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Chapter 14: The Gift

It was October ninth and Naruto was celebrating his twelfth birthday. As he waited for the guests to arrive Naruto ran around the house excitedly, as he always did on his birthdays. Kushina watched him dash about with fondness, but also with a bit of sadness. This would be the last birthday where he would be a child. In a little more than seven months he would graduate from the academy and earn his hitai-ite. He would be an adult legally and in the eyes of the village. In some ways he'd been an adult for sometime now. In other ways he was still a kid. And in one way it didn't matter how old he was, he would always be her baby. Without warning she grabbed him and pulled him into an embrace. She happily planted some kisses on his face.

"Mom why are you hugging me?"

"Do I need a reason to hug my baby?"

"Mom," he whined. "I'm twelve now! I'm not a baby!"

"Yes you are! You are my baby!" She hugged him some more. "Are you too old to be hugged by your poor mother?"

He smiled at her happily. "No mom, you can always hug me."

"Well thank you son." She laughed and hugged him some more.


Kushina looked at the small crowd that had taken over much of the first floor. Given her constant concern for security a part of her couldn't help but worry at so many people within her home. But the larger part of her was pleased that so many of Naruto's classmates had decided to attend. He had invited everyone in his class except for Sasuke and Sakura. And most had come. It really looked and sounded like a normal twelve year olds birthday party. The dining room had all sorts of food and drink as well as a large birthday cake. In the parlor music was playing and some of the children were dancing, including Naruto and Hinata of course. All of Naruto's friends were here. Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, and even Lee who was between missions. There was also Neji and Lee's other teammate, a girl with her hair up in two buns. Hiashi was present and had permitted his other daughter Hanabi to attend. The poor dear was a bit out of place as she was younger than the other children and was used to more formal environments. There was Kakashi trying to ignore Lee's sensei who was challenging him to a variety of contests. Might Guy was certainly friendly enough, if a bit… eccentric. He had gone directly up to Naruto and begun to praise his, 'fires of youth.' Whatever that meant. He then whipped out a horrendous lime green spandex leotard which matched the one he was wearing. The man had somehow brain washed Lee into wearing one and was trying to inflict the same on her son. Naruto accepted the gift with a weak smile and promised to, 'try it on' later.


Ino danced with a few different boys but spent most of her time eyeing Naruto like a hawk eyeing a plump rabbit. Hinata stayed glued to Naruto's side, guarding him against Ino and the horde of lesser fan girls.


Jiraiya was pestering poor Tsunade for a dance. Kushina had warned her against any displays of violence in front of the kids. By the way the vein in Tsunade's forehead was bulging it looked like Jiraiya was seriously pushing his luck.


Sarutobi's arrival caused quite a stir. Most of the students had never met him. Once they were over the initial shock and awe they began treating him like a kindly grandfather. A role he was quite happy to fulfill.


Kushina frowned at the sight of Mizuki. She had never trusted or liked him. She watched as he approached her son. He put a friendly hand on her son's shoulder and spoke to him for a bit. He soon nodded and began leading his sensei towards the stairs.

"Going somewhere son?"

"Oh mom Mizuki-sensei wants to see our family library. That's o.k. isn't it?"

She lifted an eyebrow and looked at the man. "Looking for anything in particular?"

Mizuki smiled at her. "Not really. But I am a teacher afterall. And I could hardly pass up the opportunity to see the Namikaze library."

She nodded. "Of course just so long as you understand it's a private library. You are quite welcome to read anything you like, but we don't allow anything to be removed."

Mizuki nodded happily. "Of course."


He looked over the many rows of books. Some of them really were quite interesting. He wouldn't have minded spending a few afternoons here simply reading. But of course that was not the reason he was there. "This really is a fine collection Naruto. It may well be the most comprehensive one in Konoha. You should be very proud."

"Thanks." Naruto smiled and rubbed the back of his head. He really liked Mizuki-sensei. Mizuki was always encouraging and full of praise. When he'd asked for an invitation to his birthday party Naruto had been very flattered.

"You know Naruto I'm curious about something."

"Yes Mizuki-sensei?"

"Well I don't see any jutsu scrolls anywhere."

"Oh, we keep them locked in there." Naruto pointed to a door at the far end of the library.

"My mom keeps them locked up, but she'll take out whichever ones I want to study."

"Are you studying something now?" Mizuki asked curious.

Naruto nodded. "I'm studying a few B-rank wind jutsus and one of my dad's original creations, 'Flying Thunder God Technique.'"

Mizuki didn't have to pretend to be impressed. "You're studying that jutsu?"

Naruto nodded but looked unhappy. 'Yes but it has been really slow going."

"Well that's not surprising Naruto it is an extremely advanced A-rank technique. Your father's mastery of it was one of the reasons he was so extraordinary."

"But rasengan's an A-rank technique too and I mastered that in less than a year!"

"You've mastered rasengan?!" Mizuki shook his head. He most definitely did not want to have to fight Naruto.

Naruto looked a bit embarrassed. "Oh! That's supposed to be a secret! Please don't tell anyone Mizuki-sensei."

Mizuki smiled down at the boy. "Don't worry Naruto! You can truest me."


"Where is your sensei?" Kushina asked when she saw Naruto come down the stairs on his own.

"Oh he wanted to stay and read some of the books." Naruto answered simply.

"Did he now?" Kushina sounded anything but surprised. "And by any chance did he ask where the jutsu scrolls were?"

"Yeah mom, how'd you know?"

She sighed and ruffled her son's hair. "Naruto-kun you're really going to have to work on those blind spots."


She shook her head. "I'll explain it tomorrow. Tonight just enjoy your party." Her son shrugged and hurried to where Hinata was waiting for him. She meanwhile approached the Hokage.


Mizuki hurried knowing time was of the essence. The tiny ten by ten foot room held hundreds of jutsu scrolls. He would gladly have traded a year of his life for just one undisturbed hour in this room. Within the room was a small desk with about a dozen scrolls just laying on top. Sure enough these had to be the ones he had used most recently as, 'Flying Thunder God,' was among them. He was taking that one for sure. His luck was in as he found, 'Shadow Clone Technique,' was also on the desk. These two scrolls would please Lord Orochimaru greatly. While he was here he took a couple more just for himself. He carefully concealed them beneath his Chunin vest. Now he just needed to calmly stroll out the front door. Opening the door to the room he stepped quickly out into the library. He was immediately grabbed and slammed down to the floor. His arms were painfully gripped from behind.

"Well I'll give you credit for having guts. Despite being a teacher you don't seem to have much in the way of brains though." Kushina said.

Mizuki looked up to see Kushina and the Hokage frowning down at him. Behind him were a pair of ANBU with a firm grip.

"Why did you do this Mizuki?" The Hokage asked.

Mizuki said nothing as the ANBU swiftly disarmed him and liberated the scrolls he had taken.

The Hokage merely sighed. "Take him to Ibiki, but leave through a side entrance. There is no need to disturb the children with this.


Naruto thoroughly enjoyed his twelfth birthday party. He danced the whole time with Hinata, had cake and ice cream, and got to open a small mountain of gifts. He thanked each and every person as he opened their gift. At the end though he noticed that one person he was very close to hadn't given him anything.

"Godmother you didn't get me anything." Naruto pouted.

Tsunade smiled. "Oh but I do have a gift for you Naruto."

"Well where is it?"

"I'll give it to you a little later."


"Later." She refused to say anything more.


The guests enjoyed themselves and many stayed late. It was only as midnight approached that the mansion was nearly empty again. By then only Kushina, Naruto, Hinata, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, and Sarutobi remained.

Tsunade smiled at Naruto. "Naruto would you like me to give you my present now?"

"Sure." Naruto said happily.

"Actually before I give it to you there's something I want to announce." She looked over to the Hokage. "Would you like to do the honors old man?"

Sarutobi shook his head. "No Tsunade, go ahead by all means."

"Well to make a long story short, a couple months ago the old man asked me to take over for him so he could retire."

"What?!" Jiraiya screeched. "Why her? Why didn't you ask me?!"

Sarutobi sighed. "I asked her because she was one of the legendary Sannin who I knew the Council would accept without dispute."

"So am I!" Jiraiya shouted.

"Yes, but she is not a pornographer." Sarutobi said tiredly.

Jiraiya sniffed. "My novels are not pornography. They are adult themed literature and hugely popular."

"You do know don't you that if you were Hokage you wouldn't be able to go on anymore of your disgusting, 'research' trips anymore." Tsunade said icily.

Jiraiya smirked. "I didn't say I would do it. I just said I should have been asked."

Tsunade shut her eyes. "Anyway. The old man asked if I would take over for him and become the Godaime Hokage.

"What did you say lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked excitedly.

Tsunade smiled wryly. "Well despite my better judgment I said yes." Everyone but Sarutobi began to shout and excitedly congratulate her.

"Well I guess you finally got over your negative feelings for the village." Kushina said.

"I did. But I'm not actually doing this for the village."

"You're not?" Kushina said in surprise.

"No." Tsunade said.

Jiraiya smiled. "Are you doing it for the old man?"

"Nope." Tsunade replied.

"Then why are you doing it godmother?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade leaned down to put her face at Naruto eye level. "I did it for you Naruto."

"For me?" He said in a small voice.

She nodded and gently stroked his cheek. "Yes Naruto-kun, for you. Because I love you my godson and I want you to have your dream." Reaching down she pulled out her necklace and displayed the crystal for him. "Do you know what this is?"

Naruto shook his head. "No godmother."

"This is the Shodai's necklace. It was given to me when I was a very little girl by my grandfather the Shodai Hokage. The crystal is unique; there are only two like it in the entire world. With this necklace you could buy a pair of gold mines and the mountains on top of them. But that is not the only thing that makes it special. For you see this necklace also comes with a curse."

"A curse?" Naruto asked, interest definitely rising.

Tsunade nodded. "That's right. Only those who are destined to become Hokage can own it. Twice in my life I gave the necklace to someone that I loved. To my little brother Nawaki and to the man I loved, Dan. They both dreamed of being Hokage and of protecting this village. That was their dream Naruto, as it is your dream now. They both died in battle not long after I gave it to them. Losing them shattered my heart. For a long time I didn't think I would be able to care for anyone ever again." She stopped to compose herself. "But then I got to know you Naruto-kun. I've watched you grow up and seen just how much you have been ready to sacrifice in order to protect this village. And I've seen how much you love and treasure the people of this village. Even though a great many of them hate you. You've reminded me of just why Dan and Nawaki wanted to be Hokage. In you Naruto-kun I feel their dream still lives." She quickly rubbed her eyes. "Knowing you has healed my heart and allowed me to love again." She reached behind her neck and unclasped the necklace. "After Dan died I swore I would never give this to anyone else. But I've decided that once more, just once more, I will put the odds on you."

"Tsunade you can't! It's too much!" Kushina gasped.

Tsunade looked at her and shook her head. "All this is, is proof of my faith in your son." She turned back to Naruto. "Naruto-kun I accepted the position of Godaime Hokage so I could make sure you would reach your dream one day. Become the good man and great ninja I know you will be and when the time comes I will name you my successor." She placed the necklace around his neck. "Accept from me this necklace and with it my blessing." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

Naruto hugged her as hard as he could. "I love you godmother!"

She gladly returned his embrace. "I love you too Naruto." She smiled down at him despite the tears in her eyes. "Happy birthday."

Leviackermann Leviackermann

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