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Chapter 30: Ashurbanipal: The Grand Library — Summoning

Standing afront the wide door of the Grand Library of Nazarick — Ashurbanipal, Albedo was reporting the newly acquired information. According to Albedo, the Baharuth Empire has decided to confront the Re-Estize Kingdom at its weakest point. So, they wouldn't hinder the current development in the kingdom.

It might be a little suspicious, as they can take advantage of the current chaos in the internal government of Re-Estize. But if you think a little more, you can understand their logic to show their fangs after some time.

The empire knows that the demons will soon rampage on the grounds of the kingdom. So, if they take over the kingdom before the demon invasion, then the empire will also have to defend against it along with the kingdom's unfriendly soldiers.

On the one hand, they'll have to face the demons and on the other hand, they'll have to keep the kingdom's remanent soldiers in check. But, if the demon causes havoc in the kingdom, then they can easily enter the kingdom on the pretext of helping them to eradicate demons.

Also, by the time the empire's soldiers enter the kingdom, the kingdom's soldier would have already been reduced by greater number and they would have also lost their fighting spirit after confronting demons day and night.

How did the empire know the kingdom can't defend against the demons?

That's easy. The empire already already knows that the kingdom has lost tens of thousands of soldiers just to defend against the two minions of the demons. If Ainz hadn't intervene in the fight, then there would have been more casualties.

The empire also thought about the danger of Ainz, but if you think carefully, then there would be no reason for such a powerful being to help a small country. The battle at E-Rantel was a lucky case for the Kingdom.

That doesn't mean that the empire has completely avoided Ainz. If things go the other way than the empire has thought, then they will also confront Ainz. The empire isn't afraid of a single magic caster, and on the top of that, they also have the strongest magic caster on their side.

That was all about the Baharuth Empire. As for the Slane Theocracy, they were quite for a long time. But recently, they started to recruit new staff members for lower positions. That was suspicious.

According to the conveyed information, they don't need that much of lower manpowers. There's also the signs of the Theocracy sending quite a large number of groups in expedition. They've also taken out many carriages from their warehouse.

Their purpose isn't clear for now, so the spies are on stand by to observe more. Due to the recent recruitment on larger number, one of the doppelganger has also successfully entered one of the Theocracy's palace. Overall, nothing bad has happened.

The wide front door of Ashurbanipal which is guarded by two high-class knight golems slowly opened displaying a lot of art pieces and decorations covering every corner of the library.

Resembling something similar to an art museum, even the ceiling is adorned with a beautiful painting. There is also a 2nd Floor, which is specifically designed to store the fancy items. They're not very powerful or high class, but those items can bring a different charm in the room.

There are a lot of glass shelves placed orderly in a way that almost all of the shelves cannot be visibly see in a single glance. Among those hundreds of glass shelves, if you're lucky, then you might notice one or two high class items ranking up to Relic class and they're really rare.

In short, the second floor is a showy floor with some hidden informations about items. This was done to hide the information of rare items in the middle of those flashy items.

Overall, in this library, there're many important informations hidden among the basic data. There are three major corners in the library; Room of Logic, Room of Wisdom, and Room of Magic.

Among them, Ainz was heading towards the Room of Wisdom. Room of Wisdom, as the name suggests is a room full of book regarding the knowledge and experience that developed within YGGDRASIL.

After discharging all the workers to leave, Ainz described the restricted part of the library.

"The Room of Wisdom which garners the fact of being based on wise thinking contains three restricted sections; Godly wisdom, Earthly wisdom and Satanic wisdom. Each contains the wise insights of those domains, from deity level angels to demons."

Looking towards one part of the room, Ainz continued.

"That there, leads to the information about the deities who are on the side of good. There are hundreds of books in that section, where as satanic wisdom exceeds that by a large margin. One of the reason might be due to Ulbert's curiosity on his kinds, which also earned him the title of the Demon of Great Disaster."

"If I remember correctly, he was a great sorcerer and the creator of Demiurge."

Albedo said respectfully.

"You're correct. He was a great magic caster equipped with the strongest magic caster class called the World Disaster, a class with incredible firepower and destructive magic.… Anyway, the section we're heading towards is the Earth wisdom."

Earth wisdom, a section which contains information about the neither good nor evil, as well as monster data. It means that, there aren't any angels and demons, but except that there are all other high class monster data.

Ainz can't cast holy magic to summon monsters from Godly wisdom, and summoning satanic beings will cause greater havoc in the human society. So, the only option he's left with is the monsters from earthly domain.

The summons aren't humans, but they look a like humans and gives the impression of humans. In simple terms, they are humanoid creatures.

Walking past the door leading to the Earth wisdom, Ainz stopped in front of one of the shelves and took out one book of monster data — Lawful Evil.

Monster data are easy to collect as they're converted into books for each type of monster, or any creature. Even if they're not monsters, the data is called monster data. The books are easy to collect, so there are large stock of monster data.

But that doesn't mean that every monster data is important and rare. There are only few hundreds of rare monster data in the hands of Nazarick. So, to secure those data, they are hidden in between many monster datas.

The Lawful Evil is one of those rare book out of few hundreds. This book is used to know the specific process to summon a creature called dark paladin.

The dark paladin is an evil analogue of the paladin class. While the paladin is a warrior dedicated to holy magic, who gains the ability to heal wounds and cure diseases, the dark paladin is able to inflict harm and create diseases in others.

Similar to the paladin, the dark paladin is an earthly creature who only has lawful alignment towards god; but for the dark paladin, it's an evil god such as: Kenetha, Akhem, Vual and so on.

Likewise, Ainz selected a few books and headed out of the library followed by Albedo. Now that he has acquired the necessary monster datas, he needs materials; for the summoning the best material is gold.

Ainz ordered for the transportation of a hundred million gold coins in the Bloodfall Vertex, a place larger than Amphitheater. This was the place where the assembled golems are placed stand by. Their numbers are low and only covers a small part of the area, as there was level restriction on Nazarick in YGGDRASIL, but now Ainz can store as many as he wants as long as he has resources and time.

Soon, the Bloodfall Vertex was filled with a hundred million gold coins. It's not that Nazarick's treasury is infinite, but it's a lot, that's more than hundreds of trillions. On top of that, Ainz has stopped the expense of special effects in Nazarick, so there's earning from daily coin production too.

Ainz also entered the venue along with Albedo. Now that all was prepared, the only thing left is to cast the summoning magic. Usually there will be limit to summon the monsters per day, but it can be ignored with the monster data book and extra gold coin as the resources.

If Ainz summons with limit restriction, then in a month he will have thousands of summoned creatures. But now that he can summon thousands of those in a single day, then why not?

There's the risk of low MP, but he will only need at most a day to recover it. So, he can summon thousands of monsters and rest for a day, and Nazarick's defense is also top notch.

But still, taking measures is always good.

"This summoning will cost at least 70% of my MP. Albedo, inform all the guardians who are out of Nazarick to return and take charge of their floor. Increase the defense system to highest degree. As for Demiurge's demons, he can use Bloodfall Vertex II along with all the undead present there."

"As you wish, lord Ainz. But is it necessary to provide all of those high-level undead to Demiurge? In a weeks time, he can summon low to mid-level demons with ease and you've also permitted him to mobilize few millions of gold to design armors."

For the demon invasion, Demiurge has some items to summon hordes of low class demon and he can summon thousands of mid-level demons at ease per day. As Albedo said, in a week, Demiurge can prepare hundreds of thousands of demons.

It has been few days and Demiurge has already summoned almost half of the needed numbers, and that too along with magical items. If there is such a large amount of gold presented, then what's not possible?

Although their won't be any summoned demons which can cross level 50, they can eradicate the weak countries like Re-Estize with ease. As for the high-level undead in Bloodfall Vertex II, their level are on 70s, but there are only four of them present there.

They were just the death spirits that Ainz summoned while he was bored. But it's true that if any of them head to the battle, each can flatten one city unscathed. Well, they wouldn't last against the creatures Ainz is going to summon.

So, Albedo must be worried about the loss of such high-level undead. Anyway, Ainz doesn't care about that for now, because those undead will make the battle more flashy. As Ainz told Albedo about the reasons, Albedo also agreed with him.

"Forgive me for not comprehending such a simple reason, lord Ainz."

"It's alright. Let's start the summoning."

In front of Ainz, the hundred million gold was divided into five parts. Each twenty million was adjusted as to make a corner of square with twenty million in the middle. Then, the summoning ritual began.

"Anchorites, a special form of the Monk class that exists for the characters of Marduk race. It is said that the souls of the Mardukim are not as tightly tied to the physical world as those of other races; this monastic tradition is a mystical one that aims to strengthen that bond. In so doing Anchorites gain powers based on the solidity of their physical forms."

[Widen Magic: Mass Summon — Mardukim Anchorites]

A large wave of magic was given to the top right corner of twenty million gold, and it started to melt, forming a wide magic circle. After the completion of the magic circle, it started to shine and thousands of Anchorites were summoned.

They were similar to monks with think beads on their neck and golden armor was placed instead of yellow clothes. But, except that whole body was dark in color and they were also wearing masks.

Ainz appreciated the Anchorites, and continued his summon.

"Though often believed to be necromancer-specialist wizards, undead-bloodline magic casters, or clerics of gods of death and repose, they are the magic casters specializing in death spells, and their high-level ensures the authenticity of the death spells."

[Widen Magic: Mass Summon — Death Mage]

Similarly, the gold formed a large magic circle, and thousands of dark hooded mages were summoned. They all were wearing a hood, one necklace, an orb on the waist and at last a magnificent wand. If you focus closely, then you could surely feel chills down your spine. The cause — Aura of Death, although it's not as powerful as Ainz's level 1 skill.

"Guardian of Hell, the one who boasts its power to protect the door to hell with their life. Their levels are in 80s and is specialized in defensive battles."

[Widen Magic: Mass Summon — Hell Guard]

Wearing a full body dark armor, dark red sword, helmets of goat like pattern, imposing a stature of an imperial guard, thousands of Hell Guard emerged. The armor they are the special magic item which can make the user invisible.

The sword were also special magic item which can released the elemental attack of fire type. Due to its high class magical items, it requires more cost than others to summon. Although they were less in number, there were thousands of them.

"Those who lurks in the shadows, even without any invisible spell, they, who can't be seen easily."

[Widen Magic: Mass Summon — Eternal Dark]

V shaped and w shaped holes in the mask for eyes and mouth, wearing a hood on top of the full body armor, thousands of dark warriors emerged from the magic circle. They had short swords as their main weapon of choice.

"And, lastly."

[Widen Magic: Mass Summon — Dark Paladin]

Golden shield, golden sword and armor of black and gold, creatures resembling the paladins emerged out of the thin air in the disappearing magic circle. Although they resembled paladin, their golden armor had black fillings instead of white.

"Awesome, lord Ainz. Only a supreme being such as yourself is capable of summoning tens of thousands without a break."


As Albedo said, the total amounting was tens of thousands of those summoned beings, and the price was a hundred million gold coins and 80% of Ainz's MP. The cost was such a huge amount of magic power and resources. Nevertheless, it was worth it.

These summoned creatures won't disappear and will continue to obey Ainz unless they're killed. A large scale army of Nazarick prepared in one day also gained one day rest. Well, it might take more than one day.

However, in those vulnerable days too, Ainz will be safe in guardians protection.

Thanks for reading!

1. Monster data doesn't disappear after their use.

2. Ashurbanipal contains tens of thousands of monster data. Among which there are few hundreds of rare class which is not even 10% of YGGDRASIL.

3. Widen magic is used to increase the range of magic, and Mass Summon is the combination magic.

4. Nazarick produces gold coin on daily basis, and after stoping the many special effects in Nazarick, it has become a source of income, adding more to trillions of gold coins.

5. At 20% MP Ainz can cast three 10th-Tier spells and many other below 4th-Tier spells with ease.

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