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Chapter 2: A new daughter... Son?

As he traveled through the shadow, reaching extreme speeds before he seemed to encounter some resistance. It was so slight he thought nothing of it, pushing through it without questioning it.

It was one of his kind, surely they wouldn't mind once he explained himself, right?

As he rose from the shadows, he stepped out in a dark modern room, the only light coming from an open laptop on a table. However that didn't seem to bother the man as he stood there, looking around.

It wasn't until he lowered his gaze to across the room where what looked to be a small girl was holding a sandwich on a plate. They were frozen, staring at the man before them, he easily towered over them by a few feet, his long crimson hair falling around him, despite the dark room the person could see this mysterious new person easily.

The person began to shiver, fat tears began to leak before the person dropped the plate and dashed forward, the small girl's eyes began to glow red softly before they seemed to appear slamming into man at his waist.

Arms clung in a vice grip around his waist as the person sobbed into his abdomen.


The man didn't seem to react at first, even when the person crashed into his abdomen and began to sob against him he watched before slowly the man smiled as he slowly lowered himself to kneel down. Gathering the sobbing woman in his arms he spoke out slowly. His deep voice only seeming to cause the one in his arms to relax, but sob all the harder.

''It is fine... Gasper, I am here..."

It wasn't much longer until the man felt the field around them lower before the door crashed open flooding the dark room with light.

Four people rushed in, the first to enter the room was a man with blond hair, a sword drawn as he took a defensive position, his eyes locked on the man holding Gasper. At first a hint of confusion appeared before his eyes sharpened, his grip on his sword tightening as he seemed ready to attack at any moment.

The second to enter was another small girl, silver hair with her fist raised, her expression fierce as she watched the man, there was no confusion in the girls eyes, whatever effected the first boy didn't effect this one.

The third was a black haired beauty, lightning crackling between her fingers as she took a position behind the girl and boy with a sword.

The fourth being a beauty with red hair much like the man's own, however a bit less color, darker even. Seeing the man she stopped, confusion crossing her face.

''Onii-cha.... No you're not! Who are you, what do you want with Gasper!"

The man watched these four without a movement or word, he could sense the tension easily, they were all ready to attack him at a moment's notice. He'd be okay with facing them in combat if they so wished, but not while he was holding Gasper.

If they pushed for combat while he held Gasper... He would slaughter them without mercy.

As if sensing what he felt the boy in his arms suddenly looked up. ''No Papa! Their my family!''

Confusion flashed over all the faces of the four that had entered, the red haired one spoke first. ''Gasper? Who is this? Is this Lord Vladi?"

''NO! Do not compare Papa to that man!" Gasper flinched softly, it was happening again, his fears were bubbling up. His eyes began to dart around the room, he needed an escape, he needed to get away, there were to many people.

That was until a hand caught the balled up fist he was making just as he had begun to shake. As the hand came over his a feeling of safety bubbled up, bursting the other worries as both his hands moved to grip the larger gloved hand. A vice grip before slowly he began to relax, if Papa was here... He could do it!

''Papa is... The start, the beginning... He is who we were all originated from... He is the Original, the Progenitor."

At first the red haired woman seemed to get only more confused, he was Papa, but he wasn't Lord Vladi? But as Gasper spoke more, her eyes widen, a sliver of terror quickly suppressed as her royalty and training took over. ''Kiba sheath your sword, everyone stand down!"

At first they all seemed hesitant, but this woman seemed to have a hold over them as the man sheathed his sword and stood straighter, still tense but at a resting stance.

The silver haired girl's face began to lose the expression she had before and she shifted, moving closer to the red haired woman.

The only one who seemed to relax the most was the black haired woman, replacing the look on her face with a smile, her hands coming together to hold each other before her waist, causing her breast to push together. She was smiling, but the hand hidden, being covered by the other was tense. She understood the implications of what Gasper said, and even she felt that same shiver of fear.

The red haired woman took a deep breath to calm herself before she spoke.

"So you are... The first Vampire? Can you please explain yourself?"

The man's crimson gaze slowly moved over all of them before he looked to the red haired woman, when he spoke all of them seemed momentarily taken back by his voice. Gasper himself only seemed to smile hearing the words of his father.

''Firstly, I apologize for having enter so rudely. I could've found an easier method to get in contact with Gasper, however under certain circumstances I am... confused myself. Shall we move to someplace where we can hold a better conversation?"

The woman relaxed before she nodded, it was easier, the man showed no ill intention, and if Gasper trusted the man, despite knowing Gasper's special circumstances, she would put faith into her family. ''Yes, please if you would follow me, we can talk upstairs in the club room...''

Soon they were all walking down a hallway, the two taller women leading, while the girl and Kiba followed behind.

The girl knew deep down, the man was dangerous, she knew if the man so wished to, he could have killed them all, but despite the fear she felt down to her core, she was ready to die if it came down to it to protect her family.

Kiba himself felt... Something about the man, he knew he was dangerous, he broke through the barrier like it was paper after all, and despite it the barrier didn't actually fall, it was repaired as soon as he had entered, closing behind him... Almost as if it had opened for him in the first place.

Both of them watched the man walk with Gasper, his gloved hand holding the boys. Occasionally Gasper would look around, seeming to get fidgety before he would turn to look up to the man, only seeming to calm down after that.

The two women in the front would occasionally look back, focused on looking to Gasper, both of them holding a level of shock, seeing the boy so willing to leave the sealed room without kicking up a fuss.

Soon they were on in a room, a large desk to one side, a few doors leading off somewhere else, but two large couches sitting across from each other with a table in the middle.

As they entered and the man took a seat, Gasper scrambled into the man's lap to clutch at the arm that moved around him, holding it tightly to him.

The others watched this only to look to the man, all of them stopping as they seen his expression.

The man looked so... Content, a deep, profound love so easy to see in his eyes as he watched the back of Gasper's head, a love without equal, a true love that a Father, or even Mother could only give.

The red haired woman seemed to smile softly, it was much easier for her to be around the man, if he held Gasper in such high regards, he couldn't be that bad, could he?

The black haired woman spoke out first. ''I'll make us some tea and get some snacks..."

The red haired woman spoke as she sat across from the man. ''Thank you Akeno."

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