challenger and he had to let everyone know.

He came to a stop in the hall and raised his voice "EVERYONE, SOMEONE'S FIGHTING ADAM!" he yelled out loud at the top of his face. It wasn't even close to a second later and people were already appearing out of the their classes and those already in the hall too came to ask exactly where the fight was going on. He raised his hands to point but then suddenly everyone braced as a huge boom resounded and the building shook heavily with the glass windows around the school shattering to bits.

[At the rooftop]

Adam's glowing red eyes stared down at Arlo, his aura flaming around him and his fist outstretched downwards in a punch. Right in front of his fist was a hand grabbing onto it and the look of Arlo was a pure apathetic one, he put in more power into his hold attempting to crush Adam's fist but he reacted in time and pulled back with a roar flinging Arlo away high into the air.

Arlo was alerted and his gaze tracked to the side to see a huge powerful yellow hammer construct that dwarfed him coming down at his sides to bash him into the ground with insane force and speed, but Arlo with the quickest reaction speeds managed to turn his body around and time the moment of impact to set his feet down and crouch as he used the force of the hit and his own generated force to become a bullet, breaking the sound barrier.

Adam's eyes widened as he saw the speeds at which Arlo came down with and manifested a shield to block while he jumped back at the same time, Arlo's fist connected with the construct causing a large Shockwave as it shattered on impact with no resistance and Arlo barely missed Adam who managed to speed away from the attack.

Arlo was still speeding down into the ground but for a moment his eyes glowed and a flat flaming golden footing appeared underneath him which he used to stop his fall them launch off it the very next instant after impact, doing a flip in the air and finally coming to rest.

He breathed out and lazily turned his gaze to the side looking straight at Adam who seemed to be having some sanity return to him making him realize whom exactly he was facing right now. This boy was a monster, he wasn't a virgin power holder but a gifted combatant too. His reflexes were off the charts and the level difference between them is too much, he's going to get slaughtered.

The boy was playing with him and he knew it, he's already proven himself to be a speed type too as a passive. There would have been hope if he could only just fast combat reactions but his movement speed was something that matched his reaction speed. He was done, at any moment he could blitz him now, he already did it before. Adam sweat dropped, there was no chance of him beating Arlo, even if Vincent were here it would still be a slaughter...


Everyone had come out of the building to watch the fight including the teachers but they couldn't see anything, they dared not go up there for fear of getting caught in the crossfire's of their clash.

"Damn, how do we know exactly what's going on over there" asked one frustrated student

"I don't know either at least we're safer out here than in there" another replied.

Some meters away was Vincent with a lollipop in his mouth looking at the gathering outside, he had come over after hearing those massive booms and wondered what the commotion was all about. Some saw him getting closer and alerted the others to his presence, he walked Into the middle of the crowd as they cleared for him.

"What's going on" he asked to no one in particular but someone answered . "Adam's fighting someone up there but we don't know who" the student answered and Vincent froze for a moment and lift his gaze to the roof "No, Adam what have you done" he said in an almost ghastly and dreadful tone full of fear.

Somewhere in the crowd was Aria looking at Vincent's expression, she already knew who was facing Adam already but it seemed as if Vincent had been made aware of what Arlo was too. But one thing that did confuse her was why he was challenging Adam, it didn't look to be a particular interest of his yet from what she saw of him.

Suddenly multiple bullets flew out like flashes from the top in every direction from the top of the roof surprising everyone and then the next thing they knew, a large boom resounded with a huge flash of light occurring as a huge Shockwave swept everything off.

[Back at the rooftop]

Arlo picked a small rock up and threw it forward in a particular direction with insane strength while burst forward and Adam reacted as he erected multiple spike constructs from the ground to disrupt Arlo's flow but Arlo casually weaved through them not having a single change in expression as he reached Adam but then just as he stepped his last foot forward a mine exploded underneath it, Adam thought he had gotten Arlo but he was wrong as Arlo was suddenly above him. He erected a shield right Infront of him and in that same moment moved his head cause he knew the shield won't be enough and he was right as Arlo's fist burst through it and missed him but Arlo turned around in the same instant to give a powerful leg sweep at Adam's ankle.

He was very much prepared for this and prepared a rubber like construct right before his legs to push and stop a bit of Arlo's force while he successfully evades, Arlo's gaze tracked to the side to catch the rock he had thrown and flung it towards it Adam while coating it in a thin layer of his barrier. It burst through the sound barrier and became a projectile, Adam with his very own max reflexes pushed to the limit barely was able to move out of it's way. But his senses weren't strained because of the speed at which the rock was thrown, it was because he was focusing solely on Arlo's presence since he never knew when he could move.


A huge boom resounded as the rock thrown with a speed far surpassing sound collided with ground causing a huge explosion and Shockwave to form far away from the where the school building was located and the aftermath was an immensely deep and wide crater with more broken and uplifted ground at the surface.

Adam's heart raced as his breathing heavy, he suddenly erected a yellow cylindrical like construct around him, Arlo was about to move again but suddenly from all parts of the cylinder were compartments containing a Gatling gun in them and aimed at every direction possible.

He raised a brow seeing this "that's not something I advise Adam, you'll die much faster this way" he warned but Adam went on ahead to begin the massive launch of near infinite bullets at Arlo who stood watching every bullet approach him. He was suddenly reminded of the time where he asked one of his maids to shoot the world's fastest bullet at him and fired with the best gun, he remembered her being a little worried because of his passive but he promised her he wouldn't let it hit him.

She agreed and purchased everything then shot at him, he remembered being quite disappointed with the speed for something called the world's fastest bullet as he just plucked it out it's trajectory path and crushed it. The reason why he remembered this was because the bullets coming at him far surpassed the speed he experienced with that bullet, the one's he shot at silver too were fast. At least a bit faster than a normal bullet but both were holding back a lot in that fight so he understood why they couldn't go overboard lest they destroy the stadium itself.

He knew all this cluster of bullets were going to be a pain to dodge as he'd have to keep rearranging and deflecting them and this could go on for quite a while, and he doesn't want to take them to his body either cause it felt tasteless to him. Although he could Blitz the bullets themselves and reach Adam since although they had impressive speed they weren't anything compared to his.

Finally he he just decided to Blitz and so he did as he vanished from his spot and appeared right above the cylindrical construct and punched down at it, but something surprising happened at the moment of impact and a huge explosion which happened to surprise Arlo.


The loud sound of an explosion resounded causing a huge Shockwave and blowing everyone hundreds of meters away from the site as a huge heat energy dome covered the whole building and even begun spreading some more, that was until something suddenly contained it.

It was a strong gravitational field that was manifested around it and then used to compact and destroy the energy dome, Vincent stood casually with one hand outstretched as he disrupted the explosion and got rid of it in it's entirety then dropped his hands.

Some distance away from him was Aria with her lightning field around her, although not the least bit affected by the explosion and Shockwave it still did blow her away same as the others.

Both the gazes of Vincent and Aria was on the extremely huge and deep crater before them, the school building was gone, evaporated to bits and steam rose out of the crater. Vincent walked forward wanting to see the result of the explosion and fearing for the state Adam might be in now also the consequences that would follow with harm being done to Arlo.

Down in the very center of the crater was a human sized safe with multiple cracks on it and some parts were destroyed, Adam de-summoned the safe after some seconds and began looking around the place for Arlo's body. The steam fog clogged his vision so he couldn't exactly see too far into it even with his much stronger vision as an aura user, but one thing on his mind was the hope that Arlo shouldn't have been able to come out unharmed from that right, that attack was could have at least incapacitated a weak level 4.1 defense type ability user.

Even for a defense type like Arlo too his pure body shouldn't have been able to take the attack without some injuries so he hoped Arlo wasn't able to activate his barrier in time because that would be the only--

He stopped short in his thoughts when he saw the fog clear and right there was Arlo still relatively unharmed by the explosion and looking on calmly as his tail swayed behind him, he raised his hand up to his shoulder and disrespectfully dusted the invisible debris off him.

This snapped Adam out of his daze as he grit his teeth in rage and growled "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!" He roared in anger and released a large burst of aura and multiple hundreds of constructs appeared in the air, mightily huge hammers and insanely heavy heavy pillars with a lot of modern to medieval weapons and multiple strong barriers erected all around him

But he wasn't finished yet, he roared as he pulled all his power into making the largest and most powerful construct of them all, an actual nuke. But his would be much... MUCH better than the pathetic ones humans made, he'll show everyone the meaning of true power. At his level now it should be powerful enough to kill even a 6.0, this is the true power of his ability. It had virtually no limits and he could make things that far surpassed his very own level, this is what he intended to use against Vincent and end him when the day comes that he should challenge him.

Meanwhile Vincent from outside was looking up at the massive nuke high in the sky being formed and nervously chuckled, "so you were able to actually create that huh" he said looking at it, there was no way Adam was making it on the level of a normal nuke. He was too proud for that, this would have been taken far beyond it. Vincent heaved a sigh, this was the reason why his ability truly was called one of the most dangerous to exist.

"Can you contain it" she asked.

Vincent raised his head up to look at her then back at the nuke "most likely, it will take a huge amount of effort though" he replied.

She nod her head "that's good, I don't think Arlo's barrier is something that he could expand wide enough to contain it. He very much may be able to protect himself but the massive destruction that thing will cause can't be allowed, the principal will have a fit".

He agreed with her here, Dawn will be freezing their asses off for a week if this thing is allowed to hit. Unironically he wished Dawn was here also, the old man could have just casually frozen the explosion right in mid air before it does anything nullifying it completely. But he couldn't exactly call him now, although there was something that bugged him.

There was no way he couldn't be aware of something on this scale happening right, shouldn't he or someone else be here to put a stop to Adam's rampage. Why no one was doing so was a mystery but for now he had other important matters to attend to, but suddenly as he was about to get to it multiple of the modern weapons turned towards him and begun firing straight at him.

Aria strengthened the lightning field around her body and vanished from the spot while Vincent instantly crushed all the weapons firing at him with a slight hand wave and crushed the rest. He looked up at the nuke again which was being super reinforced so he wouldn't be able to crush it that easily. But crushing it would result in it exploding which wasn't his goal here so he was still going with the plan to contain it. *//I'll have to create a strong enough gravitational force to devour the explosion while also creating an outside field to contain it as I can't devour something that powerful fast enough before it causes some damage//*

Meanwhile Arlo in the crater stood looking up at the nuke, this would be the first time he was genuinely surprised at what this guy could create. Any normal level 4-5 can't do anything to him if they allow him breathing space for long, it seems the best way to finish this guy is from the very beginning. But even then he's still a dangerous for evident by when he punched the cylinder erected around him, If he didn't posses such a great durability and insane reflexes he might have died.

The safest way of fighting this guy is with had abilities and long range attack, a tank is the best bet for surviving close range combat with him, but in all round no matter what was you fight him he's still dangerous. He could perhaps be called the strongest Mid-tier in the world, one of the very few existence who could challenge the narrative that only a god-level could beat a god-level.

His level was the only thing holding him back, if he was a full 4.0 he may have possibly been able to 100% kill a normal level 6.3 with this attack. Assuming the 6.3 doesn't have a power strong enough to cancel out this attack on his own, or even outright nullify it.

Although Arlo had to admit, his current physical passive body alone may not be strong enough to survive that thing if it hits. A normal nuke and he might get a scratch, but this was taken multiple times beyond that. He touched the silver crucifix earring attached to his left ear for a moment but then dropped his hand and looked at Adam, he couldn't see him since he was barricaded all around with multiple defense constructs.

He didn't want to attack them since he's learned from that last mistake with Adam that it may possibly be booby trapped so he would have to deal with the nuke directly himself. "This really will hurt, but I just have to summon a casual sphere and crush it while containing the whole explosion inside it" he said to himself

Vincent raised his hands to begin the containment but was put a little off guard when a huge golden flaming sphere was summoned around the nuke, he instantly recognized it as Arlo's ability even with the little change added to it. Aria too was also a bit surprised he could manifest a barrier that large but it was a welcome surprise still, his power potency should be something that dwarfs even Vincent's so there really should be no problem dealing with the nuke.

Adam too from inside his barricade was able to see the new sphere summoned around his barrier by Arlo and just snickered as he finally was able to pull in all of his power into it "I've stalled long enough now" he willed for the detonation of the nuke and fell down into an already deep dug out hole in the ground


A huge flash of light shone blinding everyone, it was like a huge mini-sun and it's brightness went far beyond. But after some seconds the light begun fading and fading until the golden flaming sphere was revealed to have something like a huge burning ball of heat contained inside it, and even the roar of the explosion could be heard from outside.

Arlo from inside the crater was looking up at the ball, a small line of blood going down the side of his mouth but he wiped It off with the back of his hand and compressed the ball. Vincent's eyes widened when he saw what Arlo was doing, he was going to compress the very explosion itself after containing it. There were two opposing forces at play here, one was the explosion itself which is struggling for expansion and another is the sphere which is struggling for compression.

But the compression power of the sphere was far beyond the force of expansion for the explosion itself, but by compressing the explosion it was actually making it more dangerous as the opposing force of expansion will be getting greater with each compression. Arlo kept on going and compressing it until it became the size of a golf ball, the force of expansion had already become crazy but he still had no care for it and even compressed it further until it became the size of a bead.

Then he moved the ball towards the hole in which Adam had hidden himself into, Vincent's eyes widened "NO ARLO WAIT!" he yelled and instinctively used his gravity powers on Arlo to alert him.

Arlo turned his gaze towards Vincent with a bored look on his face, Vincent realized what he was doing and stopped the flow of power "You can't kill him, it's against the rules to kill someone and you'll be expelled" said Vincent trying to convince Arlo.

Arlo looked on at Vincent for a few seconds"I won't get any punishment for killing him" he replied in a calm tone still holding the compressed explosion above the hole.

"What?" Expressed a bewildered Vincent.

"I'm the greatest asset the principal or anyone else will ever have, his greatest accomplishment. I exist above the system itself and anyone who does get in my way shall be eliminated. If his family tries to avenge him by using the system or going up against me directly then I'll send them to meet their son, and if the system itself decides to turn against me then I'll eliminate them also. If the whole world decides to go against me then I'll eliminate it too, I'm a very lazy existence but the worst thing anyone can do is get me excited, it never ends well" Arlo said this directly and with the straightest extreme calm there was no fear or even a hint of over confidence, it didn't feel like a threat and Instead was almost like he making a true statement.

Vincent looked at Arlo with a complicated gaze, this really wasn't good at all. His first thought shouldn't be to eliminate the target, sometimes he really has to just back down for the sake of peace. A full on war would lead to chaos and the disruption of order in society, it would really set back progress by a lot. "You can't just eliminate everyone Arlo, who else would you have left to lead if you do this. Even if you may possibly possess the highest potential out of any ability user in the world you're not totally invincible, there are still dangerous existences out there" he said to him

Arlo gazed straight at Vincent in silence for a few moments then turned his gaze away as he compressed the explosion some more which surprised Vincent as it seemed Arlo didn't wasn't listening at all but then Arlo suddenly pulled the ball towards him and grabbed it with his fingers as he ate it which made Vincent go wide eyed as he wondered what Arlo just did "Wait why would you do that!!" He exclaimed, Arlo turned his gaze to him and said nothing as his body went ablaze in his own aura and he flew away from the site leaving a very much confused Vincent to wonder about what just happened. Arlo suddenly ate an explosion and then flew off, what sort of events is this here.

But he out that to the back of his mind and looked at the hole in which Adam hid, a small flame of anger was lit in those eyes but he contained himself and turned around, Aria was standing behind him and seemed to have witnessed the even also. "We're done here now, I'll take the injured to the infirmary" he informed, Aria nod her head and Vincent looked far back to see everyone laying on the ground knocked out. The first Shockwave must have cause some damage to their unprotected bodies even and he could even see some bleeding, he levitated everyone up and arranged their weightless body as he too levitated and flew them over to the main hospital.

Aria too took another glance at the hole and then Vanished from her spot, school is gonna be out of commission for a bit. It may take about a day or two to fix every damage that had been done here, it's not like it's the first time a building was destroyed so it wasn't a problem.

Arlo in the middle of his flight suddenly collapsed out of the air and fell down in a free fall towards the ground. A loud thump resounded when he hit and some dust too rose up, he lay flat on the ground still looking just as bored as ever, except he was in so much pain right now it couldn't be described. But at least he made it to the forest again, it was just barely about a second since he flew up and over to this place.

It wasn't even three seconds later when he saw a blue streak of lightning go past and stop near him, he lazily turned his gaze to see Aria looking down at him with a straight face. He stared straight at her for a couple of seconds before Arlo's eyes got a little weary and he slowly closed his eyes falling unconscious.

[A/N: Alright, the power scale has become really crazy this chapter now. I did say I was going to increase it right. But anyways, there should be no worry from you guys. It'll be managed, god-level will be treated like god-level, monstrous geniuses with a potency far surpassing their level shall be there but I'll still manage them very well. I'm establishing the base now that a weak normal level 6.0 has the power potency to at least rival nuke and even be outright greater than it, a genuine monster level genius level 6.0 has power far surpassing a nuke it's laughable.

Adam and Silver are the only mid-tiers in the world who is capable of reaching the power level of a 6.0 while just a mid-tier. Arlo never was born as a mid-tier but his power potency and potential dwarfs even Adam's so he does hold back to a really really high and laughable degree].


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