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Chapter 2: La vida de los superheros.

Al librarse de la presión provocada por el clima frío, Jack volvió a estar libre.

Lo primero que hizo fue jugar con los Superhéroes que había creado no hace mucho Jesús Bendición.

Jack los había puesto a todos en el garaje, que se usaba para estacionar los drones. Deben estar muy aburridos ahora.

Jack quería construir el tercer piso del refugio y crear un dulce hogar para sus amados superhéroes.

Solo quedaban 2.000 puntos de supervivencia. Jack los usó.

Se podría ampliar 500 metros cuadrados y aumentar 5 metros más.

¡De esta manera, el nivel del refugio subió directamente al nivel 12!

¡Jack no creía que el tercer piso del refugio no pudiera construirse!

Efectivamente, después de usar estos puntos, apareció el tercer piso en el refugio.

¡El tercer piso recién aparecido era lo suficientemente grande como para acomodar una docena de habitaciones diferentes!

Jack solo tenía seis vidas inteligentes ahora. ¡Les bastaba con vivir allí!

Ahora el primer piso del refugio cubría un área de 1.100 metros cuadrados.

Tomó mucho tiempo caminar de izquierda a derecha del refugio.

Jack colocó su taller en la esquina del lado izquierdo.

¡No quería que Tom y Jera lo molestaran!

"Chicos, salgan. Su nuevo hogar está listo".

Después de llevarse bien con estos superhéroes durante mucho tiempo, Jack descubrió que todos eran personas divertidas.

No los adoraba tanto como antes. En cambio, lentamente los trató como a sus hijos.

Jack abrió la puerta de la cabaña.

Seis superhéroes salieron juntos de la cabina.

No parecían pasar un buen rato.

Especialmente Venom, cuando salió, se había convertido en un charco de pegamento negro, que se veía muy lamentable.

"Maestro, me están intimidando juntos".

Cuando vio a su maestro Jack, el suave líquido negro se condensó en una fea sombra negra sólida.

Venom actuó con coquetería con Jack.

"Él es nuestro enemigo, ¿entiendes?"

"Los superhéroes vencen a las criaturas malvadas. Nuestro trabajo es castigarte".

No mucho después de que Venom terminara, Iron Man parado a su lado no pudo soportarlo más.

Iron Man era el líder del superhéroe. Siempre fue responsable.

Le había hecho la cosa más terrible a Venom en estos días.

Al ver esto, Jack no pudo evitar reírse.

He had never thought that Venom and the other superheroes were in two camps.

Put them together. It would be strange if they didn't fight!

Fortunately, Venom was very tenacious in survival and resistance, so it didn't die easily.

If Jack had thought of it a while later, Venom would have been frozen into a big ice cube by Frozen Man.

"All right, all right. Stop arguing. Go to the third floor now. From now on, each of you will have your own room. You don't have to live together."

Jack pointed the way for the heroes with his hands.

The heroes went upstairs one by one without saying a word.

But after a long time, Hulk still stood in silence in front of Jack.

"Master, the ceiling in the garage is too low. I've been huddling up these days."

"I need a room with a higher ceiling, or I won't be able to stay here!"

He complained to Jack.

Hulk's neck was completely tilted to the left as if he had fallen asleep.

He could occupy half of the space in the large space of garage, but even so, his huge body could not stretch at all.

Jack expressed his understanding.

Jack had checked all the rooms designed by the system on the third floor. One of them was specially designed for Hulk.

Jack had renovated the ceiling for that room in advance.

"Go to the third floor. The innermost room on the right is your room."

Jack said to Hulk enthusiastically.

Hulk then left.

Because of the huge weight of Hulk, Jack felt a heavy vibration under his feet with every step Hulk took.

The shock soon scared Tom and Judy.

"Jack, what happened? Is there an earthquake under the refuge?"

Timid Jera shouted in the refuge.

"Is there a very large mutant invading?"

Tom rushed out of the room and was also shocked.

It took them a long time to find rooms.

"What happened?"

The two of them looked scared.

"Don't be afraid. The voice was made by Hulk." Jack pretended to be innocent.

"What? Hulk? Isn't that from Marvel movies? How could you create them?"

Tom was a real fan of Marvel. He watched every movie about the superhero on time.

Jack's words cheered him up, but he still couldn't believe what Jack had said.

"Yes, and I built the third floor just now. How about you go to see them yourself?"

Jack pointed.

Then Tom found the third floor of the refuge.

And it expanded a lot.

He knew that it was a secret that Jack didn't want to tell him, so he didn't ask more and ran to the third floor.

"It seems that my program has worked well, but remember that they are all mechanical products. They are not able to resist the cold or break the ice!"

Jera knew that these intelligent lives were made by the refuge system and her program, so she reminded Jack.

Jack smiled.

Thought that his points had been used up, and it was freezing outside.

Jack frowned.

"What should I do? The only one who can go out is Frozen Man who can't fly. He can't kill monsters underground. Now I don't have a place to earn points."

Jack murmured to himself worriedly.

The defending ability of the refuge was enough now.

But it could not attack others.

Ahora el refugio en el suelo era muy vistoso. De vez en cuando, Jack podía ver por la cámara que los hombres armados con picos especiales golpeaban lentamente la pared del refugio hecha de materiales especiales.

Tal vez usarían métodos más extremos pronto.

¡No era imposible bombardear con un pequeño misil!

¡El sistema de auto-recuperación del refugio había llegado lentamente a su límite!

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