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Chapter 2: 2

I quickly ran to Kylie's dance class to find everyone there frozen. The teacher was posing very weirdly and half the other kids there were floating.

"What is this?" I asked myself.

As I walked out of the building, I saw some sort of movement across the street. I couldn't see that well, I suppose it was someone experiencing the same thing as me.

'Is this what hell looks like?'

I wandered around a bit before I realized a major change. I look up to the sky to find it fully black. It had no clouds, no stars, nothing.

Slowly, from the highest building in that vicinity, they start turning black. It was like they were getting absorbed by the black hole.

I checked my phone for the time and it was also frozen. The black hole soon swallowed everything around me. I sat down on a bench and just waited for my time to be swallowed. I close my eyes and let out my last breath.

My body felt weird. I couldn't open my eyes. I smelled something odd. Like popcorn or something. I suddenly felt a big drop, like how roller coasters felt. Then I felt electrocuted.

With heavy eyelids, I tried opening my eyes. I saw a girl in front of me, she looked like she was barely 10. There was an old man beside her and a cat on the other side. I couldn't see the person on my left or my right.

Suddenly a big claw appeared in front of my eyes and grabbed the little girl. I wanted to scream and help her, but she was brought away. Slowly, I can hear more machinery from around me.

'Where the hell am I now?'

I heard a loud thud behind me than in front of me. A boy, probably as old as me, dropped from the sky. I expected him to fall over but no. He stood there like a mannequin. Everyone was like a mannequin.

I heard something above me, then felt something around my waist. Unlike Sean's hand that was somewhat gentle, this was harsh. It grabbed me and pulled me up into the air. I tried to break loose but my body wouldn't move.

I looked down to find millions of different people lined up. It was like the military. I felt something eerie was coming so I closed my eyes.

When I opened them again I fell to another layout of people. This time I could move. I slowly walked up to the person in front of me and to my surprise, she was similar to me. She had that dominant sassy look with bangs and a coat. It was exactly what I looked like. Though her face is a little more round.

I looked at the person to her right and she was also exactly like me. This time she had glasses on. As I ran around the people there, I realized, they are all mes'. We are all so similar. But I have never seen these people in my life.

I continued running, trying to find a way out. I stopped for a while to rest my legs and heard a bell. It sounded like the music played in the mall when it was about to close.

"Welcome to the Factory. All personnel are required to join the ceremony later on at 3. Please do not be late"

"That sounds like an AI," I said under my breath.

I tried to walk around some more, but I soon realized there aren't even any walls.

'How am I supposed to get out?'

I looked at the machines that brought me here. They were similar to claws in that arcade game. There were about 8 I found near me. Each of them had a different shade of gray. Some seemed older than the rest.

After watching the cranes go back and forth for a while I decided to do something. On the claw that landed on the person near me, I waited until they grabbed that person's waist. After that, I jumped at the claw trying to hug one of its fingers. It went up and I hung on dear life.

When it felt like forever, it passed a very bright and glowing layer. Once it passed that, all I could see was the other cranes carrying different people.

The crane brought me to a big space, it seemed to be like a lobby. As it passed one of the pillars, I jumped off.

Sliding down the pillar, I start seeing people walking around. Normal people. They wore some sort of white coat and had glasses on. As I was sliding down, looking at everyone around me, a thought suddenly came to mind.

'What am I landing on?'

I looked down and there was a cube on the bottom. I braced myself to hit me but on the edges but to my surprise, I landed softly.

I opened my eyes to find a man holding me. He seemed to be around 40 years old and definitely a family man. I got off his arms and apologized.

"You're not supposed to be here," he said, examining me.

He took one last look at me before touching his glasses. There seemed to be an invisible screen he was touching because from my perspective it was just him touching the air. He looked at me and pushed me down, making me sit on the floor.

"Wait until Kate gets here," he said, leaving me.

"Who's Kate?" I screamed.

I soon realized he had gone away. My eyes then met another pair of eyes in the big hall. They glared at me for a while then looked away. This happened to me about 6 times before a lady with curly hair and dark skin approached me.

"Who Are you?" I asked.

"James told me to get you. Looks like we got a recruit" she said, giving me her hand.

I grabbed her hand, standing up.

"Follow me," she said.

She had a similar coat to everyone else. A lab coat. But hers had blue linings while others had plain white.

She brought me through a few rooms filled with a variety of people. They all looked so normal, but odd at the same time.

We got to a room where there was only one door. The door was glowing and very very big. It was something I imagined as the gates of heaven or hell.

"Go in," she said with a smile.

I walked towards the door without hesitation and opened it. A bright light shone on me as I entered the room. The room was filled with confused-looking people like me. Some were calmer but others just seemed lost. There was a long line of arrows pointing me where to go. Soon I realized behind me there were also more people.

I followed the line quietly until I reached some sort of ticket station. There was a robot behind it. It gave me a ticket with the numbers 1, 390, 332, 976 on it.

I took the ticket and turned it around. I looked at the person beside me and his ticket was blank. I looked at another person and their ticket was also blank. I assume only we can see the tickets.

There were more sets of arrows we had to follow. At the end of the arrows, there was a sanitation zone. We all entered it one by one.

Inside we were told to take off our clothes and exchange them with a t-shirt and some sweatpants. They were extremely comfortable.

The walls got smaller and smaller as there was a window to see other people. Then there was an elevator at the end. I got in the elevator and it went up.

It was about a 30-second ride before it reached an opening that looked like an interrogation room. The lady from before, Kate, was sitting there with a pile of paper. She shuffled around the paper before grabbing one and attaching it to her board. Then she looked at me with shifty eyes.

"Emily Brown?"

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