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Chapter 2: Through going

Olivia and the others reached the southern part of Azhar in a village called Fruez, the place was well known for its people's capabilities to dive and swim at deep ends, seafood was so popular in this region, they had all kinds of fisheries which include Crabs, Squids, salmons, prawns and a lot more. Victor suggests that they should take a break from traveling and try out Fruez's fishery.

" Hey fellas won't you wanna try out some amazing seafood before we could move any further," said Victor.

Emelia winked at Victor as she pursued Oliva to try out some seafood at the best cuisines.

"C'mon girls at least let try out some delicious seafood here you never know how good it is,"

replied Emelia.

" I'm a foodie so I would love to taste so good seafood this place has to offer I can't miss this chance at all," said Malissa.

Olivia unmounted her horse as she responds to everyone's suggestions, " it's been a long journey so I believe we need a break after all we've to fill up our empty tummies to continue any further "said, Olivia.

Victor leads the way to the best fishery in Fruez, the rehabilitation was well known for serving its customers with hot grilled seafood. Victor loved the place a lot because it had a bar in it that offered shots of London-Irish Gin with a couple of ice cubes.

" ladies welcome to Luigi's cuisine he's going to be our chef for today,"

said Victor.

"you may place your order here at my counter, don't forget we have a good London-Irish gin," said Luigi.

" I would like to order two salmons and squid tentacles," said Olivia, as she pays 4 silver coins, Malissa ordered shrimps and pasta with Victor and Emelia order a couple of octopus tentacles and rice Victor insist that he would like to taste the London-Irish gin import from Belfast.

" Hey Luigi, a little birdie told me that you've got the London-Irish gin, how much will it cost ?" said Victor.

" did you just ask for the London-Irish gin, lad nobody has ever asked me about that it since your the first one I'll give you a 20% discount which means you only need 2 silver for it," said Luigi?

" pretty good fella I like the deal so I'll take it here's a couple of silver coins," said Victor.

Victor uncaps the lid of the gin pouring it on 4 glasses serving them with a couple of ice cubes watching everyone take a sip of the gin made Victor more delighted than he could have ever I imagine he sips the gin indulging the Irish scent, Olivia only took two sips of the gin then she continues chopping down octopus tentacles with her fork and knife in hand.

Malissa sat quietly enjoying her grilled large crab, she dips the shrimps on the wasabi puré, " This is so delicious I couldn't imagine how good this crab is with some wasabi puré," whispered Malissa in her thoughts.

Olivia's wisdom map unwraps itself floating on midair as it marked a red Cross near the Bucegi Castle.

"what's up with the Red Cross on your map are we facing the consequences?" asked Emelia.

"observing the reaction of the map it seems like it will teleport us at the spot marked red," said Olivia.

" what about the other two members of our team ? we haven't found them yet!" replied Malissa.

The Map opened a portal that teleported them all near Bucegi castle they all landed on the ground with two siblings who sat a few meters away from them.

" This must be the spot where those creatures killed and wiped out all those poor souls," said Malissa.

They noticed that they were joined by two siblings Rosé and Damien, they looked identical to the point some would consider them twins.

" where are we?" Rosé asked


" I see Dracula's castle, this must be Bucegi," replied Damien.

The duo studied Olivia and her group steadily, identify the magic wand Emelia carried looked at her with their faces blank, Olivia gets a gut feeling that she should scout them, to complete the puzzle piece,

" oh my, where are my manners, if you may allow me to introduce myself," said Emelia.

" If you don't mind please do, "replied Damien.

" I'm Olivia from Budapest and I've gathered brave warriors who are willing to help me eradicate the ongoing war between the werewolves and vampires and I would be glad if you join us in this struggle," replied Olivia as she convinces Damien and Rosé.

" I'm Damien and that's my sister Rosé, united we stand, separated we fall, I believe that working together gives us the capability to send those creatures back to the underworld, I'm going to join you and your team, " replied Damien, his sister waves at Victor.

" follow us we'll explain everything on the way," said Olivia.

Running their way to the cave Olivia explained her father's prophecy to Rosé and Damien, when they arrived at the cave each of them introduced themselves to Rosé and Damien. Emelia summons the remaining weapons for the duo to utilize in combat, Rosé's taijutsu skills paid off as she got handed a Katakana, forged through flammable ore designed to cut through metal.

Damien got handed a trident, the trident was designed to command all forces of water and air lashing it all at the Target. Olivia finally completed the puzzle piece gathering a skillful team willing to help her end the war between the wolf and vampires.

" We are the ones who will stop them from ending the human race, united we stand, separated we tumble," Olivia directs everyone to their positions giving them instructions I either behead or use a crucifix to cast away the demons.

Mark Swindon alongside Ralph they both led the pack to secure Bucegi despite knowing that his nemesis Zeke had reincarnated the great vampire Dracula, Mark did not care if he would cross paths with Zeke all he wanted was supremacy over Bucegi as it was a land filled with great history especially at the castle.

Zeke and Dracula summoned a large army of vampires up and about to overpower the alpha pack their main objective was to start the plague at the heart of Transylvania, the plague would give them a huge advantage over the human race forcing them to surrender themselves and let their souls be devoured.

" Ralf where do we head next?"

asked Mark.

" our next territory I should be at Bucegi near the castle, well charge from the West leaving Zeke and his undead puppets no other option but to act "replied Ralph.

" we'll carry garlic shooters as those undead foes won't resist it for too long, it might even take them down, "said Mark.

Ralph marks the spot where the pack will assemble themselves each wolf was instructed to sneak behind a tree, they should only come out when a red missile has been fired up to the sky. The night has fallen pitch dark living the moonlight and twinkling stars beaming through Transylvania, Zeke's vampire army soared through the sky flying in large stocks, Mark shot the blue missile indicating danger, Zeke's army flew close to him, Mark pulled the trigger right in front of the vampire shooting its belly he watched how it begins coughing losing its strength and capabilities, " the garlic shooter's effective we should create a massive garlic cannon that will wipe out Zeke's little army„ whispered Mark.

He fires the red missile at the sky signaling the wolves to charge directly at the castle, Zeke could hear the barks outside of his castle he began to feel a bit anxious about his army.

" those mad dogs!!! They've come to take over this land, I won't let that happen!„ said Zeke.

Zeke left Dracula at the castle going out to duel with Mark once again. The pack where done squandering the Vampire's plan to leave a massacre of the citizens, when will this battle of supremacy ever end?

Mark and his pack charged towards the vampire army using this massive strengths in numbers, Ralf conducted the pack firing a dozen garlic balls at the mouths of the vampire, this opened the door for Mark to sneak inside the castle using his instincts he first sniffed his way to Zeke, the shots distracted Zeke for a moment as he peeps through the window watching how his followers are falling short to the alpha pack, after a series of garlic shots Ralph and the pack dropped their weapons as they raced to Zeke's followers.

" I can smell humans, they are coming to our way captain Ralph„ echoed the black wolf.

Ralph sighed Olivia and her party positioned themselves for an ambush " get a quarter of the alpha, finish them off bring their corpses back to me„ commanded Ralph. A portion of the alpha protested their way towards Olivia's party, led by the gruesome large black wolf, their objective was to kill them all. Rosé heard a loud hooting echoing louder as the ground began to rumble, loose rocks splinted into little pieces, Ravens lurking distortedly as the full blue moon rose, the pack splint into six tiny groups.

Malissa shot a flame arrow through the trees burning it down indicating her companions to keep their eyes peeled.

Malissa climbs a tree getting a clear view as she saw werewolves coming her way.

" The battle has just begun, it's time to show why I was chosen as best archer„ she whispers under her breath.

The pack climbed the tree Malissa was on using their claws reaching close to her. She aims at the silver end of the arrow at the heads of the wolf unleashing the bow ricocheting the arrow inserted into the skull leaving the first wolf wounded in agony, werewolves are vulnerable to anything that contained sliver wounds in their flash causing death through agonizing pain.

The silver her arrows contained gave her an upper hand, she quickly fires two arrows at the belly of the second wolf seeing it fall off the tree. Malissa leaps off the tree landing on the ground with a somersault flip, studying the Lycans she shoots a flame arrow at the tree catching alight, the blaze spread quicker than expected scorching the wolves to death.

Malissa runs to support Rosé at the cliff, Rosé learned taijutsu back in Kyoto, Japan taught by a professional swordsman she was able to cut through steel, the werewolves were no problem for her as she slashed the sword through the flesh of the wolf, two wolves climbed on the cliff she stood on, barking in anger releasing their claws sharp enough to cut flesh.

" no it can't happen, I won't fall anymore, Master Yamaguchi I won't let you down anymore, I have to survive!„ whispered Rosé as She Drew her sword forward poking right at the heart of the big black wolf, as blood spilled on the ground Rosé jumps over the other wolf chopping its nape as it fell face first hitting hard rumbling the ground only a couple of wolves left the razor teethed wolf ripped off Rosé's jacket as the other wolf snatched the sword away from her hands throwing it into the dam.

" it's over for you, just surrender yourself and be devoured,„ he said.

Rosé dived into the dam leaving the two wolves staring blankly at each other, she spotted the sword easily because of the glowing steel material the sword had, she pulls it out of the ground with all her strength releasing it off ground. Two huge splashes emerged as the wolves dropped themselves into the dam swimming closer to Rosé.

She gets herself out of the dam stands with the sword held up high about to behead the wolves who swam out of the river. The Lycans marched to her ready to tear her flesh apart one's eye starring at her cleavage while the other sights at her with lustful eyes.

" you won't escape this time, we'll first rip off your clothing exposing your flesh, then we'll decide to eat you, it's such a pity that a beautiful soul like yours is going to be no more,„ said the first wolf.

" We don't have enough time until sunset will lose our form let's munch her down,„ said the second wolf.

Rosé used her reflexes to dodge every clenching claw backflipping a few meters away from them.

" do you l to you that easily? If so then you are wrong, I won't come out especially not to you „ Rosé slashes the two wolves'''' heads beheading them with the Katakana forged through steel and iron ore.

"Now I've got to find Damien he said I should get him near the vines„ whisperers on her thoughts as she heads to the vines searching for Damien.

Near the river valley, a small pack of wolves chased down Victor surrounded him in a circle, lights up the cigarette with a lighter, inhaling the smoke produced, placing his hands inside the coat pocket turns around studying and measuring the pack, simultaneously puffing out the smoke releasing a pair of axes held on his hands.

Threw double axes right at the heart of the two wolves in front of him, his face turned reddish just by looking at a couple of dead dogs decaying made him sick, with thoughts racing through his mind Wondering how if Emelia was still waiting to dance with him again. Victor ran towards the orchard tree where Emelia sat and waited for him, once he arrived Emelia gave him a warm hug tight enough to caress him.

"where have you been „ she whispers seductively into his ears.

" I've been dealing with wolves taking care of them, he replied.

" is that what you kept from?„ said Emelia.

" I'll make up for all the years without you,„ said Victor.

"let's begin with some old Irish taps„ she replied.

Victor kissed her hand as they position their legs ready to perform the hornpipe drill. Emelia summons the violin floating, as it plays Irish folk music.

Victor greets her with a few taps doing the O'Shea style.

" you still good as you were back in Dublin, lemmeow you what I can do, „said Emelia.

She taps her feet demonstrating her version of O'Shea, Victor seemed delighted to see his partner tap again.

"Bravo, bravo, you too are really good dancers,„ said Olivia as she pops out of the bush.

The music and the tapping stopped as Victor and Emelia both stared at Olivia.

"I bet you were watching us O'Shea our feet, can I get your acknowledgment,, said Victor.

"I must admit that y'all are pretty adequate dancers who are supposed to take down werewolves, said Olivia.

"we've already taken them all down you may signal the others to retreat to the cave we need another strategy soon as feasible,„ said Emelia.

" looking at the current situation we're facing strategizing amid the ongoing brawl of the vampires and werewolves, we need to capture at least one vampire, " replied Olivia as she fires a red misle canon through high the sky signaling everybody in her party to return to their cave.

"that must have reached them, we should probably get going right now,„ said the victor.

The trio took off to the cave uniting with the others. each member of the party arrived having completed their first task which was to stop packs of wolves from causing turmoil.

" I'm glad we close here,"said Emelia.

" I sliced their heads with this very sword,"said Rosé

"Emelia you still got the moves, I'm convinced that you can go Latino style honey,

"yes-s," blushed Emelia.

" heads up we still have to capture Mark, that big bad wolf I saw at the rooftop Bran castle squaring off with that old vampire," murmured Malissa.

"hard to believe you've recognized Mark, so quickly ahead of me I must say the village head was right about you, you're such a promising member," said Olivia

"The only way to defeat the werewolves is to use silver they're vulnerable as it poisons their cells making them dormant and unable to trigger," said Damien.

"I had a crucifix blessed by the priest at the cathedral earlier today, it will be able to chase away unclean spirits and demons which includes vampires, "said Malissa.

Olivia executes the plan with her party which includes burning the remaining vampires with the crucifix, Emelia casts a sleeping spell over the werewolves surrounding the castle, Rosé and Damien should help Emelia, Victor and Olivia should set up the net which should trap Mark. Lastly, keep Ralf Hostage and make him confess the truth.

Inside the castle, Mark and Zeke withstood one another driven by the hatred of the contrary kind. Zeke leads Mark to the castle's rooftop a great setting for an uninterrupted duel.

"You got lucky the last time we met, you won't escape this time, it's you and me, toe to toe, eye to eyeing my wolf form is strong enough to take you down, with that full blue moon up there, this should trigger me," Said, Mark.

" quite impressive a stray dog managed to associate himself with the strongest pack, you're quite a genius, you seriously think you will take me down that easily with your gang ,"replied Zeke.

" Our objective is to seize this land that you vampires ruled for centuries, we are superior over you vampires. That's why you've enslaved our previous generations in the underworld," said Mark.

" We shall battle for supremacy now. If I win your pack shall be my slaves and you will be my barter, but if you win this land will be under your ownership. And I'll bow down before you in shame and despair ," replied Zeke.

Marks shifting began to trigger his influence by the full blue moon, his claws sharpen just like a canine, his face changing into a dog's, black fur spread out all across his body to complete the transformation Mark howls loud injecting Zeke's eardrum Zeke transforms into his vampire form hissed at Mark as they both charge against each other raising their hands testing each other's strength.

" you've gotten stronger than before darn you Mark!" said Zeke.

Mark overpowers Zeke for the first time putting him down to a knee pushed him back to create some space between them.

"This time I'm not gonna hold back at all" whimpered Mark.

Zeke gets behind Mark attempted to lock in a full nelson, he couldn't, Mark was just too strong for him to handle. Mark slams Zeke on the rooftop, feeding him a couple of mounted punches on his face.

Zeke's face turned ugly with knuckles going through his head, he felt something was wrong about Mark's shifting, with those red eyes darting at him. He uses the reverse push power breaking the laws of gravity, blowing Mark away from him. utilizing his speed to his advantage.

Mark races forward with his claws piercing it through Zeke's flash as his offense depleted. The full moon began to fade away slowly weakening Mark's ability his incredible large size decreases to a normal wolf's size. the door busts open wide Olivia runs in with Victor holding a net.

Olivia reveals the crucifix in front of Zeke weakening him releasing the inner demons within him perishing the curse while Victor captured Mark with a silver net restraining him from shifting. The sunrises in the early mornings the vampire army vanquished away after burning, with their captured leader Zeke held in custody alongside his depleted nemesis.

Olivia fires a green missile canon into the air indicating the captivity was completed.

"We captured them both our plan worked after all fellas, all we have to do is lead the way back to Bucharest, " shouted Victor.

"I know you're in the mood to celebrate we can't do it here pal we've gotta get these bodies downstairs," said Olivia.

"I'll help you carry that two gentlemen down to the ground," said Victor.

Victor carried both men on his shoulder blades marching their way back to the others. Emelia summons two carriages set for travel out of Transylvania.

DaoistjfqsRx DaoistjfqsRx

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