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Chapter 1: Prologue: Sometimes It's Necessary To Get Your Hands Dirty!

''Only ten minutes left! Stay alert." A woman yelled inside a huge cavern.

Some of the hundred most powerful 'blessed ones' who were brought into this magical world suddenly some time ago, were gathered in a huge circular cave on the 25th floor of the legendary demonic dungeon of the Solosis Empire. The best and most powerful ranker among them all was Sunfire, which according to the rankings made by the realms alliance and the system itself, was placed 14th in the overall raw unified power rankings. Behind her and the other rankers almost as powerful as she were, were more than 350 elite members of the Silver Rose Knights Guild.

It was a truly spectacular sight —, a gathering of hundreds of powerful people, with a combined power that enabled them to capture a small kingdom in a matter of hours, or even a few minutes if they fought serious. However, even with that in mind, everyone there was tense and the anxiety that stamped their faces, spread through the air like a virus.

''Only 6 minutes left, now! Start the preparation of the formations!''

With the countdown of the time of appearance of the Boss of the place getting closer and closer, the nervousness and dread of the Guild members and the other rankers peaked as everyone was in a cold sweat. They were very restless and couldn't stand still, some even had their legs shaking and started biting their nails to the point where their fingers bled slightly.

Sunfire looked around with her beautiful eyes that resembled an emerald, she had a dark look in that gaze, almost like a bad omen for what was about to happen.

She noticed that everyone was trembling slightly, and openly admitted that she was also scared. Her hands that held her staff were drenched in sweat that ran down her arms and fell to the floor, dripping slowly but continuously.

'I have to calm down. Things will work out.' The woman thought nervously, closing her eyes for a split second.

The dungeon they were in was one of the greatest dangers to the continent at the moment, being one of the main camp points used by the demonic race in the war that had been going on for some time. The legendary dungeon was completely controlled by demons, but had been taken over some time ago by the Silver Rose Knights Guild and was now in their possession, being the target of several raids orchestrated by the group.

Everyone who was there was nervous because they knew that on the 25th floor, there were some rumors and information that indicated that a monster boss, and also a renowned nobleman of the demonic empire; Jaeger Barbatos, installed himself there with his troops and made some constant inspections on the floor to ensure the domination of his own race.

Jaeger was regarded as a high-ranking demonic nobleman, and was stronger than expected by the empire, having a huge range of abilities and a level nearly 2 times higher than the classifiers in the place.

It was common knowledge that the last raids financed by the solosis empire — at least what was left of it —, failed to succeed in any of its more than 15 attempts so far, having a survival rate of less than 20%.

In recent months, Sunfire and the other classifiers, along with the elite troops of the Knights of the Silver Rose have strengthened themselves, leveling up and gaining powerful items from the financial funding provided by the Solosis Empire and the human alliance, all intended to succeed this time.

They were certainly stronger after so much investment and so much effort spent on continuous leveling, but those who were aware of Jaeger's power could not gain any confidence and found themselves fearful of what they would soon face.

"It's only three minutes before he shows up!" This time, a man spoke in Sunfire's place.

In three brief minutes, Jaeger would appear as predicted by the wizards and investigators from the Guild and the Empire, and this place would quickly turn into a sea of ​​fire and boiling lava, melting everything it touched. Certainly, some of them would just be killed by the flames, without even having a chance to counterattack or join the battle as planned.

''One and a half minutes before his arrival!''

As if it listened to the man warning of the distance and time remaining until Jaeger reached the room, a wave of heat began to slowly permeate throughout the room, leaving the throats of everyone in the room completely dry.

'Holy crap. HOLY SHIT!' Sunfire had been summoned to give more courage to everyone present there, but she herself was more afraid than anyone, after all even though the demon hadn't arrived at the scene, she could still feel the waves of his corrupted mana entering and filling the dungeon completely.

She gestured to speak, mouth half open, but stopped midway, remembering Jaeger Barbatos's terrifying appearance, an overwhelming presence that was frightening in every way, a complete monster engulfed in flames and carrying a oddly shaped sword made of material no one had knowledge about.

"Can we really defeat him?" She mused, beginning to wonder if she should send everyone back from there before the demon arrived.

It certainly could be different if the power of the others in the top 20 rankers were added, she thought, still unable to get it out of her mind that this expedition would fail in its current strength and perhaps she was condemning several innocent lives for a foolish thought of heroism. However, she didn't want to show such weakness in front of the people who had full confidence in her, holding herself tighter than a rock and enduring all pessimistic thoughts.

''WE CAN DO IT!'' Sunfire yelled, turning slightly toward the elite soldiers behind her.


People were more excited by the woman's comment and their hearts calmed a little as they took stamina-boosting potions given by the human Alliance alchemists.

''Only 30 seconds until his arrival! Enter the formations and follow the instructions properly!''

Sunfire began to quietly chant a type of mantra, while some golden symbols surrounded the whole group. The greatest mage in the world currently was summoning a huge shield capable of resisting some attacks from the great demon.


''10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and…'' The man's speech was cut in half as a loud bang rumbled through the room, making the whole place shudder, and making everyone there stagger slightly.

"BEGIN THE ATTACK!!" The man yelled.

''Jin haran yuki! Shield of the sun!'' Sunfire bellowed, and the strange symbols joined together to form a golden colored energy, half transparent, which blocked the waves of heat and the attack of the huge demon's sword.

Even with the shield, countless soldiers were decimated at the same instant that the sword came into contact with the magic, exploding them with the shock caused by the repulsion of the attack.

"FUCK!" Sunfire yelled, as she twirled the staff in an awkward way and began reciting another spell.

"Sakiatri Chuny Liters, Ice Storm!" A huge hurricane erupted beneath the demon, instantly freezing one of his arms and slightly lessening the overwhelming effect of the heat waves ravaging the troops.

"Careful!" The man yelled, but a new rumble spread through the room, and the demon's attack was blocked as if it were nothing.

"Huh?" The man looked confused at the dungeon entrance, and saw a person standing there.

''An intruder? AN INTRUDER!''

Even during the battle, the eyes of all guild members and classifiers there turned to the entrance in unison. A young man had come in and was standing in an awkward pose, one hand covering his face. It was extremely unusual, as he was covered in a worn black overcoat, without any visible armor or weapons, making everyone in the place worried.

"How did he get through the Imperial troops stationed up there?" Sunfire asked, as the battle had come to a halt, because the great demon was also confused by the sudden intervention.

"A highly trained assassin?" Sunfire said. "No, an assassin wouldn't openly reveal himself that way, let alone in a dangerous place like this."

"Archmage's Analysis!" Sunfire yelled, and her left eye glowed yellow. She had activated an ability that allowed her to see information about the target, being stats, name, race and among other aspects.

However, strangely the only things that came to the woman were the name and race of the young man with black hair that reached his shoulders.

[Name: Lucas Cerqueira Nunes Alves (aka Lucas Wannabe)]

[Race: Dark Shining Vampire Lord~]

[Age: ????]

[Titles: Unknown]

[Classification: Unknown]

[Class: ????? / ?????]

[Level: ????]

[Status: Undead Idiot, Hated by Everyone, Please Die.]

''Lucas Cerqueira and Shining Vampire race???'' The woman pondered the name of the black-haired young man, and his strange race. She was also a little alert, as the young man's level was unknown, indicating that perhaps he was of a higher level than hers.

She questioned herself internally, trying to search her memory for someone with the name 'Lucas Cerqueira' or the nickname 'Lucas Wanabe', but was only able to understand that it was a completely unknown name.

''Is he not a classifier? Perhaps a reinforcement sent by the Empire or the Alliance?" Sunfire glanced at the companions surrounding her, but they all shook their heads in denial.

''A completely unknown person coming here. This is not only pathetic, but extremely dangerous!" Sunfire said, having come to a conclusion and warning the young man that was still in the awkward position.

''Please get out of here as soon as possible, this is a dangerous area controlled by the Silver Rose Knights Guild and the Human Alliance! I don't know how you got here, I'm not interested either, but if you don't want to die painfully, please just turn back."

''Enough of this humiliation! I won't tolerate you ignoring me, not for a second longer!" The demon roared, startling everyone.

ROARRRRR!' The huge demon screamed fiercely like a wild beast, leaving everyone in place cowering.

Countless messages appeared before the eyes of everyone there, warning them of the danger they were facing.


[Jaeger Barbatos, the demonic Baron and master of infernal flames, roared!]

[The Baron of Hellfire's roar applied fear, chaos, confusion, and several other debilitating effects.]

[The flames spewed and summoned by Jaeger Barbatos reduce fire resistance by 65%.]

[The Pillars of Fire from Hell will rise to cover the Baron! Jaeger's spell power will increase by 50% of its maximum value while the pillars still standing.]

Everyone was terrified by the messages that indicated complete despair, in a battle they already expected to be difficult. However, the tension was broken by the young man who was at the entrance of the dungeon.

"My mission just turned into a pile of shit?" The young man remarked annoyed, as everyone shifted their gaze towards him and the demon at the same time.

"It was because of your magical power, you giant son of a bitch!" The young man ignored the despair of everyone there and the warnings displayed on the blue screens, and took off the coat that covered him while talking to himself.

''What?!?!'' Several people exclaimed from all directions at once.

As if he were a fantasy movie hero, the raven-haired young man sported an extraordinary appearance. Being dressed in armor that covered his body magnificently, drawing gasps even from the people who were being targeted by the attacks of the great demon. The armor was composed by a very beautiful mix of black and white with some purple trim, and accessories that accompanied the elegant outfit.

The most unique point of all the young man's appearance, and one that caught even the great demon's attention, was a green crown that hovered on his forehead, accompanied by pointed gauntlets that extended from the boy's wrist to his forearm.

''This is freaking terrific… What classification are these gears?''

''What the hell are these equipments?

''Shut up mortals! Perish and turn to ashes in my presence!" The demon roared again, regaining his focus, and struggling to hide his interest in the dark-haired young human's equipment.

Sunfire raised her voice and commanded the soldiers, ''Concentrate and ignore the young guy! I'll cover you guys, so focus your attacks on the boss!''




Due to the flames that spread with each attack of the great demon's sword, and silently surrounded the body of the classifiers, half the members of the expedition ended up dying or burned to the point where they could no longer be recognized.

Less than half the people standing managed to hold on, withstanding the onslaught of flames.

[The Baron of Infernal Flames is summoning his demonic territory!]

[A 45% power boost will apply to all stats for demonic creatures in the location.]

[Non-demonic races will have their combat-related stats decreased by 35%]

[Mana regeneration rate will become 50% less effective than normal.]

Sunfire was extremely surprised by the notification windows that appeared before her eyes.

"What was the point of raising my fire resistance to 90% and my stats to an absurd level if I still had to deal with this kind of situation?!" The woman yelled.

They would surely fail once more, and once again countless people would die, falling prey to that infamous great demon before them. As Sunfire and the others fell into complete despair, they suddenly doubted their eyes and ears.

While the others were completely surrounded by flames and struggling to stay upright, the dark-haired young man was advancing alone, moving freely as if none of it had affected him.

"How the fuck are you capable of this… Hiuk?" The woman fell completely silent as she witnessed a completely ridiculous scene.

While the great demon, Jaeger Barbatos was decimating them all madly and massacring the members of the expedition, the young man ran towards the demon, headed for the wall and took a big boost using the wall as a firing platform.

Kang! Kapg!

The young man swung his fist with good form and punched the big demon in the knee, knocking Jaeger down like he was nothing, landing quickly on the ground.

The black-haired young man again prepared to leap towards the demon while wiping the sweat from his forehead: ''Ugh, you bastard, this place is hotter than that shitty prison!''

He paused his speech as he jumped towards the demon with his fists raised once again.

''I don't care how hard I have to work to kill you, I'll make sure to erase you from existence you son of a bitch! Nobody fucks with my first decent mission in who knows how long in this damn place!'' He screamed in a crazy manner.

At that moment, a hot, unbridled wind blew heavily from the sword Jaeger held and hit the young man. Everyone in the room, including the demon expected the young man to take massive damage and collapse right there, being unable to counterattack and likely dying. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the young man suffered only a few minor injuries, which were no more than scratches on his face and his shiny armor.

The punch he aimed in Jaeger's direction didn't stop, and it hit the large entity's chest, sending it flying towards the dungeon wall and generating a huge quake around the place.

"What the hell are we seeing now?" Sunfire wondered inwardly, as she tightened her grip on the staff she held.

"Excuse me, miss emerald-hair and the rest," The young man said, stopping beside the raid team for the first time and turning his attention to Sunfire. He asked with a calm expression, as if nothing he had said before was true:

''Why are you guys just standing there, looking at me with those expressions of amazement? It's hot as fuck, and the fight is hard enough, you guys doing nothing won't help at all!''

Then, having regained her spirits and belatedly coming out of the trance, she asked the young man, ''How can you be okay in this situation? You just sent a world calamity flying around! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?''

"A shitty human of the modern world, that was turned in a vampire out of the books of hell to kill idiots like that one over there." He pointed in Barbatos' direction.

Krick! Krickkk! Clang!

An energy sword appeared behind the young man and moved alone, fighting the demon all by itself. Everyone in the room couldn't close their mouths as they gaped at the unbelievable sight they were witnessing.

''What is this guy?''

"A monster, that is what he is." Said Sunfire, enjoying the battle unfolding in her presence.

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A novel that I thought would be cool to publish, and I hope you like it! If possible add your library and share the story :D

Have a nice read time, guys!

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