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Chapter 10: ...Fear and Arrest...

It was 7 in the morning, Izuku had breakfast with Bakugou, apparently, Mitsuki was still sleeping.

Izuku: Doesn't your head hurt or something?

Bakugou: Nah, didn't have so many beers.

Izuku: Well, something else, can I borrow a helmet?

Bakugou: For what?

Izuku: It's for Eri, I have to leave my motorcycle at home, and put on my uniform.

Bakugou: Don't you think it's too dangerous for the little one?

Izuku: Don't tell me how to raise my daughter.

Bakugou: Hey man relax, take mine, I never use it anyway.

Izuku: Neither do I, now that I think about it, I don't even have a license.

Bakugou: A license is required?

Izuku: That's what the police told me last time.

Bakugou: You learn something new every day.

Eri: Daddy, why do I need a helmet?

Izuku: Because I'll take you on my motorcycle Eri, and that doesn't have a seat belt.

Eri: Okay :)

Izuku finished his coffee and went to Bakugou's garage for his motorcycle, though, an idea crossed his mind so he called Principal Nezu.

...During the Call...

Nezu: Young Midoriya? What do you need?

Izuku: I was calling you because I have a doubt.

Nezu: And what would it be?

Izuku: Is there a rule that prohibits vehicles for students?

Nezu: There isn't, why the doubt?

Izuku: Well, I need a parking place or something where I can leave a motorcycle, does UA have something like that?

Nezu: No problem, you can occupy the parking lot near the dormitories, although you will have to get a permit signed by me and a teacher.

Izuku: Ok, thanks for the information.

...End of call...

Izuku entered the house again and went for Bakugou and the helmet for Eri.

Izuku: Should I ask why is it pink??

Bakugou: It came with the purchase of some tires.

Izuku asked no more questions.

Izuku: Okay, I'm going for my uniform and that's it. Nezu allowed me to leave my motorcycle at the UA.

Eri put on her helmet and followed Izuku to the bike. Seeing the bike up close it was much bigger than she thought, and when Izuku started it the sound of the engine was deafening.

Izuku got Eri on the motorcycle. He accommodated her as best he could so she wouldn't fall down and went straight home for his uniform, although on the way it was an adrenaline rush for Eri, why? Well, when Eri lost her fear of speed, Izuku did a wheelie on the bike.

Izuku: Are you ready Eri?

Eri: Y-yes!

Izuku: Hold on tight and don't let go of the handlebars.

The travel on one wheel was 100 meters. Eri was scared at first, but then she laughed, the reason? It was quite funny to feel how the adrenaline made her tighten her belly.

Although the fun didn't last long, Izuku made the normal tour when he spotted a patrol up ahead. If he were alone he would not care much and he would lose them in some alley, but Eri was with him, and he did not want to involve her in a chase, she was too young for that.





Izuku was wearing his uniform, and he was back on his motorcycle, but this time he was now wearing a helmet.

He arrived at the UA and parked the motorcycle outside the dormitories. He went to his room avoiding any questions from his companions. He left the helmets in his room and went to drop Eri at her school. On the way, he met Bakugou and they headed to the classroom.

Izuku: I'll give you back the helmet later.

Bakugou: You can keep it, it doesn't work for me and it's pink anyway, let the little girl keep it. Another thing, I also brought my motorcycle, can you tell me what do you need for the permit?

Izuku: At lunch, we have to go for some documents that Nezu has to sign and get a signature from Aizawa.

Bakugou nodded, they both entered the room and waited for class to start.

The first hours of class were over. Izuku was bored to death, the theoretical classes were just a waste of time in his opinion. Together with Bakugou, they went to Nezu's office to get the permits.

*Toc toc toc*

Nezu: You can come in ... Oh? Young Midoriya and young Bakugou, for what do you come here for?

Izuku: I come for the parking permit.

Bakugou: The same as him.

Nezu: Well, wait a minute, please.

Nezu took out a folder, and after searching through the stack of papers, he took out two sheets, signed them, and stamped them.

Nezu: Well, the permit for your bikes are ready, you just need Aizawa's signature.

Izuku: Thank you principal Nezu, with your permission, we leave before lunch is over.

They both left the office and went to the dining room, bought their food, and went to an empty table. All quiet until...

Momo: Midoriya.

Izuku: Yes, what do you need Yaoyorozu?

Momo: Today I'm going out shopping with my friends at the mall, so you come with me.

Izuku nodded, he couldn't refuse anyway. Momo went back to her table and Izuku continued with his sandwich.

Bakugou: Hahaha, poor idiot, they have you as a slave.

Izuku: It's the price for having Eri.

Bakugou: Is it worth it?

Izuku: Every damn second.

Bakugou: Well, I think I'll go with you to the mall, I need new shirts and a deck of cards.

Izuku: I think I'll take Eri, maybe she wants something from the mall.

The bell rang, lunchtime was over, everyone went back to their classroom.





In the classroom, Izuku and Bakugou waited for Aizawa to sign their permits. After 5 minutes he appeared through the door.

Aizawa: * seeing Izuku and Bakugou * Why aren't you two seated??

Izuku: We need you to sign these permits.

Aizawa: For what?

Izuku: It's just a parking permit, only your signature is missing.

Aizawa had no patience, he signed the papers and stamped them, and sent them to their seats to start his class. After leaving 6 homework sheets, he got into his sleeping bag and, well, he slept until the end of class.

Izuku: Hey Bakugou, do you have the answer for #15??

Bakugou: I don't know, I'm on #10.

Izuku: Kirishima, give me the answer for #15...

Kirishima: Sorry bro, I'm on #6.

Izuku: Damnit...

The bell rang again, the class was over.

Izuku puts away his things and went to get Eri to her school. When he arrived he saw how she was playing cards with her sensei. When she saw Izuku, she dropped the cards and went to get her little red backpack, said goodbye to her sensei, and went with Izuku to the bedrooms.

Izuku: And how was school?

Eri: It went well for me, although I still struggle to improve my quirk control, sensei said that I just lacked practice and that I shouldn't be afraid to use it.

Izuku: What a nice person... another thing, do you want to go to the mall??

Eri: Yeeees!!

Izuku: Well, while I'm going to meet with Yaoyorozu you go change your clothes and take the helmet that Uncle Bakugou gave you.

Eri: Okay :3.

Eri took Izuku's keys and went ahead, while Izuku went for his motorcycle and Bakugou, as well as going to Momo's room.

Momo: Yes? What do you want?.

Izuku: I just came to ask if you mind me taking Eri with me.

Momo: I don't care, as long as you do your job.

Izuku nodded, went to his room, and saw Eri already dressed.

Izuku: Where did you get the apple from??

Eri: Uncle Bakugou bought it for me.

Izuku asked no more questions, changed his clothes, and took his helmet. He took Eri in his arms and waited next to Bakugou for Momo.

Bakugou: Why the heck does it take them so long?

Izuku: No idea.

Half an hour passed and a limousine pulled up in front of the bedrooms.

At that very moment, Momo came down with the other girls from class A.

Momo: Okay, everyone gets in ... * looking at Izuku * you too.

Izuku: I'm sorry but I already have transportation, so you can go now, I'll see you at the mall.

Momo: As you wish, but don't walk away.

Izuku and Bakugou went for their bikes, Eri tried to get on alone, but it was too tall for her, Izuku took her in his arms and settled her.

Izuku went ahead and reached the mall first, as he had the advantage of not getting stuck in traffic. After Momo arrived they entered the mall.

Izuku was in charge of carrying all the bags with the dresses and the shoeboxes that Momo bought.

Izuku: One question, do you need all these clothes?

Momo: Don't give your opinion and load the boxes.

Mina: I still don't understand how Izuku is your butler.

Momo: My father thinks it's a good idea.

Eri: What is a butler?

Momo: He is a person who does everything you want.

Eri: Daddy does everything I want, is he my butler?

Izuku: Hmm, it sounds reasonable.

Momo: Things don't work like that little one.

Eri: Why?

Tsuyu: It's because Momo pays Izuku, that's the reason ~ kero.

Eri didn't quite understand, but she didn't want to ask more.

Shopping continued, though Izuku had some free time when the girls entered an underwear store. He took Eri and they went to see the stores in case there was something of interest, Bakugou joined since he had bought what he needed.

Bakugou: And what are we looking for?

Izuku: I don't know, I'm doing time while the girls leave that store.

Eri quickly got out of Izuku's arms and went to a glass case with her eyes like stars.

Izuku stared at the display case and a smile graced his face.

Izuku: What do you say Bakugou, is it a good idea?

Bakugou: * looking at the window * It's your daughter, you decide.

Izuku took Eri in his arms and entered the store that had a huge KTM logo on the roof. He went to the managers of the place to discuss the price.

Clerk: Yes? What do you need?

Izuku: I come for the motorcycle that is in the display case, tell me the price, please.

Clerk: The price is $3,900. Do you want to buy it?

Izuku: Yes, do you have shipping and assembly?

Clerk: Yes, it comes armed and we can deliver it to your home.

Izuku: Well, is that the only color they have?

Clerk: There is a pink model.

Izuku: What do you say Eri?

Eri: I want the one that looks like daddy's.

Clerk: Ok, cash or card?

Izuku: Cash.

Izuku pulled out a small wad of bills from one of his hidden pockets.

Clerk: Okay, please sign here, and put the address and date you want it delivered.

Izuku did the paperwork and entered his home address.

Clerk: Well, Friday afternoon it will be delivered to your house, something else?

Izuku: I need a new pair of tires, add them to my account.

After paying they left the store and returned with Momo who had already finished her shopping.

Bakugou: And did you buy it?

Izuku: Yes, it will be fun to teach her.

Bakugou: Father of the Year Friend, Father of the Year. * patting him on the back *

Mina: I'm hungry.

Tsuyu: Same ~ kero.

Jirou: I want a burger.

Momo: We can stop by for food before we go.

Everyone went into a store and ordered food, except for Izuku and Bakugou who ordered a beer.

Waiter: Aren't you too young to drink?

Izuku: Does that even matter?

Waiter: Politics forces me to ask.

Bakugou: Bring the damn order or we won't tip you * covering Eri's ears * motherfucker.

The waiter ran quickly, as the tips were 50% of his pay.

Mina: Izuku drinks?

Momo: You shouldn't drink Izuku, you're still a minor.

Izuku: Does that matter? Let me drink in peace, I am not paid enough to bear criticism.

Mina: Where is the cinnamon roll that we loved so much?

Izuku paid no attention to her, he hoped for the order to come so he could be calmer.

Minutes later the waiter arrived. Everyone was eating quietly, well, that was the plan, but unfortunately, a villain had the idea to rob the place.

A pity for him.

Villain: Nobody move or I'll shoot!!

The villain pointed towards the table where Izuku and Bakugou were located.

Villain: Give up all the damn money and valuables you have, or someone will die!!

Izuku stood up from his seat, this whole situation had him on the verge of collapse. First, he had to put up with his companions, then he had to put up with Mina's questions, and now a stupid man comes in with a gun and says he's going to steal from them? How stupid.

Izuku: Bakugou, take care of the valuable cargo, this idiot already bored me.

Momo believed it was her, but Bakugou hugged Eri and covered her eyes and ears.

Izuku: You know, only an idiot comes unaccompanied to a robbery, and has the capacity of only bringing a low-caliber weapon.

Villain: Do not move idiot or I'll blow your brains out!!

The Villain shot Izuku right in the chest.

Momo: Midoriyaaa!!!

Everyone was scared except Bakugou who knew what would happen.

Izuku: Hehehe, that tickled me, but, you ruined my sweater...

The villain shot more times. Izuku did not use Indestructible as that would cause the bullets to bounce and they could hit an innocent.

The villain emptied the magazine onto Izuku's body.

The bullets ran out, and Izuku wasn't moving.

Villain: HAHAHAHA, the idiot died standing up, HAHAHA!! Someone else wants to be brave?! Someone else wants to die today?!

The manager secretly called the police, he was afraid, they had murdered a boy in his premises.

And on the girls' part, it was worse. Izuku Midoriya was dead, no one survives so many bullets.

Eri still didn't know why they didn't let her see or hear.

Izuku: Hehehe, * spits a bullet * I missed the feeling of lead in my guts.

The Villain failed to react, Izuku tensed his muscles and moved in a blink. He gave him a sweeping kick, and before the villain fell he used Iron Breaker hitting him in the chest, breaking ribs, and knocking the villain out of air.

Izuku got up quickly, went for his beer, took a sip, and broke the glass bottle. He went up to the villain and put the bottle to his neck, he was about to stab him, but...

Police: Police, nobody moves!!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief except those paying attention to Izuku. If the police hadn't come, would he have killed him? Probably yes, and Momo knew it. The fear that she had at the beginning came back and with more force, she was lucky that Izuku now belongs to her.

Police: * seeing Izuku * You!! Hands-on your neck and on your knees, you are arrested for robbery!!

Manager: The thief is the one on the ground.

Police: Eh?... It doesn't matter, handcuff both of them and take them to the patrol, the green-haired boy is arrested for using his quirk without authorization!!

The policemen subdued Izuku and handcuffed him.

Izuku: Bakugou, can you take Eri please, this will take a while.

Police: Shut your mouth, everything you say will be used against you !!

Izuku: How delicate.

The policemen took Izuku to the patrol and drove to the police station for questioning.

As the girls came out of shock, Bakugou took the keys to his motorcycle and Eri's helmet. He called a tow truck to take care of Izuku's motorcycle and to take it to UA.

Momo: W-what did just happen?

Mina: I-Izuku was arrested...

Tsuyu: H-he almost killed the villain ~ kero.

Jirou: * trembling * Midoriya is scary.

Momo called her driver, paid the bill, took her things, and with the help of Bakugou carried all her purchases to her limo.

Bakugou put Eri on his motorcycle and went back to UA.

Meanwhile with Izuku.

Izuku came down from the patrol, the policemen searched him. Luckily he didn't bring any weapons today. When they did not find anything, they took him to the interrogation room to see if they would detain him or not.

Police: Izuku? And now what did you do?

Izuku: Hi Mike, it's good to see an acquaintance.

Mike: And what was this time?

Izuku: A simple fight, I just defended myself.

Mike: Aha, that's what you say every time you end up here, I thought you were dead, I haven't seen you for a year.

Izuku: I study in a hero academy.

Mike: Hahahaha, really.

Izuku: ...

Mike: Isn't it a joke??

Izuku: I am no longer a criminal Mike, I already changed.

Mike: That is a vile lie, if it were so, you wouldn't be here.

Izuku: I'm telling you I defended myself damn it.

Mike: And what are you accused of?

Izuku: I was arrested for using my quirk without permission. I still don't understand how the fuck my regeneration is an illegal quirk.

Mike: Yes I know, but you're lucky, the owner of the store they robbed testified on your behalf, so sign this and you're good to go.

Izuku: What a waste of time, my daughter must be worried.

Mike: Do you have a daughter?

Izuku: * signing out * It's a long story, when they arrest me again I'll tell you about it.

Mike: I don't know why, but something tells me I won't have to wait long.

Izuku: Hahahaha, don't hesitate.

Izuku took his seized things and called a taxi to go back to the UA.

When he arrived he went straight to his room, Bakugou was playing cards with Eri.

Bakugou: At last you arrive Deku, you owe me 50 dollars from the tow truck.

Eri: Daddy, where were you?

Izuku: Visiting an old friend.

Bakugou: Is Mike still a cop?

Izuku: Apparently yes.

Bakugou: Another thing, ponytail wants to talk to you about I don't know what, I didn't pay much attention to it.

Izuku: That will be tomorrow, now I don't feel like doing anything.

Izuku leaned back on his bed and watched the game that Eri and Bakugou had.

JustSomeone_69 JustSomeone_69

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