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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Making a Deal & Shocking Discovery.

Hera now stood before the entrance gate, these walls around it were indeed huge. She had already readied herself a long time ago so she put her hand forward and placed it onto the barrier, then her eyes glowed as yellow rune markings appeared all around her arm.

She then proceeded in figuring out the nature of the barrier so she could have entrance without causing any other disruption.

It's nature was surprisingly not made to be complex and would be just a bit easy to access and clone. It didn't feel right so she tried digging deeper into it, no way someone that powerful wouldn't have taken every possible measure against her ability type. And so she saw it, the nature of the barrier she was feeling now was just a mask, the true nature of it was...*//Dammit//*..

A hand suddenly burst through Hera's chest making her eyes go wide but then her body suddenly burst into glowing yellow butterflies that fluttered all round surprising her attacker who instinctively raised his hand to his face, this was the end for him as a rune circle appeared underneath his feet and he was frozen in position.

One of the butterflies suddenly turned back into Hera in a small burst of light and raised her hand in surrender, around her was an encirclement of people hidden by a cloak barrier but she could very much feel and see them.

She didn't come here for a fight and she was letting her intentions be known through this.

"What did you to him" one of them asked as their Comrade was still frozen in position.

"Killed every single one of his nerves, cells and senses also while keeping his mind and body alive but perfectly frozen, his aura pathways are locked too" she answered.

They all felt a chill go down their spine, this woman was indeed as incredibly dangerous as they had heard, that wasn't a good fate for anyone at all.

"If i deactivate my ability truly he dies, instantly. And you're going down with him" they all were alerted by the sudden runes running along their body and dispelling the cloak.

"Don't panic, you'll die" she said calmly and with a clear sign of apathy.

The glow of their eyes became more ferocious as they grit their teeth in anger "I thought you came in peace" one lashed out.

Hera shifted her gaze towards him "I did, but your welcome was a hand through my chest" she replied.

"And you were being a criminal!" he yelled in justified anger which Hera seemed to agree with as she said nothing to refute that.

"Let's call a truce then, I'm only here for her" she announced her intentions, their gazes turned cold in an instant as all sign of fear they had before just vanished.

"And you weren't invited".

"True, but I'm not leaving here until I do so" she persisted.

Their auras spiked to insane levels, by the feel of them all three were 6.5, 6.7 and a 7.0 respectively. All god level powerhouses and part of her special guards:

But suddenly they all stopped and deactivated their abilities and right before Hera's eyes a gateway began opening up on the barrier.

"You've been invited" said one as he outstretched his arm towards the portal as a sign she could go in.

Hera stopped the flow of power and calmly walked forward into the doorway, the three guards looked at each other and then looked at their bodies. She didn't even bother to deactivate the runes and their other comrade was still frozen, this had to be intentional, right now their fates were in the palm of that woman.

On the other side of the doorway stood Hera looking at the scene before her, it was just a very adequately luxurious and spacious room. Clean and perfect, a bit dark but it was just enough, two dark couches on opposite sides of the room, a good distance away from the centre which was of course where the center table was placed, and besides the couches were two side tables.

Hera looked forward at the short step and of course what anyone would eyes would immediately understand, it was a pitch black throne that looked like marble in some areas, and those areas had multiple shiny star like glows embedded in them.

She gracefully walked towards a couch one side and took a seat, leaning her back into it and resting her hands on her laps and atop each other while she closed her eyes in wait....

[Back at Nexgen]

Sera's eyes fluttered and she opened them but shut them tight as the powerful Ligh entered her eyes causing a sharp pain but it receded seconds later. Then she turned her head to the side as she began sitting up while keeping her head down and waiting for her sight to adjust, then she opened them again when she felt truly comfortable enough to.

Her arm instinctively went to the side of her gut but there was no reaction, she had been fully healed back to full health and she already could guess what this place was. Sera got down from the bed happy her shoes was close by and wore it as she stepped outside of the room, she noticed the busy atmosphere and the gazes of some staff watching her walk away.

As the exit was her goal she needed someone to point it to her, so she walked up towards one of the staff and asked for it. Her height was able to reach above the hips of the man whom she asked so she was tall for a four year old also.

Kindly receiving the directions she asked for, Sera followed it to reach the exit and out of the hospital. It was already bright in the afternoon and Sera could guess she'd been in there for probably a day now, she may also possibly have to explain herself to her roommate if she had tried entering the room in the time Sera was out cold.

Once Sera reached the girls dorm she just head up the stairs and straight for her room, as she walked Sera now only for the first time paid attention to his massive this place incredibly was even for a dorm.

And it was like the stairs now took longer to climb now that she had noticed this but she just continued on her way, once Sera reached the hall leading to her room she was met with something.

Up ahead were three other girls and two of them were closely surrounding the third with quite a devilish smile on their faces while the third lay back against the wall with her head down, Sera only paid attention to the distance left and deeming it comfortable enough for her to pass without problems so she just kept to herself and walked forward.

The two girls head someone coming their way and turned to see who it was, raising a brow at the person coming towards them as they'd never seen her before and they'd pretty much seen everyone here. But then they smiled and and looked at one another, once Sera got close one of them put their hand in the way prompting Sera to stop and look up.

"We've never seen you here before, who are you" asked the blonde 12 year old before her in the softest of tones.

Sera closed her eyes for a moment then answered "Hello, I'm new here and have only been here for half a week but as I'm a little shy I've avoided contact with everyone" she put on a fake nervous smile while putting a hand behind her back.

The blonde girl and the other blue haired smiled "I see" the blonde said.

"How precious, and you're so young too. How old are you" the blue haired asked bending down a little and resting her hands on her knees.

Sera's gaze went to the third girl still backed up against the wall but her gaze was on her also, but it was almost like Sera was seeing pity present in those eyes before she turned her head away from her.

Sera was no fool of course, why would this girl feel pity for her if these two didn't have some sinister thing planned for her, perhaps this wouldn't be the first time something like this was happening.

"Hey" a hand waved right In front of Sera's eyes drawing her attention to the blue haired girl looking at her "is something wrong" she asked and then looked at the third girl besides her.

"Ah nothing, I'm just wondering why she's up against the wall like that. And she seems to be shivering too" asked Sera innocently while pointing her index towards the girl whom had a surprised expression not visible to anyone as her gaze was away from them.

"Oh?" They both looked at the girl besides them but suddenly everything became frozen and Sera's expression went back it's normal detached look as she walked past them and was now before her door.

She put her hands in her pocket and brought out the keys then stepped into her room after opening the door, she even wondered to herself why she didn't bother doing this before her figure and footsteps had become visible to them, that whole was just pointless now anyways.

Time had been released the moment she had closed the door behind her and the two girls were left with surprised expressions when they turned back to see the girl before them was gone.

"What happened, where is she!?" asked the blonde as she looked around, the third girl looked down surprised too at the sudden disappearance of the girl.

"Did this little rat just run away from us without our permission" the blonde said in a furious tone as her eyes glowed

"She's either a little smart and was pulling off an act to distract us or she's straight up stupid for pulling what she did" said the blue haired with more calm and composure to herself.

She sunk a little into thought and then spoke up "the fact that she would come here means her room is one of these in this hall as there's nothing here after that" the blue haired said as she turned around.

The blonde's eyes lit up a little as she smiled "but which one is it, she couldn't have entered of try entering one without us noticing, the time frame is too short" she deducted.

The blue haired nod her head "her ability is most probably Invincibility, so a chance exists she may be close by or may have gone back down" she said, sounding incredibly sure of herself.

"Let's leave this for now, we'll see her soon anyways" the blue haired said and began walking away as the blonde followed her, she gave a last look to the third girl but since she already lost all interest in her she left the girl alone.

The girl heaved a huge breath of relief, she had been indirectly saved by that girls actions. But this put an even bigger target on her back if there wasn't really one before. There was no way she could defend herself from those two, it truly did make her feel pity but there was nothing she could do about it.

She shook her head and turned around to the door besides her, opening it and was about to step inside but she paused. Those girls did say that her room was one of these here right, she looked around for a moment before finally stepping in and closing the door behind her....

[Meanwhile with Hera]

She was still waiting, no one had come through nor was she even able to sense anywhere out of this room even. Something was definitely restricting her senses, right now in this little box as she would like to call it, this may perhaps the safest place for now.

If she were to try making a domain to circumvent this block, then it would be an actual invasion which is something she didn't want.


And then Hera's eyes sprung open at that sound, she was face to face with her now. Sitting on the other end of the couch opposite her was the most powerful woman in the world, sitting with so much grace and composure while a thick air of authority radiated around her.

And for a woman that was centuries years old she didn't look anything past 30, the exact opposite of Dawn who looked to be in his sixties. And her beauty was a thing to behold also, a hair so dark it was almost like the void itself along with some incredibly beautiful golden Irises that looked to almost sparkle.

Her dress was the same as her hair, so black to the point of being void and it also was not anything normal at all. Beneath the helm of her dress were flaming shadows of aura, this confirmed the abnormality with her dress for her.

And even while sitting right in front of her Hera couldn't feel it at all, it was like she sitting before a shadow itself, everything about this woman was just dangerous.

"Dawn's little assistant" she spoke. Her tone was slow, soft and serene but also carrying a little echo. A little chill could be felt in her voice, but there was also a slight hypnotic property that was meant to draw you in and let your guard down little by little until you become a complete open book.

Hera couldn't be surprised at this, she very much knew someone who used the same technique. Being around such a person for a good while made her incredibly sensitive to this type of power, the results of her being able to detect this was worth it in every way.

"Hera, that's my name. A pleasure to meet you...miss Selene" she politely introduced.

"Hmm....her daughter" she silently expressed while looking at Hera with eyes of interest, as if she were reading her like a book. "I wonder...what would make the servant of Dawn come here to me... behind her master's back".

Hera was quiet for a moment but raising a brow as an outer reaction to something else she said, she had already taken this situation into consideration too. So she proceeded to do as planned but--

"Don't have to try going that route deary, you could just ask directly" Selene interrupted and gave a beautiful small smile.

Hera froze for a moment but soon relaxed herself, it couldn't be mind reading as she didn't believe anyone in the world to try that without her noticing. Not even Dawn could mask it well enough from her with how powerful he is, so it was just immensely powerful intuition at play here.

"How do you know I'm here against his wishes" she asked.

Selene's smile grew a little wider, she waved her delicate fingers a little and a shadow aura flowed from it which just turned into a small teacup.

She sipped from it and dropped her hands down on her laps with the cup still held in between "Dawn and I have a way we talk to each other from long distances, it also allows us instant physical visit if one of us wills it, along with whomever or whatever is willed to come with".

She took a sip again and continued "hence why none of us would have to try breaking into someone's barrier just to gain entrance" she dropped the tea cup on the side table besides her "if Dawn had something he wanted to say to me he would have done it through that medium, someone like him won't send little ones to host a meeting with me on his behalf" she stared Hera in the eyes and smiled, her lips hadn't moved a single millimeter with the last half of everything she just said.

Meanwhile Hera's face was frozen in pure shock, not even aware of when she had activated her ability as her eyes were glowing. She couldn't bring herself to actually believe it, how could-

"So tell me little one, what could have made you desperate enough that you would come to me without Dawn's knowledge....and protection" Selene got straight to the point of this whole conversation.

Right now Hera had never been more unsure in her life, what this woman just pulled now upped her danger levels to a never before seen height in her mind.

She already knew that she was under this woman's thumb the moment she decided to come here as this was someone who could crush her, but she didn't see herself as completely cornered as her mind was hers alone which would be the greatest asset in her being able to possibly survive this.

But this just got taken away right now with this reveal, she was truly cornered on all ends. There was now a possibility she already knew what she wanted to say and is just playing along with her right now, even reading everything she's still saying till this moment.

Hera looked at her straight in the eyes, the were totally understandable to her and the thought of daring to try accessing this woman's mind screamed like the worst idea in existence. But this...this right now was not a good thing, it wasn't a comfortable feeling at all.

And all this while too while she was silent Hera had been busy trying to find the mental bridge connected to her mind while and also the invisible mental ghost that could be so undetectable to even her, the feeling of this woman being aware of what she was doing and also maybe playing more unknown tricks was just something that kept making Hera's internal rage grow bigger and bigger.

But there was something important she had to do, she had to save someone and if this was the price she had to pay then so be it. As long as she could get her to agree then that's all that matter.

"You know Deary, you worry too much" she gave an easing smile "I don't know how you're able to make it this strong but I'm not finding this easy either, I can barely grasp your surface thoughts let alone what's beneath it" a flame of interest lit up in her eyes as she spoke which Hera noticed.

"An interesting specimen is what you are little one, and with so many secrets, I can feel it". Hera was not getting a good feeling for where this was going, her gut feeling was just telling her.

Selene crossed her legs and leaned a little forward while placing her atop each other and on her knee, a smile still on her lips"I'll make you a deal, for the price of me truthfully fulfilling whatever request you have to ask of me...the repayment will be your loyalty to me.

"Your power is abnormally interesting as Is nearly everything about you, the only rune master of this generation and the last....I want you in my forces" she elegantly waved her hand, a dark shadowy aura flowing from it which soon became what Hera identified to be a contract and an ink brush.

Selene moved the contract on a shadow cloud towards Hera who cautiously reached for it, the cloud dispersed once the content had been taken off it.

"The last rune master"...

Hera looked up at that sentence towards Selene.

"I knew her, your grandmother. She was the smartest and most cunning woman I've ever met, her fail-safes were out of this world and her rune skills were definitely beyond your current self"

"She'd have tricked that barrier in a second at her worst, that's how good she was. And unironically she prepared a fail-safe for this moment too that woman" Selene's smile was a little different this time, there was... admiration in it, just pure admiration.

But that smile disappeared and now replaced by some form of anger and disdain but it was only there for a moment and now her normal smile was back "there's a form of history between us Little one"

"Have you ever wondered the history of rune master seems so short and thin, why you can only count 3generations of history in total" Selene asked.

Hera looked on at her silently, she couldn't deny it now. That was something that Indeed irked her when she found out, one of the reasons was because runes weren't exactly self taught. No, they were actually learnt and sometimes partially created.

It was weird that this was how it happened, her grandmother had refused the reason to tell her why when she was teaching Hera the way of creating runes. But Hera remembered her grandmother always calling her a genius compared to her even, this didn't feel like the truth at all. She knew her grandmothers level and she didn't reach it in the end, she wasn't even close.

"There's so many things you don't know child of Arlene, but let's leave this talk for another time when I've attained your loyalty. Now tell me then, what is your request little one, As it will obviously be in my power to do so, then I shall fulfill it" Selene said.

And it was now that Hera also understood something very important, from the entire beginning of this meeting she hadn't been in control of the conversation. This woman had been carefully leading it her way, spontaneously giving information that she didn't have to, this whole conversation was just weird and then there's the subtle power in her voice too.

It would seem she had something this woman wanted of her just as she too had something Hera wanted of her, but Hera had something too big to lose while this woman had the power to forcefully take that which she wanted so as not to lose it.

But she's choosing this route to go about taking it, perhaps an Honor code or just her character, Hera's gaze became more focused "when you gain my loyalty?" She questioned.

"Read the contract Deary and tell me what you want" Selene said in a slightly authoritative tone.

Hera looked down at the contract between her hands and read it carefully from head to toe, as expected, she wasn't liking it at all. She looked at Selene again, that smile still on her lips and her gaze was one of expectation, like she had already won.

Hera balled her fists, she truly had no other choice. What being was powerful enough to fight that monstrosity other than the greater monster which was this woman right before her, perhaps if this situation had happened when those two young monsters had fully matured she wouldn't be as tied now.

Hera's mind froze right on that thought as she then cursed internally and looked up at Selene who's smug demeanor had been replaced by a serious look, Hera cursed over and over again internally.

What sort of slip was this, how could she just forget herself this way.

"I see now, so that would have been your request" Selene paused, her mind seemingly drifting off to a different place until her gaze came back to Hera seconds later.

"Why would you come to me for something like this, why not let Dawn take care of whatever threat it is that could bother you so much" Selene asked as this made no sense even to her.

Hera could feel the suggestive mind control ability present in her voice become even more dangerous, she still hadn't stopped the search for the telepathic link attached to her mind also.

But Hera knew she couldn't be quiet, the longer she stayed so gives this woman and her terrifying intuition greater space for figuring out the situation so she was going to do something drastic.

"I accept the deal" she announced, pulling Selene out of her thoughts and in this moment she smiled as the contract in Hera's hands glowed surprising her.

*//What is this//* she asked internally looking at the glowing contract, there was a weird power in it she just couldn't understand....

"Just sign it Deary, your full name" Selene pushed.

Hera gazed at her for a moment before Steeling herself and taking the ink brush which she noticed had become wet, then signed her name in full after making a surface to make for stable writing.

The moment she made the final stroke with the brush She felt a weird aura in the air, the contract floated away from her and towards Selene who took it back and then it was totally gone again.

"We have finalised the deal, you're free to go now" she gracefully stood up and gave Hera a last look "And by the time you want me to end whatever threat that bothers you, snap the ink brush in your hands and it'll be done".

Hera looked at the brush in her hands and looked up again but Selene was suddenly gone and Hera saw a gateway opening up in the room, she knew this was her exit so she got up and walked through the gate.

Finally back in the open Hera was met with the poor sod whom she had frozen before but the other were gone, she gave no second thought to it and just activated her ability.

Rune markings appeared on her arm and feet, then she was gone far away from her. Mid flight in the air Hera's body suddenly burst into a blazing hell storm that disappeared seconds later, meanwhile back at Nexgen Hera's eyes suddenly glowed as she finally felt completed again.

She left for the secluded room which she had Dawn talked in before and closed the door behind her then sat on the couch, she activated her runes which climbed over her fingers and summoned the ink brush again.

She recalled everything that happened while she was in the presence of that woman, she wasn't able to get a single win from her. It was all in her hands the moment she stepped in, but the telepathic link card was the most devastating moment for Hera.

Even now she can't believe how she did it, Hera spread her runes over the brush in attempt to figure exactly what sort of power was in it. But she stopped herself a second later, this didn't feel like a good decision right now.

What if there's a fail safe she triggers which would make her lose her only method of instantly getting to that woman the moment the threat arrives, so she would put this aside for now as it wasn't safe.

She sighed and rest on the couch with her hand over her face, just feeling so exhausted by all this. But Dawn would be saved and he'd have more time, it was worth it for her.

Hera made a rune again and the ink brush disappeared, then she got up and was about to leave when she suddenly sensed something outside the door.

Her eyes glowed and a red marking suddenly appeared around her eyes which became slits, and she could see it. Behind the door was the kid named Arlo, the new student here. But this didn't make sense to her, who told him about this place and what does he want with her.

She decided to just walk up and open the door but then she saw his lips move and it seemed the boy was staring right at her too, his eyes suddenly glowed and Hera knew something was off immediately and she disappeared.

Arlo who was behind the door suddenly felt restrained and looked at his body, red flaming chains were holding his body down and underneath his feet was something which he recognized, he'd seen those markings or this was something close to it anyways.

"Who are you" Hera's cold voice resounded in his ears and he looked up at the woman right before him with yellow blazing eyes, she was dangerous. Incredibly so, and far above his current state too.

He looked at the chains on him again and right before Hera's eyes Arlo's clothes turned to a flaming shadowy aura which then absorbed the chains on him, the only person who she just saw that had this sort of weird phenomenon going on with their clothes was that woman.

Is this kid...somehow related to her.

Arlo looked up at her again, but this time his gaze roamed all round from head to toe and then specifically her chest.

Hera watched his gaze, knowing exactly where he was looking. Even Sterling hadn't been so perverted as to stare at her chest this long because she would have killed him the very moment he tried it, but this--

"You made a contract?" Arlo asked.

She was frozen in shock at how he could know, there was definitely something going on with this kid, first he showed something similar to that woman and now this? But this truly confirmed something for her, the contract wasn't the least bit normal.

Arlo suddenly felt doozy and just blacked out completely....

[Some hours later]

Arlo slowly opened his eyes, his vision still blurry but he could see something red glowing beneath him and he could feel some pain in his hands which was weird.

He finally shook the wooziness off and saw the situation he was in right now, he was a meter above ground and right beneath him was a rune circle. Two flaming red chains were connected to the edge of the rune circle beneath him and impaled into his palm, his feet were left floating in the air.

'And I'm now reminded why I quite dislike rune masters' Arlo whispered under his breath, he could feel something sealing off his access to his ability. It was like a cage around his soul, it was a smart move making sure to only damage his palm instead of his main body after sealing off his ability.

But this meant he couldn't also touch and regulate the other seal holding off his true power, he looked around but it seems that woman wasn't present now which just gave him time to his thoughts.

The fact that somehow a rune master exists in this world as an ability user was nothing less of a shock, what they can do can be straight up classified as high level mages in any case. Although yes even right now every ability user can be classified as a sort of mage and the power system in this universe is slightly tweaked, rune masters were just a seriously different type. There's practically almost no true limitation to what they can access, they're just magic in any way possible, of course it doesn't make them invincible, just incredibly annoying and dangerous.

The catch remains though that runes had to be learnt and not just straight up accessible upon awakening, at least that's how it should work, he had no idea if she awakened with the power to create them instinctively cause that makes her even more of a threat, at least at a certain level anyways.

But then there's also the fact that she was able to make a contract somehow, some lower demon is probably the cause of it or perhaps someone with the power contracts as an ability.

And based on the feel of the signature present in her aura it was that of a female demon, this world wasn't untouched after all, even if he called it a lower demon it's still going to be far stronger than anything he is now.

But if it was still present then he would still find it anyways, interference isn't welcome. He would need information from that woman first, Arlo looked at his impaled arms again and looked forward.

She was now standing before him, and due to how high he was above the ground he was face levelled with her. But he truly had to admit, her power was incredibly potent. The closest he ever felt to that of Seraphina's, he wasn't sure if he could fully defeat her even if he released his power to that of a 6.9.

"This is very annoying you know, I may have probably killed you if my mood was a little different" Arlo said in a lazy bored tone.

Hera waved her hand and the rune circle beneath his feet disappeared as well as the chains too, he dropped down to the ground with barely any sound being produced due to his extreme control.

And right before Hera's eyes the hole in Arlo's hands began regenerating, it surprised her because she was still keeping his ability under wraps so this had to be some form of natural mutation like his tail too.

Arlo looked at his palm which was stained red with his blood still, his clothes took on a flaming shadowy nature again and some of it stretched to his full arm, encasing them like a skin glove and absorbing his blood into it.

After it receded all that was left was the two clean palms of Arlo, he looked up at Hera who was giving him a strange look.

"What are you" she asked, over the past hour Arlo had been knocked out Hera had been busy. The entire history of this kid, it was weird. There was something about this kid being kept hidden from even the very system itself and the file they had been presented with was incomplete, the open general system files about him wasn't even easy to find so she decided to dig deeper.

As this wasn't exactly a strong field of hers she needed a bit of help so she had to get someone who could dig that deep, luckily enough she was close by.

Hera and Gretchen hadn't really spoke much, but Gretchen was the only one she knew who could go that deep into the secrets of the Organization behind the system.

But the problem was no one knew Gretchen was even able to do this, not even Dawn knew how incredibly close she was keeping her enemies and monitoring their every move.

Not even her was able to get as deep as Gretchen did and she would never had found this out if it weren't for one of the greatest coincidences of all time, but as information was important she needed her even if she would have to reveal she knew about Gretchen's movements too.

And to cut the long story short, she was able to get Gretchen to agree even if she had to lose a card called 'favors' on her.

But it was a fruitful search for both of them when they finally dug deep and got the info they wanted, and by god was it a shock what they had discovered.

Far more surprising than what his fake file showed them, the true level of the boy was just too stupid to be spoken out loud. Amongst that there was a new shock also, these guys were aware the boy harbored another ability that he hadn't shown yet.

But another shock still was that even this file on the boy was classified as incomplete or in progress, so if even they didn't have all the information on this kid then where else would they he able to turn to.

Back to the present Arlo was looking at her with raised eye brows "that's a strange question" he replied.

Hera of now was looking as this child as the probable most dangerous existence in the world, the slight possibility of him possibly having reached that the two years since his awakening was scary.

She didn't know exactly what was so powerful enough that I could suppress his level to this point but the kid was dangerous, especially if he's able to keep secrets about himself from even those guys still and at such a young age.

Hera opened her mouth to say some but Arlo put his index finger out "please stop for a minute, it'll be quite good if you don't talk to me now as I'm trying to calm down here, I'm not in the mood to lose it" although Arlo's tone was still lazy as before, but the threat was real even if his power might be sealed now

Arlo heaved a tired sigh and rubbed the red ruby encrusted onto the crucifix earring on his left ear for a few moments and stopped, then he looked up at Hera.

"How were you able to make a contract" he asked after calming himself.

There was no reply from Hera, she instead turned around and walked towards the couch to take a seat on it. Arlo rubbed the back of his neck and took a seat on the couch opposite her, the rune seal on his power was still in place but that wasn't his concern now.

Hera placed her gaze on Arlo who was right opposite her and began "Let's make a deal" she proposed, Arlo's attention was fully captured as he almost found himself smirking but he held back and chided himself.

The Nature of a Devil wasn't something easily suppressed after all, he indeed would never the sweetness the word 'Deal' brings to him. But never would a Devil just accept any deal, standards exists and there are some level of deals that are just purely insulting to propose before a Devil in may way or form.

"I'm listening" he said.....



Sigh....this chapter truly feels unsatisfactory man :(

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