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Chapter 3: S-So Cute!

Many were shocked, others were afraid, most were confused. But Elliot still had his blank face.

"I'd know that flavorless facial expression anywhere... Elli?~"

The girl that had hugged Elliot before, had spoken with a cute smile.

'That name...' Elliot had solved the formula in an instant...

"Hey, Emmy."

Elliot was surprised by the sound of his own voice... the clear voice of a loli- I mean young girl...

But before it could be questioned it a hug sprang out, it was from Emily.

Elli's lips curled ever so slightly by the smallest margin before fading. He proceeded to give a hug back.

"Tsk. Beastkin.. are you sure you want to talk to these filth, archmage Turvas?"

Everyone's ears twitched hearing the comment made by the red robed figure. She wouldn't have survived in the information age, fired and cancelled over the internet, that would be her fate from the obvious racism... though they were filthy and wore rags so many had let the statement go.

"They were merely the closest group, Chloe."

The white robed man stood before them, staff in hand. It was silver-like, to the height of his shoulders, and had a chunk of red crystal configured to the top of it. A classic magic staff.

"Where are we?"

A well built lion like man questioned to the robed group, his shoulders up high, chest stuck out.

"Yeah! where are we?"

"Who are you?"

"What happened to my body?"

"What's the date?"

A slew of questions from the newly reincarnated students had come crashing down on the robed men.


The red robed had commanded, her hood taken off. Brown hair, pale skin, red eyes. A huge pressure slammed over Elliot and the group. Even the purple robes quivered slightly.

Elliot with his small frame and already weakened throat started to cough blood and collapsed. Countless others had fainted, the last few on their knees.

"Chloe, that was too much."

Turvas had a slight frown,

"How am I going to explain it to them now?"

"Well you can never be too careful of the unknown... They were just beastkin anyways. Just proceed to another group."

Emmy had fallen on Elliot, a slight smirk on her face somehow managing to take advantage of a situation like this.

The white robed man they called by 'archmage' and, or 'Turvas' had approached Elliot. 'The clear leader..' Elliot had deduced, now having a closer look through half open eyes as not to get caught, the archmage had somewhat long silvery white hair and pale milk like skin to match his staff. His right eye covered in white cloth like an japanese 8th grader.

The man snapped his fingers and a faint glow could be seem on Elliot. His body numbed, it was warm yet cool, his head spinning yet still. The pain in his throat and chest had vanished like it was all a dream.

"Wash and feed them, answer their question if they ask depending on what you see fit. I'll meet them later when I have time."

The white robed man had said before he turned back and left waving his hand.

Elliot now closed his eyes and waited to be taken.


Elliot now felt that he was in a tub of warm water leaned up on a side of the tub. He had been taken away and carried, during that time Emily had clung to him and refused to let go. 'They must have given up and just took her with me...' He debated whether or not to open his eyes 'I'm no lolicon like my father I'll have to take a pass. And It would be seemingly odd and suspicious for a knocked out child to wake up so soon.'

Though he felt odd tingles from parts of his body as he was washed, he had not moved a muscle and his breaths were shallow as if weak. Not many, if any, could see through his charade.

His chest felt more sensitive then he recalled, and it was quite hard hard to deal with the sensations of his newly acquired tail and ears. The hands washing him approached the reproductive organ, located between his thighs, near his hip area.

He was not shocked, not flustered, he felt nothing, he was detached. But then a thought had barged it's way into his mind, and the few emotions he had left fired out their signals in his brain. 'Emmy isn't in the same tub as me is she?...'

With all his effort and power over himself, he manage to keep completely still. The sensation was... odd?... new?... different then he recalled... this stumped him.. For a bit at least...


The human mind, often is very good at ignoring what it wants to ignore, rationalizing even when there is no more rationality. What is believable isn't easily changed. Even if there was a world of magic right under our noses, humanity would spare no effort denying it.

'Magic? Just a new form of energy conversion I guess? Animal human hybrid? Twisted genetic experiments or maybe evolution side tracked a bit... But now you add full on gender bender? Can I go back to the void where I can comprehend things?'

The past hour or so had Elliot's reasoning tested to it's limits. Like the straw that broke the camel's back, his rationalization had failed him... her?... Elliot's tail unconsciously twitched as his brain was fried.


Unlike Elli who was trying to be discreet Emily had long since had her eyes open and stared at Elli. The maid watching over them was a little confused at first but didn't question it as she washed Elli.

Emily let out a giggle when she was Elli's tail twitch with a slight and a slight frown had formed on Elli.

Emily, who hadn't bothered to pretend to be unconscious much, had gotten somewhat passable control over her tail. Moving it over and wrapping around Elli's tail she saw her ears twitching slightly.

At this point the maid had a slightly red face, 'T-These two...

...Their sooooo cute!'

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