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I refuse to go Down I refuse to go Down original

I refuse to go Down

Author: Drop0

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Unexpected acquaintances


In a Dense Forest a Young boy -around 8-years of Age- with Green Turquoise Eyes and Dark Blue Hair, Swung his Sword Relentlessly, while a few Armored Men watched him do so.

"gah, why does the Young Master always have to go to the Forest to train, so annoying" one of the Man sighed with annoyance.

"Ha, Marcus It's not that bad, at least we can do something else than just Patroling the City or standing Guard at the Castle. just enjoy the Fresh Air and the pleasant sounds of Nature. haha" another Soldier said to Marcus laughing at his annoyance.

"ah, I guess you're right Nez, but still, just sitting around doing nothing is almost no better than to just have patrol or something" Marcus rebutted being really bored.

"Okay, then let's at least end this faster" he said turning to the Young Master " Young Master Rulges, would you like to Spar like last time." Marcus said with a slight Smile knowing that Rulges won't let this opportunity slide, as he likes Sparing.

"haha, Sure Marcus let's go" Rulges said as sweat came down his forehead and he went into his fighting-stance, as everyone else but Marcus backed off. Marcus took one of the Wooden Training Swords and Swung it a few times before nonchalantly waiting for Rulges to Attack.

"Won't you attack this time Marcus, It's getting boring always being on the offensive" Rulges teased Determined to defekt him this time

"Says the one who always gets his Ass kicked!" Marcus says before dashing at Rulges at an incredible Speed, Rulges didn't even see him move before he was already standing in front of him, swinging the Sword towards him, he tried to react as fast as possible to at least Block it. Shifting his Legs and moving his Arms upwards, he managed to block the Strike even though barely, getting pushed back from the Recoil, Rulges lost balance, but before he could balance himself again a Sword came Striking towards him.

'Argh' Rulges let out as he tried Striking against Marcus's Sword, seeing no other option.


As the Swords clashed he could feel his wrists hurt a little, the strikes negated themselves making the Swords bounce off eachother, he regained his lost footing dashing towards Marcus, as he stroke towards the Belly, yet In the last possible moment Marcus Backstepped.

"You got better Young Master" Marcus smirked 'but not good enough'

"I know" Rulges responded as he came rushing towards Marcus yet again, making an upwards Slash, Marcus dodged to the Side before Striking Horizontally towards Rulges.

Having predicted that Rulges Jumped into the Air hoping to be over the Strike.

Now with his Full Bodywheight he attacked Marcus's head.

Twisting his Body Marcus stopped his Strike and kicked towards Rulges, not wanting to be beaten by a 8-year old Kid.

*#Urgh#* spitting out a mouthful of Saliva he muttered "What a Cheat!".

Flying for a few seconds he hit a Tree and got K.Oed.

"Oh SH#T, MARCUS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" Nez screamed out as he came running towards Rulges.

"S-Sorry, my Instincts kicked in." he said with a guilty Face.

Slowly gaining consciousness again Rulges saw Nez run towards him while Marcus made a Guilty Face and the other two Guards were Chatting in the Corner only just turning their Heads hearing Nez's Scream.

"haha, Nez It's okay." he laughed it off, even though it Still hurt like Schmacking Hell

Seeing everyone so worried Rulges said "So who wants to Spar next?" leaving everyone in disbelieve.




A few Hours later in the City of Elenor

One could see Rulges and his Guards walk through the Marketplace, "Ok, you guys can go now" Rulges said to the Guards as he smiled at them with his Innocent Aura, "What are you talking about Young Master??" one of the Soldiers named Sebastion asked a little shocked and confused at Rulges's statement.

"Well I just want to Explore the Main City in my Family's Territory but I can't do that pleasantly with four Guards following me, can I now?" Rulges states as if that would be the most obvious thing in the World.

"But we can't just leave Young Master Rulges here, our duty is to Protect you, but we can't do that when you go on your own!" Sebastion rebutted with a sweat drop on his cheek, as he doesn't know what to say.

"Hmn, then let's just go to the Castle" Rulges said feeling a little down before getting an Idea, remembering that they had to cross a small Bridge over a river to get to the Castle.

As his Guards lead the way to the Castle, walking over the small Bridge, Rulges resolved himself and dived into the Water, with almost no Sound being made at all.


While the Guards just walked further thinking that the Young Master was right behind them.

having dived into the Water, Rulges swam to the floor of the River, thinking that the Guards already noticed him sneaking away, and started to search for him on the Street.


Surfacing from the Water he breathed for Air, 'ha I made it. Now up to the Streets' he climbed up the inbuilt ladder and made his way back to the Marketplace as he wanted to see the Famed Inn ,,Firecups Inn", which was Famous throughout the Continent as one of the Legendary Swords was the Owner of the ,Inn'.

but after half an hour of search he couldn't find it, and was getting depressed and so he asked the next Person he saw, a young Lady with Long Black Hair and Azure-Blue Eyes similar to the shape of Cat Eyes.

"Um Hello, sorry for being rude, but do you know where the "Firecups Inn" is?" He said slightly shy, as he had never really talked to Strangers, especially not without anyone backing him.

"Ah, hello little one, yes I know where it is but why would you want to know it?" The Woman asked Intrigued as the Boy in front of her had mud all over him and was wet to the Skin as if he had taken a Bath with his clothes on, but his clothes were that of a Noble, and what would a Noble want in a Place such as the "Firecups Inn", because even if it was Famous Nobility would rather go to a new esteemed Restaurant instead of some ,Inn'.

"Ah, Your Really know." Rulges responded with excitement, of the thought of finally getting to see the "Firecups Inn" the Inn. Rulges only heard Story's of the Owners Adventures and might, It is said that he even killed Dragons with his secret BladeTechnique.

"Oh, ah sorry, I got too excited. Anyways the Reason I want to go there is to see the Legendary Andron Ashguard with my own Eyes." Rulges said with sparkling eyes, thinking of him again.

"Oh, because of that. Well Andron is currently out of Town for all I know, but I can show you the way to the Inn If you still want." Rulges felt down hearing that he was out of Town but directly became Enthusiastic again when he heard that he could see the Inn. " YES, please show me the Inn" he cried out before realizing that he should keep it down before the Guards find out where he was, as it was already a wonder that he wasn't found out.

with the Woman leading, they made their way to the Inn.

As they Arrived Rulges was in Awe seeing the Inn as unlike the Buildings beside it, it had two floors more and was very clean with Lanterns Burning outside -As it was already Evening- and just generally the beautiful Hardwood, with few engravings in the Wood seemingly telling a Story of a Boy rising to the Top while sheding Blood, Sweat and Tears to finally Reach the Top, which was symbolized as Killing the Dragon.

It just looked phenomenal, the only thing that didn't fit were the loud Sounds coming from within, and as he entered he saw many people drinking, laughing, Talking and even Fighting as there was a small Fight between three Drunkards.

But Rulges was shocked ' How are they so fast and precise even if they are Drunk' at exactly that moment one of the Men in the Fight tried to do a Jump attack another but missed miserably, crashing into the Wall and knocking himself unconscious.

'. . . Okay I take the precision part back'

As Rulges looked more at the Inn he noticed the Bar with the Barista sitting on his Chair refilling Drinks and such, as Rulges walked towards him, not even noticing all the Stares that watched him in Curiosity.

As he tried to sit on one of the Chairs before the Bar, he didn't quite make it, as for his small height, and had to Jump on it to be able to sit with his Legs wobbling in the Air.

"Hi" he said to the relatively Grim looking Barista.

The Man looked at him from bottom to Top before twitching his left eyebrow and and asking, "So, what do you want, 'Kid'" emphasizing the ,,Kid" he had a relatively deep voice, had Black Eyes and Black Hair with Streaks of Gray, his Brow had a Slit and he was a little on the Chubby side.

"Ah, Um, I would like to hear Story's about Andron Ashguard, and is it true that he is the Owner of this Inn?" Rulges asked with Excitement sparkling in his Eyes at the thought of hearing about one of the most Legendary Swordsman of the Continent.

"ha, yeah It is true that he is the Owner but for me to tell you a Story, you would have to buy a Drink. heh" The Man Chuckled to himself and smiled proudly being able to work here and being able to tell Story's about his Employer.

"Ah I think I still have some Money with me wait a second." Rulges said with excitement as he quickly tried to find his Purse, but he didn't find it, 'Frack, I must've lost it when diving into the Water!', but luckily he still had a reserve Silver Coin in his pants pocket.

As he took out the Silver Coin, the Bartender was shocked that a young Kid like the one in front of him would have a Silver Coin, and so he asked "Oi Kid, what did you say your Name was?"

"Ah sorry for being Rude" Rulges said as he jumped to the Ground doing a Proper Bow to the Bartender, not having learned anything different saying " My Name is Rulges Elen Rosenfield III" as he jumps back up to the Chair leaving the Bartender and anyone else listening in Pure Shock.

"So what is your Name Mister?" He asked Curiously laying the Silver Coin on the Bar-Table.

Smacking himself out of the Shock he answers "Ah, yes my Name. . My Name is Gregorous Torgin, anyways what do you want for a Drink?" still in a Stupor of Knowing the Young Master of the Rosenfield Family -The Family to which the City of Elenor Belongs to, and one of the Six Great Family's of the Kingdom- sitting in Front of him.

"Oh yes, i'll just take some juice, but could you tell me some Story's now. please?" Rulges asked slightly annoyed at the Obvious Shock everyone had when he revealed who he was.

"Su-Sure" he said Nervous, making the Young Masters Juice he started telling him Story's about Andron Ashguard, as he too laughed with the Young Master for the First time in a long while, while the Whole Inn was effected by the Happy and Innocent Aura of Rulges emitted.


After a few hours it became Nighttime and more than half the People here were Drunk and Laughing happily.

"Say Greg, why is everyone here so Strong and fast, like when I entered the Inn the few People fighting, they were so Strong?" Rulges asked curiously as he took a Sip from his Apple-juice.

"Oh, yeah guess you wouldn't know with you having to learn so much etiquette as a Noble, but most of them are Adventurers and thus they have to have Strength to fend off Monsters, some too are Mercenary's but that is the Minority in Elenor" Greg said normally, as he felt more comfortable now that he knows the Young Master of the Rosenfield Family a little better.

"Hmn I guess that makes sense, so Adventurers exterminate Monsters and the such, do they too go on Demon Extermination Missions like my Parents are on one?" He asked as he was Curious, because he only knew about knights fending off Demons and Monsters.

"That is a little difficult as that is mostly the job of the Kingdom and not the Adventurers, but yes sometimes, mostly when the Kingdom doesn't have enough man Power, another Situation would be when the Demon is too Strong, in that Case The Kingdom would Send out Knights, and the Adventurers Guild would send Back up, so that they would succeed" he said thinking about the past and how such an event happened only once.

"WoW. Greg how come you know so much" Rulges asked wanting to know how someone could know so much about stuff, not just Legends about Andron but also such things, and probably even much more, as he had never even heard of it.

Greg made a smug face "Well I studied History as I originally wanted to be an Historian, but when I met Andron, I just wanted to be one of his Workers, I don't even know why. But his Aura is just something truly Incredible, It makes people want to follow him. Truly the Aura of a Hero. . ." he says thinking about the Day that he met him.

"But you should probably go to the Castle now before It gets too late" Greg smiled at Rulges who looked a little down, as he wanted to hear more Story's.

"Okay then let's make it like that, you come here tomorrow Evening and I will tell you more Story's okay?" Greg said slowly drifting away from the Flow of telling Story's and realizing that the Guards will probably be pretty upset, and cause trouble if they find out that he was in the Inn the whole time.

"Urch, Okay but Promise" Rulges demanded, slowly getting tired.

"Huh. Yes I promise" Greg promised, a little hesitant, as he was a surprised, before filling a last Cup of Beer and walking around the Table to help Rulges to the Castle He turns around and Shouts "EY ELL COME OUT, I'LL BE GONE FOR A LITTLE"

Hearing a Scream a Girl about 14-Years of Age comes out from the Back answering "kay" as Greg and Rulges walk away towards the Castle Main Door...



Word Count: 2.484

Drop0 Drop0

Hello everyone, Hope you enjoyed my first erver Novel Chapter, If you like it, you are welcome to support me c :

If you are wondering about the upload dates, I've written when I plan to upoad in the Sypnosis,

So... Happy reading you Guys. ( 'u' )

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