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Chapter 124: Issue #4

Jack invited the Asgardians into Eden. He led them and Krakoa throughout the city.

The group looked around with deep interest as they walked through the city. This city was modeled after Earth which meant all the buildings were very modern, unlike anything most of the Asgardians had ever seen. Even Thor was impressed by the design.

This was because Jack and Magneto had also designed the city to cater to mutants with more... physiologies such as those that must be underwater or can't be in direct sunlight. They made sure they covered as many possibilities as he could without inconveniencing other mutants that lived in Eden.

"This place is wonderful, friend Jack," Thor said as they arrived at Jack's private residence. It was a large building that resembled an iceberg from the outside but the inside was completely modernized.

"Thanks, Thor. This is where I am going to stay with my family so I thought I should make the place a bit special," Jack replied before bringing the Asgardians to his personal bar.

Jack pulled out several bottles of Asgardian Mead, Ambrosia, and Blackest Wine. Seeing his collection, Thor glared at the young mutant.

"You not only stole from me but Hercules as well? And how did you get Blackest Wine? Strange refuses to share this with me even when I tried to trade some of my most valuable treasures," Thor asked while holding the black bottle of wine

Jack poured himself a glass of wine. As it dropped into the cup, it took on several shades of black, the darkest black being at the bottom while the lightest was at the top.

"Straight from the person that he gets it from. Clea has given me these 3 bottles and more," Jack bragged before siping the wine.

Just a small sip already neutralized Jack's healing factor and made him tipsy. Unwilling to give up on this wine or be drunk while he talked with Thor, Jack used his telepathic powers to force his mind to believe that he was sober.

"Haha! Still can't hold your drinks?!" Thor bragged as he saw Jack's cheeks blush from his drunkenness. He then poured himself a cup and took a large gulp.

Thor fell back on the floor almost instantly before he started to giggle like a child. Blackest Wine was one of the strongest drinks in the multiverse and could put even Asgardian Mead to shame.

The Warriors 3 immediately pulled out their weapons and pointed them at Jack, afraid he had poisoned Thor. Seeing their reaction, Krakoa began to grow sharp thorns and branches from its body.

Sif and Tyr had seen this before. Although it was a rare occurrence, this was how Thor got when he was drunk.

"Stand down, you three idiots. Thor is just wasted," Tyr said while pinching the space between his eyebrows. He had also tried Blackest Wine before with Thor and knew how strong it was. He didn't understand why his little brother thought that his reaction would be any different this time.

Knowing he was alright, the trio put their weapons away before apologizing to Jack. He took no offense to the situation and actually appreciated the trio. They were ready to defend their friend at a moment's notice.

Within an hour, everyone was blackout drunk except for Sif, Jack, and Thor. The other 4 Asgardians had decided to drink as much as they could since Jack had such a good collection on him while it was Krakoa's first time drinking.

Jack and Thor could not drink to their fullest since they were both too powerful. If they were too drunk, they could end up destroying all of Jotunheim. Sif was also "sober" to prevent this from happening.

"Really? Did I miss all of that? I guess I need to go visit sometime," Thor responded after Jack told him about how he left the Avengers and was now a part of the X-Men.

"Remember to just visit, Thor. Asgard is your home and they are your people. You are destined to be king one day so you can't keep going down to Earth to play around," Jack have his friend a little reminder.

As the pair drank together, Jack felt guiltier and guiltier for his plans. Thor was someone that he had considered a friend but he was plotting with his friend's sister(?) to declare war on and help take over his kingdom.

'Some friend, I am,' Jack thought regretfully as he looked at Thor taking another shot of Vodquila. After thinking it over for a few minutes, he decided to give Thor and Sif one more warning.

"Listen to me, you two. Loki is planning something big. He is serious about becoming the new king of Asgard and has found some very powerful allies. I suggest you be careful in the coming year," Jack warned while looking at the ceiling.

He could not force himself to look at Thor as he gave the warning. It was almost like he was playing himself since this warning would make it even more difficult to take Asgard on Loki's behalf but Jack could not just let it go.

Sif and Thor sobered up slightly when they heard Jack's warning about Loki. They thought that they hadn't heard from her in so long because she got knocked up once again.

"How do you know about Loki's plans?" questioned Sif

Jack smiled self-mockingly before taking another shot

"I don't always keep the best company myself, Lady Sif. As many allies that Loki has that walk the darker path, I may have just as many. I also am not a beacon of light myself. I had to kill several to get this realm for myself," Jack admitted his faults easily

Thor did not think too much about Jack's answer. He knew about Jack's personality well from their time together in Midgard and trusted him.

"Thank you for the warning, Jack. We must head back immediately to start the preparations for Loki's upcoming invasion," Thor said before he picked up the Warriors 3 while Sif grabbed his brother

The group walked outside where Thor called for the Bifrost once more. A pillar of rainbow light appeared in front of them where Sif and Thor threw the drunks into. Sif soon followed after them.

Before Thor entered the Bifrost, he turned to Jack one more time.

"Jack. When the time comes for Loki to invade, will you stand by Asgard's side?" Thor asked hoping to have another powerful magic user on Asgard's side.

What Loki's armies usually lacked in strength, they made up for with magical power. If he had Jack on his side, Thor felt more confident about repelling Loki's forces.

"I'm sorry, Thor. I can't do that. I need to think about the future of my people first," Jack replied regretfully

Thor nodded in understanding. Jack was no longer an individual. He was a leader. He had to think about the bigger picture.

"Then let us drink together once more when the battle is over," Thor said before boarding the Bifrost and disappearing

"Hmm. I hope we can drink together when it is all over," Jack replied before heading back to his home to take care of the drunk treant

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